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Und vielleicht ist es auch kompletter Quatsch. Wir machen diesen Freitag, I would love to see you guys working closely with some of the food startups; e. End grain is higher quality since it allows the blade to slip between the woods natural fibers. This prevents your blades from dulling AND it allows the woods to "heal" itself from very small cuts when the blade leaves by pushing the grains back together. Which means fewer microscopic slots for bacteria to grow and unsightly scoring on your bored.
Think of it as one of those rubber arts and crafts mats for exacto knives that reseal slots created by blades. YES to end grain! That would make this board perfect! I don't mind paying extra for it to increase the life span of the board! Ich mag das Board und die Ideen dahinter sehr. I like endgrain design. Is it more durable of a board or just better for blades? Plain Wood if no really reeeaaal greeeeennn edible glue! Sind solche Events eventuell nochmal in naher Zukunft geplant? Thanks for the offering. I'd like to take a oak, maple or walnut endgrain. But walnut would be my preferred. Share this project Done.
Much more than just a cutting board: The Frankfurter Brett is a new way of cooking. Missed our official campaign? Click below to place your pre-order anyway: For instance, a person may pick out a single, unpleasant detail and dwell on it exclusively so that their vision of reality becomes darkened or distorted. If your performance falls short of perfect, you see yourself as a total failure.
In this cognitive distortion, we come to a general conclusion based on a single incident or a single piece of evidence. If something bad happens only once, we expect it to happen over and over again. A person may see a single, unpleasant event as part of a never-ending pattern of defeat. Without individuals saying so, we know what they are feeling and why they act the way they do.
In particular, we are able to determine how people are feeling toward us. Another example is a person may anticipate that things will turn out badly, and will feel convinced that their prediction is already an established fact. We expect disaster to strike, no matter what. Personalization is a distortion where a person believes that everything others do or say is some kind of direct, personal reaction to the person.
We also compare ourselves to others trying to determine who is smarter, better looking, etc. A person engaging in personalization may also see themselves as the cause of some unhealthy external event that they were not responsible for. If we feel externally controlled, we see ourselves as helpless a victim of fate. Is it because of something I did?
We hold other people responsible for our pain, or take the other track and blame ourselves for every problem. We have a list of ironclad rules about how others and we should behave. People who break the rules make us angry, and we feel guilty when we violate these rules. The emotional consequence is guilt.
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When a person directs should statements toward others, they often feel anger, frustration and resentment. We believe that what we feel must be true automatically. If we feel stupid and boring, then we must be stupid and boring. We expect that other people will change to suit us if we just pressure or cajole them enough. We need to change people because our hopes for happiness seem to depend entirely on them. We generalize one or two qualities into a negative global judgment. We are continually on trial to prove that our opinions and actions are correct.
Being wrong is unthinkable and we will go to any length to demonstrate our rightness. We expect our sacrifice and self-denial to pay off, as if someone is keeping score. Translation - German 15 Weitverbreitete kognitive Verzerrungen Was ist eine kognitive Verzerrung und warum sind so viele Menschen davon betroffen? Zum Beispiel, wenn wir uns selber sagen: Kognitive Verzerrungen sind Mittelpunkt diverser Psychotherapien, inklusive der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie.
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In dieser versucht der Therapeut uns neue Verhaltensmuster beizubringen. Durch das kontinuierliche Widerlegen der negativen Gedanken verringern sich diese automatisch und werden durch rationales und ausgewogenes Denken ersetzt. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist, wenn vorab erwartet wird, dass das Ergebnis negativ ist. Auch wenn im Voraus davon ausgegangen wird, dass diese Vorhersage ein unabwendbarer Fakt ist. Katastrophendenken Wir erwarten das die Katastrophe in jedem Fall eintritt.
Was passiert, wenn das Desaster eintritt? Was passiert dann mit mir? Zum Beispiel, wenn wir die Bedeutung von unwichtigen Vorkommnissen, wie die Fehler die man selber gemacht hat oder die Leistung von anderen Menschen, aufgebauscht werden. Ein weiteres Beispiel ist, wenn Vorkommnisse die relevant sind, unangemessener Weise, bis zur Bedeutungslosigkeit kleiner gemacht werden. Personalisierung Personalisierung ist eine Verzerrung in der wir glauben, dass alles was andere machen oder sagen, in irgendeiner Weise in direktem Bezug zur eigenen Person steht.
Wir vergleichen uns direkt zu anderen und versuchen festzustellen, wer zum Beispiel schlauer ist oder besser aussieht. Ist es etwas das ich gemacht habe? Dinge werden nicht immer so laufen wie wir es erwarten, selbst wenn man dies glaubt. Wir glauben vielleicht das wir uns mit diesem Verhalten selber motivieren, es dient aber nur dazu sich selber zu kasteien.
Ich sollte nicht so faul sein. Anstatt einen Fehler Kontext-spezifisch auf die Gesamtsituation anzuwenden, wird dieser mit Hilfe einer ungesunden Bezeichnung auf die eigene Person bezogen. Falsches Bezeichnen beschreibt einen Vorfall wo die Sprache farbenfroh oder emotional geladen ist.
Immer recht Haben Wir sind permanent vor Gericht um zu beweisen das unsere Meinung und Handlungen gerechtfertigt sind. Wir verbittern, wenn die Belohnung ausbleibt. Psychology Source text - English Wakefield, J. The concept of mental disorder: World Psychiatry, 6 3 , — Introduction The concept of mental disorder is at the foundation of psychiatry as a medical discipline, at the heart of scholarly and public disputes about which mental conditions should be classified as pathological and which as normal suffering or problems of living, and has ramifications for psychiatric diagnosis, research, and policy.
Although both normal and disordered conditions may warrant treatment, and although psychiatry arguably has other functions beyond the treatment of disorder, still there exists widespread concern that spurious attributions of disorder may be biasing prognosis and treatment selection, creating stigma, and even interfering with normal healing processes. However, no consensus exists on the meaning of "mental disorder".
The upcoming revisions of the DSM-IV and ICD offer an opportunity to confront these conceptual issues and improve the validity of psychiatric diagnosis. I approach this problem via a conceptual analysis that asks: The credibility and even the coherence of psychiatry as a medical discipline depends on there being a persuasive answer to this question. The answer requires an account of the concept of disorder that generally guides such judgments.
Among existing analyses of "mental disorder", a basic division is between value and scientific approaches. As Kendell put it: I have proposed a hybrid account, the "harmful dysfunction" HD analysis of the concept of mental disorder In modern science, "dysfunction" is ultimately anchored in evolutionary biology and refers to failure of an internal mechanism to perform one of its naturally selected functions.
Translation - German Wakefield, J. In den Worten von Kendell: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology Source text - English Imagine if the media covered alcohol like other drugs What if the media covered alcohol like it does other drugs? This was a question that came up in my coverage of flakka, a synthetic drug that made headlines after law enforcement blamed it for people running in the streets naked in delusional paranoia.
What follows is a satirical attempt at capturing that same type of alarmist reporting, but for a substance that really causes widespread and severe problems. The widespread use of a substance called "alcohol" - also known as "booze" - has been linked to erratic and even dangerous behavior, ranging from college students running naked down public streets to brutal attacks and robberies. Federal officials suggest this drug has already been linked to 88, deaths each year across the country, including traffic accidents caused by drug-induced impairment, liver damage caused by excessive consumption, and violent behavior.
Experts warn that it can also lead to nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, cognitive deficits among children and teens, and even fetal defects in pregnant women. Excessive consumption of alcohol "is a leading cause of preventable deaths in the US," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention principal deputy director Ileana Arias said in a statement.
Some collapsed on the ground, dazed from alcohol's effects. Others could be seen vomiting in public - a common result of drinking alcohol. Many could be seen limping and clumsily walking down the street, showcasing the type of impairment that public health officials warn can lead to accidents, especially when someone is behind the wheel of a car.
What's worse, public use of this drug has become widely accepted in some circles. In New Orleans, several men and women in their 20s and 30s shouted that they're going to get "wasted" - a slang term for coming under the effects of alcohol. Some have even turned drinking alcohol into a game that involves ping pong balls and cups.
One popular holiday, St. Patrick's Day, appears to celebrate the dangerous drug. In other places, there have been similar reports of individuals engaging in bizarre, inexplicable behavior while under the effects of alcohol. Some reports found intoxicated college students exposing themselves to others or running the streets naked while shouting hysterically, particularly during spring time. Others report people urinating in public streets after a few alcoholic beverages.
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They can't control their actions. It's just a dangerous, dangerous drug. According to federal data, alcohol is already the second deadliest drug in the country - topped only by another legal substance called "tobacco," which causes an astonishing , deaths each year by some estimates and , by others.
No other drug comes close to the staggering fatalities of these two. Heroin, which has consumed widespread media attention in the past few years, was linked to fewer than 9, deaths in , and marijuana - another drug that federal lawmakers, including President Obama, have warned is dangerous - reportedly caused zero overdose deaths in the past few thousand years. Public health experts demand action Despite the heightened public health crisis, federal and state officials seem reluctant to do anything about the drug, which remains legal for adults 21 and older to possess and even sell in most of the US.
Policymakers say that banning alcohol is out of the question, citing its importance to the economy and American culture. Drug policy experts have suggested levying higher taxes on the drug or bringing its sales under state control, pointing to numerous studies that have shown these measures would reduce use.
But lawmakers at the state and federal levels seem reluctant to take up even these milder measures, likely under the influence and lobbying of drug producers and dealers profiting from hundreds of billions in sales of alcohol each year. Perhaps as a result, alcohol producers have felt free to advertise their product during major televised events such as the Super Bowl, which is viewed by millions of children each year. The marketing ploys tend to portray alcohol as cool and fun, seldom mentioning the risks and thousands of deaths linked to the drug.
As policymakers stand idly by, alcohol consumption has reached epidemic proportions. A recent Gallup survey found nearly two-thirds of Americans admitted to using alcohol - even as another survey by Gallup found more than one in three Americans blame alcohol for family problems. For many public health officials, the startling numbers pose the question: What will it take to wake up the public and officials to this widening epidemic?
Bundesbeamte deutend an das die Droge Landesweit mit Besonders, wenn jemand in diesem Zustand sein Fahrzeug bewegt. Ein umgangssprachlicher Begriff der Bezeichnet wie man sich unter die Wirkung von Alkohol begibt. Ein Bekannter Feiertag, St. Mindestens ein Mann der Alkohol konsumierte, wurde bei dem Versuch ein Krokodil zu reiten, von dem sich wehrenden Tier schwer verletzt. Gesundheitsexperten verlangen das gehandelt wird. Verletzt das Verbot von psychedelischen Drogen die Menschenrechte?
The prohibition of MDMA and hallucinogenic mushrooms restricts "cognitive liberty," according to some activists. By the time drug-policy lawyer Charlotte Walsh took to the stage on the final day of the recent Horizons Psychedelic Conference, we had already heard several persuasive talks on the benefits of psychedelic substances. I had met Ross two years prior, while covering his psychedelic research. The stakes were high. But the risk was worth it: The researchers were able to critically reduce end-of-life anxiety in the vast majority of their patients with targeted therapy aided by a single dose of psilocybin.
This recent law automatically renders illegal all substances capable of altering emotions or mental functioning unless specifically exempted. According to Charlotte Walsh of the anti-prohibitionist Ayahuasca Defense Fund, that kind of blanket drug prohibition is a violation of international human-rights law. Walsh sees parallels between the drug war and the legal battles for racial equality, as well as gay and reproductive rights.
She and her colleagues across Europe and North America hope to use the U. Bill of Rights and the European Charter on Human Rights to build a cognitive-liberty-based case against drug prohibition. I spoke with Walsh recently about her current efforts and the prospects for success at home and abroad. What would a human-rights-based drug defense look like? Generally, when people are prosecuted for psychedelic use, the defense focuses on technicalities rather than challenging the prohibitive framework itself. Rights-based defenses have historically been either pleas for therapeutic or religious exemptions from prohibition.
What is the legal basis for drug prohibition? Within the parameters of the U. Misuse of Drugs Act [equivalent to the U. Controlled Substances Act] the issue is ostensibly based around the idea of harm. We have an Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, which is a group of scientists in different realms that the government consults when a drug is going to be scheduled or reclassified. The council then carries out a wholesale review of the substance and makes a recommendation for or against prohibition or reclassification.
There has been a trend though where the government will ask the Advisory Council to carry out such a review and then just completely ignore their results and do what they want to do. What results have they been ignoring? There was an extensive U. That study showed that alcohol is the overall forerunner in terms of harm, and tobacco comes close after that.
A lot of the Class A drugs [equivalent to Schedule I in the US] and psychedelic drugs in particular were at the opposite end of that scale showing very low risk of harm. Did the government refute the study or did they ignore it? They basically ignored it. In relation to the alcohol and tobacco findings, obviously nobody has called for their prohibition. An alcohol user can alter their consciousness freely despite the proven risks while a psychedelic user faces heavy punishment.
Is that an admission that the harm-based justification for prohibition no longer applies? Basically, and it goes beyond that. We have a recently elected Conservative government in the U.
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Any substance that alters your emotional state or mental functioning. It openly states that we [the government] think we have the right to stop you from altering your psychological state. I assume there are exemptions for alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. Yes, for culturally accepted substances. This legislation is potentially so broad that prior to its enactment the government felt compelled to write to bishops to reassure them that the incense used in church services would not become illegal, despite its being mildly psychoactive.
What does that kind of blanket ban indicate to you in terms of legislative intent? The tradition in English law was always to intervene as little as possible. That concept has been dying in more recent years. This violates classic liberalism, where you have the concept of limitations of power, as most famously espoused by legal theorist John Stuart Mill. How much power can the state legitimately hold over the individual? Mill laid down the principle as prevention of harm to others.
Paternalism in terms of protecting people from themselves? Even if you could make a case for that kind of paternalism, how can imprisonment possibly be for our own good?

In the majority of cases, the primary and often only harm being suffered by the individual is due to the punishment imposed rather than from the substance use itself. How do you intend to build a human-rights case against drug prohibition? There are different ways in which you can approach it. Article 8 [in the European Convention on Human Rights] guarantees the right to privacy. In Mexico, there was a Supreme Court ruling that for individuals to grow and use cannabis was a human right connected to the right to privacy. Here in the U. I think that is a really promising development.