
Everything about Latest Facebook Timeline

It looks very promising for most FB users as if they are maintaining their online diaries that they could even make use of for the years to come. Look what Samantha just posted.. Murray Snow Thrower Review. I set up my timeline last week. I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I do! I enjoyed reading stuff posted from several years ago! It gives you more of an idea of who that person is rather than reading a resume-like profile.

Thanks for these tips! I am one of those who haven't switched over yet, because I thought it would be very time consuming.

Timeline of Facebook - Wikipedia

However, looking at what you've laid out here, it seems very doable. I wasn't so sure in the beginning, but now that I've had the new timeline for a while, I really like it. It's much easier to find and read than the old one. Thanks for the tips. You helped me understand how to update my Facebook so that it shows how I want people to see me.

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I made the switch the other day. Just wish I had paid attention and noticed I could have changed it weeks ago. Oh well, all things in their due time. Thanks for your guidance; I know where to turn to if I get stuck.

Timeline of Facebook

Thank you for making the change so easy, Kim! I like the fact that we can have more control over what everyone sees. I wasn't sure I liked it at first but now I do! You are so great at keeping us on top of everything. For some of us this can seem overwhelming but you break it down so its not intimidating and definitely manageable. What a nice step by step tutorial, Kim.

I haven't made the switch yet, haven't had much time to do it. Also I do blame Facebook a bit for their lack of instructions or even a heads up when they make these changes. I am also one of those who haven't changed the profile yet. I guess, I will just wait for December 22 to come.. Thanks Kim, Love it! I was a little unsure to start with, but now I love the way it looks!

  1. How To Get Your Facebook Timeline Now.
  2. Amazon Kindle con InDesign (Spanish Edition);
  3. Facebook Timeline.
  4. Have a cookie.
  5. !
  6. Such a clear article! Thanks for the tips on editing our timelines…I am still trying to tweak mine. Kim, I love the new timeline. Thanks so much for clearing this up Kim! I had no idea the that you could highlight some of your posts…that for me, is great news! I'm looking forward to learning how to also better "brand" my cover page! Thanks for sharing with us! Kim — thanks for the step by step directions.

    Im hesitant about using the timeline because I didn't like the idea of people being able to quickly and easily go back to my posts from three to four years ago, but based on what im reading here — I can control that! I haven't activated the timeline feature yet. And the reason is pretty emotional—our nature. I saw my hubby doing this a week ago and it looks fantastic.

    And here I am! I will appreciate your words! Once you change the timeline, you cannot change back. I took your advice and updated my timeline before allowing FB to do it for me. One question…I thought I read somewhere that you couldn't use your timeline for business or promotions. Can you clarify this? Thanks again for being the go-to person for our social networking needs: Thanks for the info about highlighting your best posts, I hadn't discovered that one yet.

    I know people are constantly complaining about Facebook changes, but I think they've really done good this time.

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    I love the new timeline, although it does take some practice, like everything new. Thanks Kim, your blog is always relevant and full of good advice. I just update my Facebook to the new timeline. And I think there is nothing wrong with this feature. I love the new timeline. I like the look and how you can choose to highlight a story or feature certain photos. I had already switched but have not played with it much! Facebook is aware of these life events and includes them in your timeline. Facebook has added a feature that lets you see where you have visited.

    This is powered by Facebook Places. While joining Facebook is one event, you can also add life events such as getting married or starting a job to your profile through the Publisher Bar. You can also announce that you broke a bone, moved to a new city, etc. Facebook Timeline Redefines Your Facebook: Pics of the New Profile Design. You've been hearing about all the wonderful new Facebook features, and like us, you're probably super-eager to get started with them.


    If you're willing to go through a series of eight steps, you can get into the brand-new Facebook Timeline right now. Will it be worth the effort? Well, here's why I love the Facebook Timeline. Simply follow the instructions in our gallery below, and suddenly you'll be basking in a new world of Facebook goodness, just like the developers are.

    New to Facebook’s Timeline? This is what you need to know

    Follow the instructions carefully, and good luck. If you haven't already verified your Facebook account with either a mobile phone number or credit card number, you'll be asked to do so before you can try the new features. If you need more help with that, here's a helpful link. First, you'll need to go to the Facebook developer page, which is a part of your Facebook account.

    Make sure you're logged into your Facebook account, and then simply follow this link to get started. When will we be able to opt into the Timeline without the need for going through these developers' steps? There is no set date though. Everything You Need to Know. Name it whatever you want, and give it whatever namespace you'd like -- it doesn't matter. Click the checkbox "I agree to the platform privacy policy. After you've verified yourself as a human, you'll reach this screen, where you'll need to click "Open Graph" on the left side.

    You'll see the next screen, entitled "Get Started with Open Graph" -- fill in anything you want it doesn't matter in those fields under the heading "start by defining one action than one object for your app. On this screen, do nothing except scroll to the bottom and click "Save Changes and Next. You'll be taken to this screen. Wait a few minutes, and then go to your Facebook homepage.

    That's where you'll be invited to enable Timeline.