Please Dont Eat the Animals: All the Reasons You Need to Be a Vegetarian
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- Please Don't Eat the Animals: All the Reasons You Need to Be a Vegetarian?
- Sophomore?
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- Will animals go extinct if the world becomes vegan? | Ethical Vegan - Compassion for Animals.
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Please try again later. I was quite surprised how much very interesting information was in this book.
Please Don't Eat the Animals: All the Reasons You Need to be a Vegetarian by Jennifer Horsman
I highly recommend this to anyone who has no idea how much goes on in the world of slaughtering animals, creating pollution and also how eating meat is really bad for us. Enlighten yourself and read this book. This will definatley make you think about becoming a vegetarian. Why are humans so cruel to animals?
I read this book and cried.
- Please Don't Eat the Animals: All the Reasons You Need to be a Vegetarian!
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I had no idea how cruel we treat animals and how dreadful chickens are treated overall. I haven't been able to eat an egg since reading this book and have tears streaming down my face as I am writing this review.
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Meat, who needs it? That too is disgusting! Short, sweet and full of compelling, scientific data. If you are not ready to hear the truth, don't read this book. But if you are ready to change, live a healthier life and leave a smaller footprint on our planet, read this book One person found this helpful. Jennifer Horsman has written many romance novels, as well as children's novels and non-fiction, plays and screenplays; Jaime Flowers is her daughter.
They note, "Contrary to popular belief, begetarians get plenty of protein. Nor is there any truth to the myth that one must mix certain vegetable proteins at meals to ensure proper nutrition.
Will animals go extinct if the world becomes vegan?
The whole idea that vegetarians had to mix proteins was based on the totally unsubstantiated BELIEF of a s doctor; and, inexplicably, this unsupported fancy took hold in the public consciousness. The food spent on animal production, if properly distributed, could end malnutrition and hunger throughout the world.
It is wrong to make animals suffer and to kill them inhumanely. Vegetarians do not participate in the abuse and inhumane killing of the cows, pigs, sheep, goats, or chickens that are raised and slaughtered every year. This is the great blessing of being a vegetarian, and the very best reason to become one. One can scarcely imagine a worse job: