Really Bad Poetry
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Or at least it should be. Why then, are most of the poems on the internet reeking of the worst spelling and grammatical atrocities committed since Star Trek first split the infinitive? Have you enjoyed the poem called "Independance Day" sic?
Why then, are most of the poems on the internet suffering from a level of saccharine sentimentality that would make the Osmond family and Hallmark greeting card authors vomit? Witness the numbers of angels, cloudy backgrounds, floral arrangements and references to love. Senile dementia also seems to uncork the wellspring of putrid poems.
Senior citizens seem to believe that poems must rhyme at any cost, and that endless moral diatribes and lectures will do the rest of the world a power of good. Poetry should be like nose-picking and masturbation: Hereunder, please find annoted public nostril-mining onanistic travesties of the English language. Sometimes I wish one needed a licence to write poetry.
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And, of course, the master poetry terrorist, William McGonagall. From " Modern Poetry " -- by L. Strawn - Copyright -- l. It is the ultimate expression of the breadth and depth of humanity. It is also filled with godawfully crappy poetry. Nikia Latoya Lightbourne Amann. The Poetry Of Kissing.
The worst poems by 7 great writers
Moochie the Soochie Visits the Peace People. The Delaplaine Book on God: Book of Poems Vol 1. Silence Drips into Color. In The Cold I'm Standing. Flight of the Kestrel Short Story 1. Ajit Sripad Rao Nalkur.

The Other Woman Short Story. Carol Ann Culbert Johnson. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.
The worst poems by 7 great writers
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