Heartburn (Virago Modern Classics Book 19)
Brooding over all is Uncle Philip, a toymaker who loves only his creations: The Dud Avocado gained instant cult status on first publication and remains a timeless portrait of a woman hellbent on living. Sally Jay Gorce is a woman on a mission. Witty, headstrong and disaster-prone, she dyes her hair pink and prowls the Left Bank in search of love, adventure and fame.
Will our heroine be forced back to the States to fulfill her destiny as a librarian, or can she keep up her whirlwind Parisian existence? Seven months into her pregnancy, Rachel discovers that her husband is in love with another woman. Sometimes food is, though, and between trying to win Mark back and wishing him dead, Rachel offers us some of her favourite recipes. Heartburn is a roller coaster of love, betrayal, loss and — most satisfyingly — revenge.
Istina Mavet descends through increasingly desolate wards to Lawn Lodge, where patients are considered beyond hope and a leucotomy theonly method of rehabilitation. As she observes her fellow patients, long disregarded by hospital staff, with humour and compassion, she reveals an original and questing mind. Melinda Van Allen is beautiful, headstrong and alluring. Unfortunately for Vic Van Allen, she is his wife. Although there is no love in their marriage there is jealousy and Melinda takes pleasure in flaunting her many affairs. The 'off' amount and percentage signifies the calculated difference between the seller's price for the item elsewhere and the seller's price on eBay.
Skip to main content. Heartburn by Nora Ephron Paperback Be the first to write a review. International delivery varies by country, please see the Wordery store help page for details. See details and exclusions. See all 18 brand new listings. All listings for this product Buy it now Buy it now. Any condition Any condition. People who bought this also bought. We already know Ms. Ephron was a full-on narcissist and completely unlikable, but does Rachel have to be too?
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It's bad enough she was 7 months preggo when she found out. But Mark and Thelma went well beyond clandestine afternoon delight and were actually seeing a psychologist together. And Thelma's husband knew about it and engaged in deep discussions with them about it. But let's face facts -- the demise of her marriage wasn't the tipping point that made Rachel cold and selfish. She was already there.
I'm not talking "off playing somewhere" kind of absent. This child is nowhere in sight while Mommy goes from DC to NYC to one adult's house, to therapy, to another adult's house, to a bar, to another adult function, to a dinner, to see another friend, etc. Maybe it's a generational thing. A mediocre read at best. I still think Nora Ephron was brilliant, but think I'll stick with her movies. View all 7 comments.

Jun 14, Jennifer rated it really liked it Shelves: She said it again and again, and I have quoted her saying it again and again. As a result, I knew the moment my marriage ended that someday it might make a book — if I could just stop crying. I get it, I really do. It's the perfect combination of coping and revenge, and apparently it worked for Ms. Ephron and resulted in the bestseller: I ended up really liking this book. It's brief, funny, down to earth, and it offers amazing recipes Heartburn details the demise of Ms.
Ephron's marriage, much to her husband's real-life dismay. But she does not play the role of a victim or seek pity from her audience in any way. It's like sitting around the dinner table listening to a woman recount the most ridiculous experience she's ever had. The table is roaring with wine-induced laughter and she hasn't even gotten to the good part yet! That is the tone of this book I'm glad I finally read this book and I plan to watch the movie soon.
What I love about cooking is that after a hard day, there is something comforting about the fact that if you melt butter and add flour and then hot stock, it will get thick! Jul 30, Debbie rated it liked it. How can I give my hero a 3? But oh, I must. And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman. The love affair continued when I read another collection of essays called I Remember Nothing: She is a brilliant comedian, and her timing and delivery are perfect.
She also wrote a great article about death and dying, which I continue to pass around to friends every chance I get. She is so damn funny, so damn right on, I adore her.
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- Heartburn (N.Ephron) Virago Modern Classics!
When she died in from leukemia a shocker, since she had kept her disease a secret from the public , all of us fans mourned the loss of this comic genius. So I figured I would love every single thing Nora wrote and had high expectations when I picked up Heartburn. Or my skinny, anyway. Nora should have stuck with essays. Everything seemed great at first. The first half of the book seemed hysterically funny, so I was tooling along, thinking this would be a 5 star.
But then the story seemed repetitive and silly and it seemed to lose its juice. Or maybe I was just getting tired of it. And then there was the fact that she made a few politically incorrect comments about gays, Gentiles, and Hispanics. The only way I can accept this at all is because I realize she wrote this book long before everyone, including her, was getting their consciousness raised.
My major complaint is that it reads like a journal, not a novel. The book is so autobiographical, Bernstein threatened to sue her after it was published. Actually it barely resembles a novel. The book rambles, takes detours. Oh, and another big annoyance: If I had wanted recipes, I would have bought a cookbook. Nora also wrote the screenplay for the movie Heartburn.
I saw it back in the s when it came out, but of course remember nothing about it, other than Meryl Streep and Jack Nicholson played the leads. Despite being pissed off that this was a sloppily written memoir passed off as a novel, I did laugh. She is one funny woman. There were many hysterical little vignettes that prove she understood perfectly the absurdity of the human condition and could communicate it with pizzazz.
But sadly, this book is a 3-star deal. I've been wanting to listen to this for ages, and I'm sooo so glad I finally did. Nora Ephron caught her husband cheating on her when she was seven months pregnant with their second child, and writing Heartburn is what she did about it. What is better than a jilted woman out for revenge on her cheating husband? Instead we have the When Harry Met Sally Ephron with none of the lovey bits and basically just the sarcastic parts.
She pulls no punches and spares not one of the real people on whom the "fictional" characters are based, least of all herself. Rachel, the main character, isn't exactly a likable character, and the book does have a handful of problematic moments from being a product of Reagan's rich white 80s, but oh man She eviscerates her cheating husband and everyone else in their social circle, and it is SO. And Meryl Streep is just perfect. Did I say that already? She put as much character development, nuance, and comic timing into this audiobook as she has for any of her Oscar-winning screen performances.
It honestly ruined all other audiobooks for me for a hot li'l minute. This has got to be one of the best audiobooks of all time. View all 4 comments. Jan 30, Chelsey rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love Nora Ephron. This is not a perfect book, but it was perfect for me right now. I laughed, was touched, jotted down quotes and was generally reminded why Nora is my go-to when I need something to cheer me up. I read a part of this before realizing Meryl Streep narrated the audiobook, so I downloaded it, and lay in bed most of today, reading my physical copy along with Meryl.
This is a semi-autobiographical novel about Nora's time being married to her second husband, whom she fo I love Nora Ephron. This is a semi-autobiographical novel about Nora's time being married to her second husband, whom she found out was having an affair while she was pregnant with their second child. If anyone can turn a disastrous event like that into a witty, tender and often hilarious novel, it's Nora. And I loved it. This new edition from Virago finally gave me the chance to try her writing.
It is a very particular style, very s New York, that resembles the dialogues between Harry and Sally to give you an idea. Would anyone love me if I couldn't cook? I always thought cooking was part of the package: More bittersweet, especially since dealing with a break up. Aug 09, Alissa Patrick rated it it was ok. A funny premise but it fell slightly short for me. It almost felt like she spoke on a tape recorder and then just jotted down what she had said verbatim, instead of compiling it into concise thoughts.
It was extremely jumbled and all over the place.
Virago Modern Classics
Stars are for the audio being read by my spirit animal, Meryl Streep. Oct 24, Vanessa rated it it was amazing. A light fluffy easy read if you can call the topic of divorce "fluffy" I simply loved this story of a New York couple who are facing the effects of infidelity and are verging on a divorce. So many witty moments had me chuckling hard throughout, I'm actually sad that the book was so short. Ephron had an uncanny ability to turn ordinary thoughts and situations into comedy gold. I felt like reading this is better than therapy!
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There is something so warm and inviting in her writing style. Really enj A light fluffy easy read if you can call the topic of divorce "fluffy" I simply loved this story of a New York couple who are facing the effects of infidelity and are verging on a divorce. The title summed up the book perfectly. Heartburn the perfect euphemism for the word "divorce" Oct 17, Laurie Reilly rated it really liked it.
I listened to this one, and it was read by Meryl Streep.
Virago Modern Classics - Virago
How could you go wrong? May 04, Smitha rated it it was amazing Shelves: Thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. Essentially the bitter pill of a failing marriage coated with sweet sour sarcasm and humor. Lots of food references and a few recipes thrown in. The protagonist is Rachel, a Jewish lady she harps a lot about Jewish way of life, hence I too am mentioning it with a toddler son, who at the beginning is 7 months pregnant with her second child and who has just got proof of her husband Mark's infidelity with Thelma, a not well loved family friend.
Thelma has a ve Thoroughly enjoyed reading this story.
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Thelma has a very 'broad minded' husband, and that doesn't make things easy. Rachel ponders upon her life, her love, with lots of background detail about her friend circle. Was an enjoyable read, but if I were an unmarried damsel I would never have ventured into matrimony after reading this.