Spiritfarmer Aftermath; ...Farming 101
His Jbaa-hoaee may be a costly temple, or a tiny thing like a little girl's doll- house. However, do not picture to yourselves altars flowing with the blood of slain beasts. Though the Chinese revere the Qoeen of Heaven, and claim cousin-ship for their Emperors with the Sun and Moon, yet rumor hath never said that they, like the ancient Mexicans, had altars streaming with human gore. On Bearing the place, we came in sight of a table between seven and eight bmidred feet long, brilliantly lighted with gas and Chinese lanterns.
The food was arranged in iail pyramids, from ten to twelve feet in height, round a form which the food perfectly concealed. Among them were flowers and green leaves, uuintentionally forming a mimic Nile valley. Pyramids of cakes alternated with others of yellow oranges; some of sweatmeats with those of green mandarin oranges, sugar-coated preserved fruits, dncoos, mangosteens, pine-apples, rambatans and rambas; indeed the pointed style prevailed, except for meats.
Pork, or pig meat, as they call it, and ducks and chickens were in great abnndance. Kiding slowly past, making onr way with great difficulty throngh the dense crowd, which would only open at the sight of a policeman's dub, we reached the honse, in front of which, in the street, stood this immense table. There were a few persons present in a spadons reception room on the second floor. Some cake, confections, and preserved fruits, were pre- sented to ns — some of the most perishable, as mangosteen, and ducoo, were crystallized in such a perfect state that only a patient, painq taking Chinese lady could have ac- complished.
Choice cookery with them is a fine art, with which they do not permit servants to meddle or make. Tea like nectar, was served in cnpe about half the size of an egg-shell. From the front windows, we looked down upon the table with its burden of eatables, and the dense crowd of shaven heads waiting there' in the rain.
The food that the rain could injure, had been protected by propping up immense umbrellas of a peculiar mushroom pattern over it. Eleven o'clock came, the crowd grew denser ; those near the table held their places firmly and patiently. Half past eleven; still the rain pattered unremittingly, but it did not harm whole fruits, and all the rest were safe.
The gas still gave a good light, hut the lanterns had caught more of the rain — some of them had gone out. The clock struck twelve. The crowd of shaven heads was as still and reverent as possible. No doabt, many a weary one was striving with unutterable longing to pierce with human sight the veil' that hid a lost one's face. Not a word was heard; the haunted hour had come, all were serenely satisfied. The air ronnd the table was supposed to be filled with the spirits of the dead.
Half-past twelve came, half an hour was supposed to be Bufficiently long to Wiiit for their ghostships ; then the food was distributed among the crowd, bypereons round the table. The dunaman remembers one that was hia companion in wandering from the pagoda-land: After that, the coolie eats the food and creeps back to his sleeping-place — home he has not ; his osual bed is the pavement nnder some verandah — as satisfied with the performance of his duty, as many a millionaire, who has reared a costly monument to hie friend.
In order to be accounted worthy to offer this sacrifice, we must first go throQgh many services in the temple ; prayers and sacrifices mast be offered during a night of vigils. We know the poor are fed by it, and that is well. This sacrifice is connected with our religion, and has through many centnries, been the cnstom of our country.
I will mention a pretty conceit in regard to Chinese burials. When a corpse is carried to the grave, as the friends start for home they begin to drop bits of gilt pasteboard about three inches square, which, it is supposed, the ghost wUl see and thus be able to find its way back to the old homestead. It is only a token to trace the way, and is never omitted. The material may be of gold foil, or silver, or tin, according to the wealth and position of the dead. These arc the shining steps that lead the spirit, at ghostly hours, back to living friends.
Some coolies who were workiiig on a distant pepper and gambier plantation, which bordered on a wet piece of jnngle, canght sight of a hoa-eonetrictor. Coolie Geon was at once on the alert for speculation. He reasoned from that fact, that a serpent, s great dragon in hie estimation, would bring him almost a fortune.
So the coolies followed the serpent's trail and saw bim at his hnge gambols when he was throwing himself in coils from a tree to which he had fastened by one or two folds of his tail. They watched him at meals, taking good care that he did not eervc one of their own number up, at one of his nnostenta- tions rural repasts. One day when his snakeship had been rather intemperate in the Qse of swine's fiesh, having quietly sucked down an unfortunate pig and then laid down for a digestion nap of three days, the coolies whisked a strong noose over his neck and made it fast to a tree, then another over his tail ; one or two wooden hooks judiciously driven down, pinned him to the earth.
It was a hot Sunday afternoon, when half a dozen ooolies made a sensation among all classes, by bringing into town, on a long pole, a limp, lifeless boa-constrictor about thirty feet long, and two feet round the body. His skin was gorgeons- ly laced with green and gold color, on a black ground. So he concluded to turn showman, and admit white gentlemen at one dollar, and the natives for whatever they would give, to see the boa.
He would have prospered in this business had it not been for the disagreeable odor, which was certainly not very attrac- tive. An American gentleman obtained a young boa-constriotor which he intended to bring up as a household pet. He kept it in a large glass jar, and tenderly fed it with raw eggs until it became strong enough to throw off the cover and indolge in quiet strolls about his bedroom, or adjoining rooms when doors chanced to be left open, where it wonld amuse itself by hiding in nnlooked-for places, as a bed, or a wardrobe.
Some suspicion was cast on a tame mongooz whose principal pastime was killing reptiles. To the credit of the anaconda and boa family, it should be said that they have never manifested such an unseemly liking for Chinamen flesh as the tiger family possesses; having in this island, confined themselves literally to animal diet. One unusually, rain; week, when we only caught fitful glimpses of the sun and had to kill the time by counting the showers, or listening to the cronish, gossipping chatter of a hundred or two sparrows in a tree dose by, a real sensation made its appearance in the yard, in the shape of a huge, black creature of the lizard family, six or seven feet long.
Instantly all the dogs in the neighborhood seemed to be on the spot, barking in the highest key. The servant-boys ran here and there and caught up anything that would deal a heavy blow, aspoles, sticks, shovels and tongs. One was fortunate enough to find a piece of board, four or five feet long, with which to meet the lizard, on his march across the yard. The reptile fought them well, lashing them with his long slender tail. One after another the dogs were sent yelping away, and only ekirmished at a safe distance afterwards.
A poor little black-and-tan terrier, , getting a blow, retired to the house and delivered his barks from the open window. Old Jacko, the monkey, joined his fiercest yells to the barking of the dogs, and went with them towards the intruder the full length of hie chain.
At length, when the din was at the highest pitch and the creature had nearly fought its way across the yard against eight or ten servants and aa many dogs, the man with the board got a chance to deal it a stun- ning blow ; they then threw a noose over its head and made it fast to a tree, where they continued to beat it until its valiant tail lay still and lifeless.
From this I conclnded that lizard was not a regular article of diet among tliem, but was taken as our own people take rowing and gymnastic exer- cise, to improve their strength and add a few years more of life to that which is usually allotted to man. The jungles of Singapore will not admit of grand tiger- hunting. In this they are unlike the plains of Bnrmah or Bengal, where the kingly elephant comes in as the powerfal ally of man, — a sort of monster setter that sonfis the ap- proach of game, and gives the signal to the hunters when to open their battery of fire-arms, by elevating his proboscis out of harm's way.
Instantly every gentlemim who is, or fancies he is, a good shot, is on the alert; guns and ammunition are eagerly sought after, and all betake themeelvee to the eapposed hauut of the tiger, to bait the animal. The body of a goat, pig, or bollock is fastened to the ground so that it cannot be too quickly snatched away, and the sports- men conceal themselves in some tall tree that overlooks the spot, where they remain watching through the night — the early dawn being the time whett the tiger is most Kkely to seek for food.
Great care must be observed so that he may not smell the hunter, for he is a wary creatare and quickly soe- pecte something wrong. Some acquaintances told me that they watched by tnms a bait like that, for one whole week, withont getting a shot. One day, word came to our quiet town that a huge tiger had been trapped eight or ten miles out, and his Malay captors were bringing him in alive.
Native men and boys roshed out to see him and followed in his train. By the time they reached town, he had a retinue that might fitly represent one of the old decaying princes of Bengal. His royal highness did not seem to relish the attention that was paid him. He was rather savage over it, and pitched, and planged, and howled in a terrific manner. These antics only added spice to the entertainment. His captors tnmed show men, for this was the next thing to a real wild-beast combat, and made the exhibition prosper for two or three days. The animal was a monster of his kind.
He was lying on his back with bis feet up ; his pawe were badly swolleD ; the clawe, or nails, had all been extracted, and the flesh left raw and bleeding. This was done ostenflibly to protect the keeper, bnt the claws always find their way to some native jeweler's hands, and are made into brooches and bracelets, for which the Straits of Malacca are famous.
The peon on duty there, said the head meaaored twelve inches between the ears. The full-grown tiger soon pines away in confinement ; to tame one it must be caught when quite young. The Malays have a method peculiarly their own, of captur- ing this animal. They dig a pit fifteen or twenty feet deep, in the path the creature is supposed to travel, and cover it over with ratans, ferns, and grass, laying them on with great skill and naturalness, to make them look as if they really grew where they were placed ; for they believe that a tiger woold notice anything displaced as quicklyas a hunter would; and lastly a bait is placed over the centre, of the pit.
As the tiger always pounces upon his prey, he goes to the bottom, and is quite unable, with his utmost efforts, to jump oat. ThQ natives contrive to pull the paws through the cage, and with pincers, extract all their claws. It sometimes happens that a cub falls into one of these pits ; such an incident occurred during the first year of our sojourn on the island. Cameron relates this affair in Ow Ih'opicdl Possessions: Several natives were known to have been carried off within a short period, from a certain district, and considerable excite- ment was felt by all classes of the inhabitants.
People driving at night alongroadsborderedby jnngle, felt very nervous, and it was even rumored that tracks had been seen in the Botanical Garden, only four miles from town. The local paper, the.. Cameron, in a very fair and candid way went oh to show, that although not half of that number were reportedhy the police, he was con- vinced that it was very near the truth, for the pepper and gambler planters were interested in concealing all sucli deaths, for fear their plantations should get the name of being in a daogeroae locality.
These are all in the interior, and at such a distance through the jungles that it would be exposing another man to a like fate, if he were sent to report a death. Con- Be ]nent1v they annonnce no deaths, while those reported are nearly all Malay wood-cutters working 00 their own respon- eibility ; though the former laborers are equally exposed, and outnumber the latter in the proportion often to one.
Sqoads of convicts were sent to the infested districts, attended by police-peons, and several pits were dug ; the watch and gaard went on nightly in the old way, when one morning a half-grown cub was found in one of the pits. They knew the mother could not be far oS, and as the object was to kill her as well as to secure the yonng cab, it was allowed to remain in the pit, unmolested, while they sent the news to town.
Bukit Ho Swee Fire
On the following morning, about ten native peons armed with muskets arrived at the spot, under the charge of the Deputy-Commissioner and two European Jnspectors of Police. They took their way cautiously to the mouth of the pit, and were looking down at the cub, when suddenly, with a fierce growl, the mother-tiger. All were petrified for a moment, for the animal was actually brushing against them. The Depcty-Commiseionfir also received a shot through the sleeve of his coat, in the enconnter, Ko near ap- proach was made to the pit again that day, but the watch was kept up.
Thongh the tigress showed herself several times, she escaped the few scattered shots that were fired at her. On the third day, a person of some experience took the di- rection of affairs. He threw down a large piece of wood, cansing the cub to howl out loudly. On hearing the cry of her yonng, the tigress bounded fiercely to the mouth of the pit, and received in her breast the charge of a welt-directed rifle.
The yonng tiger was then taken out, and brought to the city with great rejoicing, by the peons at least, for they were able to claim two bounties aud the price of the skin, beddee having a tigerling to train op, to take a place in some menagerie when he developed into fair tigerhood. But in Singapore we know it only as the great harrier against those fearful storms, that come with such awful force from the southern ocean, sweeping the seas, and breaking in fory on the coast.
Western-world civilization has never reached its pleasant hills and mountains, wiiich we see from the steamer's deck, rising away in the far interior. God never made so fair a luid to remain forever tlie home uf barbarians. Under its shadow, basking in an unrulHed sea, which it ehutsin, lie almost innamerable smaller islands; while fnrther to the south and east, Java adds five hundred miles more of barrier, with only the interruption of the narrow Strait of Snnda.
Then come other narrow channels, and Madura, Bali, Lamboc, and Sumbawa, with their lofty volcanoes. Ob the north of these lies Borneo, almost a continent, where salnbrioua summer ever fosters fruits and flowers. Sarawak is the capital of what is called the settlement of Sir Jamea Brook in the island of Borneo.
It is a small terri- toiy entirely under his control ; that is, it is independent of England and not nuder the jurisdiction of the Sultan of the island. There are regular sailing vessels, but no steamers, plying between Singapore and this port, which is about sii days' sail from the former.
The broad estuary of a river forms a very good harbor. The Malay Sultan of this island, as before mentioned, ceded' to Sir James this portion of the western coast. The bankers and merchants drive a very thrifty trade in the various natural products of this wonderful island. The Mateo diamond was taken from the mines of Borneo which lie on the western slope of the mountains. The common people are happy and quiet, neitlier addicted to strong drink, nor over- work, Dor worry.
The women spin and weave the native cotton into cloth, and sometimes print it in elaborate pat- terns, with indelible colors extracted from the juice of plants. The men cultivate the gardens and fields of rice. Wood-cntters fell and chip np the huge camphor-trees into small bite, and place them in caldrons and boil oat the gnm, which is allowed to settle and crystallize upon a net-work of twigs. A species of palm, when grown about half the height that it would naturally attain, is also felled and split in halves ; at that period of growth it ia found to contain a large amount of starchy pith ; this is scooped out and cooked for food ; it is also washed and granulated, and then it is the Bflgo of commerce.
The cultivated fields, the populous cities that are to be, and the commerce that is to whiten its fair waters, seem now to lie very far in the future; but they will come. Civilization will some day come to these new-old lands, as it has come to New Zealand and Australia. Three days' steaming to the south-east, from Singapore lies the Island of Java.
A regular line of steamers plies between this city and the ports on that island, connecting with the English mail-steamers. The priDcipal ports of Java, are the well-known towns, Batavia on the oorth-weEtern, and Soorabaja on the eastern coast of the island. Batavia is bnilt on a large bay, thickly studded with ielandB: Some are fortified, others converted into docks 'for repairing ships ; bnt none are of sufficient length to act as breakwaters to protect the harbor in a severe storm from the north-east.
A canal leads from the harbor to the town, and one has to leave the steamer and take a sail-boat to reach the city. The great counting-houses are near the river. Each one has its own plot of ground, planted with trees. These houses are built of red brick, and ornamented in stncco, in the old Dutch style, above and at the sides of the windows.
The European part of the town has fine spacious shops, occupied by tailors, milhners, chemists, and those who follow the various mechanical arts. It has some very elegant dwel- lings the moat noticeable of which is the Government Palace, which is occupied by the Governor-General during a part of the year ; the remaining part is spent at Buitenzorg, his ooun- try seat. There are one or two fine club-houses. Further on ia an extensive green park ; which is inter- sected with roada and driveways planted with trees.
It is really a charming half- European and half-tropical place. Here the elite and fashion of the Dutch metropolis in the East are seen driving at five o'clock, in splendid phaetons brought out from Europe. There is plenty of smoking here. Ql bmineu ; even in the presence of ladiee the cigar is not always laid aside. It cannot be that they hare acquired such strong habits in one short state of existence. The ladies driTe at this hour in full evening dress, aa if going to a party or ball.
The hair is ornamented, and costly jewelry worn, just as they will appear in the drawing-room dnring the evening. Bonnets are only worn at church, and hats are worn in the morning ramble. All the European citizens take a morning walk, either just before or just after sunrise. Costume at that hour, negligS. Fashionable ladies are in print wrappers, and gentlemen in loose flannel jackets and pajamas.
Returning from the walk, the next thing on the day's pro- gramme is a bath in the usual Indian style — buckets of water thrown orer the head and person. All then dress for the morning meal. A collation of bread, cold meat, eggs and cof- fee ia served, after which the gentlemen drive to their places of business, and the ladies superintend their household arrange- ments.
Eastern servants require much more supervision than European domestics or American "help. When the meal is over, he stretches himself on a lounge, and takes a nice little nap of a couple of hours. He awakens about four o'clock, bathes, and smokes again — if the cigaf has been out of his mouth at all except while eating. There is some ground for a suspicion that he does not smoke while sleeping, because he always calls for fire and cheroots, the first thing after waking in the morning. Home;" and that ib understood, or announced among her friends. When the evening comes, she illaminates her front balcony or verandah brilliantly, and all her acqnaintanceB whom she has been in the habit of meeting at Other " At Homes," consider themselves invited to spend the evening at her hoase.
Here the host and hostess receive their gneets ; the great drawing-room, back of it, is reaerred for the dancing-ball. Eefreshmeute are served at about eleven o'clock, and guests then usTially return to their homes, to spend the next evening at another friend's house in the same manner. It stands in a region that is teeming with rice and coffee ; in the back- ground rise the Ohundy mountains, and near by also rises a lofty mountain called G-unong Sampi.
Perhaps no country in the world abounds in such magnifi- cent and ever-varying scenery as the island of Java, or has a lovelier climate. Sourabaya, at the eastern end of the island, is reached bv Dutch mail-steamers every two weeks. The city is almost surrounded by the river Sederia; whicb rises in a lake of the same name: The Yenger Mountains are in the vicinity of Sourabaya, the point of departure for visitors to the volcanoes.
A carriage takes the tourist over a good road toPasserpan, at the foot of the hills. There the carriage is left, and ponies are required for the ascent to the Government Bungalow at Taasari ; whidi is fifteen thousand feet above the level of tlie sea. The Bromo, a volcanic mountain, is three miles from the Government Bungalow, and it occupies about an hour for a pony to dimb up the mountain road. Tree-ferns grow to anch a height that they look like palm-treee; flowering ehruhs fringe the waj, and beautif nl orchidacooQB flowers and plants cling to the bark of the trees.
Wild hogs, fat and burly fellows, are as common as the mon- keys, which appear to be very nsmeroue, chattering at one from every tree. Hie slopes are covered with a tall coarse grass, and a shmb called the knt-i-sang, that reminds one of the rhododen- dron. The following is from the pen of Mr. Leaving the rim, on descending, the burnt stones, charcoal, and cinders, are almost within sweep of the hand, as one trudges over the calcined rocks. What imagination can paint a scene, such as this ancient crater once presented — a heaving mass of lava and Are, flfteen miles in circumference!
It is now a sea of fine sand, with two or three peaks in its centre, only one of which is an active crater, and that is called Bromo — a corruption probably of Brahma, the Hindoo deity ; and this supposition respecting- the name is further strengthened by the fact that the natives pay par- ticular reverence to this volcano, though now professing to be- lieve in the Koran.
They also still venerate the peepnl- tree, as the natives of Hindustan do. The kosambie and cotton trees, they believe, are inhabited by evil spirits who delight in killing diildren: Sowing the rice crop, too, is still attended with peculiar ritea and ceremonies. The pilgrims gather from the adjacent islandsand all parts of Java, with an offering to cast into the flames.
Though leagues on leagues of sea or land be traversed, they must be at the burning crater's brim at sunrise, each one offering, it may be, a chicken, a rice-pot, some coin, a rosary of flowers, a new garong, — anything, in short, that is of value to these simple people. Bromo is not particular ; his fiery tongne laps it all down ; but whatever it is, it must be sprinkled with water, and blessed by the priest, and 'offered at sunrise. None are 60 poor as to come without a gift for the great fiery month of Bromo.
They go through all the forms of prayer ; that is, so far as their knowledge of the Koran goes, for " much learning" will never cause madness in these priests. Nearly all this time the people surrounding them hftve,been driving bargains, chatting, and joking, in the easy, good-humored way peculiar to the Malaya. It did not take them aa long to say all the prayers they had learned, or else they were more expeditious.
Now comes the sprinkling of the offerings, and another prayer in which the crowd join — the last bargain will get its share of Bromo's blessing. The crowd roBhea forward pell-mell. Each one is for himself; the one great desire of the pilgrimage is urging him on. This last stage is to be the test of all his schemes. If he can only be the firat to reach the brim of the crater and throw in his offering, succeBS is bound to come to him.
Just when he has nearly oat-distanced all the others, some limping old priest will call a halt, and order more prayers ; Bromo is not yet qnite ready to be gracious. No one can af- ford to neglect prayers when Bromo is to be propitiated for a whole year and will make one the winner in every enterprise, or crown with success some darling project ; so the devotee stops and prays.
The fortnnate one stands oa the crater's edge ; and away down, down, two hundredfeet, among the heaving, seething eulphnrons fire and smoky 'vapor, be hnrls his offering. It is the first ; but there are many more to follow it. The first to sac- rifice is a happy fellow, and is looked upon as a rising man in his village ; he may come to be tax-gatherer, perhaps, as people have little nse for post-masters there. It was interesting to watch the offerings as they were flung into the crater.
Large cocoa-nuts gave only a faint boom, when carelessly thrown ; ' hit the aides of the crater and stopped short Huge jack-fniit went howling down the shelving slope. If it split on a rock and did not reach the fire, the object of the pilgrimage was lost, and deep disappointment wrote itself on the face of the one who threw it. IJve chickens, among other things, were thrown into ' the awful month of the volcano.
A few of the stronger birds changed their fate into flight, and alighted on the rock, safe from fire and vapor, and the steady trade-wind carried them safely away from the pilgrims. If one were to ask this crowd what they wiah for most, the answer wonld probably be very much the same as would be given by a promiscaona assemblage in any other conntiy. That keen, weazened-faced fellow wonld eay, that he has Bent a venture in a boat, bnt it has been gone a long time and he has heard nothing of it ; bo he came to Bromo.
There are yonng girls among the crowd ; but it would never do to ask them what they came for; they wonld not tell you. On descending from the crater many gameB are playedr by which thoee who have taken part in the festival try to lift die veil from the time to come, and get a peep behind it, to see what there is in store for them. These games give the laggards in the race to the crater another chance to try their fortune. A favorite fonn of divination consists in walking three times round a high mound and then hurling a stone over it.
If the first stone that one hurls goes over without hitting, suc- cess will take kindly to him during the ensuing year. Lamongan is six thousand feet in height, and is near lake Klaka. From the Government Bungalow, among the mountains of Arjuno, these three burning mountains can all be seen lighting up, at th'e same time, the cloud- less evening sky. First Bromo ; for he must is those old days have had the preference, a sort of higher rank than the others, when he uplifted to the face of night a lake of fire, fifteen miles in drcumference.
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Then LamongaD eeads up his tongue of flame, as though the forcefi which had just beeu bo active un- der Bromo, were trauEferred to Lamougan ; while the former falls into a state of half Benu-repose, taking a fresh breath. This circumstance has given rise to a belief among the common people of the island, that these volcanoes are connected with each other. There are many very extensive ruins of palaces and temples in the middle and eastern part of this island, which show plainly a former high degree of civilization , before the couqueiv ing Arabiaua came J;o propagate the religion of the Koran.
The great temple of Borobodo is still majestic in its ruins. It is in the vicinity of the Frahn boat Mountains named from their resemblance to the outline of a boat ; not veiy far distant from one of the volcanoes. It was built round a conical hill, in a series of ten terraces. Four of these are square, having a grand arched entrance on each side; and su: The lower terrace is about four hundred and thirty feet on each side, and is built of blocks of stone bo perfectly dreesed that there does not seem to be any cement required to join them.
On the perpendicular walls is sculptured the legend of the god Hama, and the history of Buddha. The snmmit of the hill is paved, forming a wide court, in the centre of which is a pagoda with a mutilated, gigantic image of Gandama. This centre temple is surronnded by seventy-two Bmaller ones, similar in shape and arranged in three rows at exact distances round it. Four days' journey north from Singapore, by steamer, is the city of Bangkok, the capital of Siam.
In place of roads and streets, it has canals. One has only to keep a hoat and boatmen instead of a carriage and horses, and then the comforts and conveniences are abont eqnal. The river Meinam drains a valley of inexhaustible fertility, abont six hundred miles in length, which is bounded on either side by a range of mountains, separating it on the east from the valley of Cambodia, and on the west from the nar- row coast-poBsessions of the English and Burmese. The surface of this river is as populous as the "black streets " — as the native quarters of an Oriental city are usually called.
Thousands have their birthplace and dwell all their lives on it. The houses of the poor are built on stout corner-posts extending down some distance into the water, and framed into immense rafts which are fastened by chains to piles. Between these posts is. Even the lo- cation itself can be readily changed in calm weather. On the pyramidal-shaped shrines is lavished untold wealth, IB gold, and jewels, and curious and beautiful decorations of fretted and carved work. Some of the smaller images are said to be composed wholly of precious stones, one of emerald and another of amethyst, etc.
Intelligent Buddhists repel the idea that they worship the image before which they bow. They assert positively that Buddha is a spirit ; the image is only a reminder of him. All classes of the people are re. Persons are often met with wlio have given their whole for tunes, and afterwards led a life of toil and privation. Such a epirit dwel ing among them, even in such an unwieldy shape, confers great blessiogs on those that entertain him, and the country also. Hence the great respect entertained for him is manifested in about the same manner as homage is paid to their king: The climate is mild and healthful like that of the Straits of Malacca, particularly on the higher ground away from the river ; here also reigns perpetaal summer.
Europeans suffer much less from heat than in Hindustan. There are many health-resorts in the monntaine easily aeceseible from the city. The late king is generally conceded to have been the wisest, most learned, most tolerant, and best native ruler in all Asia. He came to the throne about the year His father died in ; and he being the son of the crowned queen should have succeeded then, but for the usurpation of an elder brother, a son of one of the lesser lights of the harem, while he, the rightful heir of the throne, retired to a monastery and led the life of a Buddhist priest for twenty- five years.
He was, during this long probation, a most dili- gent student of all the Oriental languages, especially the San- scrit and Pali, so closely interwoven with that of the Siamese in all their sacred books on religion and law. He also made himself familiar with history and the natural sciences, geology, chemistry, astronomy, and the English language.
In the last he was the pupil and familiar friend of the Aiiierican missionaries, and from them gleaned the ideas of European strength and civilization, that were so manifest in his reign. Unlike the rulers of China and Japan, the sovereigns of this small kingdom, almost in their shadow, have for two cen- turies shown an enlightened wish to cultivate trade and friendly relations with Europe.
It is not my intention to go into any minute description of this eoontry, or Borneo, or Java, but only to show that they are all interesting and comparatively untrodden fields, not yet so mach worn by the footprints of travellers as to lose their novelty. They do not lie too far off the grand highway round the world ; they are all easily reached from the city, of Singapore.
They were not built for the disciples of Buddha, as the sculptures on the walls plainly show ; hence they were reared before Gandama's disciples came here to convert all this peninsula to the then new religion of Eastern Asia ; which time of coming could not he far from the birth of our - Saviour. They were cotemporary with Eome, Athens and Palmyra, and have been preserved best of all. Kear the an- cient capital of Cambodia, a high graded road stretches away over mountains and rivers, which are spanned by solidly-built stone bridges ; all perfect enough for use, should the ancient owners come back to them to-day.
With a liberal prince on the throne of Siam, and the French at Saigon, controlling Cambodia to a certain extent, students and tourists will there find abundant materials for study and inspection. WE BADE adiea to bright, anmmer; Singapore, its fadeless verdure, and perpetual eacceseioD of flowere, and went on board the Eteamer Mahraitai about three o'clock in the aftemooo. Oar old f rieud Mr. He seemed to be a sort of geiiial link between the past and present, for he had completed his sev- enty-third year, with the serene temper, spirit, and health of a man of thirty or forty.
He had not been in the temperate zone since 1S Among the passengere here, Inoticed two Sisters of Charity, and two brides-elect. The Sisters of Charity, were probably from some sickly coast-station, and had beoi to our salubri- ous little island to recruit their health. The brides-elect weref rom Scotland. The screw of the steamer havingbroken, they were unable to put in to Penang, where they were to meet their intended husbands. It was hinted that their lag- gard lovers were not at hand. The Malay boys that dive here for " backsheesh " must, I think, belong to the original tribe of tadpoles that the eavans pretend were our progenitors.
The bojB were just like these frogs. Pat- ter, patter into the clear water, went a handful of small coin fromapa8senger,overtheside. This produced aa greatly accelerated a twinkling of legs as electricity from a battery would. The silver was brought up before it had travelled far towards the bottom of the harbor ; and while looking at these boyE one came very near believing in the tad- pole theory.
Hiding three or four miles to New Harbor, just to bid outgoing friends good-bye, does not seem to be regarded by the gentlemen of Singapore as a task. Steaming out among the beautiful islands, toward the golden sunset, the western sky is all piled with crimson and gold-burnished clouds. It is one of those gorgeous sunsets thatare so frequent here, when nature seems toget upasplen- did pageant, in the midst of which the sun may retire after his day's maroh. Whatever may be the fame of the Bay of Naples, lam sure that it must have many drawbacks in com- parison with the Bay of Singapore and the lovely scenery of the Straits of Malacca, There, at Naples, would be thefading and falling of the foliage, the dry, parched, midsummer look ; while here is an unvarying temperature, daily showers, an unfading green.
This island, and the innnmerable islets in the vicinity, always appear as they do this December day — clothed with the bright emerald hue of Spring. On the verandaB, ever and anon could be seen the flutter - of a white dreea, and, passing abont the groands, we saw the white-and-red turbaned eervante. I watched the golden track which the enn had painted on the smooth, still waters, and which oar boat seemed to follow, and my heart accepted the omen which the bright way indicated. Jhere was the jingle of a bell. I looked ronnd, and beheld the dinner-table spread on deck. Could auytbing be in more perfect harmony, — the golden sunset stieaming in long slant rays across the deck, through the gaps of the awning: When the dawn crept over the waters, we dropped anchor before the old Malay, Portuguese, or Dutch town of Malacca.
Albuquerque made an unsuccessful assault on this town in , and had to withdraw. Kenewiug the attack in , the town and country adjoining fell into the hands of the victorious Portuguese, whose many descendants form a large portion of the present population ; retaining the habits of their aneestorB, through both Dutch and English rule. During the one hundred and thirty-one years of their rule the town waa strongly fortified, and became one of the great commercial marts of the East Indian trade. In , the Dutch took poBeession, and enlarged and strengthened the place. They have left their impress on everything, for all the ruins seem to bear the Dutch stamp.
Mdkratta with a visit. Not being in readiness to go in these, we were in danger of losing the opportunity altogether, when we canglit sight, out of our cabin window, of one of the ' steamer's officers, just shoving off for shore, who kindly offered us a passage with him, which we gladly accepted. There was a strong breeze blowing off the land, and we were three mites out in the roadstead, so there was hard pulling for the rowers. Very beautiful was this December morning, Sj unlike any December anywhere else than in the Straits. There was a touch— just a dash — of northern September in the air, without the gorgeous foliage on, the land.
A few purple and golden cloods were scattered and piled about the rising sun, who appeared looking as though he had thrown off his shining garments overnight, and no one had tidied up hie bed-chamber. Be that as it may, we conld, and did, stare at him while on the horizon, as we would not have dared to do, hours after, when he had put on his burn- ing fierceness.
The buoyant waves, and the fresh breeze, sent a thrill of vigor through our veins, as our boat went ekimming over the sparkling water, pulled by four native rowers. The view of the hills, the walls of the old ruined fort and church, and the rows of graceful senna-trees, with here and there a betel-nut or a cocoa-nut tree to give an Oriental touch to the landscape, is very picturesque.
The old Portuguese and Dutch fort was dismantled and levelled early underthe English rule. The old church, built three hundred years ago, has long been without a roof, and the grass has woven a fine soft green carpet over the aisles where the good, old Dutch hooee- wives and frauleins prayed. In one comer a propiya tree btands, flourishing, and bearing fruit ; growing out of the brink of a grave, like Eoger "Williams' pear-tree.
I could not relish that fruit ; I should almost accuse myself of cannibalism iflateofit. It seems that all the notable cues of that early day had an ambition to be buried in the church aisles. Auotber tablet had been erected to the memory of aa EngliBh officer, within the last decade of years. Francis Xavier officiated at the altar of this old ruin ; and one may also add that he, on one occasion, commanded the most efficient bat- ery of the fort when the Saltan of Acheen made a fierce at- tack on the place.
The Sultan's fleet of boats was entirely destroyed. The English have taken advantage of this old choreh on the bill, to build a lighthouse against its western wall. We took a drive down the beacb, along a most charming street, wliicii bad a few nice houses and very many bunga- lows, nestling under the shade of cocoa-nut and betel-nut trees. Indeed, here as well' as at Penang, cocoa-nut trees are every- where planted among the shade-trees, which produces a very beautiful effect on the scenery as a whole.
Finding it nearly time for the steamer to leave, we drove down to the river bank to find a boat. Here we encountered the Klinfmeo, a class of people who will to the end of time outjew the Jews. Seeing that we were strangers, they only asked one dollar and fifty cents to take us on board ; but ahalf-caste man interfered, and told as the regular price was forty-five cents ; which was then readily taken by the boatmen, who when they found that they could get no more, said they would wait in readiness till we wanted to go. The half-caste said that he was a Christian, and did not think such ways were right; which spoke well for this man, for theKlings probably remembered him to his cost.
It was so brigbteaed up with stucco and paint that I waa at first uncertain ; bat s moment's reflection told me that there waa nothing either English, or very modern beneath the paint ; and so it proved. There was something that strongly reminded me of the old Dutch buildings that once gave snch a quaint look to the lower part of New York, particularly the Old Dutch Church in William street.
The bricks used here were probably brought from Holland, and were of the same style as those used in that country ; and the windows were of the same diminu- tive pattern, but presented a stronger contrast to the present style, here in the East Indies where nothing but a Venetian blind and a door-frame make a window. What a burning shame to a city like New York, to allow evei7 old Dutch landmark to be removed 1 Here are quaint and curious old rooms, that were thought to be 80 stately, two centuries ago ; but ho Vandal hand has been allowed to touch them.
I was devoutly wishing that some quaint old dame of an ancient governor, in her stiS brocade, might step in through the doorway ; when at that moment, the church iielh rang, and I remembered for the first time that day, that it was the Sabbath. The sound of the bells, quivering and pulsating through the bright, breezy morning air, disturbed my reverie and dis- pelled any clairvoyance that might have entranced me, for no door opened, no ancient dame in stiff brocade rustled near me.
Had I been near the dwelling of Dame Yan Twiller 1 should have desired above all things tosee her in her morning costume. On this spot the first wedge of civilization and Christian government entered a continent of paganism. Fifteen minutes brought us back to the vessel, though it had occupied two hours hard rowing to take us to land. Along the coast were tall f oreste, reminding one of those seen in passing over the railroad in Michigan ; the grand old trees looked like natives of our own wild woods dropped down here on the sea shore.
Then came Btretches of cocoa-nut plan- tation. I never yet saw one of these trees growing entirely wild: Far interior was ft chain of mountains, the watershed of the peninsula ; between them and the coast is a low range of wooded hills which mmor says is the home of wild elephants, who live in herds, free from the trammels and restraints which man im- poses on them when they are trapped into servitude. There also live the Jacoons, the original inhabitants, who peopled these shores before the Malays came from their islands. Only a remnant of them is left; they namber now about nine hundred.
They build a platform on the bnge branches of old trees, and on that, erect huts for their families and themselves ; ascending by means of strong bam- boo ladders, which they take up with them at night. They live on fish and fruit, and do not trouble themselves much about clothing, fashion, or caste. I sketched the outlines of the hills ahd the upper light- honse, and then we stood off from the shore.
While at breakfast on deck, we sighted the hills of Penang. We anchored off Penang about three o'clock, and waited for a pilot to take the boat into harbor. Having reeeired an invitation from a friend, to spend onr time at his house , we lost no time in going on shore. In our hasty departure from the ship, we just missed our friend, who went out in a boat to meet us on board, but he arrived at the landing about the same time that we did, con- ducted us to a carriage, and drove with us to his house, whidti was situated on the margin of a beautiful bay.
The streets away from the business portion of the town are delightfully shaded ; indeed, in many cases, the front part of the grounds attached to the house is ao thickly studded with trees that the dwelling is completely hidden from view. The wide, smooth roads charmed us. At iive in the afternoon, we drove out to the baths, and then walked across the fields, to see the waterfall at the foot of the hill.
There was scarcely water enough to arouse en- thusiam or make it worthy of its name. The island of Penang presents a bold hilly outline from the south. The summit of the highest peak gives an average difference of nine degrees cooler temperature, than the town on the narrow plain on the southern shore oi the island. This is called Government, or Flagstafl Hill, because vessels are signalled from that place ; it is about six miles from the town, and easily reached.
Government has here erected bungalows at convenient points, which are iuruished ready for occupation, and rented at a merely nominal price, for sanitary resorts. The mercury having only a range of ten degrees. It is so equally dietribated throughout the year, ae to make this warm dimate one of the loveliest conceivable. There is no shaping of the seasons to bring a harvest at one time of the year, more than at another.
Growth and fruitage is a constant, daily recurrence; vegetation knows no rest except what the nightly withdrawal of the sun may give. Oranges and bananas bloom and ripen at the same time, throughout the year. Probably no spot of earth will ever be found better adapted than the islands of the Eastern Archipelago, to the wants of primitive man. Unlike other tropical regions, these two islands are sin- galarly exempt from fevers ; and the cholera, that sweeping scourge of other lands, when it comes, seems almost wholly to confine itself to the native population, whose habits of life make them easy victims.
They always build their habitationa over low, marshy ground ; and this, with their long Mohamme- dan fasts, succeeded by nightly feasting, and gorging them- selves on crnde fruit, renders them peculiarly fit subjects for the disease. A Venetian blind is considered ample night protection in this lovely climate. Breakfast over, we bade adieu to our kind host, and went on board the steamer again. The day was one of those bright, breezy, delightful days, known only in colder cli- mates, in May or early June. The fiky was without a cloud, and the summer sea without a ripple, for we had chosen our time at a season of the year when the trade-winds fly on easy wings, and the fnrions cyclone sleeps far away in the ocean eaves.
We felt no inclination for games, and very little for con- versation, while there was so much beauty of earth, air, and sea to enjoy. We wished to imprint the scene upon our mem- ories forever. The delicious air was a luxury of which other and more beloved lands only gave faint yearly reminders. Dragon Knight Saga has simplified identification of special equipment. All special weapons, armour, and jewelry have their name listed in gold similar to how rarities color the item name as well , and no longer have prefixes or suffixes based on enchantments and buffs.
Some special items still have randomized stats. These are mostly the same ones as in ED, such as the Wishing Well bracelets. Most buffs are randomized, and all enchantment slots are filled with random enchantments. In addition, charm slots seem completely pre-determined, so they are no longer random. These are essentially quest items that also have an actual function as opposed to inventory space hogs that you can get suckered into forever. Many special items now come with specific enchantments, so be aware this value is with those enchantments removed!
This means the value and thus price, for purchased items will be higher than the value listed in this guide. There are no longer stat requirements for items in DKS. The level requirement for any given item is listed next to its item type between the type, and the gold value. L10, for example, means it cannot be equipped until you reach level The Mindread entry lists whoever is required to mindread to access the item.
Whether they give it to you, it causes it to appear, or leads to acquiring the item later, the important thing is WHO is mindread. If no mindread is listed, none is required. These weapons are equipped to your Melee slots. Talk to Alberic and choose the Mage path in Farglow. One-handed Warhammer L1 gold Melee damage: Taken by Rhode in the chapel upon exiting the tomb.
Given by Rhode when approaching Maxos Temple for the first time. This is not the only way to complete the quest, however. Two-handed Sword L12 Melee damage: This sword is the reward. One-handed Sword L26 gold Melee damage: Choosing this item will prevent you from obtaining either a skill point OR five stat points! Disable the barrier by flipping the two switches via two of the teleporters in the main chamber , then attack him on the central platform.
One-handed Warhammer L23 Melee damage: Purchase from Deodatus in the Ministry of Aleroth. Afterwards, mindread Deodatus and a dialogue option appears that opens him up as a trader. One-handed Sword L33 gold Melee damage: Pay Sosostra the fortune teller to tell your fortune a second time.
Go south to the bridge at the three-way split in the southwestern part of the valley northwest of the South Valley shrine. A knight named Seth will challenge you to a duel. Mindread him, and this weapon will be in the bag of loot he drops. One-Handed Sword L12 gold Melee damage: One-handed Warhammer L15 gold Melee damage: This was his trusty mace: One-handed Axe L9 random Melee damage: They are found in the third decision room, if the first two choices were evil.
One-handed Sword L23 random Melee damage: Talk to Gawain and choose the Warrior path in Farglow. One-handed Sword L1 gold Melee damage: One-handed Axe L7 gold Melee damage: One-handed Sword L18 gold Melee damage: This will teleport you into a room. Clear the room of enemies, then examine and activate the two glowing green artifacts in the room. Once both platforms are created, climb them and press a button on the wall. Four items will hang from the ceiling, of which you may take only one. This is the mace. One-handed Warhammer L9 gold Melee damage: Choosing this item will prevent you from obtaining a Skill Book!
See Book 4 in the skill point section for more information. This is the sword. One-handed Sword L9 gold Melee damage: One-handed Warhammer L4 gold Melee damage: Purchase from Carleton, a traveling trader in the Orobas Fjords. You meet him on the path from the Depleted Ore Mine to Champion Harbour, at the point where the path makes a turn from east-west to north-south.
One-handed Warhammer L30 gold Melee damage: Purchase from the Hermit on Sentinel Island. One-handed Warhammer L20 gold Melee damage: Dropped by Kali in the Headquarters of her flying fortress, found by taking the Rivertown Gorge exit of the Orobas Fjords. One-handed Sword L30 Melee damage: This cleaver is the reward. One-handed Axe L26 gold Melee damage: This hammer is the reward. One-handed Warhammer L26 gold Melee damage: Purchase from Noryfundus in the southeast corner of Broken Valley. On Sentinel Island, talk to Wesson, then Radcliff.
Go to Radcliff and the two will face off. One-Handed Sword L16 gold Melee damage: A fine smith he is! One-handed Warhammer L18 gold Melee damage: One-handed Axe L25 gold Melee damage: Purchased from Derk in Broken Valley Village. One-handed Sword L12 gold Melee damage: A sword like this takes away the fear. Mindread Talana during your first and only actual conversation. It is on a small path near the cliff in the northern middle part of the valley proper. One-handed Axe L10 gold Melee damage: In the Bandit Camp, on a table at the campsite. Four bandits are arguing over who gets which weapon.
This is the two-handed sword. Taking any of the weapons prompts the bandits to tell you to put it back; declining starts a battle with all four bandits all level Two-handed Sword L10 gold Melee damage: This is the one. Taking any of the weapons prompts the bandits to tell you to put it back; declining starts a battle with all four all level This is the one-handed sword. One-handed Sword L10 gold Melee damage: One-handed Warhammer L10 gold Melee damage: All three choices must be made for evil, and not good.
Two-handed Sword L24 gold Melee damage: Go forth and bring horror to the lands! Bow, Sword, or Warhammer, so choose wisely. All three choices must be made for good, and not evil. Go forth and bring justice to the lands! Additionally, this weapon will end up costing you three stat points: Weigh these different options carefully! This axe is found near a body in the caravan wreckage at the three-way intersection in the southwest of the valley northwest of the South Valley shrine.
One-handed Axe L10 Melee damage: One-handed Axe L17 gold Melee damage: Nearby on the wall is a button brown-colored on a blue wall that, when pressed, triggers fire to melt the ice. Once the ice is gone, press it again to switch the fire off. Behind the ice wall is a golden chest with this weapon inside, if Velanir was mindread when you entered.
One-handed Axe L28 gold Melee damage: Keep this in mind if you want this weapon. Go there and kill him and his guards , and this sword will be rewarded as a drop. One-handed Sword L11 Melee damage: One-handed Warhammer L24 gold Melee damage: This axe is the reward. These shields are equipped to your melee off-hand slot. Shield L19 gold Melee Armour Rating: Shield L10 gold Melee Armour Rating: Shield L30 gold Melee Armour Rating: This is the shield. Shield L9 gold Melee Armour Rating: Shield L20 gold Melee Armour Rating: It would take siege material to smash through it.
These are bows, equipped to your ranged weapon slot. Talk to Aravir and choose the Ranger path in Farglow. Bow L1 gold Ranged damage: This bow is the reward. Bow L26 gold Ranged damage: Bow L22 gold Ranged damage: Bow L28 gold Ranged damage: Bow L24 gold Ranged damage: Bow L28 random Ranged damage: Where he obtained this unique weapon is not known, but malicious voices whisper its shape suggests Demonic influences. This is the bow.
Bow L9 gold Ranged damage: This will appear even if you loot the chest before mindreading Vacca. Bow L16 gold Ranged damage: Bow L10 gold Ranged damage: Go near, and a man will ask for help. Rescuing him requires a Rope found in many places. Once rescued, a troll will attack the both of you. Kill the troll, and the man gives this bow in thanks for his rescue.
Bow L12 random Ranged damage: These are divided into armour, helmets, gauntlets, and leggings. Repeatedly insisting to David that you will turn him in will scare him off, and open up the chance to mindread him later for 1 stat point in exchange for the chance to obtain these gauntlets. Complete all five bounties in Broken Valley and turn in their items: You get two chances: This is one of the contents.
Dropped by Raze in the Headquarters of his flying fortress. The blue portal which leads there is on a cliff on the west side of the gorge south of Champion Harbour. Armour L29 Melee Armour Rating: Jewelry consists of belts, bracelets, earrings, rings, and necklaces. They are equipped to the specified slot. Rings have two slots, all others have one. Rivellon is an unforgiving place.
Dropped by Rayhun, found in his Headquarters in Broken Valley. The teleporter that leads there is found on a flying fortress hovering where the Broken Valley Village used to be. Kill him, and loot him to find it. Stand in front of the throne in the bottom of the Lost Cavern in Broken Valley, near the Chapel Shrine for 15 seconds. A small chest will appear that contains this amulet.
Mindread Arnold near the chapel in Broken Valley Village, then check underneath the bed closest to the northern entrance in the Barracks. Although it cannot be sold, stored, or destroyed, it is not actually part of any quest in the game. Enter the Derelict Tunnel and proceed to the southern corridor. Find Hallorn in a gold room and fight him. Once he dies, he drops a loot bag containing this ring.
If Kenneth was chosen, this item can never be obtained. Defeat him in combat and he will drop a loot bag with this item. He will not drop this amulet if you already obtained it via the second method listed below. Defeat Jagon in combat and he will drop this item. This is the only item in the game that gives a bonus to the Lockpick skill! Ring L23 random 2 random buffs: Tell her about this and she will give you this amulet. When you turn it in to Jonah to complete the quest. It may be kept permanently by never finishing the quest, and letting it fail after claiming the Battle Tower, but this will also prevent finishing other quests.
The Battle of Ten Thousand 4: It was forged by the Dwarven warrior-jeweller Elmer Vignus. This is on a balcony near the Citadel Chambers entrance.

The chest contains the Blood Echelon Bracers. Follow the catacombs next to the chapel until the final room, and this is sitting on a bench. In the Bandit Hideout cave in Orobas Fjords. Enter, disable the force field via the pressure plates in the treasure room, then kill Ragon in his room at the other end of the cave. He will drop this ring.
This will only drop if Igor was chosen as Necromancer! South is in a chest in a shrine at the goblin village look on the wall near a red ore vein , East is found in a small chest at the western-most dead end passage, and south in a large wooden treasure chest in a treasure room near Hallorn. Take them to the shrine in the central room of the area with two trees , and use the West from your inventory. Then give East, and South, and a box with this item will spawn. Keep in mind that only one of the three Wishing Well bracelets may be obtained, so choose carefully. If random skill is Warrior -Strength: This is the only item in the game that gives a bonus to the Unarmed Expertise skill!
Purchase from Locke in Broken Valley Village. Requires sparing his life after killing Lord John and Lady Kara. These weapons are equipped to your melee slots. One-handed Axe L34 gold Melee damage: Village women would therefore band together to pay for grand axes of majestic properties and so give their sons a fighting chance. Purchase from Bedwyr in a locked room in Phoenix Inn. The key is on a table near Hannibal, the ghost.
One-handed Axe L37 gold Melee damage: After refusing to retire, he was given the command of a zeppelin squadron, which he has led into combat against several Flying Fortresses. His former weapons he has given to younger Champions as awards or tokens of respect. Heavy gambling in the Champion Academy though, has led to the pawning of some of his most powerful pieces.
Two-handed Sword L35 gold Melee damage: Yet, ever since it was used to chop off the head of the first executioner who had turned to blackmail and murder, it has been shunned by his followers, who deem it a harbinger of bad luck. Purchase from Kaan, the goblin trader, on Lanilor Lane, west of the shrine.
One-handed Sword L37 gold Melee damage: It is vile, repulsive, and very, very deadly. All three bounty targets must be killed, and their items turned in. One-handed Warhammer L39 random Melee damage: The hammer feels slightly off balance in your hand, probably due to the way Caracalla wielded it. Two-handed Sword L40 gold Melee damage: Not that some folks mind One-handed Warhammer L38 gold Melee damage: Puzzled, the knight consented and was surprised to see his trusty blade being used as a toothpick. One-handed Warhammer L37 gold Melee damage: Clearly you had better be the one who wields it, not the one who must face it.
One-handed Axe L35 gold Melee damage: When the smith walked out of the mountain with his new masterpiece in hand, the first thing he saw was a raven that looked at him with approving eyes. And so the sword had a name. This opens a secret chamber. Find the Teleporter Stone on the body inside, and place it in the control panel of the teleporter. This mace is on the bed in the room it teleports to. One-handed Warhammer L36 gold Melee damage: It still has blood on it.
The people of this city felt completely safe behind their impregnable walls, behind the one entry to the town: One strike from her hammer was all it took: Before having had the time to panic the Black Ring army poured into the city and burned, defiled, and butchered all they could find. That was the end of Truyana, and this was the hammer that caused it.
One-handed Sword L40 gold Melee damage: To make it appear, give money to Darvesh, the vagrant, near the Mardaneus Plaza shrine. After 3 gold, he will tell you of the shield hidden under the bed. Shield L23 gold Melee Armour Rating: Bow L40 gold Ranged damage: Bow L38 gold Ranged damage: It emits a forceful heat. Needless to say Broken Valley guards need excellent protection and this helmet is a great example of what resulted from that want.
One day an entire squad was wiped out though, by an as of yet unidentified terror. From then on the Deep Dwellers were disbanded and access to the catacombs declared forbidden. Armour L40 gold Melee Armour Rating: Some say Dragons have actually fled from those warriors that wore it, hence its ominous name. Found in a wooden chest that appears after killing Theofolus in the basement of the Champion Academy. When worn, this helmet creates weird visual effects.
It also allows you to see various secrets in the surrounding area. Sadly, not many of these masterpieces are left, so active warriors and collectors alike will pay fabulous sums for examples such as this. Armour L37 gold Melee Armour Rating: If you ever wanted to own an item worn by the most famous Dragon Slayer, this is your chance!
These leggings are a great example of the fact that Seekers are not just ecclesiastical men and women, but stout warriors and wizards to boot. Those who fought there were the best from among their ranks, and so was the equipment they wore.
Frankopedia / Frictionary
Sturdy leggings are of special importance when roaming the deserts of Yuthul Gor, as they are infested with Dust Demons that shoot up from the ground and drag their victims down either to instantly devour them or drown them in the hot sands. Head to the bedroom, and this is in a lockbox near the bed in the center northern part of the room. When the necklace is delivered to either Ricky or Astridax.
He believes it has protective abilities granted by the Divine himself. When you head back towards the exit, Jango will attack. It is in a jewelry box on the desk in the eastern portion of the house. When the ring is delivered to either Decimus or Astridax. In this room is Mara, a ghost. Ask her for the earrings to save Ransid, and she will oblige. When the earrings is delivered to either Ransid or Astridax. They are filled with all sorts of coloured gems and look extremely valuable.
Defend Tom against Taurus, and when killed, he drops this bracelet. There are no buffs or other bonuses of any kind. These provide a bonus for using multiple pieces of the same set. Equipment sets are, by definition, special items as described in the previous section. Their name is gold, and they lack any prefix or suffix. This section is simply for convenience, to list all pieces of a set together. A minimum of two pieces of a set must be equipped to get any bonus. The bonuses for equipping multiple pieces of a set are listed in order, starting with the bonus for two pieces.
The Annihilator, Mining Guild, and Orobas sets are automatically added to your inventory when starting a new character in the ED chapter. Purchase from Derk in Broken Valley Village. In a large wooden chest atop a cliff in Broken Valley third fortune. A large wooden chest in the first room of Sentinel Island. In a chest behind a locked gate in the Lost Cavern Broken Valley. Place the three Dragon Crystals near Maxos Temple to spawn a chest. In a locked wooden chest near the end of the Primordial Cave. In a locked wooden chest west of Beach shrine. Found on the Corpse of Jack Bolton, northeast of Jiervaras the tree.
In a locked chest atop the eastern tower of Dragon Cliff Castle. In a locked chest in the Red Hammer Tribe cavern. Mindread him for the password. In the final passage of the Well Cave after killing Zagan. Chest in Depleted Ore Mine. Use the Blue, Red, Dark Books. Mindread Goblin Charlie, then find a small chest in Yggdrasil. In a locked large chest within the Sinister Cave in Orobas Fjords.
In a locked chest next to a magma pit in the High Hall Mines. Dropped by Alutiiq the beholder in the Depleted Ore Mine. Dropped by General Kali, if she was mindread beforehand. Dropped by General Xanlosch, if he was mindread beforehand. Dropped by General Stone, if he was mindread beforehand.
Dropped by General Raze, if he was mindread beforehand. FoV files do not get this set. Warrior Full set bonus: The pieces of this set are as rare as the Slayers who prefer this tactic. Annihilator Bracelet Bracelet L15 gold Set bonus: Ranger Full set bonus: Mage Full set bonus: Of course, there is no guarantee a foe might not make it past their minions: Orobas Pendant Amulet L15 gold Set bonus: None Full set bonus: For without them mankind would be doomed to fall prey to the many, many foes that threaten civilisation.
Dragon Slayers and Aleroth Champions may form the fists of the human military body, but the Rivellon Guards, they are the backbone. Guard armours have to be versatile as they must serve under many conditions: Striking a balance between so many requirements is not easy, but years of tradition have supplied the Rivellon guards with the best of the best. Armour L6 gold Melee Armour Rating: Experienced casters all, they were terrifying opponents who refused to yield when an army of Demons launched a massive assault.
None of them survived, but the carnage they inflicted was of such a scale that they have become legends among the people of Rivellon and today, sparse though its numbers may be, their equipment is sought after by even the most powerful of battle mages. Wrought by the armour smiths that would later supply the Aleroth Champions, their armours are brilliant pieces of workmanship. It is no coincidence all but exact replicas of them are now fashioned for those who enlist in the ranks of the New Order of Rivertown.
Armour L10 gold Melee Armour Rating: Dropped by the Hellgate Demon. It is summoned in the fourth wave of enemies when examining the book on the pedestal near the hellgate in an alcove west of the Quarry shrine in Broken Valley. Found in a wooden chest atop a high cliff in Broken Valley. Bellegar will appear and teleport you high into the air, right above this cliff. Let gravity do its work, and check the chest. In addition to making sure you get it while on the cliff, you need 1 level in the Lockpick skill to actually open the chest.
Make sure you have it! One-handed Warhammer L14 gold Melee damage: Wild Dweller armour is akin in quality and semblance to the flora and fauna its wearers so fiercely guard. In a large wooden chest on the north side of the Sentinel Island room the teleporter at the end of Maxos Temple takes you to. Armour L14 gold Melee Armour Rating: It is found on a mound of volcanic rock southwest of the bridge near the end of the river.
This item has a VERY small window of opportunity to find. Mindread Sir Robin for the password. Bow L12 gold Ranged damage: Members of the Echelon are warriors unmatched and undefeated, mere mention of whom strikes panic in the hearts of their enemies and sparks godlike admiration in those of their allies.
Attack may be the best form of defence, but Dragon Slayers who spend more time in the field rather than poised over battle maps know not to take this dictum too strictly. Sturdy as granite and shaped to intimidate, Blood Echelon armours set new standards in the art of war. Locate the three Dragon Crystals around the outside of Maxos Temple. They are found in small white chests, and surrounded by blue lighting. One is in an alcove on the northeast side of the Temple shrine. One is behind a tree in the northeast corner of the area.
One is in a cliff alcove in the northwest corner of the area. Set each of the three in a dragon statue on the platform with ZixZax, and a chest containing this item will appear. Place the amulet on the tombstone and a chest will appear, containing this item. To access this, you must find all four pieces of Parchment throughout the valley, then ask ZixZax outside Maxos Temple to translate them. He will give a password. Head inside, get the key beware the two level 14 skeletons!
Shield L14 gold Melee Armour Rating: One-handed Sword L14 gold Melee damage: One of these is the Scorpions, a particularly vicious band of warriors born and bred in the godforsaken deserts of Yuthul Gor. Their dark accoutrement is of all-but- unrivalled quality and its vicious shapes are the last things beheld by countless unfortunates who cross their path. Locked inside a plain wooden chest in the Primordial Cave, very near the platform from which you meet the Patriarch. The key is on a piece of wooden scaffolding in the back of the same room of the cave, in the opposite direction.
Life Line 8 1 empty enchantment slot Helmet: Melee Protection 5 1 empty enchantment slot Leggings: Armour L24 gold Melee Armour Rating: Increased Mana 2; Ranged Protection 4 Belt: This chest is on an altar on a small island in the northwestern part of the fortress. It is beneath the large island housing the fortress with the teleporter leading to inside the anti-dragon barrier.
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The area glows blue, and there are large walls with faces on them looking at the chest. Difficult to describe, but very easy to find. Belt L27 gold Set bonus: Damage Aura 2 Amulet: In a large wooden chest west of the Beach shrine on Sentinel Island. Healing Aura 5 Earrings: Earrings L29 gold Set bonus: Retribution Aura 3 Bracelet: It is inside the final room of the cave, and you suffer constant fire damage until he dies. Bracelet L21 gold Set bonus: Magic Damage Aura 3 Ring: This is found in an alcove on the southern side, on the lower tier of land. The area glows blue, so it is difficult to miss.
Ring L24 gold Set bonus: Poison Aura 2 Weapon: Two-handed Sword L26 gold Melee damage: Rangers who wear this equipment should be among the most feared creatures in Rivellon but - as is intended - they are not: This wreckage is atop a large tree, and requires dragon form to reach. The key is in a small chest on a high floor of the western tower. This chest requires some tricky jumps to reach. In a locked wooden chest not the large one near Svadilfari in the Red Hammer Tribe cave.
Books by Hugh Mann (Author of The Well Kept Man)
Armour L24 gold Ranged Armour Rating: The key is on a rock in the back corner. Belt L16 gold Set bonus: The chest is found inside the room where Geshniz is fought.
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Amulet L27 gold Set bonus: The teleporter leading to it is found in a fortification near the center of the northern continent in her flying fortress not the one with the teleporter to her Headquarters! In a wooden chest at the entrance of High Hall. To get the password, mindread Gwyn, who is nearby. Bracelet L24 gold Set bonus: It is the only one in that area. Ring L28 gold Set bonus: Though he was buried in his paraphernalia, graverobbers must have desecrated his last resting place, for soon parts of the set were sold on the black market for exorbitant prices.
And so they sometimes fell into good hands, though more often into bad ones. In a large wooden chest in the final passage of the Well Cave, after killing Zagan. This is in the same chest as the Chainmail Dragon Helmet. Gauntlets L30 gold Melee Armour Rating: Increase Mana 1 Helmet: The chest is found inside the room where Rayhun is fought.
Life Line 2 Leggings: Take the elevator in the southeastern section of the Depleted Ore Mine to the bottom floor and pick up the Blue, Red, and Dark Book quest items. Then, set them on the pedestals on the middle floor take the elevator up one floor. The center pedestal is Blue Book, the left-hand one Dark, and right one Red.
Doing this spawns a chest with these leggings. Magic Protection 2 Armour: Armour L30 gold Magic Armour Rating: Melee Protection 3 Belt: After mindreading Charlie, a small box appears in his tree fort atop Yggdrasil. Open it to find a Malachite Gem, and this belt.
Belt L23 gold Set bonus: Keep in mind, this is 5 points on an item that will usually provide a bonus of 0. In a locked large wooden chest inside the Sinister Cave. It is in a grate at the T-intersection south of the entrance to the corridor. The chest itself is near the generator that protects the Nest Tower the only chest in that corridor. Amulet L22 gold Set bonus: Damage Aura 2 Earrings: In a locked wooden chest, next to a magma pit in the middle of the High Hall Mines.
The key is held by a corpse in a cage over the pit. Jump on top of the column in the magma pit and reach for the key. Earrings L23 gold Set bonus: Spontaneous Combustion 1 Bracelet: Bracelet L17 gold Set bonus: Damage Aura 2 Ring: Dropped by Alutiiq in the Depleted Ore Mine. He is found in the northeastern section of the mine. The combined might will do over damage, killing most characters in a single hit! Open it from the side, and be prepared to dodge. He died in a great battle against the united forces of mankind, and afterwards the Black Ring got hold of the pieces that formed the armour.
They were then distributed among their most deserving members, and redistributed when a piece holder died. To wear even part of the Armour of Ulthring is considered to be a great honor, even though this honor usually means the wearer becomes the center of Black Ring jealousy and greed. Dropped by Kali in the Headquarters of her flying fortress, if she was mindread prior to the fight. He is found inside the anti-dragon barrier, after passing through the Inner Passage room of the fortress. Armour L28 gold Melee Armour Rating: Dropped by General Raze in the Headquarters of his flying fortress if mindread before the battle.
Leggings L29 gold Melee Armour Rating: In the Top Floor of Phoenix Inn, move the paintings on the wall. Mindread Balbus in Circle of Trust Inn, then ask about the armour. In a hidden room of the Playhouse cellar. Press a secret button. Use the key on the iron gate on the NW room of the Temple of Nimir. They were disbanded because of their all-too-bloody methods, but their exceptional gear remains a much- sought-after and valuable commodity. Head into the study, and look at the paintings on the wall opposite the desk. This spawns a lockbox on the desk with this helmet inside. Although some guides say you need to mindread Hannibal EXP to manipulate the paintings to make the box appear, this is false.
The paintings can always be moved. That mindread only exists to point it out to unaware players. Mindread Balbus in the Circle of Trust Inn, then ask him about the armour. He gives it to you. Armour L35 gold Melee Armour Rating: In the Playhouse Cellar, find a button on the wall to the left of the desk along the northern wall. This opens a secret wall nearby with a chest. This is the only item in that chest. Although some guides say you need to mindread Alfred EXP to make the button for the secret wall appear, this is false. The button is always there. The northeastern room contains treasure, and this is in the chest hidden in the back of the room.
To open the gate, three secret levers must be pressed. One on the second column to the left. One on the fourth column to the left. One on the fourth column to the right. Although some guides say you need to mindread Dwayne EXP to make the levers appear, this is false. The levers are always there. That mindread only exists to point them out to unaware players. The set was spread throughout the city as brigand after brigand would challenge the wearer of these much-desired pieces to duels in order to obtain them. In a chest on a ledge in Source Square.
If you choose to fight the assassins, Brancussi will drop this item when he dies. If you side with the assassins, Brancussi instead sells this item via his shop. The only armour bonuses it gives are the ones listed the buffs. He is laying on a bed, dying. Afterwards, talk to Bernard upstairs to receive the key to the chest. Get the password for the basement from Peter the healer, in Mardaneus Plaza, and open the chest inside for these bracers. In the Temple of Nimir, head to the southern section of the temple.
On the way to that room, there will be a skeleton in the catacombs along the wall with a key you can see the glow. It should be near the fork that leads to the south. After getting the key, head to the northwestern room, use the key to unlock the iron gate blocking it, and get these leggings from the golden chest inside! Although some guides say you need to mindread Minius EXP to make the key for the gate appear, this is false. The key is always there. This also means that mindreading Aulus in Lanilor Lane and convincing him to let Minius go to the temple is also unnecessary to obtain this item.
His room is he southern room of the main section of the crypt. It is locked with a key sitting in the torch on the wall to the left right after entering the room. Although some guides say you need to mindread Abbott EXP to make the key for the gate appear, this is false. Soon, some of them not only let themselves be engulfed by the sources of sorcery, but wrapped them around their bodies: Enter the Temple of Nimir, and head to the northeastern room. A ghost named Baldini wants your help getting to a unique flower. Proceed with the quest follow the walkthrough in section 5.
Look on the back of the chest for a button and press it to make a platform appear. Carefully fall off the back of the platform you stand on to land on the new platform, then jump to the corner of the room, with another large wooden chest containing these bracers. Although some guides say you need to mindread Baldini EXP to press the button on the chest, this is false. The key to the chest is hanging on a small statue on the desk in the room.
To unlock the room, obtain the key dropped by Halliwell after killing him in his room of the Circle of Trust Inn. If you let Ursula go, she gives you the earrings along with her bow, and if you choose to fight and kill Ursula, she drops the earrings upon death. Earrings L35 gold Set bonus: They provide either a stat bonus percentage or a dragon skill bonus.
There does not appear to be a bonus for equipping all pieces of a particular set. This is found in the Coffer chest in the bedchambers of the Battle Tower. Dropped by Amdusias in the Maxos Temple. Expert smiths would fashion great sets of chain mail armour for their masters, which made it safe for them to engage in combat with heftier foes. In a large wooden chest in the Sinister Cave.
This is in the room connected to the northern teleporter in the main chamber the one lowest to the magma. Proceed partway through the platforming puzzle, and this chest is next to a different teleporter. In a large wooden chest on the scaffolding behind Svadilfari in the Red Hammer Tribe cave in the southeastern part of Orobas Fjords. Mindread Svadilfari before killing him, obviously to unlock it. The mindread costs EXP. In a large wooden chest in the Well Cave of High Hall. To access this, you must mindread Zagan the demon at the end of the Well Cave, then defeat him in dragon combat.
The corridor you came in will collapse, leaving you to escape via a blue-tinted corridor near the top of the room. In this passage is the chest, IF you mindread Zagan. The lair has a crude wooden hut like those in other goblin or imp areas outside of it, making it somewhat easier to find. The key to it is found in a large grain sack in the fenced- off corner of the room, past the trader Irwin. In response the Dragon Knights created prodigious armour laced with crystal that not only made them quasi-impervious to all that may harm, but also increased their already legendary might.
In a wooden chest in the library of the Aleroth Ministry building. This is found inside the sultry talking treasure chest in the main room of the crypt. Its three questions must be answered correctly, and you only get ONE chance at it. The correct answers are: One health potion, two apples, one Droxlerite 3: Four candles Leg piece: It is in the northern chest in the room. Taking cue from the frequently-proven strength of plate armour worn in human shape, new armour was forged in that same tradition to fit their mightier form.
The headquarters teleporter is on a cliff located near Maxos Temple, in Broken Valley. The portal to her fortress is via the Rivertown Gorge exit of the Orobas Fjords.