Tyrannei der Mehrheit: Tocqueville und Rousseau im Streit (German Edition)
In social and moral philosopher and pioneer in political economic theory Smith presented his book: Republican Party covering the looting military-industrial complex. Capturing both politics and the market to keep common people in eternal subjection Susan Sontag: An always patriarchal and anti-women commitment to obedience.
Testing Theories of American Politics: Violence expert and psychiatrist James Gilligan, M. To his own surprise he discovered that the Republican periods had consistently added to poverty and violence in the United States whereas the periods ruled by Democratic president consistently lowered the unemployment and homicide rates. The Greek philosopher Plato [LoC ] reported on his dialogue with his colleague Socrates [LoC ] naming five constitutions in the order he thinks they will deteriorate:. Socrates saw democracy consisting of three social classes:. Around four fifths of humanity are unable to live by the standard of integrity.
Empathy is expressed via two channels:. Dutch Primatologist Frans de Waal, Ph. He and his colleague Sarah Brosnan tested the sense of altruism and morality with chimpanzees apes , dogs and birds, and elephants. Note on the mirror self-recognition: Next to humans do great apes, dogs, elephants, European magpies birds , individual owls, bottlenose dolphins, orcas, have the ability to recognize themselves in the mirror.
When two capuchin monkeys — coopeative by nature and considered as the most intelligent New World monkeys — each received a cucumber treat, they performed the requested task in the lab many times in a row. If one of them was rewarded with higher valued grapes and the other one merely with cucumber — the latter felt cheated and soon started to protest by either refusing to further comply or to eat the cucumber. Monkeys will accept and eat a piece of cucumber whenever they receive it, but not when they witness their partner getting a better deal.
This reaction known as "inequity aversion" refutes the theory of profit-maximizing under all circumstances made by economy theorists who claim that greedy humans would invariably take whatever they can get. According to De Waal, human nature is the result of "tamed contradictions. Edwards Deming and statistician Walter A. Shewhart along with other colleagues have noted that. Civilizations progress through sequential evolutionary cycles lasting roundabout years.
Inherently weak democracies will last for years on average. Weitgehend entnommen aus Truth vs. Benefit of an oligarchical council of independent versed wise statesmen and stateswomen. Drei Schwerpunkte einer Weltdemokratie, einer "utopischen Utopie", eines "universalen Universalismus" S. Intelligent examination of power: Political orientations left-right voting arise from three clusters of measurable personality traits i. British Virgin Islands 4. Featuring on Obama's presidential run in Calling for the impeachment of US president George W. The "warmongering" US government, congress, and mass media stand for mis-information.
It is more interesting and complex than was once believed. Video presentation by Paul Whalen, Ph. April , YouTube film, June An underdeveloped anterior cingulate cortex in the brain of an ADHD patient results in poor emotional regulation of conflictuous social interaction. May , YouTube film, minute May , posted by LftUP How to Tell the Difference , chapter 10 "America", S.
August — Let go of wanting to change other people , YouTube film, minute Hawkins — War and spirituality 7. Englische Texte — English section on Politics 8. Audio- und Videomedien engl. Aristokratie , Timokratie , Oligarchie , Demokratie und Tyrannei. Der griechische Philosoph Sokrates benannte drei gesellschaftliche Klassen innerhalb einer Demokratie: September Siehe auch: Konservative sind in dichtere, verbindlichere Strukturen eingebunden.
- SpiritualWiki - Politik;
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- The Third Try;
- Heart Of The Mirage: Book One of The Mirage Makers?
- John Zube, On Liberty : A ().
Norwegen 9,80 10,00 9,64 10,00 9,38 10,00 2. Island 9,65 10,00 9,64 8,89 10,00 9,71 3. Schweden 9,50 9,58 9,64 8,89 9,38 10,00 5. Neuseeland 9,26 10,00 9,29 8,89 8,13 10,00 6. Australien 9,22 10,00 8,93 7,78 9,38 10,00 7. Schweiz 9,09 9,58 9,29 7,78 9,38 9,41 8. Kanada 9,08 9,58 9,29 7,78 8,75 10,00 9. Finnland 9,06 10,00 9,64 7,22 8,75 9,71 Niederlande 8,99 9,58 8,93 8,89 8,13 9,41 Luxemburg 8,88 10,00 9,29 6,67 8,75 9,71 Irland 8,56 9,58 7,86 7,22 8,75 10,00 Deutschland 8,34 9,58 8,21 6,67 8,13 9,12 Malta 8,28 9,17 8,21 5,56 8,75 9,71 Tschechien 8,19 9,58 7,14 6,67 8,13 9,41 Uruguay 8,17 10,00 8,93 4,44 7,50 10,00 Vereinigte Staaten 8,11 9,17 7,50 7,22 8,13 8,53 Costa Rica 8,10 9,58 8,21 6,11 6,88 9,71 See also: Truth , January How to Tell the Difference , S.
Oktober Wir erstreben ein orientalisches Europa mit einer eurasisch-negroiden Mischrasse der Zukunft. Es ist normal; wir haben ihr Land genommen. Es ist wahr, dass es uns von Gott versprochen wurde, aber wie sollte sie das interessieren? Unser Gott ist nicht ihr Gott. Sie sehen nur eine Sache: Wir kamen und haben ihr Land gestohlen. Warum sollten sie das akzeptieren? Ich glaube aber, dass demokratische Entwicklung eine ganz entscheidende Option und Notwendigkeit ist.
Und es wird auch so bleiben. Juni Wir in Deutschland sind seit dem 8. Gibt er es auf, hoert er auf ein Mensch zu sein. Stanley Baldwin britischer konservativer Politiker, Richard M. Langworth , Herausgeber, Churchill by Himself , S. Wenn man nun die Geschichte dieser drei Faktoren: Es gibt also in den letzten Jahren ein Ansteigen der Kosten bis zum Erreichen von [ Kommt das System an die Spitze, beginnt das System zu 'schwingen' und es entstehen enorme Verschiebungen.
Dies ist eine 'chaotische' Situation und dort befinden wir uns gerade. Personal avowals When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always. Tas de Pierres , A. If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done.
You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done and have every right to complain about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with. They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
Victor Hugo [Work LoC ] French statesman, human rights activist, exponent of the Romantic movement in France, visual artist, playwright, poet, essayist, novelist, opening address, Peace Congress, Paris, August ; cited in: Avant l'exil , The greater the institution, the greater the chances of abuse.
Democracy is a great institution and therefore it is liable to be greatly abused. The remedy therefore is not avoidance of democracy, but reduction of the possibility of abuse, to a minimum. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC ] Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, presented by the Indian newspaper Young India , 7. It requires change of heart. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC ] Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, presented by the Indian newspaper Young India , 1.
Margaret Mead 's quote below A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. Mankind works out these difficulties under the stress of the spirit within it by throwing out a constant variation of types, types of character and temperament, types of practical activity, aesthetic creation, polity, society, ethical order, intellectual system, which vary from the pure to the mixed, from the simple harmony to the complex; each and all of these are so many experiments of individual and collective self-formation in the light of a progressive and increasing knowledge.
That knowledge is governed by a number of conflicting ideas and ideals around which these experiments group themselves: Each type has to be broken in turn to yield place to new types and each combination has to give way to the possibility of a new combination. Through it all there is growing an accumulating stock of self-experience and self-actualisation of which the ordinary man accepts some current formulation conventionally as if it were an absolute law and truth, — often enough he even thinks it to be that, — but which the more developed human being seeks always either to break or to enlarge and make more profound or subtle in order to increase or make room for an increase of human capacity, perfectibility, happiness.
It will not remove the pain of torture inflicted on a prisoner of conscience. It does not comfort those who have lost their loved ones in floods caused by senseless deforestation in a neighboring country. Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free.
Martin Buber [LoC ] Austrian-born Jewish religious researcher and philosopher, cited in: No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labour. Long before the era of Albertus Magnus and St. Thomas Aquinas , Venice had established itself as the chief center for the translation and teaching of Aristotle's works.
All that Aristotle is capable of doing is providing a delphic description of what the external attributes of morality might look like. To the authority of Aristotle, Petrarch counterposed the Platonism of the New Testament, saying that Christ, not Aristotle, was for him the decisive guide. Venice's War Against Western Civilization. In one of the variables Buddha [LoC ] was a staunch republican and in another variable he was a staunch democrat.
That was a social revolution. You don't go f.. They worship money and power. This is indeed exceptional. No other country in all of history comes anywhere close to such a record. But it certainly makes it very difficult to believe that America means well. To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together.
Literary quotes, song lyrics Democracy don't rule the world, You'd better get that in your head; This world is ruled by violence , But I guess that's better left unsaid. The strong do as they wish, and the weak suffer as they must. Citizens United Corporations are granted the rights of persons under the law, with rights far beyond those of human beings; directors are legally obligated to pursue only material self-interest, and to act in ways that would be regarded as pathological by real persons; limited liability allows corporations to commit serious crimes while the shareholder remain largely immune; in truth, corporations are state-created private tyrannies, unaccountable private concentrations of power.
Iran, Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, a long list of others. The task of PR is to create uninformed consumers who will make irrational choices , thus undermining markets as they are conceptualized in economic theory, but benefiting the masters of the economy; it also undermines democracy by creating uninformed voters who make irrational choices between the two factions of the business party. This relatively short period has arguably seen the greatest number of massacres in human history. Most of them were performed in the name of lofty slogans such as freedom and democracy.
A handful of European nations and those governed mainly by citizens of European descent have been advancing Western interests — the interests of the people who "matter" — against those of the great majority of humanity. The slaughter of millions has been accepted and seen as inevitable and even justifiable. And the great majority of the Western public appears to be frighteningly badly informed. Such global arrangements are rarely challenged in the West, and even in the conquered world it is often accepted without any opposition. Has the world gone mad? This is why rooting out rankism is difficult.
We learn ; we evolve ; we change. We will overcome rankism […] because dignitarian workplaces, schools, and societies are more productive and creative, more powerful and successful than are rankist workplaces, schools, and societies. Interview with Robert W. Some Scandinavian societies seem to be moving in that direction. People can still hold unequal ranks, but in those ranks, dignity is equal from top to bottom. At a minimum, this means that regardless of rank, everyone is paid a living wage, has access to good health care and education.
It is very hard for people who have grown up with libertarian values to get this distinction, but getting it is the next step for democracy. Dignitarian governance — be it academic, corporate, or civic — rests on precisely that distinction. Rankism, not rank, is the source of indignity, so by barring rankism, dignity is secured.
Though many subspecies of rankism — corruption, cronyism, favoritism, predatory lending, insider trading — are unlawful, these laws are nowhere consistently enforced. Dignitarian governance offers an alternative to traditional democracy by providing accountability through layers of governing bodies comprised of a fine-tuned mix of professionals and representatives chosen by those who have a stake in the decisions of those bodies. Democratic governance took time to develop, and so will dignitarian governance. But we must try because the only way to create and maintain the global harmony that will protect us from self-destruction is to create forms of self-governance that ensure dignity for everyone.
Building on the work of cultural anthropologist Richard Shweder , the results of a survey via a questionnaire completed by March , reprint edition Conservative, religious people are happier. Conservatives participate in denser, more binding structures. The results of his brain study were published in the scientific journal Current Biology , issue 21 8 , S. Conservative authoritarian personalities tend to block distracting information i. Mental and physical activities meditation , unfocussing, focussing, intense cognitive work , exercise that increase frontal brain activity decrease stress.
Continued stress shrinks the size of the frontal lobe. Pollak, department of psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Structural variations in prefrontal cortex mediate the relationship between early childhood stress and spatial working memory , presented by the weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience , issue 32 23 , S.
June Audio interview: November Video source: Belief in an enduring moral order made for man — Moral truths are permanent. Society requires honest and able leadership ;. The political process of the two party system in the U. Systemic trend Homicide rate in U. August Two U. For such people, and they are the rule among the violent, even a minor sign of real or imagined disrespect can trigger a homicidal reaction.
The Greek philosopher Plato [LoC ] reported on his dialogue with his colleague Socrates [LoC ] naming five constitutions in the order he thinks they will deteriorate: The truth being that the excessive increase of anything often causes a reaction in the opposite direction; and this is the case not only in the seasons and in vegetable and animal life, but above all in forms of government. Yes, the natural order. And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty?
Socrates saw democracy consisting of three social classes: Drones the unemployed leaders , immensely rich people Rich people well-to-do middle class Working class below and above The drones leaders steal from the rich, keep large amounts of valuables to themselves and distribute the rest to the poor. The rich cannot defend themselves as they would be accused of disloyalty to the state. The masses when kept by false moral beliefs and improper education choose a leader thereby opening an opportunity for tyranny.
Stage 1 Below Deficiency Relationship Personal Mastery External equilibrium Equality Gender , racial, and income equality are the key to building trust. Stage 1 Below Deficiency Self-esteem Personal Mastery Balancing outer power Accountability Practice of "responsible freedom" Personal responsibility of leaders is eminent. Two party politics is a stifling blame game.
Relativistic personalistic pluralistic multiplistic-complex communitarian egalitarian Green meme 5. Leaders disclose themselves and their motivations to the public, encouraging a participatory multilog among all stakeholders. Integral sensing Teal meme 6. Stage 3 Above Growth External cohesion Making a difference Field flow Internal equilibrium Transparency Documented operation availed to public scrutiny Integral sensing Teal meme 7.
Nicholoas Beecroft , British consultant psychiatrist, YouTube film, 1: Leaders need to walk the talk, live authentically. Re-elections voted out the existing government. A few months later government changed. May — France had the highest percentage of cultural entropy of all 15 assessed nations.
People are leaving France. The most severe issue of conflict is the growing social inequality gap. November , Toronto, YouTube film, Building a Visionary Organization , Butterworth-Heinemann, 1st edition 5. Three mantras displayed See also: We want people operating out of higher level of consciousness.
But the incentive to resist both and insist e. Age is just getting old. Hayek, joking on his sickness at 75 years of age. If only a fraction of the extra earnings we could have e. If we started, suddenly, to age 20 years in 20 days, we would panic and call it the most dangerous disease and would be ready to spend fortunes upon specialists to cure us.
As long as we consider wars and diseases, aging and death as inevitable they will remain inevitable. It is as natural to die as to be born.
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Rain being natural, should we use no umbrellas or raincoats or other shelters to stay out of it? Food not naturally growing in our mouths, should we make no effort to obtain it? In all too many ways man is his own worst enemy. Thus let individuals at least sort themselves out, voluntarily, so that the somewhat enlightened can do their somewhat advanced things for themselves, while the fools can happily continue to do their foolish things to themselves only.
The combined resources of the pro-life extension people have still to be organized - and liberated from the legal restrictions of the others. It is not life that is absurd, but senility or death. It should be the function of medicine to have people die young as late as possible. Just imagine all the anti-aging, longevity, life-extension, immortality and health fans in the world becoming busy also with alphabetising and numbering their references on their PCs, swapping their compilations of these references and combining and integrating them.
Every year of such a Private Manhattan Project Against Aging might come to add a year or two to our lives - and thus they might already become extended indefinitely, provided only we made good use of this extra information. Information that remains dispersed over thousands of references and heads cannot do much good to any individual. Seeing how many anarchists and libertarians, not to speak of the general public, are still unaware of many anarchist and libertarian answers, even after hundreds of years of writing, reading and publishing efforts, I would not be surprised if much or most of the information required for significant life extension is already in existence somewhere and needs only to be dug up, combined and applied.
If not, such combined efforts could soon produce it. If only we could make it as joyful as the sexual extension, of half of our characteristics, can be through our descendants. Actually, in this way we cannot even be certain to pass on half of us, since we do not know which batch of genetic material, that we do carry, will become realized in our children. Accepting death as natural amounts to accepting the greatest tyranny of all as natural.
And the grave is not its goal. Longfellow, A Psalm of Life, Why not extend that ability to the utmost? It is less important to extend life in length than in depth. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought, p. Life, if well used, is long enough. De brevitate vitae , II, And how far could he have proceeded under the circumstances with self-enlightenment and the enlightenment of others?
Life must have been very frustrating to him, although he was a member of the upper class, as it is to many genuine intellectuals even today. Under such circumstances life is often not successful and joyful enough to wish its extension. Love your work and work on your love: Hans Selye, named several famous men, who lived to a ripe old age, and added this comment: Selye referred found occupations in harmony with their uniqueness. A labor of love! Long days and even nights! Years ago, FEE had a personal - not a governmental - garbage collector. Read, I love my work.
Read, How Do We Know? Man always dies before he is fully born. But there are enemies in the spheres of ignorance, indifference, prejudice, folly and myths. Some are loaded with them and some only touched by a few. Let us be free to congregate with the wise and separate our affairs from those of the fools. Man has two and a half minutes on earth - one to laugh, one to sigh, and half a minute to love: Nature abhors the old, and old age seems the only disease; all others run into this one. Emerson, The Transcendentalist, Old age is an infectious chronic disease, characterised by the degeneration or enfeebling of the noble elements and by the excessive activity of the phagocytes.
Old age is itself a disease. How long would our average life span be then, by now? On death and immortality: Albert Rosenfeld said, it takes a committee to decide. Medical advances continually change our definition of death and of who can be revived. One of the greatest personal liberties would be a greatly extended life-span. Some bookshops have started to compile such sections. My own small collection comes only to about 1. How large would a comprehensive library on this subject be?
Many geriatrics periodicals have been microfilmed. But they seem to try only a titbit mitigation of symptoms. One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And Death shall be no more: Death, thou shalt die! Some people want to achieve immortality through their works or descendants. I prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. The Aids epidemic can teach us at least one thing: Since there are viruses that can weaken our immune systems, and since, according to some, these have initially been artificially constructed and spread, it must at least be considered to be theoretically possible to find or construct viruses that would strengthen it - ultimately perhaps even achieving full self-repair capabilities for our bodies.
Has such research taken place as yet? What results were achieved so far, if any? The sponsors and their children and grand-children should get first claims on any such discoveries and treatments. The long habit of living indisposeth us for dying. The longest life and the shortest amount to the same. For the present is of equal duration for all, and what we lose is not ours. Some people deceive themselves even about life and death. To what kind of person would that make no difference at all? In the atom of a moment, so to speak, we could not experience or think or do anything at all.
All good things take time, many thoughts and experiences and efforts - and can we ever have too many of them? Robert Heinlein posed that question in some of his later novels and answered in the negative. Neither a fetus nor a baby, killed all too early, can be said to have lived a full life, comparable to one who died at or managed to live on from there, rejuvenated, indefinitely.
Is there never an end to self-destructive rationalisations and self-deceptions? The worst and so far incurable disease. As usual, they made a mess of things. To contemplate human life for forty years is the same as contemplating it for ten thousand. In ten thousand, what more will your see?
Thus in our reading we would not be hit again and again with the same old errors. Adding such corrections and comments from databanks and encyclopaedias and handbooks could by now be largely automated, too. In a limited sphere and to a limited extent the Talmud accumulated the wisdom of one people over a long period. Imagine accumulating the wisdom of all peoples, in a new age of encyclopaedic enlightenment efforts. It seems somewhat absurd to merely reproduce the old writings over and over again without comprehensive comments and corrections and supplements. On printed paper this would tend to be prohibitively expensive in most cases.
But fiche and disks are at your disposal. And they can be automatically integrated. To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals. We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. Pro-freedom radicals ought to strive radically for liberties in all directions, not taking any existing conditions as natural and unchangeable forever.
We live and die, but which is best you know no more than I. We have taken too few precautions to prevent people, who have already enlightened themselves in some respects, from remaining fools in all too many others - that are important for every human being. Any step possible in this direction, for any individual, now, should be taken. Were it offered to my choice, I should have no objection to a repetition of the same life from its beginning, only asking the advantages authors have in a second edition to correct some faults of the first.
What keeps eyebrows un-greyed and full for much longer than the other head hair? If research were done into this, some significant insights might be gained. Who deserves to be perpetuated, made immortal? Your predator is close behind you and will infallibly be your death. But in terms of long range planning, I never did expect to get out of this Universe alive. Immortality and other universes to experience.
Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle! Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either rods or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. So let them opt out and stop worrying about them. Experimental freedom ought to be finally introduced in the last spheres where it is still suppressed, that of political, economic and social systems.
Progress will be much more rapid, less difficult and costly once this fundamental change is introduced. One can get so easily led astray by uncritical generalisations. Read, Let Freedom Reign , p. Should we ignore that experience or extend consumer sovereignty and free enterprise, contractarianism, associationism and experimentation into spheres so far territorially monopolized by governments?
Agreement on what not to do - not on what to do. General agreement on how to leave each other alone. Then specific agreements on voluntary cooperation. By the very definition of rights and liberties, no one would be obliged to make full use of all of them himself or herself — but in others they ought to be respected, to the extent that they are claimed. Agreements bought with threats is no agreement.
An agreement will break a custom. Freedom and tolerance and justice are necessary, agreement is not. It must be based on full autonomy and this can be achieved, for individuals and minority groups, only on the basis of exterritorial autonomy for volunteers. The individual who changed his mind from day today, could join a different panarchy from day to day.
But I suppose for such people the entrance and registration fee would have to be raised. In any case, a strong social demand for compliance with the moral standards of the group would be probably, and these standards - basically mutual aid - would be regarded as essentially good and, consequently, untouchable. Descallar, in Holterman, Law in Anarchism, Wayne Batteau pointed out these two factors: In total agreement, the probability of learning is zero.
In total disagreement, the probability of effective cooperation is zero. We do not have to agree on anything except on being mutually tolerant. If we were directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we would soon want for bread. A farmer can stand on his own feet - if the government lets him. Agricultural subsidies and price supports are supposed to help the farmer; what happens is that they stimulate increased production, which drives farm prices down.
Demattais, What Is Libertarianism? Agriculture gets worse and worse as it has more and more official assistance. Agriculture is generally self-regulating and needs no more than the hard work of farmers. But when government tries to interfere, the result is complete confusion. Expenses increase all around, the normal pattern of farming is overthrown, many people go bankrupt and give up altogether. I hold that monetary despotism brings about conditions in which desperate people resort to such and other desperate measures.
Allow primary producers to pay with tokens upon their produce, in standardised and typified form which are subject to voluntary acceptance and market rating and free to use a self-chosen sound value standard and thus to appear, directly or indirectly, as buyers first, upon the national and international markets, thus achieving, to the extent that their payment offers are accepted, automatic sales of their produce and minerals and meat.
In other words, we have gone and are going down that road to an abyss ourselves. Protectionism, Price maintenance schemes, subsidies, board management of whole industries and monetary despotism have had their inevitable effects. Hall of Missouri recently. It was not greedy agribusiness with high-tech machinery that turned most of the once Fertile Crescent in the Near East into desert, it was peasants with wooden plows and organic goats.
Such wars occurred again and again, over centuries, if not thousands of years. I suspect that aboriginal hunting methods, in which they used fire extensively, for so long that some of the surviving trees now need fire to have their seeds germinate, has contributed to make much of Australia dry and infertile. The most thoroughly rural countries exhibit the most unproductive agriculture. Socialist misuse of capital is in sharp contrast to its efficient use under free enterprise.
Russia was the leading exporter of food before the revolution, but today cannot feed herself. But the Soviet farmer remains only one-tenth as productive as the American farmer, due to lack of proper incentives. The cultivation of legislators to raise subsidies; pillage in the name of tillage. The European Community Agricultural Policy: First too much is produced, then and with our tax monies, it is destroyed again. There is no force more likely to produce mass starvation among the peasants of the world than the prejudice of Third World leaders against private capital formation.
On the other hand, in the United States we need have no fear whatsoever of famine at the present time. By historical and Third World standards, hunger and poverty have practically been eliminated. The fluid which has made this possible is private capital. By increasing agricultural output and by shifting to more cereals and less meat in the national diet, the country can feed 10, or 20, or even more times its present population The ultimate food productive capacity is so far above the present level that there is nothing to be gained from trying to estimate just how large it is.
In the long run men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high.
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Let us not be afraid to aim high; if our aims are not high our achievements certainly will not be. One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low. One might aim at immortality but cannot jump to it. One can only try to take small steps towards life-extension. And we are still far from having reached sufficient agreement on these - JZ, Otherwise you might fall flat on your nose. Aim at the sun, and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher than if aimed at an object on a level with yourself. Read, Having My Way, p. And the goals of the millions are as varied as their number - no two alike.
This is the way it should be, each with eyes on his or her aspirations, not on your or my satisfactions. Let people be as free in their aim to pursue their own liberty, in all spheres, as they are with choosing the contents of their shopping cart in a well stocked and competitive super-market. The contents are almost always very different. If they are e. No monopoly, no forced consumption, no compulsory payment of the bills of others, no enforced equality. Consumer sovereignty for all in all spheres, combined with competitive free enterprise and associationism in all spheres.
Pick and choose your own aims and try to reach them with your own energy, time and means, together with like-minded volunteers. No one has the right to hinder you in that - as long as you leave others alone to peacefully pursue their own aims and happiness. We need neither sky pilots nor secular pilots to lay down our aims and the law for us. There are no national purposes but only those of individuals and like-minded groups of volunteers. We agree on the aims with all decent people. I hold that what is resisted is not our fight but our tactics.
Thus the only common aim should be an agreement upon: To each his own aim and his own method, system or organization, i. To each the government or free society of his or her dreams. And the prerequisites are few and simple: The President of the United States ordered a vast and hastily assembled task force to steam at top speed for China. It consisted of ten aircraft carriers, twenty nuclear-powered submarines, and thirty supertankers. They dropped five thousand tons of oral contraceptives, five million fresh frozen ready-to-cook chickens, ten million packets of chewing gum, two thousand tons of sugar, one thousand tons of freeze-dried coffee, one hundred tons of cream, fifty tons of cosmetics and five tons of marijuana.
Sorry, but I failed to jot down the author and title. Bigger bombs and smaller results. Few bombings make any sense. The larger and the more indiscriminate they are, the less sense they make. In those mines were captured by the Germans, who worked them for the iron they needed. They worked them hard. They have admitted since that without the iron they mined at Briey they would have been finished in Yes, they worked Briey. I, who was at Verdun, can tell you that. Night after night we watched the glare in the sky from the blast furnaces of Briey a few kilometers away; the blast furnaces that were feeding the German guns.
Our artillery and our bombing aeroplanes could have blown those furnaces to pieces in a week. But our artillery remained silent; an airman who dropped one bomb on the Briey area was court-martialled. Because there were orders that Briey was not to be touched. The orders came from someone at the top. The Ministry of War said it was the generals. The generals said that it was the Ministry of War.
Probably, both were bribed. We were fighting for our lives, but our lives were less important than that the property of Monsier de Wendel should be preserved to make fat profits. No, it is not good for those who fight to know too much. Journey into Fear, p. Eric Ambler, complete and unabridged, 6 novels, p. Chocolate bombs and medicines for the civilians but bombs on the furnaces and ball-bearing industries! So that technological warfare becomes shortened. Germany issues a warning to Britain about some bombs that had fallen on a railroad line at the Heiligenhafen station in Schleswig — Holstein, far from any war zone.
It was April 12, The British Air Ministry denied the raid. The British hit, the Germans said, a civilian area. It was difficult, using dead reckoning and peering down at moonlit rivers and coastlines, for English fliers to know where they were going. They dropped their bombs in the dark, hoping they were where they thought they were. But for now, getting lost was not uncommon.
I very much doubt if we ever hit a specific target. Wells wrote a letter to Winston Churchill, enclosing a book and suggesting that England firebomb crops and forests in Germany. It was June 20, Churchill thanked him by telegram. Lord Boom Trenchard asked himself what should happen next. Relentless nightly bombing, heavier bombers, more bombers. The English could take it, he wrote in a long memo.
Drop more tonnage smack in the midst of Germany, where people live and where no bombs will go to waste: The staff of whole offices were signed up by their employers without being asked and did not dare to protest afterwards. But what would have happened to technological warfare of the Nazi regime if only its few furnaces and is few ball bearing industries had been attacked, by bombs, sabotage acts or commando raids?
But they were attacked only late in the war, after they were well covered and defended. All sided largely ignored them. When there was no moon or heavy flak, the miss rate was even higher. It caused soul-searching at the Air Ministry. Churchill began to doubt that bombing alone would win the war. But the bombing continued. Most Germans, alas, did not care much about other countries and cities being bombed by their governments.
Nor did they have any say in this matter. Goering had tried to assure them by saying: Shooting down bombers used against civilians appeared quite justified to them - quite rightly so. Was and is public opinion in most other countries much superior? Roosevelt sent out a two-paragraph letter to the governments of Germany, Poland, Italy, France, and England. It was September 1, I am therefore addressing this urgent appeal to every government which may be engaged in hostilities publicly to affirm its determination that its armed force shall in no event, and under no circumstances, undertake the bombardment from the air of civilian populations of unfortified cities, upon the understanding that these same rules of warfare will be scrupulously observed by all of their opponents.
It was September 2, It was under a totalitarian dictatorship! It was May 14, One of the German Generals, General Schmidt, believing that a capitulation was imminent, radioed the high command to call off the air attack. Others above him — probably Goering and probably Hitler himself — authorized it anyway. Oil from a margarine factory fed fierce fires Nine hundred died.
There was no enthusiasm for this war among civilians and soldiers. As a popular demagogic speaker, mass psychology was his thing. They believed to defend their homes. Even in democracies the people have no say on such matters. The Germans were under total censorship. Most people can take only so much of such treatment. One of the few of issues already digitized by me. In Switzerland, air traffic control is handled by Radio Suisse, an independent nonprofit corporation, and financed by user fees. Get yourself — and read this book! No pilot and aircraft licensing.
Insurers will have their own requirements. No outlawry of gyrocopters. No government-provided and run airports. No eminent domain and government planning to establish airports.
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No route or price regulation for airlines. A pilot or airline executive could probably list a few dozen unwarranted further restrictions. Airlines may be even more regulated than broadcasting is and the economy in general. Private, unregulated and unsubsidised airlines: Had the airline or railroad owners effected this rigged arrangement themselves, they would be prosecuted as criminals by the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department. But they are absolved of any guilt because, in these two instances, the cartels are of governmental construction. Read, The Coming Aristocracy, p.
A man may not be responsible for his last drink, but he certainly was for the first. I never thought that I would be quoting him! A morning Sun, and a Wine-bred child, and a Latin-bred woman seldom end well. But that gave him only an additional incentive to excel. After the war he became a director of a large concern, the West Berlin waterworks. In other words, he was one of the lucky ones, who were not too handicapped by such a father.
How many of the deadheads of today, in and out of office, are due to that cause? A torchlight procession marching down your throat. Alcohol attacks brain cells, even kills them in large numbers, while juice nourishes them. Alcohol consumption is an encouragement to write yourself off. Lustbader, Angel Eyes, Ballantine Books, , p. Alcohol dulls the mind game and produces emotional stupor. Alcohol is the opium of the people. Alcohol is the worst opiate of the people. But at least the second does not make people aggressive or dulls their minds immediately and too much.
Houseman, - All too often and extensively we think everything is harmless that does not immediately make us sick or kill us or that gives us some temporary pleasure or distraction or promises some other benefit. We are still more animals than rational animals. How many have so far embraced all rightful and sensible freedom and peace ideas wholeheartedly? At the first cup man drinks wine; at the second cup wine drinks wine; at the third cup wine drinks man. Sill, An Adage from the Orient. But unfortunately alcohol not only maketh glad the heart of man; it also, in excessive doses, causes illness and addiction, and has been a main source, for the last eight or ten-thousand years, of crime, domestic unhappiness, moral degradation and avoidable accidents.
Dignity - one thing that cannot be preserved in alcohol. Drink drains the brain. Yelds of Coveney St. Drink has drained more blood, hung more crepe, sold more houses, plunged more people into bankruptcy, armed more villains, slain more children, snapped more wedding rings, defiled more innocence, blinded more eyes, twisted more limbs, dethroned more reason, wrecked more manhood, dishonoured more womanhood, broken more hearts, blasted more lives, driven more to suicide, and dug more graves than any other poisoned scourge that ever swept its death-dealing waves around the world.
Drink is the curse of the working class. Goethe replied to this assertion, that he would be able to point out to him all the verses written under the influence — because they would be under the high standard of his verses when written while he was sober! I do not know how Schiller responded to that. Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness. Nihil aliud est ebrietatem quam voluntariam insaniam. Drunkenness is temporary suicide; the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a momentary cessation of unhappiness.
Drunkenness is the ruin of reason. It is premature old age. It is temporary death. Drunkenness, that worst of evils, makes some men fools, some beasts, some devils. First you take a drink. Then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you. Quoted Jules Feiffer, Ackroyd. For when the wine is in, the wit is out. That men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains. He that spills the rum, loses that only; he that drinks it, often loses both, that and himself.
Human culture is merely a thin film of lacquer that is easily dissolved in alcohol. I believe that if one has been blessed with a mind of unusual sharpness it is a heinous crime to use devices that merely fuddle it. I would appeal to Phillip, but to Philip sober. Philip allowed the appeal and when he recovered his senses, reversed the judgement. Otherwise, he might have had her killed on the spot. His son, Alexander the Great, killed even one of his best friends in a drunken rage. If a man has drunk one quart of wine, a quarter of his intelligence is gone. If he has drunk three quarts, then three quarters of his intelligence is gone, and his mind is so confused that he begins to say unseemly things.
But if he drinks a fourth quart, then all his intelligence goes, his mind becomes addled, and he can no longer talk, for his tongue has become paralysed. At least some permanent damages remain and accumulate even upon moderate consumption. If only one could make people imbibe wisdom like spirits. But opportunities for this seem so far rare and far in between. Most libertarians live e. The ideal reference works for self-education and the education of others are still amiss. There are too few opportunities for rap-sessions and brain-storming among like-minded people.
That at least has been changed through numerous web-site discussion groups. Fiched networking was never sufficiently developed, too. In other words, there are or ought to be many attractive alternatives to alcoholic drinks, perhaps even more than exist now in soft drinks, and many ways to achieve mental and physical highs without chemicals. Perhaps coffee and tea excepted. Then at least excess alcohol consumption would tend to go down. They gave me an upset stomach. Maybe it was a chemical, maybe just a psychosomatic reaction. It has passed into a proverb that wisdom is clouded by wine.
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It would be better that England should be free than that England should be compulsorily sober. Liquid madness sold at tenpence the quartern. Maybe alcohol picks you up a little bit, but it sure lets you down in a hurry. Much drinking, little thinking. My friend Ulrich von Beckerath called the Dark Ages an age of almost perpetual drunkenness of almost everyone.
And during my walks through some U. The image of a drunk, so drunk that he could no longer stand but merely rolled around, on the footpath and on the road, so horrified me that it will never leave my mind. This one managed to roll himself out of the paths of cars, while I was watching. Maybe a driver finally stopped and hauled him back to the footpath. I was young and watched in shock and disgust.
No beer and your mind will clear. One of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake words for thoughts. Our fault lies not in our stars but in our bars. People are already irrational enough when they are sober. The peculiar charm of alcohol lies in the sense of careless well-being and bodily and mental comfort which it creates. It unburdens the individual of his cares and his fears Under such conditions it is easy to laugh or to weep, to love or to hate, not wisely but too well. Haven Emerson, Alcohol and Man. The penalty is doubled if the offender is drunk.
One of his laws. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics , ii, 5. The same could be said for gun use in crimes. Double the penalty for the crime, rather than try to disarm peaceful citizens, while, in practice, leaving guns in the hands of crims. What about a drunken criminal using a gun? That seems logically to follow from the above.
However, like an almost certain death penalty, when caught, it might induce the offenders to rather kill their victims rather than leave them alive to become witnesses against them. To each his own state, court and penal system! The visions and hallucinations of advanced stages of alcoholism may be racial memories of the primitive brain when the later developed brain segments have finally been largely killed off by excess alcohol consumption. Those who drink beer will think beer. What percentage of our children has been conceived while one or both partners were drunk or drugged, and are thus not the result of natural selection and attraction?
When ale is in, wit is out. I heard that during WW I, in the Black Forest front area, a winery behind the German frontlines was intentionally not shelled by French artillery, because it kept the German troops there so drunk that they were no serious threat to the inferior numbers of French troops that opposed them. On the other hand, how many women were raped and even mutilated and murdered afterwards, by drunken soldiers?
Drink and other drugs have turned many soldiers into still more indiscriminate killers. And prevent them from thinking about peaceful alternatives to mutual slaughter attempts. When wine comes in, knowledge goes out The Wisdom of Israel, ed. Quis post vina gravem militiam aut pauperiem crepat? Why put yourself into a condition where you can neither stand nor think upright? With alcohol you start an internal and destructive revolution against yourself, particularly against your higher mental powers. Some of them every day. We do not have to additionally slaughter masses of them via alcohol consumption.
Alienation exists when workers are unable to control their immediate work processes, to develop a sense of purpose and function which connects their jobs to the over-all organisation of production, to belong to integrated industrial communities, and when they fail to become involved in the activity of work as a mode of personal self-expression. Taxation, the flood of laws, the foreign policy monopoly, the decision on war and peace monopoly, monetary despotism, protectionism for a few at the expense of all consumers, conscription, are just a few of the others.
Alienation is highly desirable, as a motivation for creativity. All this does not mean that mankind is utterly helpless against lawless and tyrannical regimes. He can then seek to alienate the servants of the tyrant JZ: Man can offer the collective disobedience which, without violence, has constituted so potent a weapon in the past. While methods of this kind also have their price, both the moral and the physical cost would seem to be far less than that attached to violence; and the probabilities of restoring a reasonably legitimate and lawful regime would be much greater.
Violence and the notion of lawfulness are so basically opposed to each other that when disobedience becomes uncivil it should at least cling to non-violence. Sibley, The Obligation to Disobey, Allow different groups of volunteers to alienate themselves as much as they like from others, on a non-territorial and autonomous basis.
They are not just alienated from it; they have virtually been expelled from the governmental process, where only organized mobs prevail. Out of alienation can come great fruition. As the saying goes: Better Socrates murdered than a pig satisfied! Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p. Voluntary alienation is expressed by some university students, to give just one example. The reasons for student discontent of this kind are obvious enough: They could run their own free universities, if they wanted to, financed through a credit union in which already working academics would be the main investors and promising students the main debtors.
Their discontent with territorial political governments they should express by individual and group secessions and forming their own panarchies under personal laws. But to think that they should determine the policies of whole populations amounts to an elitist authoritarianism even before they have proven that they are part of a real rather than merely imagined elite.
What manner of society was this, that needed a class to project hate upon? Already for its own advantage and in order to let no citizen think of wrongs, robbery and violence, and to leave him no opportunity other than through patient industry, within the sphere prescribed by law, every State must prohibit hurting any citizen of a neighbouring State - as severely and prevent it as strictly as if it were done against the own fellow citizens.
This law on the security of neighbours, is a necessary law for every State which is not a robber-state. Fichte, Die Bestimmung des Menschen, S. How shall we deal with strangers, except as brothers? So are justice and tolerance, as well as neutrality, and free trade, voluntary segregation. Not even real brotherhood is a guaranty for peace or friendship between brothers. If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shews he is a citizen of the world.
People ready to murder millions of humans for relatively minor differences, would not hesitate to do it to aliens from space. In other words, as long as there are buttons for expressing nuclear madness and people with access to them, driven by various power illusions and spleens, we are not ready for contact with alien civilisations, nay, not even for contact with our own possible and desirable civilisation and culture in a quite free society, made up of many free societies, all only of volunteers and all confined to exterritorial autonomy.
The most difficult alien contact for humans is still that with other humans, who have other beliefs, customs, principles, aims or institutions or who do want others. There are no aliens in the family of man. No escape for anyone, anywhere! There were no such things as strangers. In whatever form, with whatever purpose, all of them were people. Simak, Way Station , However, after the introduction of exterritorial autonomy, at first claimed only by a few, this attitude and opinion would tend to disappear, fast.
Most people opt already for foreign goods, even if they are still antagonistic to their producers coming over, too, to trade with us from nearby, instead of from a distance. To them we are the aliens. Do we want them to discriminate intolerantly and coercively against us as we do against them, e.
We are ready for contacting aliens from space only once the best of human thoughts and beings are no longer alien to us. In spite of all that can be said against our age, what moment it is to be alive in! Oh, Century, Oh sciences! It is a pleasure to live but not yet to retire, my Willibald. The studies flourish, the minds are moving and you, barbarism, take a rope and prepare for your banishment.
Allegiance cannot be simply owed, e. Allegiance to the State Beware of anyone who demands your allegiance. I do not acknowledge allegiance to any government. If the men of the Revolution designed to incorporate in the Constitution the absurd ideas of allegiance and treason, which they had once repudiated, against which they had fought, and by which the world had been enslaved, they thereby established for themselves an indisputable claim to the disgust and detestation of all mankind.
Inherited or born-into allegiance, without any personal choice in the matter, is nonsense and cannot be justified. But it is one of the many unjust and nonsense notions which still rule and thus misrule the world. Moreover, an almost sufficient degree of protection is given to kings and prime ministers but rarely to any other subject.
At best the subjects are offered revenge via the law, and only rarely any or sufficient indemnification at the expense of their attackers. My allegiance lies with me. Our allegiance is to humanity first, to our country second, and to the army last As the Constitution professes to rest wholly on consent, no one can owe allegiance, service, obedience, or any other duty to it, or to the government created by it, except with his consent.
The opinions of the South, on the subjects of allegiance and treason, have been equally erroneous with those of the North. They only difference between them, has been, that the South has held that a man was primarily under involuntary allegiance to the State government; while the North held that he was primarily under a similar allegiance to the United States government; whereas, in truth, he was under no involuntary allegiance to either.
What hope is there for the world as long as we cling to the outmoded form of national allegiance? We owe allegiance to no one. Alliances between territorial governments have the tendency to spread and finally to become world wars. All bystanders might jump in to draw the fighters apart, they might form a ring and cheer for one or the other or they might join the brawl.
Political alliances have probably not often served to prevent a fight or to end it fast or to limit it.
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They tended to extend it. Alliances do not promote peace among allies. Jahrhundert , Munich, R. He was an expert on that. Look what he did to the Russians after signing a non-aggression pact with them. Any difference between the deals princes, kings and emperors made between themselves, at the expense of their subjects? The whole sphere is still so monopolised in practice and by the unchecked premises of theories that this monopoly is rarely ever questioned.
Close alliances with despots are never safe for free States. Do not call the wolf to help you against the dogs. How can tyrants safely govern home - unless abroad they purchase great alliance? I would trust only alliances between competing and tolerant governments in exile and minority groups, provided that all of them aim at and practise merely exterritorial autonomy for their voluntary supporters. All other alliances are like handshakes with a smile - under the threat of a gun. One should distinguish between alliances between governments and alliances between the people themselves, possibly over the heads of their rulers.
Would ordinary people, if it were up to them, grant an alliance status to any tyrant or dictatorial regime? I hold that in most instances they would not. Only some fanatics among them would be so inclined. Politicians, however, and diplomats, not usually known for their firm adherence to principles, least of all those of justice, rights and liberty, and rather addicted to power, have often done so and do it still. Only voluntary alliances can be rightful, if they are for a rightful purpose, too. Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations - entangling alliances with none.
Rather only alliances between local volunteer militias for the protection of individual rights than any alliances between any territorial governments. They think leagues are useless things, and reckon that if the common ties of human nature do not knit men together, the faith of promises will have no great effect on them.
Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world. Instead of enemies, we are looking for allies everywhere. Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy , A man can be himself only as long as he is alone; and, if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free. Man is at the same time a non-social and a social animal, as already Kant pointed out.
Those who try to be only either of these two or even anti-social ones - JZ, A true human has to be far from humans. Ein wahrer Mensch muss fern von Menschen sein. If he made a habit of it then he would tend to deteriorate. Can books, radio, TV, discs, phone, mail, email and Internet surfing be a sufficient substitute for personal contacts? Hermits did not have such options in previous periods. One does not spend more time with them than one has to.
Alone is the condition in which every thoughtful person finds himself. By now the Internet can put us in touch with both. Retranslated from German version. Better be alone than in bad company. Neil Smith, The Wardove, p. Du kannst nicht allein sein. Du brauchst die anderen. Sorge dafuer, dass sie auch dich brauchen. Oder du bist erledigt. You need the others. See to it that they need you, too.
Or you are finished. He travels fastest who travels alone. I prefer living alone. Especially since I work at home. But I like to be able to say when. Paul Wilson, Wheels Within Wheels, p. In what concerns you much, do not think you have companions; know that you are alone in the world. Comprehensive registers of current research projects would help, too.

The National Technical Information Service may still continue such a register which was started many years ago by the Smithonian and registered social science projects as well. At one stage it had over , projects registered. Numerous contacts of this kind are not always necessary: It is only as a man puts off all foreign support and stands alone that I see him to be strong and to prevail.