PAYING GUESTS (Annotated and With Active Table of Contents)
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But this cleared up the original missing annotation issue. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. What would cause a single page not to export with annotation? Showing of 4 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. A good sample of his horror stories other than those featuring Dracula.
It appears that the story "Dracula's Guest" was originally supposed to be part of the main novel. Some of the stories like "The Squaw" are well known, but most are not. A superb collection, some of the stories are incredibly spooky though. Stoker's stories are interesting no matter what he's writing about eh. See all 4 reviews.
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Bram Stoker is known the world over as the author of DRACULA, one of the Victorian era's most celebrated novels, certainly one of the horror genre's foundational works. It was not, however, his only work; Stoker also wrote at least eleven other novels and novellas and any number of short stories, none of them as widely known or celebrated as his masterwork.
Well, maybe, maybe not; a good many critics have noted that it is quite unlike DRACULA in tone and that it is difficult to see where the piece would have fit in the novel. Whatever the case, the story concerns an unnamed traveler, possibly Johnathan Harker, who is traveling in Germany on Walpurgis Night, and very foolishly leaves his coach to stroll down a lane of unsavory reputation. A ruined town, a cemetery, a violent storm, a wolf, and and an unexpected rescue follow, but quite frankly I wasn't impressed by it.
- Dracula's Guest and Other Weird Stories (Annotated) eBook: Bram Stoker: Kindle Store;
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- No More Than 5 Ingredients Salads: Latest Collection of 30 Top Class, Simple, Easy And Most-Wanted Salad Recipes For Healthy Life.
- The Little Book Of Lost Hearts: A Christmas Fairy Tale.
- .
Probably the best of the stories that follow is "The Judge's House," the story of student Malcom Malcolmson, who seeks out an isolated town and further still an isolated house in which to study. He is warned that the house was once home to a judge notorious for his excessive sentences, but he pays the warnings no mind Well written and distinctly creepy, "The Judge's House" seems similar in plot and even tone to Edgar Allen Poe, and it also seems to anticipate various works by H.
But the remaining stories are not especially memorable. A black cat furiously follows a tourist into a historical torture chamber in "The Squaw," and the results are hardly unexpected.
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They are entertaining enough in their way, but I won't be sitting up at night over any of them. The synopsis was completely misleading as it implied there was other short stories contained within. I was already familiar with Dracula's Guest being the missing first chapter of the novel Dracula as I owned a short story anthology of other "chilling tales" that contained it when I was a teenager.

That book has long since disappeared, so I'm happy to have the story again. I'm very disappointed that the only other things contained within were attempts to get me to purchase sets of x number of stories you should read before you die.
Read kaa/paying-guests-annotated-and-with-active-table-of-contents
Um they're free on Amazon individually. I already own most of them.
So glad I didn't pay for this one! Dracula being one of my favorite books, I was thrilled to find this collection of Bram Stoker's short stories. I enjoy horror writers who can provoke old-fashioned fright without relying too heavily on graphic details; while those details have a place, too many of them dampen a story. I was hoping that this collection would be as skillfully crafted as Dracula; I'm happy to say that this anthology mostly lived up to my expectations. While there's plenty of ghoulish tension throughout the book, these stories also provide moral lessons, cautionary tales, some hair-raising plot twists, and even a few happy anecdotes that keep the collection from feeling monolithic.
I tried to keep the "spoilers" in this review to a minimum - that is, I did not include any details that you would not read within the first half of the stories.
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Read on if you want more information about each individual tale; otherwise, suffice it to say that fans of gothic horror writing will probably find this collection very enjoyable and worth a read. A headstrong stranger faces danger when he does not heed the advice of the locals. I was glad I knew Dracula as well as I do when I started reading this selection because Stoker draws a lot of parallels to the opening scenes of his novel a carriage ride, mountainous terrain, wolves, baleful weather, the dangers of Walpurgis Nacht , which made the reading experience feel rich and familiar.
A young man stays in a house with an unpleasant, angry past, much to the chagrin of the surrounding townsfolk. A couple's honeymoon does not exactly go as planned.