Oxfords Blues (Oxfords Blues Trilogy Book 1)
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DVD Jun 22, "Please retry". Add both to Cart Add both to List. These items are shipped from and sold by different sellers. Buy the selected items together This item: Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Studio Classics Collection '80s. Customers who bought this item also bought. All the Right Moves. All Regions Number of discs: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention rob lowe oxford blues years ago rowing team ally sheedy great movie good movie dvd movies school copy england scenes american classic films disc dream lady university.
Showing of 63 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Prime Video Verified Purchase. This is one of those blast from the past movies. I loved the setting, Oxford University. The buildings and scenes in the town and along the river were wonderful. The acting by Rob Lowe and Ali Sheedy isn't award winning, but it gets you through the plot. The focus is on rowing and that really makes the film worth seeing. Rowing at the British universities is huge and especially at Oxford and Cambridge.
Very few films have really addressed it but this movie does a fairly good job of it, surprisingly. The film quality is old compared to the newer films, but this was made over 30 years ago, so that's to be expected. I was glad to find it on Amazon and at this price. Usually these old films aren't for rent anymore, only for sale, so it was a nice surprise to find it here for 2. If you're a fan of rowing and especially of rowing at Oxford, you'll like this film.
I highly recommend it. L Wright Top Contributor: I love this film. I first saw it back in the mid 80s and enjoyed this newer version of "A Yank at Oxford". Rob Lowe did come across as a very convincing brash American whose behavior does not sit well with the natives. He was very pushy, even interfering with a couple's relationship. You knew right from the start that he and Lady Victoria would never end up as a couple.
Amanda Pays was lovely in the role, she was from an upper class family but she was very down to earth and I enjoyed watching Lowe's attempts to win her over. But the performance I enjoyed the most was Ally Sheedy's, Rona. She was quite wonderful. I also knew right from the start that she would end up winning Lowe. A very young Rob Lowe, plying his trade as a lothario, heads to England to meet a Royal who has caught his wandering eye.
His method is to hack his school grades in order to secure a spot in the prestigious school where his target attends. The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, but we don't have many months to wait for part two. Another great read by one of my favorite romance authors. If I had to describe the book using only two words Feb 26, Janey rated it liked it Shelves: Being a daughter of a politician, she is used to rubbing noses with the upper echelons of her society, whilst draped in the latest designer clothes. She is introduced to her peers at the colleges daily evening feast, by a friendly face, Immy, who she had met on the stairs on arrival.
She gets the measure of a certain Rupert quite quickly. An a-typical toff, he manages to rub her up the wrong way by the end of the dinner. Her MO was to study hard with no distractions, but that all changes when she meets the broody, aristocratic Alexander Hunt. The scenes were suitably descriptive, but in a lot of places ran into each other without pause! Apr 25, Mandy Baggot rated it it was amazing.
If you love stories about how the other half live then this is a must for you. Designer dresses, balls, hunts and a rather sexy lead make for a page-turning read set amongst the privileged in Oxford's university campus. A titled, moody Alpha who is keeping secrets - what more could you want from a hero?
Jan 11, Rachel Lyndhurst rated it it was amazing. A super-hot page turner that made my weekend. Really looking forward to the next book! Pippa Croft ce la mette tutta per farci immergere appieno nell'atmosfera particolare della narrazione inserendo descrizioni molto dettagliate e precise, con tanto di riferimenti architettonici, dei luoghi del libro. Il personaggio di Alexander rimane quasi sempre composto e celato dietro una cortina di cortesia, che non ci permette ancora di conoscerlo appieno alla fine di questa lettura.
Un debole sorriso gli illumina il volto e per un istante i suoi affascinanti lineamenti austeri si ammorbidiscono. Certamente, nel dare uno sguardo di insieme a questo libro, devo dire che mi ha sorpresa: Continua a leggere su CrazyforRomance Aug 15, Sandra Foy rated it did not like it. However I just couldn't get on with this one. There was nothing happening. Lauren Cusack over from America studying at Oxford meets Alexander hunt, aristocratic Englishman, also studying at Oxford. They are immediately drawn to each other and get together. That is it, until the final chapters when the author creates some tension with the introduction of the obnoxious ex-girlfriend.
The character of Alexander did nothing to fire have read quite a few books in this genre and know what to expect. The character of Alexander did nothing to fire the imagination, he is no Christian Grey or Jesse Ward. He just didn't develop at all. By the end of the book all I knew about him was; he is six foot three, he is in the army and he doesn't get on with his father.
His personality did not come through at all. There is the start of a storyline with Professor Rafe, the lecherous lecturer who touches Lauren, and others, inappropriately. There are no scenes depicting this we are just told. I always thought the first rule of writing was show don't tell. The first rule of this book is make sure it can be stretched to three books, and herein lies the problem.
Trilogies are fine, but trilogies for the sake of it are not.
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Why not just write the book infront of you? If you find you have scope for further development, fine. But writing a book just to introduce some characters for the next book is, in my opinion, insulting to the reader spending hard earned money buying these books. Se Pippa Middleton aveva intenzione di scrivere un libro sulle avventure erotiche di sua sorella Kate con il principino Will poteva tranquillamente usare il suo cognome di battesimo e non identificarsi con Croft.. Tanto che c'era poteva cambiare il nome in Lara..
Ci troviamo davanti al solito figo, stile Alex Pettyfer, che la protagonista adocchia fin da subito ammirando con una v Se Pippa Middleton aveva intenzione di scrivere un libro sulle avventure erotiche di sua sorella Kate con il principino Will poteva tranquillamente usare il suo cognome di battesimo e non identificarsi con Croft.. La storia giunge finalmente all'agognato finale, direte voi? Apr 09, Noodles78 rated it liked it. Got this from Netgalley and I read this as my drying my hair book. It's cheesy, trashy and I kinda loved it.
Made me giggle, but I definitely would not read this out in public. Jun 02, Jane Hunt rated it it was amazing Shelves: Lauren Cusack, an US Senator's daughter gets her first real taste of independence studying for her Master's degree in the academic excellence of Oxford. On her first night in Oxford she flees from an uncomfortable encounter with Rupert a vicious snob and lecher and runs headlong into a sexy, enigmatic Alexander.
The spark of passion between them is unforgettable. Alexander ruthlessly pursues her.
Oxford Blue Series by Pippa Croft
Drawn like a moth to a flame Lauren gives into her desires and they begin their wildly erotic love story. Lauren struggles to understand and condone the values of this alien society but despite this she is hooked on Alexander and feeds her addiction at every opportunity. Alexander hides a seething mass of angst, guilt and hatred. Lauren jeopardises her career and happiness to save him. A serendipitous saga of passion, sensuality, prejudices and poignancy and I look forward to the next in the series. Jun 05, Linda Sims rated it liked it.
It's here she meets the enigmatic, sexy and very compelling Alexander Hunt. He's the son of a marquis and very upper class. There's a connection between Alexander and Lauren, which after a few false starts they decide to explore. Of course there's an ex girlfriend lurking in the background. While I liked this, it wasn't without things that were a problem for me. I really liked Lauren she was a very relatable character. Alexander was a bit too moody for me, I didn't quite get Lauren's attraction to him. As to the rest of the cast I think they'd been bussed in from the 's!
There's Imogen or Immy as she likes to be called and Rupert or Rupes as he's known there were more but you get the gist. I half expected them to come out with phrases like jolly hockey sticks, they were so cliched and so old fashioned. I thought that the student body at Oxford was more diverse in this day and age, not that you'd guess that from this book.
Quite frankly the hot sex didn't quite save this for me. Sep 18, Amanda rated it it was amazing. I wish this book - or series of books, could be made into a TV series. Okay, perhaps the hot scenes boiling would have to be toned down a little, but it would certainly liven up a Sunday night! Croft manages to evoke aspects of one of my favourite shows, Morse. Her knowledge of Oxford and its beautiful portrayal has me walking through the streets and living the grandeur and history of the place.
Throw into this is the feisty American, Lauren, who wants to put a broken heart behind her and just I wish this book - or series of books, could be made into a TV series. Throw into this is the feisty American, Lauren, who wants to put a broken heart behind her and just get on with her studies, and Alexander, the charismatic English aristocrat who refuses to let her.
Lauren is inexorably drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Does she get her wings burnt? Well, you'll have to read it to find out. I will be reading the other two! Jun 08, Christine rated it it was ok. Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for my copy of this book.
The First Time We Met
This is boy meets girl at Oxford University story, well posh English toff boy meets well off 'I know Obama' American girl. I like a good steamy dark read and that was what I was anticipating. However I just couldn't get into it at all. The writing style didn't really suit me.
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I wasn't feeling the passion or the sexual tension. I think this may be better suited to younger readers or people who like all that posh upper class shenaniga Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for my copy of this book. I think this may be better suited to younger readers or people who like all that posh upper class shenanigans. Jul 06, Alessia rated it it was amazing Shelves: La mia mente stressata ne aveva bisogno. Il mio cuoricino melassoso ne aveva bisogno. E il mio animo di lettrice troppo spesso delusa dal genere NA ne aveva bisogno.
Fatto sta che mi sono goduta questo libro dalla prima all'ultima parola. Il libro ci narra di Lauren Cusack, figlia di un senatore, che si appresta a lasciare l'America per andare a frequentare un master post laurea alla Oxford University. Lei vorrebbe, attraverso lo studio, mettersi alle spalle la delusione d'amore subita, ma il suo intento viene sconvolto da Alexander Hunt, bellissimo e vol Buon pomeriggio, readers!
Lei vorrebbe, attraverso lo studio, mettersi alle spalle la delusione d'amore subita, ma il suo intento viene sconvolto da Alexander Hunt, bellissimo e volitivo aristocratico che studia relazioni internazionali e fa parte dell'esercito britannico. Entrambi si rendono conto che sarebbe meglio che ognuno continuasse a percorrere la propria strada, ma proprio non riescono a stare lontani.
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L'autrice, fino ad allora a me sconosciuta, ha reso la trama abbastanza chiara: Eppure iniziano gelosie varie, si conoscono meglio e i sentimenti inevitabilmente prendono forma e, ovviamente, le cose si complicano. Questo libro parte lento per poi velocizzarsi man mano che ci si avvicina al finale. May 10, Jeannie Zelos rated it it was amazing. I read a lot, books a year, and contemporary romance is a genre I love but which carries a lot of bland, easy reading novels. That's fine for many readers who want that but I need more, and this trilogy supplies all the drama, angst and emotion I need!
Her family are high in the US political scene, and while she loves them dearly they can be over protective, so her year in the UK is a chance to find her own feet. She's recently broken up with her boyfriend too — they'd been together some time but things weren't right, and this gives her a fresh start with new people and lifestyle. She's not looking for a new boyfriend but accidentally runs into Alexander — always Alexander, never Alex! He's very strong minded, rules are for others and he breaks them at every point. A member of the English nobility he's trying to escape his own past, not happy in the entrenched, traditional role set out for him in life.
He's carrying a lot of secrets — oh I love that, potential for so much drama!! He's drawn to Lauren and she to him from their first meeting, even though it doesn't go well. She knows from his reputation he's the last person she needs to get involved with, and he really doesn't need more entanglements in his complicated life, but somehow they can't stay away. Alexander is master of the grand gesture, and not taking no for an answer, and soon they're embroiled in a hot and heavy relationship.
The sex is sizzling, sensual, steamy passion beautifully written and fits perfectly within the novel. I love erotic novels but need a good story backing it, and this one is just perfect. Slowly though a few secrets creep out, there are some misunderstandings and some fierce jealousies on both sides. There's the sleazy Professor Rafe who makes Lauren very uneasy and who warns her off Alexander, there's Alexander's father who's very anti Lauren, Valentina from Alexander's past — and present who's just the perfect bitch, and clearly isn't going away, and his cousin Rupert, who clearly doesn't like Lauren and insinuates to her that she's just not good enough for Alexander, that he needs someone born to the role, not an American who knows nothing about English country life and lifestyles.
I love those characters, people who are determined, and takes every opportunity to turn the screw and cause problems. There's too few romances that do this well — this one has it spot on. I'm really, really impatient for book three now, due out in autumn. I hate trilogies with long intervals between releases, the story loses momentum for me but this isn't such a huge gap between parts, and its definitely one for my keeper files for re reading back to back — that's the way I love to read the best romances.
ARC supplied via Netgalley May 11, Erin rated it it was amazing. There she meets Alexander and finds it hard to resist his advances even though the purpose of moving to England was to stay away from men. I really l 4. I really love the cover of this book. I also like that this book came with the recommendation that if you enjoyed Samantha Young you might enjoy this book. Her family, her accent, her personality which is reservedly, genuinely nice compared to the stereotypical jumped up snobbery prevalent in the other Oxford students.
I love that prevalent is synonymous with rampant as it really accurately describes these personality traits in the fictional upper-class students in the story. I immediately felt a connection with Lauren which is probably due to the difference in her personality from the personality of her peers.
While I imagined him as gorgeous, he was really just too polite, disconnected and distant from the story, from his life at Oxford and from Lauren in a relationship capacity. The only thing that really seemed to matter to him was his career in service. Having said that, towards the end of the book, when the characters are forced to show their true colours the chemistry between them starts to spark.
I think that when emotions really got going Alexander was capable of showing a side to him that shows a man who will fight for what he wants and a man who can be passionate. Aug 18, Sorcha O'Dowd rated it it was amazing Shelves: Lauren was a brilliant heroine, and a character that I feel a lot of young people will relate to, especially when it comes to making choices about their future.
All too often I read New Adult and even Adult books where the heroine falls in love with the hero within a month and is hoping for a proposal or planning a wedding. As lovely as this is, I instead felt a really strong kinship with Lauren who instead thought like a young girl who had her whole life in front of her, a life that she wanted to make for herself.
I loved the dark and mysterious persona that he has, which he tries to hide from those he cares about, and I really liked how in the end his issues with his family and his past that he was so desperately trying to ignore, were in fact the things that started to come between him and Lauren.
The psychological undertones that began in this novel are one of the things that have really intrigued me and have me waiting on tenterhooks to read the next book in the series.

The storyline was a beautiful one, and the writing style is something that is both easy to read, and packed with meaning and heart. Although the last chapter broke my heart, I felt really pleased with the road that the author took with these characters, and I am excited to see how the ending of this book will impact Lauren and Alexander in the next book, and to help them grow stronger as both individuals and perhaps as a couple.
Jun 14, Claire rated it liked it. I was lucky enough to receive a free preview reading copy of the book from Netgalley.
Lauren Cusak arrives at Oxford, after a struggle with her parents to let her move from America to England to complete her masters degree. She is the daughter of the US Senate and just had her heart broken by her long term boyfriend. She is determined not to let anything get in the way of her studies, but that all changes when she bumps into Alexander Hunt in the corridors on her first night at the University. Th I was lucky enough to receive a free preview reading copy of the book from Netgalley. There is some electricity that sparks between them on this first encounter, but I didn't really get the feeling that it was as intense as it was made out to be.
They left feeling that they should stay away from each other when actually they were drawn to each other. The story goes on, explaining how Lauren and Alexander's relationship progresses and this seems to be the whole basis of the story. Apart from the repulsive Rupert, Alexander's cousin, who is determined to make a move on Lauren, and Scott, Lauren's ex boyfriends cousin, who just happens to also be studying at the same university in England! I have to say that I didn't really get this book.
I'm not sure if it was trying to be 50 Shades of Grey or not. If it was, then it wasn't done very well. There were some intense sex scenes between the two of them, which were very well written.
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They were very graphic, however they didn't quite fit into the context of the book, and although they are both over 21, the fact that they are still 'at school' made them a bit strange to read. I felt that the book was quite slow, and I couldn't see where it was going until it got the last chapters where it turned out that it was going to result in jealousy and the fact that society was suggesting that they shouldn't be together. It ended on a very predictable note, leaving the story wide open for the next book, which I also have a copy of and will be reviewing soon.
I don't think that the book was for me, but I will be reading the next one to see where it goes from here. I would recommend this to readers around the age mark who enjoy reading light romantic fiction and who won't shy away from the graphic sex scenes scattered throughout the book. Jan 10, Moon Love rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is Pippa Croft's debut novel and the first in a trilogy. The second book is already available as an eBook and the third will be available in October.