The Two-faced God: Book 4 (The Roman Mystery Scrolls)
What is the 'sign against evil' that you mention in almost all your books? There were several 'signs against evil' and scholars aren't sure what they all looked like. One sign against evil is to extend your left hand with the palm facing forward, like the satyrs on this tripod. Some people think you could also spit for added protection. Don't try this indoors.
Are they ever going to make movies of your books? You can see pictures from the filming on my Filming the Roman Mysteries Pinterest page. And you can watch season one via iTunes HD. What are you working on now?
I am working on a new kids' series set in Roman Britain in AD. The four books will be called The Roman Quests. The first one, Escape from Rome , is out in May You have written the final book in the Roman Mysteries series? But what will happen to Flavia , Jonathan, Nubia and Lupus? Will any of them get married? Will any of them die? Some of them get married, but not all.

To find out who does and who doesn't, buy The Man from Pomegranate Street. It will answer lots of your questions. Some of them might make brief appearances in my new Roman Quests series. Have you ever written a book aimed at adults? If so, what was it called? I tried to write an adult book once and couldn't do it. But I might try again one day What do you look like? I have dark curly hair. Here is a picture of me: Where were you born? I was born in London, England, but I grew up in America. How old are you? In Roman terms Q: When is your birthday? May 24th , 19— wait a minute What school did you go to?
I went to Henry M. What were your best subjects at school?
The Two-faced God by Caroline Lawrence
When I was at primary school my best subject was art. In high school it was English, because I loved reading. Did you study Latin at school? No, though I would have loved it.
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My father was a French teacher and one day I asked him to teach me French. He told me he was too tired from teaching other children all day. I didn't start studying Latin and Greek until I was 19 years old and at University. Where do you live now? I live in London, in a lovely riverside flat. You can see a picture of my study on the right, looking a little bit neater than it usually does. Where do you write? On an Apple Mac in my study right which is the spare room of our flat. You can see a picture of it above.
I used to carry around little notebooks in case I had a good idea but now I use my iPhone! Do you have any hobbies? I love walking around London, going to movies and surfing the net. When you go out, do people recognise you? No, people don't recognise me. I am happy about that because it means I can walk around London and watch people without them knowing who I am. Do you visit schools? I limit my school events to the months of October and March, and I'm currently taking bookings for October What sort of family do you have?
My husband Richard is English.
- The Roman Mystery Scrolls Series.
- The Two-faced God (Roman Mystery Scrolls, book 4) by Caroline Lawrence.
- Books in the series: The Roman Mystery Scrolls!
My son Simon and his wife live in Los Angeles with their four boys. I am a grandmother! What is your favourite food? I love salads, lemons and chocolate. And that's why I could never live in Roman times: What is your favourite film? What is your favourite TV show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer because my husband and I were in some crowd scenes in season 4. And because it is one of the funniest, cleverest shows ever written.
What kind of music do you like? I like jazz and electronic chillhouse music. What are you listening to right now? The LaLa Land sountrack. It keeps me mellow while I am travelling to and from school events! What's your favourite animal? A cheetah on land and a dolphin in the water. What's your favourite colour? If you could have dinner with four people from history, who would they be and why? I think we would have some very lively and funny discussions. Is there somewhere you have dreamed of going but never yet been? East Africa, on safari. Did you write small books in your spare time when you were young?
Who does the drawings on the front of your books? There have been three generations of covers. The first ones I helped design myself. I liked the second generation because they look quite "cinematic". But my favourites are the latest third generation covers, which came out early in The Assassins of Rome is one of the best of those. I was collecting the hardbacks in the original covers. All seventeen books in the series have been published in hardback with the original covers designed by Richard Carr, Peter Sutton and Fred van Deelen , so your collection can be complete.
The Two-faced God
Are the Roman Mysteries published in other countries and languages? Do you write a title and then plan a story from that or do you plan the story first and then make up the title? Usually the story comes first but sometimes I have to twist the story to work in the title my publisher wants! Do you plan the story first and then write out a draft or do you write off the top of your head and then edit it on the computer?
The inspiration comes later! Did you always want to be a writer? When I was young I wanted to be a mini-skirted ensign on the starship Enterprise and to boldly go where no man has gone before! What inspired you to be a writer? I love books and reading! When did you decide that you wanted to become a writer? I've wanted to be a writer off and on throughout my adult life, but about fifteen years ago I really determined to do it. This meant reading lots of books on writing and getting up early to put in an hour of writing a day before I went to work as a teacher.
Did you have a job before you became a writer? I was a Primary School Teacher. I taught Latin, French and art. Was it hard to find a publisher?
See a Problem?
My husband who has worked on non-fiction books already had an agent named Teresa. She did all the hard work of sending my book to suitable publishers. In the end Orion bought six books on the strength of the first book. So no, apart from the ten years of getting up early to write every day, it wasn't too hard. Visit my page called How to Get Published. Did the first book you ever wrote get published? It was a novel for young adults called The Scribe.
It was about a boy in a monastery in 6th century Byzantium. I also have a non-fiction book and a screenplay gathering dust in a drawer somewhere! I read somewhere that it is usually your fourth book that gets published. That's because you can read as many books as you like, but you don't really learn how to write until you do it. I want to be a writer, too. Do you have any tips you could give me? I have a whole page of them! What gave you the idea for the Roman Mysteries?
My sister Jennifer gave me the idea, though she claims not to remember it! It was August, I was visiting my family in California, talking about a screenplay I was thinking of writing about a Jewish slave-girl in Pompeii. My sister said, 'Why don't you write a book for kids, set in Pompeii?
I had always loved Nancy Drew mystery stories when I was a little girl and I thought 'Wouldn't it be great to have a girl detective like Nancy, but she lives in ancient Roman times! That's why I made Flavia ten years old in the first book. Also, because I wanted my books to appeal to boys as well as girls, I thought of giving Flavia three friends, two of whom were boys After that, the ideas just started pouring into my head. Why did you choose Lupus to have no tongue? I wanted one of my characters to be disabled in some way. At first I thought he should be deaf, but then I decided to make him a bit 'wild' he would be unable to speak instead.
Then it just suddenly came to me that the reason why he couldn't speak was that someone had cut out his tongue. Something they really did in Roman times. When I wrote my first book I didn't know how or why his tongue had been cut out, but by book 3, The Pirates of Pompeii, it was 'revealed' to me by my subconscious.
I also based Lupus on this two-thousand-year-old fresco of a sad little boy from Pompeii. Which is your favourite out of all your books that you have written so far? The Case of the Pistol-packing Widows: The Case of the Good-Looking Corpse: The Roman Mystery Scrolls: Roman Mysteries Complete Collection. The Case of the Deadly Desperados: The Poisoned Honey Cake: From Ostia to Alexandria with Flavia Gemina: Travels with Flavia Gemina.
The Legionary from Londinium and other Mini Mysteries. The Man from Pomegranate Street: The Prophet from Ephesus: The Scribes from Alexandria: Death in the Arena: The Beggar of Volubilis: The Slave-girl from Jerusalem: Trimalchio's Feast and other mini-mysteries. Caroline Lawrence is American. She lives with her husband by the river in London and is active as a speaker in schools and at book festivals.
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