Nostradamus décodé (Phénomènes mystérieux) (French Edition)
Pouvez vous nous en donner des exemples? Plus on va, plus on comprend que les objets n'ont aucune importance. L'exemple de la lune le montre nettement. Le texte pourtant ne mentionne aucune fondation. Le lac du Bourget.
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Lac du Bourget lake of Bourget: La rive ouest est plus sauvage, avec des pentes raides qui plongent vers le lac, des bois et des routes sinueuses. Le chemin du Revard et les cartes postales anciennes. Le visage de Dieu. Au commencement du temps 1 introduction. Contenu de cet article: Les contours du monde se mettent en place. Du moins en apparence.

La population mondiale compte moins de individus. Notre rocher est redevenu visible. Les grandes extinctions de masse. Disparition des dinosaures -cours observatoire historique de marseille. Disparition des dinosaures; planet. La disparition des dinosaures -astronomia. Disparition des dinosaures; nature. Les grands cataclysmes et les extinctions de masse.
Et maintenant, en route vers le chapitre suivant, encore plus loin dans la nuit des temps: Le second principe de la Thermodynamique. Des automates binaires cellulaires monodimensionnels aux automates cellulaires "quasi-continus". A propos de feynann: Le graal de la physique? Pourquoi les physiciens traquent tant le boson de Higgs?
Leur valeur artistique est certainement faible, mais pour moi, ils ont une valeur "spirituelle" et traduisent une manifestation de l'esprit" qui m'anime. Mais je dessinais et coloriais ces images, je faisais des "cartes postales de paysages de neige A propos de l'orpaillage. De nombreux cours d'eau du Limousin charrient eux aussi des paillettes d'or.
C'est l'histoire de "la fileuse" qui nous faisait peur. Jacquou est seul au monde, orphelin; il a 9 ans. Face au chateau en venant de la mairie. Jumilhac les bords de l'Isle. Ils y passaient le restant de leur courte vie. L'urbanisation n'y a pas eu de prise. Je retrouve une nature "sauvage", celle des "merveilles de la nature". L'Isle en amont de Jumilhac. Comparez la vue actuelle et ma peinture avec cette photo! Au commencement du temps 1 Introduction.
Christian Turpin
Le visage de Dieu: Ce fond diffus est le rayonnement le plus lointain nous parvenant aujourd'hui, et il est aussi l'image la plus ancienne de l'univers. Le secret du monde est il dans le vide? The Golden Record CoverIn the upper left-hand corner is an easily recognized drawing of the phonograph record and the stylus carried with it.
The stylus is in the correct position to play the record from the beginning. Written around it in binary arithmetic is the correct time of one rotation of the record, 3. The drawing indicates that the record should be played from the outside in. Below this drawing is a side view of the record and stylus, with a binary number giving the time to play one side of the record - about an hour. The information in the upper right-hand portion of the cover is designed to show how pictures are to be constructed from the recorded signals.
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The top drawing shows the typical signal that occurs at the start of a picture. The picture is made from this signal, which traces the picture as a series of vertical lines. Voyager 1 is currently 13 billion miles away from Earth, travelling northward through space. The probe has recently sent back data to Nasa that cosmic rays are as much as four times more abundant in interstellar space than in the vicinity of Earth.
This suggests that the heliosphere, the region of space that contains our solar system's planets, may act as a radiation shield. During their 40 years of operation, the Voyagers have set several records. Many people were instrumental in the design, development and manufacturing of the golden record, NASA says. Blank records were provided by the Pyral S. The record is constructed of gold-plated copper and is 12 inches 30 cm in diameter. Gold plating took place on August 23, ; afterward, the records were mounted in aluminum containers and delivered to JPL. The record's cover is aluminum and electroplated upon it is an ultra-pure sample of the isotope uranium Uranium has a half-life of 4.
The records also had the inscription "To the makers of music — all worlds, all times" hand-etched on its surface. In , Voyager 1 became the only spacecraft to have entered interstellar space, which the Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have flown by all four outer planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Their planetary encounters include the discovery of the first active volcanoes beyond Earth — on Jupiter's moon Io — and the most Earth-like atmosphere in the solar system — on Saturn's moon Titan.
But Dr Frank Drake, who designed the maps, last year spoke out about the potentially 'dangerous' decision to send the charts over 40 years ago. All four craft have now left the solar system and are speeding into deep space with Earth's coordinates on board. This image shows the diagram carried aboard Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, showing aliens how to find Earth. To the right are images of a man and a woman, while the star-like shape on the left pinpoints Earth centre relative to a number of pulsar stars end of each point.
Plaques placed inside the Pioneer craft show a man and a woman alongside a basic map of Earth which plots its position in relation to distant pulsar stars. These star are long-lasting and bright so could still point aliens in the right direction if they are found millions of years from now. The Voyager probes launched into space with golden records on board etched with similar pulsar maps to our planet.
The records contain sounds from nature, such as volcanoes and thunder, as well as noises linked with humanity including a train, horse and cart as well as a kiss between a mother and child. Dr Drake worked with Nasa to design charts placed aboard Pioneer 10 and 11, launched in and And similar maps were placed on Nasa's probes Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. In a new interview, Dr Drake spoke about the maps he helped design.
Nostradamus décodé (Phénomènes mystérieux) (French Edition)
These stars are long-lasting and bright so could still point aliens in the right direction if they are found millions of years from now. The goal was to put something on the Voyager that said where it came from, and how long it was travelling. The records contain sounds from nature, such as volcanoes and thunder, as well as noises linked with humanity including a train, a horse and cart, and even a kiss between a mother and child. Voyager 1 artist's impression pictured and its identical sister craft Voyager 2 were launched to study the outer Solar System and eventually interstellar space.
Despite the potential dangers the interstellar maps pose, Dr Drake said that the chances of aliens picking up the messages are 'very small'. The astronomer is not the first expert to warn of the risks of contacting aliens. Renowned physicist Professor Stephen Hawking suggested last year that meeting beings from another planet could lead to humans being wiped out. Hawking said it could be similar to when the Native Americans first encountered Christopher Columbus — and 'that didn't turn out so well'.
The physicist believes if aliens discovered Earth, they are likely to want to conquer and colonise our planet. Have you ever heard about the Akashic Records?
Supposedly, the Akashic Records are a massive cosmic library where everything that has ever existed, and that will ever exist, is stored: It is believed that the Akashic records contain all the knowledge and experiences of our soul acting as a supercomputer of cosmic information where we can access information on our past lives, the present and future possibilities forming part of the theory of reincarnation , as well as the sense of our existence.
Every moment, every test, every feeling and thought, everything would be manifested there. But these records do not hold only information about the human soul, supposedly, the Akashic records would also possess the knowledge of the whole universe, from the beginning of life to the last future possibilities manifested from the microcosm and the macrocosm, since it is a complete universal memory.
The idea that such a cosmic memory bank exists has fascinated scholars and philosophers since time immemorial. Believers in the Akasha make many claims about how widely the Akasha was used, including: The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire. The Akashic records can also be summed up as a kind of infinite memory of everything that has happened since the beginning of time that has become embedded and registered in the ether.
Tapping into the cosmic library. So, if such a library exists, is there a way we can access it? Tap into this information, passing all boundaries and discovering things we were perhaps better off not knowing? If the Akashic records contain all the knowledge and history of the whole universe, from the beginning of life to the last future possibilities manifested from the microcosm and the macrocosm, then accessing this cosmic library means that he who access it would have infinite information available to him.
If everything that has happened, that is happening and that is yet to happen is located within this supposed cosmic library, then accessing it would mean that person would know of future events that are yet to happen. He or she would become a seer. A person who has access to information others do not. Nostradamus—one of the most notorious seers in the history of Earth. It is claimed that these were astonishing predictions of future events on Earth. Through his work, it is believed that Nostradamus managed to predict cataclysms and disasters hundreds of years before they happened.
Furthermore, it is also claimed that Nostradamus predicted the entire world history since his death up to now, and well beyond. Two great rocks will war for a long time; Then Arethusa will redden a new river. So how did he do it? Were his predictions the result of poems and personal writings that have wrongly been interpreted? Or, is it possible, as some authors suggest, that Nostradamus did, in fact, manage to predict the future? And he did so by tapping into a mysterious cosmic energy: Edgar Cayce—the other Nostradamus.
Called by many as the sleeping prophet, Edgar Cayce has remained as one of the most popular seers despite the fact that not many know of his work. He devoted his life to research topics related to the embodiment, clairvoyance, UFOs, Atlantis, spirituality, and healing, among many others.
Just as Nostradamus, he seemed to have had the incredible gift of seeing things that are yet to happen, many years into the future. He announced the awakening of one or both volcanoes Vesuvius and Etna. In , he predicted that the majority of Japanese territory would slide into the sea. Is it possible that just as Nostradamus, Cayce too managed to access the Akashic Records? Baba Vanga and her incredible prophecies. Just as Nostradamus and Cayce, Baba Vanga, a blind mystic from Bulgaria, predicted incredible things from the future.
The Bulgarian is referred to by many authors as the Nostradamus of the 21st century. She also managed to predict the tragic fate of the Russian Submarine the Kursk in ;.
Now, scientists have finally revealed what is there, and it comes as a surprise. Scientists exploring Antarctica have found massive mountain ranges and vast canyons that run for hundreds of miles beneath the continents thick ice. Although there is extensive satellite data that helps obtain images of the surface of the Earth and its deep interior, there was a gap around the area of the South Pole, which is not covered by satellites due to the inclination of the orbits.
Therefore, the PolarGAP project was designed to fill the gap in the coverage of satellite data from the South Pole and, in particular, to acquire the missing data reports the British Antarctic Survey, which participated in the research. Scientists warn as global warming advances, these massive valleys could play an important role in the flow of the ice. In addition, we have also discovered three subglacial valleys in West Antarctica which could be important in the future.
The mission marked the first time scientists were able to map three vast subglacial valleys in West Antarctica. The largest valley, known as Foundation Trough, is more than kilometers long and 35 kilometers wide. Its length is equivalent to the distance from London to Manchester, while its width equals more than one and a half times the length of the island of Manhattan in New York. The Patuxent canal is more than kilometers long and more than 15 wide, while the Offset Rift Basin is long and 30 wide.
Scientists warn that if climate change causes the ice sheet to be reduced, these valleys could increase the speed at which ice flows from the center of Antarctica to the sea, raising global sea levels. They had to cross the Sinai Desert. And inevitably, given that there was a lot of Israelites and very little growing, as it was a desert, they ran short on supplies. At this point, in order to prevent the population from starving, God sent down Manna from heaven. As it fell to Earth, Manna is described as some kind of seed. These seeds were connected the day after they had fallen to Earth.
Manna provided food for the Israelites every day except Friday, since on Saturday—the Sabbath—it did not fall. In the Biblical book of the Exodus, it is written that Manna appeared every night and every morning after the dew had disappeared and that it had to be collected before the heat of the sun melted it.
We find the first description in Exodus Exodus describes manna as tasting like wafers that had been prepared with honey. This is what the Lord commanded: So, bake what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Save whatever is left and keep it until morning.
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So, what is Manna? Is it a naturally abundant food provided by God or, as some believe? Either way, the answer, like the Ark of the Covenant, seems lost to history. In the book, the authors conclude that Manna was produced by a machine that had created algae as food for human beings in biblical times. The so-called Manna machine was eventually reproduced by George who was an engineer, who is said to have followed the directions given in The Ancient of Days.
After creating the machine, he claimed it created a food source of algae. Furthermore, This explains how the Israelis survived their forty year journey in the Sinai Desert. The new formation is visually stunning and incredibly precise! The upper region consists of the earth Geb , atmosphere Shu and heavens Nut.
Nut and Geb are lovers, but Shu must hold them apart to allow the other gods the freedom to move across the cosmos. Most important of these celestial children is Ra, the sun-god, who sails across the sky at day and into the underworld at night. Whereas the heavenly bodies represent the divine order of the universe, the underworld epitomizes pure chaos. To bring order to this chaos, several gods made their home in the underworld, helping to guide the dead through its treacherous terrain.
It is Ra, the sun-god, who helps bring balance to the cosmos, with the help of his fellow deities. During the evening, he enters the underworld, and the boat would take on the name, Mesketet the boat of millions. As he descends into the netherworld, the body of Ra perishes, bringing darkness to the upper region of the Earth. A crew of lesser deities guard his body and steer the boat through the perilous underworld, in the hope of bringing him back to life.
The boats first stop is at the gap of Abydos, where the souls of countless humans onboard. They will be judged by Osiris who will determine their place in the afterlife. The Mesketet then sets off on its journey into the underworld, where it will pass through twelve gates, each chamber offering a challenge which must be overcome before Ra can rise again. The boat passes six snakes whom the goddess Ba holds at bay. If the weight of their sins causes the scales to drop all the way to the bottom, they are eaten by Amemt, devourer of souls.
The boat floats quietly over the sands, so as not to rouse a hydra which guards the realm. The way out is guarded by two sphinxes, whose riddles must be solved before the boat can move on. A monstrous lion prowls its banks, and further along, they are joined by Khepera, god of resurrection, who later, will help to revive the body of Ra. The great serpent tries to swallow the boat, but Isis, goddess of magic, uses her powers to banish the beast back into the abyss. When the boat of Ra passes, they cry out and salute the sun-god, for his time to arise is close at hand. The star gods help guide the boat away from fire-breathing serpents, back to safer shores.
Khepera joins himself to Ra, in readiness for his resurrection. Those mortals who were deemed evil in the third hour are cast into a pit, guarded over by goddesses of fire until they perish. Shedu, as a winged serpent, brings with him the promise of a new day. So it is that Ra is reborn, and the glory of the morning sun causes all people to cheer as his light returns to the upper region of Egypt.
It became one of the first civilizations ever established in history, where its people drained the marshes for agricul ture, developed trade, and established industries such as weaving, metallurgy, and pottery. Each city was protected by a particular god or goddess, with large temples built in the city center for them to reside in. The Gods of Mesopotamia still possessed the vestigial remnants of their earlier, elemental roles, such as air, fire, and thunder.
Written by Simon E. Davies, Contributor to Ancient Code. Two men from southeastern China got a surprise on their way to work last week when they discovered the nose cone of a lunar rocket peeking out from a clump of bushes. Huang Yijin and Zhang Hejin were walking through a forest near the village of Wuchang, Fujian province, about 5.
The website report said that while it was not uncommon for people to find debris from space rockets, the location of the Fujian find was unusual. After its short stay in the grain store, the nose cone was moved to a local museum before being reclaimed by workers from the launch centre on Wednesday, the report said. A leaked Pentagon report has revealed new details about the UFO encounter that shocked Navy fighter pilots above the Pacific. The incident unfolded as the Nimitz carrier group was conducting training exercises off the coast of southern California and Mexico ahead of a deployment to the Arabian Sea.
The USS Princeton seen in file photo made multiple radar contacts with the objects in The location of the incident as given in the leaked report is seen in the above map. They would hover for a short time and then depart at high velocities and turn rates demonstrating advanced capabilities, the senior chief said. The senior chief, who had 17 years of experience in fire control on cruisers, said he never obtained an accurate track on the AAV, because they exhibited speed consistent with a ballistic missile, but the radar was set to air intercept mode rather than ballistic missile tracking mode.
An E-2C Hawkeye surveillance plane was also operating in the area and attempted a radar contact on the AAV, but made only intermittent contact as was unable to gain a track. An E-2C Hawkeye surveillance plane like the one seen above was also operating in the area and attempted a radar contact on the AAV, but made only intermittent contact. The skies were clear and blue with unlimited visibility that day, and the sea was calm, according to the report.
Instead, he reported seeing a circular disturbance in the water about 50 to meters in diameter. It reminded the pilot of something rapidly submerging in the ocean, like a submarine. The report hypothesizes that 'it is possible that the disturbance was being caused by an AAV but that the AAV was "cloaked" or invisible to the human eye. The Marine pilot was called off after the controller asked a plane carrying ordnance to respond, which he was not.
David Fravor and Lt. Jim Slaight, who made visual contact with the AAV that they have since publicly discussed, corroborating the report. Fravor left has publicly discussed seeing the object, corroborating the report. F ravor also spotted a disturbance in the water, almost as if it were boiling. But this time, hovering above the disturbance was a strange object. The object was shaped like an elongated egg or a "Tic Tac", according to Fravor, and was 'holding like a Harrier', the jump jet that can take off vertically. Slaight, whose name is redacted from the report, described it as 'solid white, smooth, with no edges.
It was uniformly colored with no nacelles, pylons or wings. He described the exterior of the object as 'like it had a white candy-coated shell, almost like a white board. When Fravor attempted to make a close pass of the object to attempt visual recognition, the object appeared to react, realigning its axis to point at the approaching plane.
The AAV then ascended quickly and departed at supersonic speed. When Fravor and Slaight returned to the Nimitz, the sailors in the intelligence center donned tin-foil hats to greet them, asking eagerly about their 'UFO flight'. Later in the day, another plane made the video that has since been released, according to the report. The pilot said he couldn't confirm whether he had tracked the same object seen by Fravor and Slaight, because he never made visual contact, only tracked it through FLIR.
The report notes that the USS Louisville nuclear fast-attack submarine was operating in the area, and detected no unusual undersea activity over the duration of the incidents. The incident was filed in a regular training mission report and it is unclear if it was reported up the chain of command, the report finds. The aircrews involved made and kept a copy of the FLIR recording, but were subjected to a 'high level of ridicule' over the incident, the report found. Whatever the AAV was, the report stresses that it was 'no known aircraft or air vehicle currently in the inventory of the United States or any foreign nation.
Former Senator Reid, now recovering following cancer surgery, and others have urged Congress to create a new Pentagon program to study similar incidents as a matter of national security. Another highly classified version of the leaked report was also written, but it is unlikely to ever be released.
The Crabwood Crop Circle - Review v. Nobody claimed ownership over the work at the time. No matter how many pictures and how good images have been taken by researchers at that time when the formation appeared, there are in reality very few pictures of the Crabwood crop circle with high resolution on the internet. If this crop pattern is a serious communication from a serious instance with a serious message, it is crucial that we know exactly what the communication contains and have all the details about it. What happened in the summer of ? An unknown vehicle with beings inside crashed in Roswell, USA.
What happened in ? Investigation on this issue is advised for everyone, who might have some doubts about the results of this research. Be aware that the decoded message in English letters and the restored image with it, together, are as accurately investigated as it is possible based on the documentation available and are quite possibly the most accurate back-engineered pieces of information that one can find around regarding the Crabwood crop circle. Anyway, hereby it is acknowledged, that even so, the restored pictures are not absolutely 1 to 1 equals to the original image and it is known that there are still some imperfections between the original image and the digitally enhanced image.
Perhaps it is also not a bad idea for you to check everything out for yourself, if you have doubts regarding the results of this research. As an author of the back-engineered pictures, I can submit clearly my position, that in the process of restoration of the Crabwood image, I convinced myself that this crop circle is made with the help of a more complex piece of technology than with the help of ropes, planks of wood and measuring tools.
Based on the lack of evidences, we can only speculate, as to whom this technology belongs to, or who, or what was involved in the creation of this formation. Additional information about this crop circle can be found on the following links: Source of this information: Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand , jouw artikel naar mij te verzenden.
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The Akashic Records; A Massive cosmic library? The claim that the Vedas of Hindus and the language of Sanskrit itself were extracted from Akasha. The claim that in Egypt, those who could read the Akasha were held in high standing and would advise the Pharaohs on daily activities and dream interpretation.
The claim that the Druid cultures of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England demonstrated the ability to access the Akasha. Tapping into the cosmic library So, if such a library exists, is there a way we can access it?