
The Rebels (Lloyds Montana Saga Book 1)

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Dave Lloyd is a 4th generation Montanan whose great-grandmother came up the Yellowstone on a steamboat to the head-of-track outside Miles City. She knew and told her family stories of the men and the women who lived at the time. Dave grew up listening to her and his grand-mother, the first white baby born in the county, as they reminisced of that era's rowdy times. Later, Dave was a working cowb Dave Lloyd is a 4th generation Montanan whose great-grandmother came up the Yellowstone on a steamboat to the head-of-track outside Miles City.

The Rebels (Montana Saga #1) by Dave Lloyd

Later, Dave was a working cowboy and became assistant ranch-manager on one of the largest ranches in the state. Harsh winters and a marriage made him decide to return to college. Another week, another Nerd-Out. Over the past few days we headed to the cinemas and caught the new Churchill biopic Darkest Hour, Jen saw the Aladin stageplay, Rob rewatched The Last Jedi, and Sandro just can't stop talking about Bright. We also got some new footage and music from Black Panther, and the trailer for that Krypton prequel TV show no one wants.

Jumanji - Welcome to the Jungle ft.

This is a special one! On this episode, we're joined by musician Rromarin from Melbourne electronica duo Kult Kyss and her solo work as well. We review the new Jumanji film, have a chat about the Slender Man, and all our other usual segments. Welcome to the Jungle [Non Spoilers] -- 1: On the first episode of , we review the new Pixar movie Coco that's making waves in the overseas box office.

We also discuss about the best and worst releases of , and have a chat about the new Doctor Who Christmas special.

Dave Lloyd

The Last Man [Sandro's Review] 0: Star Wars - The Last Jedi. The film we've all been waiting for. It's time to review Star Wars: You can expect in-depth discussions, dissecting every character Basically all of our opinions on this film as well as the future of the franchise. Battle Angel Trailer -- 0: Into the Spider-Verse Trailer -- 0: So much news came out over the past few days since we last recorded that we thought we'd get another episode out early!

On top of that, we also discuss the best and worst Christmas themed movies or TV specials. Under the Red Hood [Rob's Review] 0: Fallen Kingdom Trailer -- 0: Secret Warriors announcement -- 0: Hey, look at us! Should be another episode out very soon as well. Another fairly long one today. We've got heaps of news, including the massive Avengers: And our main review Star Trek - Discovery: The Judas Contract [Rob's Review] -- 0: Infinity War Trailer -- 0: Chapter One [Spoiler Free] -- 1: Episode 16 of Nerd-Out, and it's a big one. Join Rob, Jen and Sandro as they tackle one of the years biggest films They also chat about heaps of news, including the new Star Wars trilogy and The Incredibles 2.

Big one today, Thor: We have a chat about that, as well an in-depth discussion about Stranger Things 2, and as always Heaps of news to get through. Was it worth the wait? We discuss the film in depth with full spoilers. On top of that, heaps of news and we chat about what we've been consuming recently.

The Hunters (Lloyd's Ben Hite Series Book 2)

Season 4 Premiere [Rob's Review] -- 0: Dick's Electric Dreams [Jen's Review] -- 0: With a New Co-Host! There's also a bunch of new trailers, a bit of news, and a brand new rating system! Season 2 [Sandro's Review] -- 0: The Last Jedi Trailer -- 0: There's also heaps of news to catchup on. On today's show, we catchup on Star Wars Rebels, discuss heaps of news, and chat about what we've been consuming lately. Return of the Caped Crusaders [Rob's Review] -- Overview Music Video Charts. Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop.

If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock. Click I Have iTunes to open it now. View More by This Publisher. Description Live on Absolute Radio weekdays from 6pm. Listeners also subscribed to. Links Podcast Website Report a Concern. More by Absolute Radio. The Beatles Podcast View in iTunes. As the final curtain falls, Geoff and Annabel are joined by Chris Hewitt and Minu; we also have live music with Nerina Pallot - as well as a live studio audience!

It's time to say farewell, but as they say, one door closes It's the penultimate show and thus the penultimate podcast. We have the best of the guests from the past few years and we welcome one of Annabel's classic challenges. On tonight's programme, we hear some of the best of the Mind Expanding Guests from the past few years and we hear a classic Challenge Annabel Clean Development of Laughter.

DrCaspar Addyman is a developmental psychologist who talks to Geoff about his research with babies, which explores learning, laughter and behaviour change.

Geoff Lloyd with Annabel Port

On tonight's programme, Annabel gives up her seat for one night only for a very special guest It's the final Thursday on the show and to mark the final Time Capsule of all time , we're joined by writer, comedian On tonight's programme, Geoff speaks to Dr Caspar Addyman about babies and laughter and Annabel campaigns to make the new passports very exciting indeed.

Geoff speaks to legendary broadcaster, Johnny Ball - the man who which inspired a generation towards confidence in mathematics and science, in his own, unique style. Geoff speaks to Matt Brosnan senior curator, of People Power: Fighting for Peace a new exhibition at the Imperial War Museum about the history of the anti-war protest. On tonight's programme, the last ever 'Will It Flush? On tonight's programme, comedian Charlie Baker is in to help Annabel fill this weeks' Time Capsule for the people of and he tells us about his show The Hit Polisher. Also, Annabel campaigns to extend April Fool's Day past midday On tonight's programme, Annabel campaigns to abolish the tie and Geoff talks to Johnny Ball about his career and what he's up to next.

Fighting for Peace and Annabel takes on the UK. Geoff speaks to Edinburgh award nominee about her character 'Dave' and some of the tricks behind the creation. The New Science of Eating. Geoff speaks to Professor Charles Spence about his book, which explores how our other senses sight, sound, touch affect our sense of taste. On tonight's programme, Annabel campaigns to create, quite possibly, the world's most amazing roller coaster and we're joined by writer, Will Smith, in to help Annabel fill our Time Capsule for the people of On tonight's programme, Geoff speaks to Chris Hewitt about what to watch this weekend.

On tonight's programme, Annabel takes on the fish finger and Geoff speak to professor Charles Spence about his new book 'Gastrophysics'.

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Geoff speaks to comedian and actor Simon Bird about his new play and his efforts to stop being typecast as 'briefcase types'. Clean Professor Michael Puett. Geoff speaks to Harvard Professor, Michael Puett about his book 'The Path', which gives examples of how ancient, Chinese wisdom can be applied to modern life.

  1. The Rebels.
  2. The Miracles of Christ (Christ - from a pragmatic viewpoint Book 2)!
  3. Zur Bedeutung der Paratexte am Beispiel von Alfred Döblins ‚Berlin Alexanderplatz – Die Geschichte vom Franz Biberkopf‘ (German Edition).
  4. Montana Saga by Dave Lloyd.
  5. Dave Lloyd - books about the old West by Montana author, Dave Lloyd.
  6. See a Problem??
  7. Are You an Author?!

We also revisit our Dead Dogs Memorial Wall, by adding four more plaques. Plus, our Record of the Week artist, Paperface, joins us in the studio for a chat and to play his track, 'Idiot'. On tonight's show, Annabel tries to liven up the names of football clubs, Geoff wants to become and invigilator and we're joined by Comic Actor, Alex Lowe, in to help Annabel fill a Time Capsule for the people of Also, Empire Magazine's Yoda, aka Chris Hewitt joins us to talk about what to watch this week and ponder the reality of The Matrix reboot.