La maladie dAlzheimer: « Que sais-je ? » n° 3227 (French Edition)
La methode utilisee consiste a vaporiser la matiere premiere, sous forme solide, dans un reacteur plasma a haute frequence 3 MHz a paroi refroidi. Apres le passage dans le plasma, le systeme traverse une section dite de "croissance", isolee thermiquement a l'aide de graphite, afin de maintenir une certaine plage de temperature favorable a la. Nouvelles approches en theorie du champ moyen dynamique: Les calculs montrent aussi que la formule Kelvin est precise lorsque la fonction spectrale des electrons devient incoherente, soit a plus haute temperature.
Dans la limite Kelvin, S est essentiellement l'entropie par particule, tel que propose il y a longtemps. Nos resultats demontrent ainsi que la vision purement entropique de S est la bonne dans le regime incoherent, alors que dans le regime coherent, l'approche a frequence infinie est meilleure. Nous avons utilise une methode a la fine pointe, soit le Monte-Carlo quantique en temps continu pour resoudre la DMFT.
Pour permettre une exploration rapide du diagramme de phase, nous avons du developper une nouvelle version de la methode des perturbations iterees pour qu'elle soit applicable aussi a forte interaction au-dela de la valeur critique de la transition de Mott. Un autre sujet a aussi ete aborde. L'effet orbital du champ magnetique dans les systemes electroniques fortement correles est une question tres importante et peu developpee.
Cela est d'autant plus essentiel depuis la decouverte des oscillations quantiques dans les supraconducteurs a haute temperature haut- Tc. Par desir de developper une methode la moins biaisee possible, nous avons derive la DMFT lorsqu'un champ se couplant a l'operateur energie cinetique par la substitution de Peierls est present. Ce type d'approche est necessaire pour comprendre entre autres l'effet de la physique de Mott sur des phenomenes tels que les oscillations quantiques.
Nous avons obtenu un resultat tres important en demontrant rigoureusement que la relation d'auto-coherence de la DMFT et le systeme intermediaire d'impurete quantique restent les memes. L'effet du champ peut etre contenu dans la fonction de Green locale, ce qui constitue la grande difference avec le cas habituel.
Ceci permet de continuer a utiliser les solutionneurs d'impuretes standards, qui sont de plus en plus puissants. Une forme exceptionnelle de la luxation perilunaire du carpe. Les manifestations neurologiques sont assez diverses. Etude aerodynamique d'un jet turbulent impactant une paroi concave. Etant donne la demande croissante de temperatures elevees dans des chambres de combustion de systemes de propulsions en aerospatiale turbomoteurs, moteur a reaction, etc. Le refroidissement des aubes de turbine permet une augmentation de temperature de combustion, ce qui se traduit en une augmentation de l'efficacite de combustion et donc une meilleure economie de carburant.
Le transfert de chaleur dans les au bages est influence par les aspects aerodynamiques du refroidissement a jet, particulierement dans le cas d'ecoulements turbulents. Un manque de comprehension de l'aerodynamique a l'interieur de ces espaces confinees peut mener a des changements de transfert thermique qui sont inattendus, ce qui augmente le risque de fluage. Il est donc d'interet pour l'industrie aerospatiale et l'academie de poursuivre la recherche dans l'aerodynamique des jets turbulents impactant les parois courbes.
Les jets impactant les surfaces courbes ont deja fait l'objet de nombreuses etudes. Par contre des conditions oscillatoires observees en laboratoire se sont averees difficiles a reproduire en numerique, puisque les structures d'ecoulements impactants des parois concaves sont fortement dependantes de la turbulence et des effets instationnaires. Une serie d'essais ont verifie les conditions d'ecoulement laminaires et turbulentes, toutefois le cout des essais experimentaux a seulement permis d'avoir un apercu du phenomene global.
Une deuxieme serie d'essais fut realisee numeriquement a l'Universite de Moncton avec l'outil OpenFOAM pour des conditions d'ecoulement laminaire et bidimensionnel. Cette etude a donc comme but de poursuivre l'enquete de l'aerodynamique oscillatoire des jets impactant des parois courbes, mais pour un regime d'ecoulement transitoire, turbulent. Variabilite temporelle des naines T et construction d' une camera infrarouge a grand champ. Virtual Mobility in Higher Education. Program's objectives, participating institutions, procedures, and evaluation are exposed. Virtual mobility is understood as a meaningful strategy for intercultural learning by studying an undergraduate or….
Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique: La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d'hydatidose du cordon spermatique. La projection par plasma: Enfin quelques applications actuelles sont pr. Cause rare d' une perforation de la cloison nasale. Les traumatismes notamment chirurgicaux sont le plus siuvent en cause. Le diagnostic de certitude de tuberculose repose sur la biopsie des berges de cette perforation. Une fistule recto-vaginale rentrant dans le cadre d'un syndrome de Currarino.
We have mapped the region of Oran, Algeria, using multispectral remote sensing with different resolutions. The first one is called Base Rule method BR method and is based on a set of rules that must be met at each pixel in the different bands reflectance calibrated and henceforth it is assigned to a given class. The construction of these rules is based on the spectral profiles of popular classes in the scene studied. The second one is called Spectral Angle Mapper method SAM method and is based on the direct calculation of the spectral angle between the target vector representing the spectral profile of the desired class and the pixel vector whose components are numbered accounts in the different bands of the calibrated image reflectance.
After collecting a library of spectral signatures with multiple libraries, a detailed study of the principles and physical processes that can influence the spectral signature has been conducted. The final goal is to establish the range of variation of a spectral profile of a well-defined class and therefore to get precise bases for spectral rules. From the results we have obtained, we find that the supervised classification of these pixels by BR method derived from spectral signatures reduces the uncertainty associated with identifying objects by enhancing significantly the percentage of correct classification with very distinct classes.
A new species of Bunohyrax, B. This new hyracoid is documented by fragmentary remains, but the characters are significant enough to establish a new species, particularly because of its extremely small size. The Algerian species, together with geological and palaeontological data, argues for a late Middle to Late Eocene age for the Bir El Ater site, rather than an Oligocene age, equivalent to the upper sequence of the Fayum, as suggested by Rasmussen et al. Une nouvelle approche en matiere de formation et de perfectionnement des enseignants.
Two of Unesco's major education programs, the universalizaation of basic education and literacy education, have emphasized the need for teachers trained in their particular disciplines and pedagogical techniques. Developing countries, faced with a shortage of qualified teachers, have realized that they cannot rely solely on the formal education…. The main feature of the method is the use of measured pressure along lines in the flow direction near the tunnel walls. Evaluation d' une approche pedagogique respectant les facons d'apprendre des filles en sciences et en TIC en 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick.
La reussite scolaire des filles les amene de plus en plus a poursuivre une formation postsecondaire et a exercer des professions qui demandent un haut niveau de connaissances et d'expertise scientifique. Toutefois, les filles demeurent toujours tres peu nombreuses a envisager une carriere en sciences chimie et physique , en ingenierie ou en TIC technologie d'information et de la communication , soit une carriere reliee a la nouvelle economie.
Pour plusieurs filles, les sciences et les TIC ne sont pas des matieres scolaires qu'elles trouvent interessantes meme si elles y reussissent tres bien. Ces filles admettent que leurs experiences d'apprentissage en sciences et en TIC ne leur ont pas permis de developper un interet ni de se sentir confiante en leurs habiletes a reussir dans ces matieres. Par consequent, peu de filles choisissent de poursuivre leurs etudes postsecondaires dans ces disciplines.
La theorie sociocognitive du choix carriere a ete choisie comme modele theorique pour mieux comprendre quelles variables entrent en jeu lorsque les filles choisissent leur carriere. Notre etude a pour objet la conception et l'evaluation de l'efficacite d'un materiel pedagogique concu specifiquement pour ameliorer les experiences d'apprentissage en sciences et en TIC des filles de 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick. L'approche pedagogique privilegiee dans notre materiel a mis en oeuvre des strategies pedagogiques issues des meilleures pratiques que nous avons identifiees et qui visaient particulierement l'augmentation du sentiment d'auto-efficacite et de l'interet des filles pour ces disciplines.
Ce materiel disponible par Internet a l'adresse http: L'evaluation de l'efficacite de notre materiel pedagogique a ete faite selon deux grandes etapes methodologiques: Developpement d' une methode calorimetrique de mesure des pertes ac pour des rubans supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. L'interet d' une methode calorimetrique par rapport a la technique electrique, plus rapide, plus sensible et maintenant fiable, reside dans la possibilite de realiser des mesures de pertes ac dans des environnements complexes, reproduisant la situation presente par exemple dans un cable de transport d'energie ou dans un transformateur.
En particulier, la superposition d'un courant dc en plus du courant ac habituel nous a permis d' observer experimentalement, pour la premiere fois a notre connaissance, un comportement particulier des pertes ac en fonction de la valeur du courant dc decrit theoriquement par LeBlanc. Nous avons pu en deduire la presence d'un courant d'ecrantage Meissner de 16 A, ce qui nous permet de determiner les conditions dans lesquelles une reduction du niveau de pertes ac pourrait etre obtenue par application d'un courant dc, phenomene denomme "vallee de Clem".
Contributions de la geographie et de la modelisation predictive a une etude de potentiel archeologique prehistorique en Gaspesie. Analyse experimentale des performances d' une batterie au lithium pour l'aeronautique. Ce memoire a pour objectif d'identifier et d'etudier les performances necessaires pour qu' une batterie au lithium puisse etre utilisee dans le secteur de l'aeronautique. C'est pourquoi dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous allons proposer une procedure de tests permettant d'analyser et de determiner si la batterie au lithium peut etre implantee dans un avion. En vue de repondre a l'analyse des performances, une etude des fonctionnalites demandees par l'avion ainsi que des normes preexistantes vont etre effectuees.
Suite a cette etape, nous allons elaborer un banc d'essais. Une fois le banc d'essais acheve, nous allons tester une batterie au lithium qui est supposee disposer de toutes les caracteristiques techniques requises pour etre implantee dans un avion. Ces tests nous permettront donc d'emettre un avis sur l'utilisation des batteries au lithium dans le domaine de l'aeronautique.
Etude de l'impact de la valorisation energetique de pneus hors d'usage, dans une cimenterie, sur les emissions gazeuses par modelisation de la dispersion atmospherique. De plus, le mode de fonctionnement des fours est responsable d'un effet de lessivage des gaz acides par le cru alcalin. Contribution au developpement d' une methode de controle des procedes dans une usine de bouletage. This thesis, a collaborative effort between Ecole de technologie superieure and ArcelorMittal Company, presents the development of a methodology for monitoring and quality control of multivariable industrial production processes.
With this undertaking, ArcelorMittal is striving to maintain its world class level of excellence and continues to pursue initiatives that can augment its competitive advantage worldwide. The plant's gravimetric classification process was retained as a prototype and development laboratory due to its effect on the company's competitiveness and its impact on subsequent steps leading to final production of iron oxide pellets.
Concretely, the development of this expertise in process control and in situ monitoring will establish a firm basic knowledge in the fields of complex system physical modeling, data reconciliation, statistical observers , multivariate command and quality control using real-time monitoring of the desirability function. The hydraulic classifier is mathematically modeled. Using planned disturbances on the production line, an identification procedure was established to provide empirical estimations of the model's structural parameters. A new sampling campaign and a previously unpublished data collection and consolidation policy were implemented plant-wide.
Access to these invaluable data sources has enabled the establishment of new thresholds that govern the production process and its control. Finally, as a substitute for the traditional quality control process, we have implemented a new strategy based on the use of the desirability function.
Our innovation is not in using this Finally, as a substitute for the traditional quality control process, we have implemented a new strategy based on the use of the desirability function. Our innovation is not in using this function as an indicator of. Whole-body irradiation leads to delayed cognitive dysfunction which could result from perturbations of neurotransmission, specially the dopaminergic and the serotoninergic one. The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of dopamine DA , serotonin 5-HT and their metabolites in three cerebral areas of rats, one month after neutron-gamma irradiation at 3.
An increase of DA, 5-HT, and their catabolites was observed. These effects are weak but observed in older rats. Tumeur d'Abrikossoff juxta axillaire: A nm, 40 fs, 1 kHz, 1 TW. Nous rapportons un cas d'injection accidentelle de bupivacaine en intraveineuse directe. Electrodiagnosis of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow Une: In ulnar neuropathy at the elbow UNE , we determined how electrodiagnostic cutoffs [across-elbow ulnar motor conduction velocity slowing AECV-slowing , drop in across-elbow vs. Fifty clinically defined UNE patients and 50 controls underwent ulnar conduction testing recording abductor digiti minimi ADM and first dorsal interosseous FDI , stimulating wrist, below-elbow, and 6-, 8-, and cm more proximally.
La maladie de Hirayama: Il s'agit de quatre femmes. Etude des phenomenes chimiques au contact entre le bloc cathodique et la barre collectrice d' une cellule d'electrolyse d'aluminium. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation. Nouvelles techniques et leur application pour le personnel militaire.
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A Community of Interests. This text examines the ties that bind Francophones across Canada to illustrate the diversity and depth of the Canadian Francophone community. Observations are organized into seven chapters. The first looks at the kinship ties of Canadian Francophones, including common ancestral origins, settlement of the Francophone regions, and existence of two…. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. Conception, elaboration et mise a l'essai d'un simulateur interactif permettant une approche modelisante: Application aux lois de la genetique mendelienne.
Dans cette recherche-developpement, nous avons concu, developpe et mis a l'essai un simulateur interactif pour favoriser l'apprentissage des lois probabilistes impliqees dans la genetique mendelienne. Cet environnement informatise devra permettre aux etudiants de mener des experiences simulees, utilisant les statistiques et les probebilites comme outils mathematiques pour modeliser le phenomene de la transmission des caracteres hereditaires. L'approche didactique est essentiellement orientee vers l'utilisation des methodes quantitatives impliquees dans l'experimentation des facteurs hereditaires.
En incorporant au simulateur le principe de la "Lunette cognitive" de Nonnon , l'etudiant fut place dans une situation ou il a pu synchroniser la perception de la representation iconique concrete et symbolique abstraite des lois probabilistes de Mendel. A l'aide de cet environnement, nous avons amene l'etudiant a identifier le s caractere s hereditaire s des parents a croiser, a predire les frequences phenotypiques probables de la descendance issue du croisement, a observer les resultats statistiques et leur fluctuation au niveau de l'histogramme des frequences, a comparer ces resultats aux predictions anticipees, a interpreter les donnees et a selectionner en consequence d'autres experiences a realiser.
Les etapes de l'approche inductive sont privilegiees du debut a la fin des activites proposees.
UMR CNRS Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive - Publications
L'elaboration, du simulateur et des documents d'accompagnement, a ete concue a partir d' une vingtaine de principes directeurs et d'un modele d'action. Ces principes directeurs et le modele d'action decoulent de considerations theoriques psychologiques, didactiques et technologiques. La recherche decrit la structure des differentes parties composant le simulateur. L'architecture de celui-ci est construite autour d' une unite centrale, la "Principale", dont les liens et les ramifications avec les autres unites confere a l'ensemble du simulateur sa souplesse et sa.
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- Flama de libertad (Spanish Edition)!
- Tackling Japans Fiscal Challenges: Strategies to Cope with High Public Debt and Population Aging (Procyclicality of Financial Systems in Asia)?
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- Our Musical World, Book 3: Native (North) America - Sounds of the Past...Visions of a Future (Our Musical World: Exploring Humanitys Creative Diversity)!
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- E-Mails from India.
Reconstruction de la surface de Fermi dans l'etat normal d'un supraconducteur a haute Tc: Une etude du transport electrique en champ magnetique intense. Des mesures de resistance longitudinale et de resistance de Hall en champ magnetique intense transverse perpendiculaire aux plans CuO2 ont ete effectuees au sein de monocristaux de YBa2Cu3Oy YBCO demacles, ordonnes et de grande purete, afin d'etudier l'etat fondamental des supraconducteurs a haute Tc dans le regime sous-dope.
Cette etude a ete realisee en fonction du dopage et de l'orientation du courant d'excitation J par rapport a l'axe orthorhombique b de la structure cristalline. Les mesures en champ magnetique intense revelent par suppression de la supraconductivite des oscillations magnetiques des resistances longitudinale et de Hall dans YBa2Cu 3O6. La conformite du comportement de ces oscillations quantiques au formalisme de Lifshitz-Kosevich, apporte la preuve de l'existence d' une surface de Fermi fermee a caractere quasi-2D, abritant des quasiparticules coherentes respectant la statistique de Fermi-Dirac, dans la phase pseudogap d'YBCO.
La faible frequence des oscillations quantiques, combinee avec l'etude de la partie monotone de la resistance de Hall en fonction de la temperature indique que la surface de Fermi d'YBCO sous-dope comprend une petite poche de Fermi occupee par des porteurs de charge negative. Cette particularite de la surface de Fermi dans le regime sous-dope incompatible avec les calculs de structure de bande est en fort contraste avec la structure electronique presente dans le regime surdope. Cette observation implique ainsi l'existence d'un point critique quantique dans le diagramme de phase d'YBCO, au voisinage duquel la surface de Fermi doit subir une reconstruction induite par l'etablissement d' une brisure de la symetrie de translation du reseau cristallin sous-jacent.
Enfin, l'etude en fonction du dopage de la resistance de Hall et de la resistance longitudinale en champ magnetique intense suggere qu'un ordre du type onde de densite DW est responsable de la reconstruction de la surface de Fermi. Greenhouse air can be dehumidified by direct contact with a desicant fluid on a trickle exchanger. The water vapour extraction rate depends on the hygroscopicity of the fluid and on the exchanger efficiency.
Cross corrugated cellulosic pads, of the type used in cooling, irrigated with TEG, were placed in a wind channel to dehumidify air at various speeds and temperatures. A semi-analytical model, based on energy and mass conservation, correctly reproduces the water vapor extraction rate and the enthalpy change of both fluids. Several pads arranged in series can be used to decrease more efficiently the absolute humidity of the air, for other applications like food drying or industrial compressed air. Spectral analyses ignore the transient and oscillatory nature of vibrations. When such dynamic analyses show that some areas of the studied structure undergo excessive stresses, time history analyses allow a better estimate of the extent of these zones as well as a time notion of these excessive stresses.
Furthermore, the existing spectral analyses methods for fluid-structure systems account only for the static effect of higher modes. Thought this can generally be sufficient for dams, for flexible structures the dynamic effect of these modes should be accounted for. New methods have been developed for fluid-structure systems to account for these observations as well as the flexibility of foundations.
A first method was developed to study structures in contact with one or two finite or infinite water domains. This new technique includes flexibility of structures and foundations as well as the dynamic effect of higher vibration modes and variations of the levels of the water domains. Extension of this method was performed to study beam structures in contact with fluids.
These new developments have also allowed extending existing analytical formulations of the dynamic properties of a dry beam to a new formulation that includes effect of fluid-structure interaction. The method yields a very good estimate of the dynamic behavior of beam-fluid systems or beam like structures in contact with fluid. Finally, a Modified Accelerogram Method MAM has been developed to modify the design earthquake into a new accelerogram that directly accounts for the effect of fluid-structure interaction. This new accelerogram can therefore be applied directly to the dry structure i.
This original technique can include numerous parameters that influence the dynamic response of such systems and allows to treat analytically the fluid-structure interaction. Les manifestations pleuro-pulmonaires de la maladie de Horton sont rares et peu connues. Nous rapportons deux cas de lupus induit par l'isoniazide.
Fissuration d'un composite a matrice ceramique dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz. Une procedure experimentale a ete developpee pour caracteriser les mecanismes de deterioration et la durabilite de materiaux composites a matrice ceramique CMC dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz. Tandis que la plupart des essais de caracterisation publies sur les materiaux CMC ont ete realises sous des conditions de chargement controle, la presente recherche tente de reproduire la relaxation des contraintes qui se produit normalement dans une piece statique a haute temperature.
Dans l'experience proposee, un echantillon planaire de forme haltere est chauffe de facon cyclique sur une de ses faces et refroidi sur l'autre, tout en etant contraint dans ses deplacements. La contrainte de flexion resultante au centre de l'echantillon, mesuree par une cellule de charge, correspond a la contrainte de flexion qui a ete prealablement predite au centre des panneaux d' une chambre a combustion generique.
Un materiau CMC multicouche compose d' une matrice d'alumine poreuse et de fibres NextelMD a ete utilise pour developper l'experience. Sous la puissance de chauffage imposee a amplitude constante, l'accumulation de dommage a fait en sorte d'augmenter la temperature en surface et les gradients de temperature a travers le materiau.
Une reduction de la contrainte dans le temps a ete observee a cause du fluage, de la fissuration et de la delamination du materiau sous la condition de confinement du deplacement, menant a une stabilisation du niveau de dommage a une certaine profondeur dependant de la contrainte. Schwannome benin primitif retrovesical: Monthly meetings and a peer- observation program help novice teachers overcome isolation and practice new skills that support improved student learning.
Peer observation is not without its difficulties. Above all else, the point of the program is to make teachers more comfortable observing , sharing instructional ideas, and learning from one…. La Station Laser ultra mobile: Nouvelles histoires de modes; Pour se faire une tartine; Le Texte litteraire: Four activities are offered for French second-language classroom use: Newly discovered fossil localities in coarse-grained deposits of the Pennsylvanian and Permian Antler overlap assemblage in the southern Shoshone Range, north-central Nevada have yielded a low-diversity assemblage consisting chiefly of a new species of chonetoidean brachiopod: Dyoros Lissosia nevadaensis nov.
The coarse-grained lithology of the host strata, their unconformable relation on deformed lower Paleozoic rocks, and the Leonardian and or lower Guadalupian age indicated by Dyoros Lissosia provide evidence that host strata are younger than strata of the Antler overlap assemblage in nearby areas of the southern Shoshone Range and suggest that an unconformity of local extent may be present within the overlap assemblage. The fossil age ranges and lithologic data suggest that the host strata may be correlative with the Guadalupian Edna Mountain Formation, an unconformity-bounded unit that forms the upper part of the Antler sequence in the Battle Mountain area to the north.
This correlation suggests that the unconformity beneath these strata may have regional extent in north-central Nevada. The origin of the inferred regional unconformity is unknown and may have resulted from relative changes of sea level or regional extensional or contractional tectonism in the area of the former Antler highlands, which forms the substrate for the Antler overlap assemblage. En fait, ces IP ne sont rien exemple: We present the initial study, the realisation and the characterisation of a high intensity femtosecond laser chain.
We present first fondamentals principles of chirped pulse propagation mechanisms: Then after describing the spectroscopic properties of titanium doped sapphire Ti: S , we discuss near infrared femtosecond oscillators able to be amplified in Ti: S medium, and describe our home made Kerr Lens mode locked femtosecond Ti: The high intensity laser chain is based on the Chirped Pulse Amplification concept, which consists in stretching the pulse before its amplification in order to avoid non-linear effects such self-focusing or breakdown, and then recompressing it to its initial pulse duration.
We have developed two compact and efficient multipass amplifiers for femtosecond chirped pulse amplification. We analyse in details the performances of this system and its advantages in terms of its high quantum yield 0. Some observed spectral distortion on chirped pulses is simply explained by a gain saturation model.
Denis Brouillet
High dynamic pulse temporal control is crucial for interaction experiments. For this reason, we have developed a third order sampling autocorrelator. This device is able to measure fs pulses with more than 8 orders of magnitude. Un gars, une fille: Culture with a "Litte c" in a French as a econd Language Course. Looks at the Quebecois TV show, "Un gars, Une fille" used in a university French course to teach the socio-cultural reality that underlies all linguistic utterances in a university-level French course.
Attempts to identify what makes the show more authentic than videos and CD ROMs that accompany most language textbooks in French. Fabrication de memoire monoelectronique non volatile par une approche de nanogrille flottante. Les transistors monoelectroniques SET sont des dispositifs de tailles nanometriques qui permettent la commande d'un electron a la fois et donc, qui consomment peu d'energie. Une des applications complementaires des SET qui attire l'attention est son utilisation dans des circuits de memoire. Une memoire monoelectronique SEM non volatile a le potentiel d'operer a des frequences de l'ordre des gigahertz ce qui lui permettrait de remplacer en meme temps les memoires mortes de type FLASH et les memoires vives de type DRAM.
Une puce SEM permettrait donc ultimement la reunification des deux grands types de memoire au sein des ordinateurs. Cette these porte sur la fabrication de memoires monoelectroniques non volatiles. Le procede de fabrication propose repose sur le procede nanodamascene developpe par C. Ce procede a le potentiel de fabriquer plusieurs couches de circuits memoirestres denses au-dessus de tranches CMOS.
Ce document presente, entre autres, la realisation d'un simulateur de memoires monoelectroniques ainsi que les resultats de simulations de differentes structures. L'optimisation du procede de fabrication de dispositifs monoelectroniques et la realisation de differentes architectures de SEM simples sont traitees. Les optimisations ont ete faites a plusieurs niveaux: Cette demonstration demontre le potentiel du procede de fabrication et de la deposition de couche atomique ALD pour la fabrication de memoires. Looking southwest over northern Africa.
Folder lists this as: New Zealand Aurora night pass. On crewmember's Flickr page - Look straight down into an aurora. View used for Twitter message: Never tire of finding shapes in the clouds! These look very botanical to me. Moon, Japan, Kamchatka with a wild cloud. Part of a solar array is also visible. Perhaps a dandelion losing its seeds in the wind? Les cellules tumorales sont uniformes de petite taille le plus souvent. Analysis of Risks in a Learning Management System: This article presents a research that examines the university students' risk perception when using a Learning Management System called "aLF" and implemented by the Spanish National University of Distance Education UNED for the development of its university distance studies.
The development of comprehensive Learning Management Systems…. L'acquisition d' une language seconde: Quelques developpements theoriques recents Second Language Acquisition: Some Recent Theoretical Developments. This collection of articles on second language learning includes: Les fondements d' une psychologie du langage" "Action, Language, and Discourse.
Foundations of a Psychology of Language" Jean-Paul Bronckart ; "Contextes socio-culturels et appropriation des languages secondes: Very thin films of simple liquids often spread with well defined steps of molecular thickness [1]-[3]. We construct a model for the dynamics of spreading assuming that: Van der Waals from the solid; c two types of flow occur: Between steps, the viscous effects in simple shear dominate, and this leads to simple laws for the dilation or contraction of the various layers.
Cuneiform tablets from Babylonia record lunar and solar eclipses, the presence and movement of comets, meteors and meteor showers. These have provided historical astronomers with much valuable data, but caution must be exercised when using such records, for accuracy of observation often ceded to astrological intent. In the future, texts from Assyria may also provide useful data for historical astronomers.
Docked Soyuz and Progress spacecraft are visible. Per Twitter message this is labeled as: Lights along the coast of the Caspian Sea visible through clouds. Very few cuneiform records survive from Mesopotamia of datable astronomical observations made prior to the mid-eighth century BC. Those that do record occasional eclipses, and in one isolated case the dates of the heliacal rising and setting of Venus over a few years sometime in the first half of the second millennium BC.
After the mid-eighth century BC the situation changes dramatically. Incomplete records of daily observations of astronomical and meteorological events are preserved from c.
These records are without accompanying ominous interpretation, although it is highly probable that they were compiled by diviners for astrological purposes. They include numerous observations of use to historical astronomers, such as the times of eclipses and occultations, and the dates of comet appearances and meteor showers. The question arises as to why such records do not survive from earlier times; celestial divination was employed as far back as the third millenium BC. It is surely not without importance that the earliest known accurate astronomical predictions accompany the later records, and that the mid-eighth century BC ushered in a period of centralised Assyrian control of Mesopotamia and the concomitant employment by the Assyrian ruler of large numbers of professional celestial diviners.
The programme of daily observations evidently began when a high premium was first set on the accurate astronomical prediction of ominous events. It is in this light that we must approach this valuable source material for historical astronomy. From southernmost point of orbit over the South Pacific- all clouds seemed to be leading to the South Pole.
Part of the U. Lab and PMM are also visible. The large wheel along the coast center left is "Jumeirah" Palm Island, with a conference center, hotels, recreation areas and a large marine zoo. Solar flares are observed at all wavelengths from decameter radio waves to gamma-rays beyond 1 GeV. This review focuses on recent observations in EUV, soft and hard X-rays, white light, and radio waves.
They have revealed a number of surprises: Coronal sources appear before the hard X-ray emission in chromospheric footpoints, major flare acceleration sites appear to be independent of coronal mass ejections, electrons, and ions may be accelerated at different sites, there are at least 3 different magnetic topologies, and basic characteristics vary from small to large flares. Recent progress also includes improved insights into the flare energy partition, on the location s of energy release, tests of energy release scenarios and particle acceleration.
The interplay of observations with theory is important to deduce the geometry and to disentangle the various processes involved. There is increasing evidence supporting magnetic reconnection as the basic cause. While this process has become generally accepted as the trigger, it is still controversial how it converts a considerable fraction of the energy into non-thermal particles.
Flare-like processes may be responsible for large-scale restructuring of the magnetic field in the corona as well as for its heating. Large flares influence interplanetary space and substantially affect the Earth's ionosphere. Flare scenarios have slowly converged over the past decades, but every new observation still reveals major unexpected results, demonstrating that solar flares, after years since their discovery, remain a complex problem of astrophysics including major unsolved questions. When this image was taken, three months after the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, the leak had been plugged for eight days.
Water surfaces appear bright and land surfaces appear dark in the image. The stark contrast is due to sun glint, in which the sun is reflected brilliantly off all water surfaces back towards the astronaut observer on board the station. The sun glint reveals various features in the Gulf of Mexico, especially sheens of oil as packets of long bright streaks seen on the left side of the image.
- une nouvelle observation: Topics by
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Sediments carried by the Mississippi River have a light-yellow coloration in this image, with distinct margins between plumes that likely mark tidal pulses of river water into the Gulf of Mexico. A boat wake cuts across one of the oil packets at image lower left. The maps show that on the day this image was taken, the north edge of the? The observed spread of the surface oil in the approximately days since the explosion highlights the connectivity between the deepwater areas and coastlines of the Gulf of Mexico. The nadir coordinates of the station were Polar mesospheric clouds also known as noctilucent, or?
They appear bright and cloudlike while in deep twilight. They are illuminated by sunlight when the lower layers of the atmosphere are in the darkness of Earth? The horizon of Earth appears at the bottom of the image, with some layers of the lower atmosphere already illuminated by the rising sun. The higher, bluish-colored clouds look much like wispy cirrus clouds, which can be found as high as 60, feet 18 kilometers in the atmosphere.
However noctilucent clouds, as seen here, are observed in the mesosphere at altitudes of , to , feet about 76 to 85 kilometers. Astronaut observations of polar mesospheric clouds over northern Europe in the summer are not uncommon. Education relative a l'environnement ERE: Une etude des representations sociales et des pratiques educatives d'enseignants de science et technologie du secondaire en contexte de formation continue.
Au-dela des progres de notre civilisation inherents a ce dernier developpement, cette croissance amena avec elle un lot d'ineluctables dommages collateraux, contribuant en corollaire a l'emergence de diverses problematiques environnementales inquietantes pour lesquelles les valeurs ainsi que le mode de fonctionnement de la societe occidentale contemporaine sont largement tributaires. Face au changement, les enseignants de sciences ont du s'approprier ce nouveau programme afm de l'enseigner a leurs eleves. Toutefois, l'analyse de la situation montre que les prescriptions du programme en matiere d'ERE ne se sont pas toujours traduites en de reelles actions dans la pratique.
Le contexte de notre etude s'est interesse aux pratiques educatives de l'ERE ainsi qu'a la representation sociale qui en decoule. Notre recherche aborde plus specifiquement la problematique de la modification de ces derniers objets chez les enseignants de sciences et technologie du deuxieme cycle du secondaire. Pour y arriver, nous avons propose a un groupe de trois praticiens de participer a une activite, en communaute de pratique, de formation continue orientee autour de thematiques ERE. Les donnees brutes ont ete soumises a une demarche d'analyse inductive et ont genere diverses categories etayant nos objets de recherche.
La maladie d'Alzheimer: « Que sais-je ? » n° 3227 (French Edition)
The vaporization of one or two multi-component fuel droplets in hot air-stream is presented. A thermal wind tunnel with experimental channel has been designed to develop an experimental process. Firstly, the comparison between experimental results and numerical data is presented for the case of an isolated multi-component droplet. The numerical method is based on the resolution of heat and mass transfer equations between the droplet and the gas stream. This model includes the effect of Stephan flow, the effect of variable thermophysical properties of the components, and the non-unitary Lewis number in the gas film.
The experimental results show the micro-explosion phenomenon observed in the liquid phase of multi-component droplet at low temperature. The experimental case of two pure or multi-component droplets in interaction is also presented. Le moulage par injection a basse pression de poudre metallique est une technique de mise en forme de pieces de formes complexes.
La poudre metallique est melangee avec des polymeres basse viscosite ex. Pour faciliter l'injection dans la cavite du moule, la composition des melanges est ajustee pour diminuer la viscosite. D' une part, les melanges peu visqueux possedent une bonne moulabilite. D'autre part, le phenomene de la segregation se manifeste rapidement avec les melanges peu visqueux.
Les machines commerciales sont munies d'un canal d'injection et d' une valve qui relient le reservoir de melange et la cavite du moule. Le melange reste stationnaire dans ces composantes entre deux sequences d'injection, ce qui le rend propice a la segregation. Plusieurs brevets tentent de resoudre ce probleme en utilisant des pompes et des canaux de recirculation. Ces composantes sont difficiles a nettoyer en raison de leur complexite.
Une machine a injection basse pression a ete concue et fabriquee pour l'etude de l'aptitude au moulage des melanges de tres faible viscosite ex. Un piston d'injection puise le volume desire d'un reservoir. Ensuite, un mouvement lateral cisaille le melange a l'intersection entre le reservoir et le cylindre et bouche l'orifice de sortie du reservoir.
Le cylindre est degage et peut recevoir le moule. A la suite de l'injection, le piston retourne a la position du reservoir et entre dans son orifice de sortie. Le melange residuel est retourne dans le reservoir, melange et desaere a nouveau. L'appareil a ete valide par des essais d'injectabilite avec un melange de poudre d'acier inoxydable et de liants a basse viscosite. Des essais d'injection ont montre que le melange contenant l'acide stearique a parcouru la plus grande distance dans le moule de forme. This is an oblique south-looking view of the main Bahama island chain.
Cuba is across the entire top of the image, the Florida Peninsula on the right margin. In the Bahamas, the main Andros island is just distinguishable under cloud upper left of center. Under less cloud is the Abaco Islands in the foreground middle of pic nearest camera left of center. This book is the 2nd edition of an English translation published in Written specifically for physicists and graduate students in astronomy, this textbook focuses on astronomical observation and on the basic physical principles that astronomers use to conceive, build and exploit their instruments at their ultimate limits in sensitivity or resolution.
This second edition has been entirely restructured and almost doubled in size, in order to improve its clarity and to account for the great progress achieved in the last 15 years. It deals with ground-based and space-based astronomy and their respective fields. It presents the new generation of giant ground-based telescopes, with the new methods of optical interferometry and adaptive optics, and also the ambitious concepts behind planned space missions for the next decades.
Avoiding particulars, it covers the whole of the electromagnetic spectrum and touches upon the "new astronomies" becoming possible with gravitational waves and neutrinos. Il n'est pas exceptionnel que l'HTA soit l'unique manifestation de la maladie. Mouvements collectifs de grandes amplitudes dans les noyaux: Various aspects of the adiabatic limit of the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation are studied. This formalism is a mean field theory for nuclear collective motion which provides microscopical foundations to the successful phenomenological collective models, and whose validity is not restricted to small amplitude phenomena.
Emphasis is put on the classical Hamiltonian-like structure of the dynamical equations. Several limiting cases of the general formalism are considered: Random Phase Approximation, Nuclear Hydrodynamics, case of a single collective variable. Applications to low-lying vibrational modes are described. Results are discussed in terms of sum rules.
A quantitative comparison between self-consistent and Inglis cranking mass parameters is made. Important dynamical corrections to the Hartree-Fock ground state are expected for soft nuclei. Thorium is an attractive element for calibration as it has a single isotope, has narrow spectral lines, and has a dense spectrum covering the whole of the visible region.
However, the high density of the spectrum that makes it attractive for calibrating high-resolution spectrographs is a detriment for lower resolution spectrographs and this is not obvious by examination of existing linelists. We are pursuing two approaches to these problems. Spectra of hollow cathode lamps at up to 3 different currents can now be displayed simultaneously.
Interactive zooming and the ability to convolve any of the spectra with a Gaussian or uploaded instrument profile enable the user to see immediately what the spectrum would look like at the particular resolution of their spectrograph. This significantly exceeds the resolving power of most astronomical spectrographs and resolves many of the molecular lines of ThO. With these spectra we are measuring and calibrating the positions of these molecular lines in order to make them suitable for spectrograph calibration.
The Crew Earth Observations team at NASA Johnson Space Center sends specific ground targets for photography up to the station crew on a daily basis, but sometimes the crew takes imagery on their own of striking displays visible from orbit. One such display, often visible to the ISS crew due to their ability to look outwards at angles between 0 and 90 degrees, is sunglint on the waters of Earth.
Sunglint is caused by sunlight reflecting off of a water surface? Roughness variations of the water surface scatter the light, blurring the reflection and producing the typical silvery sheen of the sunglint area.

The point of maximum sunglint is centered within Cape Cod Bay, the body of water partially enclosed by the? Cape Cod was formally designated a National Seashore in Sunglint off the water provides sharp contrast with the coastline and the nearby islands of Martha? To the north, rocky Cape Ann extends out into the Atlantic Ocean; the border with New Hampshire is located approximately 30 kilometers up the coast. Further to the west, the eastern half of Long Island, New York is visible emerging from extensive cloud cover over the mid-Atlantic and Midwestern States.
Persistent storm tracks had been contributing to record flooding along rivers in the Midwest at the time this image was taken in late June Thin blue layers of the atmosphere, contrasted against the darkness of space, are visible extending along the Earth? This recently expired grant has supported the work of the PI, his students, and his collaborators on a variety of ASCA projects over the past four years.
Annual reports have summarized much of the work accomplished; here we provide a brief review of the work resulting from this effort, and a summary of the personnel who have benefited from the grant's support. Starburst Galaxies with Extreme X-ray Luminosities This project began as a careful examination of the claims of Boller et al. If true, this suggested that X-ray emission associated with star formation activity might have a significant contribution to make to the still unexplained cosmic X-ray background XRB. Since some of our earlier work with the Einstein Observatory Deep Surveys had suggested a similar possibility and several sets of authors over the years had modelled the starburst XRB contribution, these claims were worth pursuing.
Our work expanded the examination beyond the RASS to include earlier claims of high-luminosity galaxies powered by starburst emission selected in this case on the basis of the far-IR luminosities. The result of extensive followup observations under several programs using ROSAT, ASCA, and ground-based facilities was to show that nearly all of these objects in fact have hidden AGN at their cores, and that their luminosities are not in any way extraordinary. ISSE 16 June Polar mesospheric clouds, illuminated by an orbital sunrise, are featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 24 crew member on the International Space Station.
Polar mesospheric, or noctilucent? They are called night-shining clouds as they are usually seen at twilight. Following the setting of the sun below the horizon and darkening of Earth? Occasionally the ISS orbital track becomes nearly parallel to Earth? This unusual photograph shows polar mesospheric clouds illuminated by the rising, rather than setting, sun at center right. Low clouds on the horizon appear yellow and orange, while higher clouds and aerosols are illuminated a brilliant white.
Polar mesospheric clouds appear as light blue ribbons extending across the top of the image. These clouds typically occur at high latitudes of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and at fairly high altitudes of 76? The ISS was located over the Greek island of Kos in the Aegean Sea near the southwestern coastline of Turkey when the image was taken at approximately midnight local time. The orbital complex was tracking northeastward, nearly parallel to the terminator, making it possible to observe an apparent? A similar unusual alignment of the ISS orbit track, terminator position, and seasonal position of Earth?
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