Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer
It is a relief to hear that sustainable habits are enough.
Intervention, the book
John originally presented this information at a seminar for trainers. Having that context helps explain some of the downsides I found in the material. Sometimes he is referring to another set of information and neither the book nor the audiobook are always clear about what that information is. In other places he's clearly directing the reader to another book or program. Some specific things I recall are the his assessment protocol, his "ready to go" book, the Simple Strength book with Pavel , and the Velocity diet.
Easy level of reading with advanced information Easy to read and follow with a lot of great information. Very informative stuff in this booj Great questions for coaching Good thought drills for coaching and working with athletes.
Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer Audiobook | Dan John |
Simple programming, good drill down of basic movements, and a reminder to keep things simple. Mar 29, Phillip Bost rated it it was amazing Shelves: I found this book at the right time, for me. With two ongoing, lingering, stubborn hip injuries on the same side of my body, I needed to find a book that slapped some sense into me. Dan John asks, "who are you? Jan 05, Dustin rated it it was amazing Shelves: The shortest line between two points might be a straight line, but if you haven't figured out where those points are, you're most likely wandering blind. Dan John's Intervention is your map.
Intervention, Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer
Jul 13, Chuck Kechter rated it it was amazing. It has given new insights into training and how I do my job as a trainer! Jun 30, Ben Smitthimedhin rated it really liked it Shelves: Jan 07, Giuliano Lemes rated it it was amazing. Aug 06, Alex rated it really liked it Shelves: Very dense book, lots of ideas, definitely worth reading and don't expect to get everything in one go.
Not any lower quality than his other works, but this is more like a reprinting of many classic articles - so it wasn't anything new for me. Oct 27, Thomas rated it it was amazing Shelves: One of those books I should probably come back to at least every other year.
Aug 05, X rated it it was amazing. Agora tenho de ler 2 e 3 vezes. Rachel rated it really liked it Jan 08, Josh rated it it was amazing Mar 05, Chris Marella rated it it was amazing Dec 02, Ivan rated it really liked it May 14, Veeresh Sharma rated it really liked it Apr 18, Alison rated it liked it May 28, Ronald Arellano rated it it was amazing Apr 04, Monica rated it it was amazing Jun 13, Harry Munro rated it it was ok Apr 02, Thomas rated it it was amazing Jul 03, Mark Burson rated it really liked it Mar 16, Phil Stuntz rated it really liked it Apr 30, Scott Book rated it it was amazing Oct 19, Jeramie rated it liked it Jan 10, Not only is it very educational and packed with information it's a very entertaining as well.
Any goal, any one just read the book. You'll get more nuggets and pearls of wisdom from this book than any other.
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There's something about the tone and common sense approach adopted by Dan that makes him so understandable and enjoyable to listen to. Lots of nuggets and laughs along the way. Simple and effective ideas presented well.
Well worth hearing Dan's perspective and experience. Never Let Go was a great read too. Whether you're a beginner or an elite level athlete this is a must read. All too often we try to over complicate things when the basics trump insanity. Dan knows some stuff so i suggest that you go ahead and sit down, shut up, listen and learn about how to be better than you are now. Get Your Free Audiobook Intervention: Course Corrections for the Athlete and Trainer. Get it free with day trial. People who bought this also bought Gray Cook Narrated by: Josh Hillis, Dan John Narrated by: Pavel Tsatsouline Narrated by: Dan John Narrated by: Brett Bartholomew Narrated by: Publisher's Summary You have two choices: Be lucky enough in middle school, junior high, or high school to be taught basic body movements and step-by-step instructions in the Olympic lifts, powerlifting, mobility, flexibility, kettlebell training, and tumbling Apply intervention five principles Here are the answers, but the questions are the real keys: Strength training for lean body mass and joint mobility work trump everything else.
Fundamental human movements are Standards and gaps must be constantly assessed.
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The notion of "park bench" and "bus bench" workouts must be applied throughout the training lifetime. Constantly strive for mastery and grace. What members say Average Customer Ratings Overall.
Most Helpful Most Recent. Essential reading for all who want to improve at sports I listen to this book a couple of times a year to remind myself of all the important points in it. Common sens in a book I'm a sucker for Dan's stuff and, as expected, I enjoyed this book quite a lot. More Please Just record more, we need more. Great Dan has an amazing ability to say exactly what you need to hear at the exact right point in your life.
Simple, not Easy Every book I've read by this guy has been truly amazing. Every trainer should read it!
Not only is it very educational and packed with information it's a very entertaining as well 3 of 7 people found this review helpful. Advice a father would give you!