La démocratie participative (Droit et sciences politiques) (French Edition)
Participatory democracy — through the style it gives to public action and the signals it enables officials to send out to the population — forms part of this symbolic activism. The rituals involved are derived from new forms of political events and a new staging of political power. Participatory democracy complies with an approach where modernity must be demonstrated: In the face of growing distrust for elected representatives, councillors are constantly looking for new ways of legitimising action and seek to experiment with new ways of making contact with ordinary citizens.
Other political uses of participatory democracy can also be evoked here. Conversely, local councillors can use participatory procedures to bypass political parties and enlarge their networks.
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Broadly speaking, if participatory democracy has taken off at the local level, it is because it does not fundamentally call into question representative democracy, which remains an essential property of the local political system. The electoral procedure determines the political delegation, while micro-local democracy — and the interactions that it facilitates — to some extent attenuates the autonomy of local leaders by ensuring they are held accountable to their constituents.
Whether at municipal, departmental or regional level, the exercise of local power is therefore always marked by the supremacy of the executive, the weakness of parliamentary procedure and the culture of debate, and ineffectual checks and balances that favour long electoral terms and the development of local oligarchies Lefebvre Distanced by the complexification of local-government contexts and the professionalisation of politicians, citizens are participating less and less in local elections, as the issues at stake are increasingly difficult to assess, increasingly difficult to understand and sometimes obscured.
The exercise of local citizenship is hampered by the lack of comprehensibility of the institutional context. Despite the transfer of powers from central to local government decentralisation and the implementation of public-relations and information policies, the various tiers of local government and their respective functions with the notable exception of those of the mayor remain poorly understood by the general public. There is a disconnect between electoral politics and issue-led politics, and between representational territories and decision-making territories.
Local government is not immune from the major trends that characterise democracies as a whole, such as political professionalisation. Although decentralisation has opened the way for real local government and brought citizens closer to the decisions that affect them in accordance with the principle of making administrative acts more accessible and more widely publicised , it has not fundamentally made local government more democratic, and has even reinforced the power of local leaders.
The holding of multiple offices — a French speciality that continues to this day — contributes to an oligopolistic regulation of local political competition and fosters electoral irremovability Sadran The technocratic class midway between administrative and political decision-makers in local authorities has become more professional and exercises its power on a new basis reinforcement of local public relations, emerging legitimacy of projects and expert knowledge, etc.
Une communication politique
This professionalisation has led to a transformation of the dominant sociological profile of elected officials, with ever greater numbers of university-educated senior executives dominating local elites Koebel In the face of considerable inertia in organisational terms and with regard to the way local power is devolved, the development of participatory measures has so far produced only cosmetic changes.
The division of labour in the world of local politics has not been greatly challenged, and participatory democracy cannot be considered independently of representative democracy. They are literally assimilated, in that the very substance of the former is converted into the latter. One departmental councillor is elected per canton.
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Please leave this field empty: Site made with Spip2 Contact us Legal notice. Participatory democracy in France: In spite of the development of new forms of participatory democracy, turnout at local elections in France has never been lower. In the face of this enthusiasm, two questions must be posed: How can the success of this new standard be explained?
Has this apparently flourishing phenomenon of participatory democracy had a profound impact on the political scene at local level? Normes internationales de gestion. Gestion de projets internationaux. Gestion de l'aide internationale. Partis politiques et mouvements islamistes. Relations internationales du monde arabe. Droit international des droits de la personne. Histoire des relations internationales. Droit de la concurrence.
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