Sound Bites: A Novel about Politics and the Media
These are great examples, Brad.
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I ask because the off-the-cuff remarks do risk the seven-second stray. I say that because I know how hard it is for most of our trainees to simply create these verbal gems accidentally.
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Both planned their sound bites in advance with obvious success. I am new to your blog having just learned of it today.
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As a video professional, I would like to share a few tips with you to make your excellent video entries even better. Improve the image quality by adding a light above and to the left of the camera to light the right side of your face.
GIFs Have Replaced Sound Bites in Political Coverage | Fortune
This will both brighten your skin tones and create the much-desired eye twinkle. You may need to experiment with the height of the light to avoid reflection from your glasses. Consider standing rather than sitting. Your diaphragm will be less compressed and gestures can be broader. You will need to re-position your tripod and backdrop.
Turn your shoulders slightly by putting one foot forward toward the camera and frame the image to one side.
The Era of the Political Sound Bite is Over. Now It's All About the GIF
This will give a sense of energy and look less like a mug shot where you were centered in the frame and up against the wall. Improve the audio by using a lavalier mic instead of the camera mic.
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- Seven Great Media Sound Bites | Mr. Media Training.
Your voice will sound more intimate — a key benefit of video communication. I believe this small investment in time and equipment will yield huge results. Let me know how it goes.
Sound Bites
See you on the screen. Thank you very much for your comment and tips. First, I agree with your tips wholeheartedly. Some of the newer ones are better, but still not perfect. As an example, check out this one from earlier this year: I still have work to do, and your tips will help me get there.
Many of those tweets and status updates include quotes. But the real weapon of choice lately is the animated GIF.
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The hour news cycle has become a minute news cycle. Now, all it takes is a shrug or a raised eyebrow during a debate to start the spin, as the gesture gets turned into animated GIFs that replay endlessly on Twitter and Facebook, thanks to the auto-play feature on both platforms.

The idea that political judgements will be made, and possibly campaigns won or lost, on the basis of something so trivial as a three-second animation might seem absurd, or disturbing. A shot of presidential candidate Michael Dukakis looking awkward in a tank was widely believed to have helped torpedo his chances in , and inappropriate remarks or photos that went public have done the same for others.
Kennedy, actually helped seal the impression that Nixon was a dubious character because his appearance on TV was so unimpressive. The snap judgements now take minutes, not hours or days. And in some cases, those animated GIFs can actually sum up something essential about the nature of the topic.
Hillary Clinton looking exasperated and brushing lint from her shoulder while on the stand seemed to say far more about the hearings than any post-hearing analysis.