99 KITCHEN DELIGHT - Sample Book 2
This is an opportunity to produce the. Wellfleet Oyster Farmers Going Big. We are oyster farmers Target audience is restaurant food buyers, chefs, seafood market food buyers ante general public. New restuarant needs logo. Casual dining to fine dining. We saved a spot for your logo design contest.
Modern, Retro and Sleek quick service restaurant featuring fresh street tacos and other Mexican favorites. Leading Wood Fired Mobile Company needing a vintage logo. We specialize in catering and private events and target high-end people. New Greek Restaurant in Washington D. Greek Restaurant inspired from the Greek Islands. Ethos is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe th. We are going to open a brand new Bar and Restaurant in a neighborhood. We also serve dog food to customer's dogs. We are a higher end Mexican Restaurant that is playful yet sophisticated.
The feel we are looking for is here https: We're here to help Questions? Our kind, happy and knowledgeable customer support team would love to hear from you. What is now Mumbai, India, was transformed by the British from a seven-island archipelago to one contiguous strip … Continu. Clean Public Works. Infrastructure makes modern civilization possible.
Roads, power grids, sewage systems and water networks all underpin society as we know it, forming the basis of our built environment … at least when they work. Clean On Average. In many ways, the built world was not designed for you. It was designed for the average person. Standardized tests, building codes, insurance rates, clothing sizes, The Dow Jones — all these measurements are based around the concept of an … Continue.
Clean Photo Credit. Founded by architect Walter Gropius in , the Bauhaus school in Germany would go on to shape modern architecture, art, and design for decades to come. The school sought to combine design and industrialization,. Clean A Sea Worth its Salt.
The largest body of water in California was formed by a mistake. In , the California Development Company accidentally flooded a huge depression in the Sonora Desert, creating an enormous salty lake called the Salton Sea. Explicit The Magic Bureaucrat. Clean Combat Hearing Loss. They are cheap and effective at making noise less … noisy. In , the Army Corps of Engineers began construction on a scale model that could test flooding in all 1. It would be a three-dimensional map of nearly half of the continental United … Continue readin.
Clean The Mind of an Architect. In the late s, the Institute of Personality Assessment and Research embarked on a mission to study the personalities of particularly creative scientists and artists. Researchers established categories, grouping analytical creatives together includ. Clean Unpleasant Design. Arm rests, for instance,.
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Clean Remembering Stonewall. It started with a place called the Stonewall Inn. Gay bars had been raided by police for decades. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people had been routinely arrested and subjected to harassment and beatings by the people who were meant … Contin. Clean Home on Lagrange. Meeting in Rome, Italy,. Clean The Blazer Experiment. In , the police department in Menlo Park, California hired a new police chief. His name was Victor Cizanckas and his main goal was to reform the department, which had a strained relationship with the community at the time.
September 3rd, , also known as H-Day, is etched in the collective memory of Sweden. That morning, millions of Swedes switched from driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right. The changeover was an unprecedented … Continue reading. Around , a Seattle neighborhood called Ballard started to see unprecedented growth. Condominiums and apartment buildings were sprouting up all over the community which had once been mostly single family homes and small businesses.
Clean Loud and Clear. Over time, the stars and hits have changed and the formats have … Continue rea. Clean Separation Anxiety. Neighborhoods are constantly changing, but it tends to be the people with money and power who get to decide the shape of things to come. It was 19 stories high,. Clean Unseen City. Humans form cities from concrete, metal, and glass, designing structures and infrastructure primarily to serve a single bipedal species.
Walking down a familiar city street, it is easy to overlook squirrels climbing in trees,. Clean Supertall Starting in the late s, the government of Taipei began looking into how they could turn global attention to their city, the capital of the small island of Taiwan. The initial idea was to create two story office towers, which … Continue reading. Clean Vox Ex Machina. Clean Soul City. Israeli buses regularly make international headlines, be it for suicide bombings, fights over gender segregation, or clashes concerning Shabbat schedules. One particular ill-fated megastructure, however, has been at the nexus of various lesser-publiciz.
Clean Flying Food. The last hundred years or so of food advertising have been shaped by this one simple fact: Clean The SoHo Effect. The part of town North of the Panhandle is known as NoPa. Clean The Giftschrank. Clean Mojave Phone Booth. Situated in the middle of the Mojave desert, over a dozen miles from the nearest pavement, a lone phone booth sat along a dirt road, just waiting to become an international sensation.
There is an epidemic of terrible doors in the world. But when Don Norman got frustrated with them, he ended up changing the way people everywhere think about design. Clean The Green Book. The middle of the 20th Century was a golden age for road travel in the United States. Cars had become cheap and spacious enough to carry families comfortably for hundreds of miles. The Interstate Highway System had started to connect … Continue readin. Clean Miss Manhattan.
Restaurant logo design
Clean The Ice King. In the midth century, decades before home refrigeration became the norm, you could find ice clinking in glasses from India to the Caribbean, thanks to a global commodities industry that has since melted into obscurity: Clean Fish Cannon. In the absence of human intervention and disruption,.
Clean The Fresno Drop. In September , Bank of America began an experiment — one that would have far reaching effects on our lives and on the economy. They decided after careful consideration to conduct this experiment in Fresno, California. Clean Best Enjoyed By. Forty-one states require a date label on at least some food product, but there are huge inconsistencies,.
Clean Bone Music. But smuggling vinyl was dangerous, and acquiring the scarce material to make copies of those records that did make it into the country was expensive. Clean Tube Benders. The skyline of beautiful downtown Oakland, California, is defined by various towers by day, but at night there is one that shines far more brightly than the rest: Clean Pagodas and Dragon Gates. But for those just arriving from China, the … Continue readi.
Clean Worst Smell in the World.
Many material trifles, such as Silly Putty, started as attempts at serious inventions, but in rare cases, the process works in reverse: Clean Fixing the Hobo Suit. Superhero costumes for TV and film used to be pretty cringe-worthy. Lately, however, super outfits are looking much better. Costume designers are learning new tricks, and using better technology, but there has also been a change in attitude. From rock-paper-scissors, to tennis, to Mario Kart, every game is a designed system and all games are grounded in the same design principles.
One popular game in particular has a mixed reputation with game players and designers alike: Clean Fountain Drinks. On April 21st, , an incredible thing happened in London and thousands of people came out to celebrate it. Women wore their finest clothing. Clean Butterfly Effects. Ballots are an essential component to a working democracy, yet they are rarely created or even reviewed by design professionals.
Good ballot design is mainly a matter of following good design principles in general—familiar territory for graphic desi. Clean War and Pizza. Households tend to take pantry food for granted, but canned beans, powered cheese, and bags of moist cookies were not designed for everyday convenience. These standard products were made to meet the needs of the military. Clean Structural Integrity Rebroadcast. When it was built in ,. Indian philosopher and mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh had a vision: Purchased in , this expanse was to become both a … Continue reading. Clean Dead Letter Office.
When something is lost in the mail, it feels like it has disappeared into the ether, like it was sucked into a black hole, like it no longer exists. On the night of March 30, , the Powerball jackpot was 25 million dollars. The grand prize winner was in Tennessee, but all over the United States, one hundred and ten second-place winners came forward. Normally just three or four … Continue readin. Clean Milk Carton Kids. Clean Reefer Madness. There are around 6, cargo vessels out on the ocean right now, carrying 20,, shipping containers, which are delivering most of the products you see around you.
And among all the containers are a special subset of temperature-controlled units kn. Clean The Great Restoration. Stirling, Scotland is the home of Stirling Castle, which sits atop a giant crag, or hill, overlooking the whole town of Stirling. Clean Lawn Order. In communities across America, lawns that are brown or overgrown are considered especially heinous. Clean Hard to Love a Brute. Clean The Sunshine Hotel. At the time, New York was still a … Continue readi.
Clean From the Sea, Freedom. In , delegates from the United States and fourteen other countries met in Montevideo, Uruguay to define what it means to be a state. The resulting treaty from the Montevideo Convention established four basic criteria for statehood—essentially,.
Clean On Location. So many classic movies have been made in downtown Los Angeles. Clean Johnnycab Automation Paradox, Pt. However, as automation makes our lives easier and safer, it also creates more … Continue readin. Clean Children of the Magenta Automation Paradox, pt. On the evening of May 31, , passengers, three pilots, and nine flight attendants boarded an Airbus in Rio de Janeiro. Producer Ann Hepperman explores the role of t. Clean All In Your Head. People who make horror movies know: Some of the most creative use of music and sound to evoke fear and anxiety is on the TV show Hannibal.
Clean Voices in the Wire. Clean Viva La Arquitectura! They drove out to what was then the ritziest, most elite country club in Havana. Clean The Nutshell Studies. Anyone who dies unexpectedly in the state of Maryland will end up there for an autopsy. Clean The Post-Billiards Age. We live in a post-billiards age. There was an age of billiards, and it has been over for so long, most of us have no idea how huge billiards once was. Clean The Gruen Effect. Clean Mystery House.
Winchester in touch with her deceased husband—but William had bad news. Clean Show of Force. Clean Perfect Security. The pursuit of lock picking is as old as the lock, which is itself as old as civilization. Clean The Calendar. A month is hardly a unit of measurement. It can start on any day of the week and last anywhere from 28 to 31 days. Sometimes a month is four weeks long, sometimes five, sometimes six. Clean The Colour of Money R. United States paper currency is so ubiquitous that to really look at its graphic design with fresh eyes requires some deliberate and focused attention.
Pull a greenback out from your wallet or look at a picture online and really take … Continue read. In the mid s, not many non-native Americans had ever been west of the Mississippi. Clean Coin Check. Clean Palm Reading. Clean PDX Carpet. Clean Game Over R. Clean Guerrilla Public Service. Clean La Mascotte. Clean Under The Moonlight. Clean Of Mice And Men. Clean The Sizzle. Harley Davidson tried to trademark the sound … C. Clean Penn Station Sucks. New Yorkers are known to disagree about a lot of things. If you want to follow conversation threads relating to this show on social media—whether Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, Tumblr—you know to look for the hashtag: In our current digital age, the hashtag identifies movements, events, happening.
It is glowing right now. This lightbulb has been glowing, with just a couple of momentary interruptions, for years. Clean Inflatable Men. You see them on street corners, at gas stations, at shopping malls.
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You see them at blowout sales and grand openings of all kinds. Clean And The Winner Is. Clean Three Records from Sundown. Vexillologists—those who study flags—tend to fall into one of two schools of thought. The first is one that focuses on history, category, and usage, and maintains that vexillologists should be scholars and historians of all flags,. Clean Edge of Your Seat. A skyscraper is almost easier. The person replaces the chair. The Ouija board is so simple and iconic that it looks like it comes from another time, or maybe another realm.
Clean Good Bread. The first print advertisement for Wonder Bread came out before the bread itself. In a lot of ways, the statement was true. Clean Lights Out. The electricity from the affected line was diverted to another line. Clean For Amusement Only. Everyone has tried it at some point. Finally, after more than 80 years of illegitimacy, the City of Oakland has legalized…pinball …. Straight lines form the core of our built environment. Building in straight lines makes predicting costs and calculating structural loads easier, since building materials come in linear units.
Straight lines might be logical, predictable,. Clean Port of Dallas. The photo, taken , shows three men, all looking very fashionable, suspended mid-air on the lifted arm of a giant dredging machine. There are plenty of images … Continue readi. Clean Castle on the Park. It takes up the whole east end of the block, with its red brick cylindrical turrets topped with gleaming silver cones.
Clean Genesis Object. In the beginning, there was design. Before any other human discipline, even before the dawn of mankind its self, design was a practice passed down from generation to generation of early humans. Today, everything that has been designed—space ships,. Cities, like living things, evolve slowly over time. Buildings and structures get added and renovated and removed, and in this process, bits and pieces that get left behind. Just as humans have tailbones and whales have pelvic bones,.
Clean The Sound of Sports. It was one of our most popular and provocative programs. Clean Walk This Way. As humans have developed cities and built environments, we have also needed to develop ways to find our way through them. Sam Greenspan went on a wayfinding tour with Jim Harding in the Atlanta airport.
The best knock-offs in the world are in China. There are knock-off Apple stores that look so much like the real thing,. Clean Good Egress. Clean Cold War Kids. During the Berlin Crisis—one of the various moments in the cold war in which we came frighteningly close to engaging in actual war with the Soviets—President John F. Clean Feet of Engineering. As a fashion object and symbol, the high heel shoe is weighted with meaning.
The stiletto might be one of the only designs that is physically painful but has somehow has … Continue reading. Clean Song Exploder. A song is a product of design. Every element of a piece of music could be produced any number of ways,. Clean Clean Trains. For city officials, train graffiti was a sign that they had lost control. Clean Breaking the Bank. When I go into a bank, especially if I have to stand in line waiting to make a deposit, my mind wanders. And one of the first place it wanders to is: Clean Cow Tunnels.
The westernmost part of Manhattan, between 34th and 39th street, is pretty industrial. But in the late 19th early 20th centuries, this was cow country. Cows used … Continue reading. Clean Ten Thousand Years. In , the federal government invited a group of geologists, linguists, astrophysicists, architects, artists, and writers to the New Mexico desert, to visit the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant. They were there on a mission. Clean Monumental Dilemma. Clean Young Ruin. Clean Masters of the Uni-verse. Sports uniforms are packaging. But unlike any other packaging, if the product inside changes or degrades, we remain loyal.
Clean Structural Integrity. When it was built in , Citicorp Center later renamed Citigroup Center, now called Lexington was, at 59 stories, the seventh-tallest building in the world. You can pick it out of the New York City skyline by its degree … Continue reading. Clean Title TK. The name is important.
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The tip of the spear. You are bombarded by thousands of names every day. Clean Call Now. Lawyers—usually guys—promise to battle the heartless, tight-wad insurance companies on your behalf. Clean The Fancy Shape. Quatrefoil is the name of the four-lobed cloverleaf shape. Clean One Man is An Island. Clean Tunnel At its peak, the Berlin Wall was miles long. Today only about a mile is left standing. Compared with other famous walls in history, this wall had a pretty short life span. It started with some Pittsburgh humor. Clean Icon for Access.
There is a beauty to a universal standard. The idea that people across the world can agree that when they interact with one specific thing, everyone will be on the same page— regardless of language or culture or geographic locale. Clean Cover Story. You know the saying: Clean Higher And Higher. Like the best of these stories, the two bitter rivals started out as best friends: William Van Alen and Craig Severance.
They were business partners. Van Alen was considered the artistic maverick and Severance was the savvy businessman. On July 28, , an airplane crashed into the Empire State Building. A B bomber was flying a routine mission, chartering servicemen from Massachusetts to New York City. Smith, who had led some of the most dangerous … Continue read. Clean Six Stories- the memory palace. They would have to be. Because it is in our nature to rise. History is full of things that lift other things. Clean Numbers Stations. If you tune around on a shortwave radio, you might stumble across a voice reciting an endless stream of numbers.
Just numbers, all day, everyday. Cameron Smith is building a space suit in his apartment. Cameron Smith is an archaeologist—on faculty in the anthropology department at Portland State University in Oregon. Clean Future Screens are Mostly Blue. We have seen the future, and the future is mostly blue. Or, put another way: There is an allure in unbuilt structures: Whether these never built structures are perceived as good.
Clean Revolving Doors. The story goes like this: Theophilus Van Kannel hated chivalry. Clean All the Buildings. In a good way. Sean Cole began seeing his neighborhood, actually the whole city of New York, with new eyes because of one artist who … Continue reading. Clean Wild Ones Live. Meaning, we deal with the built world, not the natural world. Clean Strowger and Purple Reign Redux. Clean Bubble Houses.
If you were a movie star in the market for a mansion in s Los Angeles, there was a good chance you might call on Wallace Neff. Clean The Broadcast Clock. Inside of a driveway moment, time becomes elastic—you could … Contin. By now, the story is well known.

A man sits in the backseat of a cab, sketching on a notepad as night falls over a crumbling city. He scribbles the letter I. He draws a heart. Clean Reversal of Fortune. Clean Noble Effort. If you grew up watching Warner Brothers cartoons, you might remember seeing the name Chuck Jones in big letters in the opening credits.
Chuck Jones directed cartoons like Looney Tunes from the s until his death in He was … Continue reading. An ode to an information designer who made life a little bit easier for millions and millions of people: Ladislav Sutnar, the man who put parentheses around area codes. Bored and disaffected and angry, he longed for a place to escape to. And then he found Heyoon. Clean The Man of Tomorrow. Clean Rebar and the Alvord Lake Bridge. If nothing else because there are very few things that invoke a fear of being skewered.
Lawyers have an ethics code. Journalists have an ethics code. According to Ethical Standard 1. For the ancient Greeks, sirens were mythical creatures who sang out to passing sailors from rocks in the sea. Their music was so beautiful, it was said, that the sailors were powerless against it—they would turn their ships towards these … Continue. Clean No Armed Bandit.
Americans have always had an uneasy relationship with gambling. To circumvent anti-gambling laws in the US, early slot machines masqueraded as vending machines. They gave out chewing gum as prizes, and those prizes could be redeemed for cash. Clean Game Changer. That moment when time is running out, the team is down … Continue readi.
Clean The Modern Moloch. On the streets of early 20th Century America, nothing moved faster than 10 miles per hour. Wherever there is sufficient demand to move between two points of differing elevation, there are stairs. There was a time when every street sign, every billboard, and every window display was made by a sign artist with a paint kit and an arsenal of squirrel- or camel-hair brushes. Some lived an itinerant lifestyle, traveling from town … Continue reading.
There comes a time in the life of a modern city where it begins to grow up—literally. Santiago, the capital of Chile, has been going through a tremendous growth spurt since its economic boom of the mid s. Like many cities in Central Europe, Warsaw is made up largely of grey, ugly, communist block-style architecture. Except for one part: