Holocausto católico (Historia del siglo XX) (Spanish Edition)
Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain before publication in It is hoped thereby to suggest parallels and resonances that lead to a better understanding of what happened in Spain during the Civil War and after. Sussex Academic Press, The title was a profound mistake, but the history is superb. Some experts in the field, particularly in the United States, have dismissed the hyperbole surrounding the book. His verdict on the book is blunt: There were two rearguard repressions, one each in the Republican and rebel zones.
In contrast, the repression in the Republican zone was hot-blooded and reactive. Initially, it was a spontaneous and defensive response to the military coup which was subsequently intensified by news brought by refugees of military atrocities and by rebel bombing raids. It is difficult to see how the violence in the Republican zone could have happened without the military coup which effectively 23 This can be viewed online at http: The collapse of the structures of law and order as a result of the coup thus permitted both an explosion of blind millenarian revenge the built-in resentment of centuries of oppression and the irresponsible criminality of those let out of jail or of those individuals never previously daring to give free rein to their instincts.
In addition, there was the real military necessity of combating the enemy within. In particular, it fails to explain why the institutionalisation of the killing within the military justice system in the winter of following a murderous five month period in which few victims were tried by a regular court led to a diminution of executions, irrespective of factors such as the size of population or the political strength of leftist political and trade-union organizations in newly occupied territory.
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Espasa Libros, that will be published by Cambridge University Press in Reflections on the post-war Francoist repression', Contemporary European History, 14 May , Rather than examining the book as a whole, this paper will carefully scrutinise those chapters related to revolutionary violence in Madrid during the Civil War.
This concentration on the Republican repression in the Spanish capital can be justified in the following ways. Preston does not confine himself to the violence and injustice of the rebel generals and their sympathisers. The significance of Madrid is reflected in The Spanish Holocaust, as three out of the thirteen chapters are dominated by the bloody events in the capital. Nevertheless, it is important to stress here that the objective of this paper is not to demonstrate that Preston identifies with the Republic.
This would be a waste of time as Preston has never hid his sympathies for the defeated cause in the civil war. For many years 31 Ruiz, El terror rojo, Ch. You could not really be from working-class Liverpool and not be left-wing.
See a Problem?
One has only to think of the examples of Edward Thompson and Eric Hobsbawm to realise that politically engaged historians have produced some of the most important work of the last century. Preston has always denied this. I 33 See its website http: II Preston begins his discussion of the revolutionary terror in Madrid thus: The key events that underlay the violence in Republican Madrid took place in the first two days.
The opening of the prisons saw hundreds of common criminals released, among them sadists and psychopaths who were only too willing to use the political chaos as a shield for their activities. Moreover, they had ample motives to seek revenge against the magistrates and judges who had put them in jail.
In fact, out of fear of reprisals or because of their sympathy for the coup, many judicial functionaries went into hiding. More than one hundred judges were murdered. Debate, , Biblioteca Nueva, , In any case, both are unreliable sources. Editorial Panorama, , This includes the assertion that priests fired on antifascist militiamen from churches and monasteries. The figure relates to a Francoist report 42 Morgado, Los sucesos, Yet the latter began on Madrid only on the night of August and remained small-scale and intermittent until the first major attack on 30 October.
Since there were few casualties and little material damage in the Spanish capital during the course of the summer and early autumn, there is no simple causal connection between rebel bombs and executions.
Monseñor Óscar Romero (Testimonios)
More urgent incitements to violence [in Madrid] came in the form of bombing raids and news of atrocities committed by the rebels. Both the bombings and the tales of the refugees were pervasively toxic in their effects, producing outbursts of mass fury that the Republican authorities were often unable to contain. In Madrid, on the night of 7 August, in reprisal for the first bombing raid, a number of rightist prisoners were assassinated.
He cites the 9 August edition of El Socialista. Los tribunales populares , Alicante: But it did not make reference to a bombing raid carried out two nights earlier, but rather to an allegedly successful air raid drill. The article is quite specific and leaves no room to doubt. But this is no isolated error. Even more serious is the later claim that: This provoked an appalling incident that saw more than thirty men murdered. More than most, Thomas More understood that the Protestant Reformation heralded the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of Modernity.
His efforts failed and his failure helped England enjoy a freer and more prosperous future than nations who were subject to the Counter-Reformation. Read more Read less.
Monseñor Óscar Romero by Santiago Mata
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