If Not For The Love Of Christ
The “Love” Vocabulary
One can see from the Bible and the very biology of the human body that it is natural for a man and a woman to be together. God created woman because "it is not good for man to be alone" Genesis 2: From the beginning of time, as recorded in the Book of Genesis, God planned for man and woman to unite in love and marriage for the continuity of his creation, the human family. The family provides a framework for each family member to grow as a person in love and security. Love is the favorite subject of artists and poets throughout the ages.
Romeo and Juliet , William Shakespeare's story about two star-crossed lovers, is one of the most moving plays ever written. The loving kindness of Mary for the Christ child is evident on paintings throughout the world.
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Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote impassioned love poems to her husband Robert Browning. We are familiar with Alfred Lord Tennyson's famous line, "Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
A Prayer of Love from 1 Corinthians 13 - Your Daily Prayer - March 14, 2017
The beautiful love song Home by Philip Philips in is the only recording to ever make the top ten three times in one year. Love makes the world go round! Loving someone and being loved brings happiness. There are many loves in one's life, such as your spouse or sweetheart, your parents, your family and children, or your best friend. We all want and need love. This is essential to the human race. We need to help each other, cooperate with each other, and reaffirm each other. Mystery and a kind of mysticism surround love. Why do people fall in love? The heart is the seat of the emotions, one of the three spiritual centers of the person, along with the intellect and the will.
God is important to your love relationship! Love of God grows as you mature in life. We become grateful for all his gifts, such as the beauty of creation and our family. And we become especially grateful for his forgiveness when we fall. His gifts to us are so plentiful that it becomes only fair and natural that we love him. We begin to appreciate that "God is love.
We are the happiest when we are living in harmony with God and nature. Someone who loves God will strive to be good, honest, and faithful, and develop all the values necessary to sustain a love relationship through the years. Loving God means you are both trying to live His way and that you are being fair and true to each other. Christianity teaches that love is a relationship between man-God-woman , that is, that God is the middle term.
When a relationship is only between two, one always has the upper hand in the relationship by being able to break it, for as soon as one has broken away, the relationship is broken. But when there are three, one person cannot do this. The third, as mentioned, is love itself, which the innocent sufferer can hold to in the break, and then the break has no power over him. The existentialist Kierkegaard described love as uniting the temporal with the eternal. This is best understood when you lose someone you love, such as your mother or father.
When you Love Someone who Doesn't Love Christ
Even though your loved one has died and is no longer with you on earth, your love lives on for the one you cherish. In true love between a man and woman, there is an evolution from attraction and desire to a feeling of good will towards the other person. A healthy integration of sensuality, sentiment, and loving kindness takes place, so that one looks at the other with love, and treasures the other person.
Chastity is important, for each person moderates desire and sexuality to allow friendship, tenderness, and a spiritual bond to grow. If you truly love someone, you feel responsible for them. Love finds its natural and proper expression in the union of two persons.
Intersection of Life and Faith
Respect for the dignity of the beloved is given in union through marriage. Both man and woman affirm each other, until a commitment of the will and union through marriage takes place, a self-surrender of each for the other. Lewis in his book The Four Loves describes four kinds of human love: Storge , or affection, is the natural love a parent has for a child. Eros , or romantic love, is the desire two have for each other. Plato considered eros something like poetic rapture upon seeing the beauty of another.
Eros is the longing for the beauty and company of the beloved when two persons fall in love. This is in contrast to someone who has sexual desire without being in love, who wants to use the other strictly for selfish pleasure. A utilitarian relationship, in which the sexual partner becomes an object for use, holds no long-term possibility for joy, fulfillment, or happiness, but rather leaves one empty, disappointed, and ultimately alone. Philia is the love of friendship, but may have conditions.
It gives, but may expect something equal in return. Agape is true, unconditional love, a generosity of spirit which gives and expects nothing in return. It is the love that God has for us. It is love at the highest level. The more true love there is between a man and a woman, or among family and friends, the more successful the relationship. It burns with blazing flame, a raging fire.
Love of Christ
I will run to his arms! Christ's love is available to you, especially you. But will you know that love?
Will you worship Christ as Wonderful Counsellor? You,of course, know how to approach Christ, and to receive from him the comfort and counsel you need. Sometimes we sense a barrier which prevents us from taking comfort from the scriptures and from prayer. This is usually a sense of unworthiness. Nevertheless, you must open yourself to his love. Sometimes in new marriages, one of the partners experiences difficulty with the intimacy that is a necessary part of married life. The problem is a lack of trust or faith in the other's love. Trusting having faith in your partner's love means being willing for the other to see you and address you as you really are.
Do you trust Jesus enough to let him see you and address you as you are?
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Do you have faith that He will accept you? With such faith, you won't feel the barrier between you and Him anymore. That is the moment of rapture when Jesus Christ will personally welcome you with open arms: That moment will be truly wonderful, but it will be no surprise. This hope is part of the spiritual spiral of strength I call it the DNA of the soul that we mentioned in the introduction to this lesson. Peter says that we have been "born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead". He goes on to describe the everlasting inheritance we have in Christ.
Then he says, "whom having not seen you love. Kindness includes attributes like friendliness, compassion, generosity, and tenderness. To be kind is to be God-like Luke 6: In a world that is saturated with harshness, a kind disposition is a refreshing breeze. There are many a woman who would trade a handsome husband for a kind one. Kindness would stifle the plague of child abuse.

More kindness among brothers in the Lord would alleviate so much church trouble. The Scriptures demand that we be kind to one another Ephesians 4: The loving person will rejoice at the success of others. Jealousy has destroyed many a home and church. Envy was one of the sins responsible for the death of Christ Matthew Genuine love is selfless. It seeks to extol the virtues of others.
Love has words of encouragement for the lonely, the downtrodden, and others who deserve and need uplifting. But some are ever tooting their own horns. When a windbag preacher boasts that were it not for his efforts the whole brotherhood of Christ would be immersed in apostasy, one cannot but be reminded of this descriptive. The original language here denotes one who is inflated with a sense of personal pride. Pride is unreasonable self-esteem, generally accompanied by insolence and rude treatment of others.
It deceives the heart Jeremiah Have you known anyone who took pride in his ability to bludgeon others? Love operates with determined politeness. It has been said that there are two kinds of people: Ours is an age of woeful selfishness. Everyone is protective of their own rights, but in far too many instances the disposition evolves into an attitude that says: Satan adopted it first, and he was followed by a long line of henchmen, e. By way of stark contrast was the sacrificial example of the Son of God Philippians 2: Love thinks of others and seeks to serve.
Some folks are cocked, just ready to explode. Their day is ruined if someone does not provide the opportunity for them to give a piece of their mind. Genuine love does everything possible to avoid combat.
This descriptive does not mean that love ignores evil. That view would contradict numerous other passages of Scripture. There are times when evil must be exposed, rebuked, and disciplined.