Hair Raising (Dan Shamble, Zombie PI Book 3)
Diving into the slimy underbelly of a diabolical plot, Dan comes face-to-tentacles with an amphibious villain named Ah'Chulhu to which the usual response is "Gesundheit! With his snap-happy gang of gator-guys - former pets flushed down the toilet - Ah'Chulhu wreaks havoc beneath the streets.
Back from the dead - and back on the case! Even being murdered doesn't keep a good detective down, and in the Unnatural Quarter - inhabited by ghosts, vampires, werewolves, mummies, and all sorts of creatures that go bump or thud! Dan Shamble, zombie P. Also in the caseload, Dan deals with the sinister spokesman for Monster Chow Industries, a spreading contamination that drives vampires berserk, a serial-killer demon from the Fifth Pit of Hell, a black-market blood gang led by the nefarious Ma Hemoglobin, a ghost fighting a hostile takeover of his blood bars Dan Shamble, Zombie P.
Death Warmed Over Publisher's Summary. Add to Cart failed. Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion. A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations , on the part of the author or publisher.
For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere "lists" of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place. Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification eg. Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the "works" in question. So, the Dummies guides are a series of works.
But the Loeb Classical Library is a series of editions, not of works. Home Groups Talk Zeitgeist. The 12 Days of LT scavenger hunt is going on. Can you solve the clues? But Dan Shamble, Zombie PI is on the case, and if he can get to the bottom of the endless pile of clues thrown at his feet, he just might figure out who's skimming off the tops in time to prevent a gang war between the Hairballs and the Monthlies.
Of course, Shamble runs into the most unusual cast of characters along the way: And with the Worldwide Horror Convention in town as well, the hilarity just never stops. This was another fun, fast-paced read in what is turning out to be a fantastic series! Sep 13, Jackie rated it really liked it Shelves: Hair Raising by Kevin J. Zombie Dan is investigates werewolf scalping and misdeliveries to the coroner. Unfortunately all his recent orders have not been correct and he has asked Dan to intercede for him.
Series by cover
Meanwhile, lawyer Robin is working to get a zombie dad visitation privileges; the ex-wife is certain that having a zombie for a father will traumatize their son. He also wants his ex to restore the money from his life insurance policy to the educational fund for his son. Mar 05, Annette rated it really liked it Shelves: What can I say?
Another brilliantly fun time in the Unnatural Quarter with Chambeaux and the gang. This time around we had more werewolf action, a dash of mad scientist, a new human element, and a whole lot of bad luck. I'm also rethinking my thoughts on cremation vs traditional burial at this point.
Hair Raising — Dan Shamble, Zombie PI book 3
A very satisfying chunk of What can I say? A very satisfying chunk of brain candy that has me hoping, fingers crossed, that a Dan Shamble plushie could be a thing. Jun 16, Metagion rated it really liked it. In this installment of Dan Shamble it's the case of someone or something scalping werewolves, a mad scientist who got defective body parts, and a zombie who's family got her ashes Each case is connected as Shamble goes from each to figure out who's behind what's going on and bring the parties responsible to justice Also, it's kinda funny: Jul 10, Ian Cockerill rated it really liked it.
This is an amusing little entertainment, competent, easy to read and likely to raise a smile, and even warm the heart a little.
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Kevin J Anderson has a writing CV that is extensive and impressive, he is clearly a real pro. By the time you get to the third book in a series you probably know if you're going to like it or not, although I think you could easily read these out of order, that professional competence coming out again, you see. As it is, this is enjoyable fare for a decent filler read if This is an amusing little entertainment, competent, easy to read and likely to raise a smile, and even warm the heart a little. As it is, this is enjoyable fare for a decent filler read if you you don't want anything too challenging.
May 31, Scott Lee rated it really liked it.
Hair Raising (Dan Shamble, Zombie PI, #3) by Kevin J. Anderson
Still solidly episodic, although the world is steadily building enough recurring characters to develop a greater sense of continuity. Anderson isn't Pratchett no one is , but he isn't really trying to be either. Oct 20, Lois rated it liked it. In this installment of the easy-going adventures of Dan Chambeaux, zombie P.
Dan makes his way through all this mess at a good shambling clip he makes an effort to keep himself in shape. Anderson stocks his book with plenty of puns, humor, and a modicum of gore. I'll be back for more. Nov 05, Mary rated it liked it.
Death Warmed Over
I don't know why, but I enjoy these as silly as they may seem. The focus group for this story is the werewolf community And some body-parts dealing, and cockatrice fights, and other fun stuff in the "Unnatural Quarter". I enjoy the dialogue and the "unnatural" situations.
It's just a fun read. May 04, Sheryl rated it really liked it Shelves: Lots of fun, though not quite as good as books one and two in the series.
Wonderful narrator for the audiobook. I highly recommend listening to this series if you can get it. Well worth an audible credit. Phil Gigante does a great job. I love the humor in this series. This book is right along the lines of the other two but the cases he was involved with this time were just a little less engaging for me hence the 1 star less.
May 06, Alice Liu rated it really liked it. Another fun book in the Dan Shamble series, combining an old school zombie detective feel with "ba dum bum" humor. As in the first two books, there are multiple and seemingly disparate cases that converge together as Dan solves the various mysteries.
The resolution felt a little mild and, in one case, too far-fetched in this installment which is why I gave it the 4 rather than 5 stars of the previous books. May 08, Steve rated it really liked it.
- Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I..
- Black Lenses, Black Voices: African American Film Now (Genre and Beyond: A Film Studies Series).
- Series: Dan Shamble, Zombie PI.
- DSZPI Hair Raising by Kevin J. Anderson.
Another great Dan Shamble adventure. These books are a little Corney at time but that's what makes it fun sometimes. Good adventure that does not take its self to seriously. Dan is faced with stolen body parts, werewolf scalping and a werewolf gang war. All in a days work for our favorite Zombie detective. May 07, Derek rated it really liked it. These are just a fun series of books which I enjoy thoroughly! Humorous and clever writing make these 'monsters are real' stories highly entertaining.
A zombie private investigator with a girlfriend who's a ghost working with a lawyer who crusades for 'monster's rights'. Plus references and nods to other writers' worlds and characters. What's not to love? Dec 31, Steve rated it really liked it. It was another fun read but I enjoyed the first one I read Death Warmed Over more since it was much different from other things I have read recently.

Although funny and easy to read, it seemed more of the same. I really should have waited longer to read a second book in this series, I think that would make it more entertaining. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Yes, I have a lot of books, and if this is your first visit to my amazon author page, it can be a little overwhelming. If you are new to my work, let me recommend a few titles as good places to start. I love my Dan Shamble, Zombie P. After you've tried those, I hope you'll check out some of my other series. I serve as a judge in the Writers of the Future contest.
Hair Raising
My wife is author Rebecca Moesta. We currently reside near Monument, Colorado. Other books in the series.