Chasing Sovereignty
Chasing Sovereignty chronicles the adventures of Doctor Calvin James during Guatemala's catastrophic revolution of the early s when the noted archeologist and reluctant hero journeys through steamy jungles and lofty highlands of this Central American country in search of the Great Jaguar Paw,. Chasing Sovereignty chronicles the adventures of Doctor Calvin James during Guatemala's catastrophic revolution of the early s when the noted archeologist and reluctant hero journeys through steamy jungles and lofty highlands of this Central American country in search of the Great Jaguar Paw, the infamous Mayan leader of Marxist rebels attempting to overthrow Guatemala's right-wing dictatorship.
Trapped between these two worlds, the American Calvin James must come to terms with military and political realities that test his courage, moral fiber and cultural sensitivities. Thrust into the lives of exotic Mayan Indians persecuted relentlessly by the Guatemalan army, and seeking redemption from his tortured past, Calvin James is pushed to the limits of endurance emotionally, spiritually and physically. It is only through the love of a young Mayan guerrilla fighter that he finds solace in the chaotic world of the Maya whose lives have been turned upside down by abject poverty, racial hatred and a war that sees no end.
We will send you an SMS containing a verification code. Please double check your mobile number and click on "Send Verification Code". Enter the code below and hit Verify. One of the examples that he uses that is really simple is, if you consider [ I really, really like that one.
I love that advise. That advise has always worked out for me so well. To dive into something that either feels uncomfortable, or feels counterintuitive, or feels like the wrong thing, the wrong idea, the wrong opinion, and just to learn about it but without having to commit to your judgement about it either way. Just to immerse [ Art of War actually talked about this quite a lot, about really getting to know the enemy.
If you are a free-thinking hippy and you hate paperwork and you hate structure, then immerse yourself into extreme structure for a month. Then eventually, you might realize that taking sides is just stupid. Hopefully that outcome is what they arrive at. Either way, it works [ What kind of exercises have you done to get yourself off of the map and into creative territory? I think the biggest limiter for me is just imagination, how big do I want to go. Just read biographies of very [ You might get ideas for what you could be doing. Just see that there are other scripts available.
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One thing that has worked really well for me and has been a really difficult thing in the past has been to learn how to sit with my thoughts and not respond to them. Being that I have had all of this heightened anxiety about being an entrepreneur and not having [ Learning how to just sit with that discomfort of knowing your body, the monkey, just wants to get up and do something has been extremely beneficial, because then the real inspiration [ We can transition into talking about meditation a bit more here. What is it doing? If there are looping thoughts, what are they about?
It makes concepts really well. I myself am [ Sometimes, with over use, it definitely just causes more anxiety. For example, I might make a massive trello board with a thousand checklists [ They actually measure it in terms of percentage of brain synchronization when they do these studies.
I think most people are at 30 percent. When people get into these deep meditative states, especially as they get more skilled at meditation, they can increase their brain synchronization to 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 percent for some really experienced meditators. Your limbic brain, your neocortex, your prefrontal cortex, [ A lot of diseases actually come from that, because people are just not listening to their body.
Cannabis has actually been a really important tool for me in that respect of just sitting back and listening to the body for once. I think actually plant medicines are generally a really amazing tool for reconnecting with the body and with the limbic system, some deeper unconscious, as well. I find another really, really good method is to immerse yourself in nature.
Cut out all stimulants, like sugar, alcohol. Obviously, any kinds of drugs. Cut all of that out and immerse yourself in nature.
Developing and Practicing Your Self Sovereignty
Preferably have a bit more solitude, not in a big group. I agree, it is useful [ That really just comes down to [ That has been massively powerful. Some meditating early in the morning, first thing, then again in the afternoon, [ Even sometimes earlier, depending on how early you get up.
That break up of the day has been just massive. You focus on an object for 10 minutes. I just wanted to share my own experience that, for people who do have that time flexibility, I was meditating [ Before that and after that, I was still meditating every day, but not quite such long stints.
Then what do you do with all of that physical restructuring and information, as well? Sometimes there were big chunks of time when you were doing more meditation or I was doing more meditation, but we had each other to bounce off of.
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It helps for integration. I think going back to what we were originally talking about with sovereignty, about having choice of your day. But in the entrepreneurial lifestyle or with some of those jobs that give you a little bit more free time, you can take the time to learn. For me, audio books have been really key to my constant progress. Actually, I wanted to extend also my comment about having each other to bounce off of and share experiences with.
I think finding the others, [ In this case, it means find the people who are investigating the deeper nature of reality, who are investigating sovereignty, who are going off the map, who are trying to do something different outside of the box. Also, it makes you feel not alone. Other synonyms for it are personal freedom, self determination, and liberty.
We share some of our stories of successes and failures in learning to practice self sovereignty. We also suggest some ideas, techniques and exercises from our own experience that others can try if they want to gain more sovereignty in their lives. Ultimately, self sovereignty is a deeply personal thing, and something that each person figures out for themselves. Help us make more episodes! Kirby Surprise talks about the scientific explanation of synchronicity, the art of unlocking your mind through meaningful The blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin and Ethereum, and there are many ways it can help protect the In this episode, we invited Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, to talk about the applications and implications of Mike and Euvie discuss how to become more adaptive, and build mental flexibility as one of the most important David Katz, the founder of The Plastic Bank, talks about turning plastic waste into a currency, alleviating poverty, what Snow Lawrence Maxwell's arguments—that he was not subject to U.
Internal Revenue Service Heather Rowe's arguments — that she was not subject to federal income tax because she was not a "party to any social compact or contract", because the IRS had no jurisdiction over her or her property, because she was "not found within the territorial limited jurisdiction of the US", because she was a "sovereign Citizen of the State of Maine ", and because she was "not a U. Citizen as described in 26 U. Other tax cases include Heitman v. Idaho State Tax Commission , [36] Cobin v. Commissioner John Cobin's arguments—that he had the ability to opt out of liability for federal income tax because he was white, that he was a "sovereign citizen of Oregon ", that he was a "non-resident alien of the United States", and that his sovereign status made his body real property—were rejected by the court and were ruled to be "frivolous tax-protester type arguments" , [37] Glavin v.
United States John Glavin's argument—that he was not subject to an Internal Revenue Service summons because, as a sovereign citizen, he was not a citizen of the United States—was rejected by the court , [38] and United States v. Similarly, in a case in which an individual named Andrew Schneider was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for making a threat by mail, Schneider argued that he was a free, sovereign citizen and therefore was not subject to the jurisdiction of the federal courts. That argument was rejected by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit as having "no conceivable validity in American law".
In a criminal case in , the U.
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District Court for the Western District of Washington noted:. Defendant [Kenneth Wayne Leaming] is apparently a member of a group loosely styled "sovereign citizens". The Court has deduced this from a number of Defendant's peculiar habits. Leaming, sovereign citizens are fascinated by capitalization. They appear to believe that capitalizing names have some sort of legal effect. He appears to believe that by capitalizing "United States", he is referring to a different entity than the federal government.
For better or for worse, it's the same country. Second, sovereign citizens, like Mr. Leaming, love grandiose legalese. Third, Defendant evinces, like all sovereign citizens, a belief that the federal government is not real and that he does not have to follow the law. The Court, therefore, feels some measure of responsibility to inform Defendant that all the fancy legal-sounding things he has read on the internet are make-believe Defendant Kenneth Wayne Leaming was found guilty of three counts of retaliating against a federal judge or law enforcement officer by a false claim, one count of concealing a person from arrest, and one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
In challenges to laws requiring driver's licenses, defendants have unsuccessfully asserted that, as sovereign citizens, there is an inalienable right to drive on highways. Albert Kouba argued this after he was convicted of driving while suspended. The Supreme Court of North Dakota rejected his argument and upheld his conviction. In Australia there have been a few minor cases where parties have invoked arguments surrounding the "sovereign man".
The courts in New Zealand also appear to have rejected the "sovereign man" arguments. According to The New York Times , cases involving so-called sovereign citizens pose "a challenge to law enforcement officers and court officials" in connection with the filing of false notices of liens—a tactic sometimes called "paper terrorism". Anyone can file a notice of lien against property such as real estate, vehicles, or other assets of another under the Uniform Commercial Code and other laws. In most states of the United States, the validity of liens is not investigated or inquired into at the time of filing.
Notices of liens whether legally valid or not are a cloud on the title of the property and may affect the property owner's credit rating , ability to obtain home equity loans , refinance the property or take other action with regards to the property. Notices of releases of liens generally must be filed before property may be transferred. The validity of a lien is determined by further legal procedures. Clearing up fraudulent notices of liens may be expensive and time-consuming. Filing fraudulent notices of liens or documents is both a crime and a civil offense.
Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols , who was convicted in , was a member of the sovereign citizen movement, having asserted individual sovereignty in at least three court cases. Kane after Kane and his father were the subject of a traffic stop. Kane and his father were later identified as members of the sovereign citizen movement. In September , David Russell Myrland, an associate of a sovereign citizens group, sent emails and placed telephone calls to various officials of the City of Kirkland, Washington , telling them to "keep their doors unlocked", that they were going to be arrested, and that they "should not resist".
His vehicle had been impounded after he was found driving with a suspended license and expired vehicle-license tags. An unloaded gun with ammunition nearby had been found on the seat of the car. In March , a central figure in the sovereign citizen movement named Samuel Lynn Davis pleaded guilty to 31 counts of money laundering in Federal district court in Nevada. On November 4, , a federal jury in Montgomery, Alabama , found Monty Ervin guilty of conspiracy to defraud the United States and tax evasion.
His wife Patricia Ervin was also found guilty of various related charges. According to a news release by the U. The Ervins reportedly claimed that they were not United States citizens, that they were "sovereigns", and that they did not consider themselves subject to federal or state law. Ervin and his wife had also filed documents in probate court attempting to renounce their U. In one filing, Ervin declared himself to be the governor of Alabama in its "original jurisdiction".
The guilty verdicts came on one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, thirteen counts of money laundering, and four counts of failure to appear in court in connection with time that Rice spent as a fugitive. Rice, who had also falsely claimed to be a lawyer and a rabbi, was described as "a leader in the anti-government 'sovereign citizens' movement ' ". In , Malcolm Roberts sent a bizarre affidavit to then Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard demanding to be exempt from the carbon tax and using language consistent with the "sovereign citizen" movement.
On February 1, , Timothy Garrison, an accountant from Mount Vernon, Washington , was sentenced to three and a half years in federal prison after having pleaded guilty to tax fraud. He admitted to having filed about 50 falsified tax returns. Federal prosecutors contended that Garrison's actions cost the Internal Revenue Service over 2. Prosecutors also stated that the sixty-year-old accountant had described himself as a "sovereign citizen" beyond the reach of state and federal law. Garrison had previously served time in federal prison in the s in connection with fraud against investors in a cattle ranch.

On June 18, , Francis August Schaeffer Cox , who had asserted that he was a sovereign citizen, was found guilty in the United States District Court in Anchorage, Alaska , of several felony charges including conspiracy to commit murder. On June 20, , Anson Chi was arrested by federal authorities for allegedly trying to blow up a natural gas pipe line in a residential area of Plano, Texas. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued an order granting Chi's motion to withdraw his guilty plea.
On July 19, , Martin Jonassen, who had described himself as a sovereign citizen, was found guilty by a jury in an Indiana federal court of kidnapping his year-old daughter, whom he allegedly had sexually abused, and of obstruction of justice.
Sovereign citizen movement
Jonassen was caught on surveillance footage chasing her, dragging her out of the store and pushing her into his car. On August 16, , two sheriff's deputies were shot to death and two others seriously wounded after having been ambushed near LaPlace, Louisiana. Authorities arrested seven suspects, two of whom have been identified by law enforcement as members of a sovereign citizen's group. On August 27, , Lonnie G. Vernon and Karen Vernon, an Alaska couple who were described as "followers of Schaeffer Cox", pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit murder of U.
District Judge Ralph Beistline, who presided over a federal income tax case based on sovereign-citizen theories which had cost the Vernons their house. They also admitted that they had planned to kill Beistline's daughter and grandchildren, and an Internal Revenue Service official.
The Vernons bought a silencer -equipped pistol and hand grenades in March ; but the seller to whom they disclosed their plans was a confidential informant , and the Vernons were arrested as soon as the transaction had been consummated. Karen Vernon was sentenced to 12 years in prison. On September 10, , David B. Graham of Gwinnett County, Georgia , pleaded guilty to a violation of the Georgia racketeering statute.
After losing his home in a foreclosure, he moved back into the home and filed a fraudulent quitclaim deed in the county property records in an attempt to transfer the ownership of the home back to himself. He was one of approximately a dozen so-called "sovereign citizens" who had been indicted on racketeering charges "for essentially stealing 18 high-end homes in eight counties On September 18, , James Timothy "Tim" Turner was arrested after having been indicted by a federal grand jury in Alabama on one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States under 18 U.
Turner had described himself as the "president" of a sovereign citizens group called the "Republic for the United States of America". On July 31, , he was sentenced to 18 years in Federal prison. District Judge John McBryde, the judge who was scheduled to preside over the trial. Federal authorities alleged that Ballard gave a fellow inmate detailed instructions to kill Judge McBryde with a high-powered rifle from a building across the street from the federal courthouse.
Ballard allegedly said the killer could shoot the judge as he entered the courthouse. The Federal Bureau of Investigation also alleged that Ballard had a backup plan to have his accomplice plant a bomb in the judge's vehicle. Ballard's tax trial did not begin on Monday, October 1.
Instead, Ballard appeared for a preliminary hearing on the murder solicitation charge on that day. The investigation reportedly had begun a few weeks earlier, following a tip from a fellow inmate. Ballard, who claimed to be a "sovereign citizen" immune from all U. On March 17, , Ballard was sentenced to the maximum 20 years in prison for the solicitation to commit murder conviction under 18 U. Those charges were dropped, however, after Ballard's sentencing in the murder solicitation case. On December 11, , Jeniffer Herring of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina , allegedly led officers on a chase of up to 70 miles per hour while she was talking by cell phone to a dispatcher as she allegedly refused to stop for the police who were trying to apprehend her.
Herring eventually was stopped and was charged with driving while intoxicated, felony flight to elude arrest, driving with a revoked driver license, reckless driving, and driving left of center. Herring also faces a separate charge for failure to appear in court in another case involving a charge of driving while intoxicated. Sam Kennedy," was arrested in Ogdensburg, New York , after having been indicted by a federal grand jury ten days earlier, on one count of attempting to interfere with the administration of the internal revenue laws under Internal Revenue Code section a , four counts of filing false claims for tax refunds under 18 USC section , one count of tax evasion under Internal Revenue Code section , and one count of uttering a fictitious obligation under 18 USC section a 2.
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On January 2, , a federal prosecutor asserted in a court hearing for Unger that Unger was a danger to the community and that Unger had stated that he would rather die than become subject to the government. Unger has been identified as a leader of the sovereign citizen movement. Prosecutors also alleged that Unger filed no valid federal income tax returns between and On May 23, , the court ordered a mental competency hearing for Unger after he referred to himself as being "deceased.
After O'Donnell complained to Unger that the customers were expecting O'Donnell to perform the work, Unger reportedly gave O'Donnell a bogus promissory note that O'Donnell could supposedly use to obtain funds from the U. Department of the Treasury. When O'Donnell tried to deposit the note at a bank, he found the note to be fictitious and worthless.