OGs Speculative Fiction, Issue 33
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- The TEXAS Clipper (Lexington Avenue Express Book 35);
- An Entangled Forest: Evolution and Speculative Fiction.
A little after noon we doubled Cape St. Diego, and entered the famous Strait of Le Maire. We kept close to the Fuegian shore, but the outline of the rugged, inhospitable Staten-land was visible amidst the clouds. In the afternoon we anchored in the Bay of Good Success.
#98 = Volume 33
While entering we were saluted in a manner becoming the inhabitants of this savage land. A group of Fuegians partly concealed by the entangled forest , were perched on a wild point overhanging the sea; and as we passed by, they sprang up and waving their tattered cloaks sent forth a loud and sonorous shout.

Entanglement is a figure that occurred to Darwin on his encounter with the Fuegian islanders in when travelling on the HMS Beagle as a gentleman scientist on her surveying expedition of South America. The entangled mass of the thriving and the fallen reminded me of the forests within the tropics—yet there was a difference: Conspiracy theories describe the tentacle-like reach of secret societies, the penetration of authority by sinister forces, and the networks of global capitalism.
It seems to me that there is something organic and developmental about much speculative fiction. And utopian thought and literature has also been theorized as something nested within the existing world: Conspiracy is a pattern of interpretation of the world, and an aesthetic figure that narrative presentations of conspiracies rely upon: Entangled Plot coordinates entangled Plot.
Gould has been one of the most widely read popularizers of science in the anglosphere, his own background being palaeontology, evolutionary biology and its history.
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- The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief.
In the concluding chapter of Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History , he summarizes his position thus: Of course the recognition of patterns of purpose and direction in human evolutionary history is the origin-point of eugenics, and the overdevelopment of pattern-recognition, or apophenia , is a pretty good identifier of paranoid, conspiracist thinking. His discussion revolves around the Burgess Shale, a Cambrian-era fossil bed discovered high in the Canadian Rockies in by Charles Walcott, who painstakingly classified the wealth of new species he discovered, drawing lines of genealogical descent from the fossil remains to current organisms.
This was a treasure trove, he thought, of missing links between ancient and modern life-forms. It was not surprising that Walcott had reached this conclusion, for Darwin had long been aware of the poverty of the fossil record, and had accommodated the missing remains of thousands of generations of incremental gradations in species history by assuming that they had simply not been found: Here, at last, was such evidence, or so it seemed.
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Also, it may not have been the fittest species that survived, but those organisms that happened to be better suited to survival in the altered conditions following a cataclysmic natural disaster: But in the sphere of evolutionary biology, how could we possibly test this hypothesis, that the survivals and extinctions of natural life are not determined solely by the internal logic of variation and competition; in other words, that natural history is determined from the distribution of starting conditions?
To take a few examples from the period I usually study, the late nineteenth and early twentieth century: A Prophecy Mary Bradley-Lane, is an all-female utopia located inside the earth and accessed via the North Pole; A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder James De Mille, is another lost world, this time in the south-polar regions and requiring a treacherous passage past rocks and monsters. In all of these, as with the better-known Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman , these alterity of these lost-world societies is founded on their remoteness and the near-impossibility of communication between the culture and civilization of the modern world, and the alternative one.
In these lost-world narratives, a small population has retreated or been forced into seclusion, from where and when an alternative line of historical development and social organization becomes thinkable.
Isolation is a condition of difference. In a carefully worked image, the three Victorian adventurers encounter three young women on arriving in Herland, who climb a large tree to keep a safe distance from the intruders. The men climb after them and assume themselves to have the upper hand, as they control access to the main trunk of the tree, and the women retreat out along the branches; however,.
They dropped from the ends of the big boughs to those below, fairly poured themselves off the tree, while we climbed downward as swiftly as we could.
We heard their vanishing gay laughter, we saw them fleeting away in the wide open reaches of the forest, and gave chase, but we might as well have chased wild antelopes. Through their superior agility and speed that leaves the men clinging awkwardly to the tree of human biological ancestry, as they drop down from branch to branch, the women demonstrate the possibility of alternative evolutionary descent.
To contemplate difference, one needs isolation—and the exemplary geographical feature of separation is the island , with which it has an common etymology. But let the number of inhabitants be small, as on an island, and free access to it from other countries be circumscribed, and let the change of conditions continue progressing forming new stations , in such a case the original inhabitants must cease to be as perfectly adapted to the changed conditions as they were originally.
To contemplate difference, one needs isolation—and the exemplary geographical feature of separation is the island.
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The consequent variations only become visible as differences from the species forms which had mistakenly been thought of as immutable. The critical importance of the island for evolutionary thought is clear from its appearance at the precise moment when Darwin first presents the theory of descent with variation. It is also a site where beliefs about the earliest state of human society could be formed; E.
The details of the speculative element itself aren't central to the plot and generally aren't explained at all. Space opera falls under soft SF. Soft SF stories do create the impression that everything has a scientific explanation though; there are no appeals to the supernatural. It's okay for sufficiently-advanced technology to be like magic as long as the reader isn't meant to believe that it is magic. A fantasy story set in a secondary world that isn't derived from our world we class as high fantasy. Stories with supernatural elements that are set in our world or in some variation on our world we class as l ow fantasy.
Only a handful of stories didn't fit into one of these four categories. Also included is poetry from Anna Sykora. Ferguson's "Wake Up and Smell the Moonflowers" a unique couple finds out renting a castle is actually quite easy.
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Nyki Blatchley's "The Great Queen" shows that good schemes must be thought out. Time is not always on your side in Dan Voltz's "Past Forward. Also included is poetry from Greg Schwartz. Let us know what you think of the issue! Travel into the past and a kingdom with a lone magician or travel into the future where your own memories might be the end of you. Also included is poetry by Timons Esaias.