O Federalismo em Portugal: Uma reforma democrática (Portuguese Edition)
To that end, it introduced more balanced arrangements to reconcile the protection of island economies with integration into the single market. This form of duty also makes a major contribution to the revenue of local authorities whose budgets are severely squeezed by the economic crisis. Dock dues are thus of systemic importance to the economies of the outermost regions and the financing of public provision there. Does the Commission intend to put the dock dues system on a permanent footing?
What is the thrust of the reforms envisaged? Might the list of products concerned be revised on an annual basis? What transitional arrangements does the Commission intend to put in place to bridge this gap in legal provision? Furthermore, they have indicated their intention to apply a similar scheme in Mayotte. However, the French authorities have not to date submitted a formal request, either for Mayotte or for the other DOMs, specifying the exact products concerned and the differentiation that they wish to apply.
Therefore, the Commission is still not able to adopt a position on this matter. All requests for authorisation to apply a scheme such as dock dues must in any case be duly substantiated and based on relevant factors, so that the extent of additional costs to be compensated may be identified and evaluated. However, cases of nitrate pollution have continued to occur in Valencia. Specifically, residents in the municipality of Alzira have been banned from drinking tap water after it was found to contain traces of pesticides above EU limits and substances already banned by EU legislation.
The same thing happened a year ago in the neighbouring municipality of Carcaixent, where residents were also banned from drinking domestic water whose potability was called into question. In Valencia pledged to the Commission that it would take measures to ensure that irrigated intensive farming in the area would not continue to cause serious problems in terms of excess nitrates entering the water supply. However, as demonstrated by the specific cases of Alzira and Carcaixent, the cartography presented by the Valencian authorities and its corresponding management plans have proved incapable of guaranteeing the quality of water and the health of the people it is supplied to.
In addition, the Valencian authorities have had to report numerous breaches of environmental legislation on water to the Commission in recent years. Will the Commission consider reopening proceedings for failure to comply with the directive on nitrates? Can it guarantee compliance with EU legislation on water destined for human consumption in Valencia? Based on water quality status and trends, including any relevant evidence on drinking water quality deterioration, the Commission will assess whether the current Nitrate Vulnerable Zones and Action Programmes, including in the Region of Valencia, are in line with achieving the objectives of the directive and will take action if appropriate.
The Commission will analyse these reports, including for the region of Valencia, in order to identify if systematic problems with drinking water quality are identified. Based on this analysis the Commission may decide to take appropriate action. Den enkelte landmand skal bl. Dette svar er vedlagt to bilag. Farmers must inter alia make precise area declarations and provide information on plant cover composition in order to meet cross-compliance rules cf. Would the Commission moreover say how much it costs Member State authorities to check farmers' applications for agricultural support and verify that cross-compliance rules are being met.
The latest available statistics regarding breaches of the Cross-Compliance requirements in the Member States and their impact in terms of agricultural support, concern financial year in respect of claim year It should be mentioned that the cross-compliance sanctioning system's objective is to encourage European farmers to comply with underlying environmental regulations.
Therefore the benefit of cross-compliance controls should not be measured by number of breaches but rather seen in the light of the respect of these environmental regulations by the farmers. Organisation of controls is different in every Member State and they do not provide systematic information on the cost of those controls. On the basis of the data available to it, can the Commission provide information on the balance of remittances in Greece last year ?
Was there a deficit or a surplus? To which countries are the largest amounts being remitted? Compared to the last few years, has there been any significant change in this balance? The latest release on their website offers data until Q3 According to this data, Greece has traditionally been a net recipient of remittances from the rest of the world. In other words, workers in the rest of the world have been sending more remittances to Greece than workers in Greece have sent to the rest of the world. However, driven by a large decline in remittances sent to Greece, this pattern has reversed in recent data.
Since Q2 , workers in Greece have been sending more remittances to the rest of the world than Greece has been receiving. However, one should note that data on more recent developments after Q3 is not yet published by Eurostat. Does the Commission have any data on the amount of money lying in dormant bank deposits in the EU? What is the situation in Greece? Since there is an ongoing debate in Member States about the use of such deposits, can the Commission say whether the use of dormant deposits in the public interest is compatible with Community law?
In a number of Member States, funds held on dormant accounts always remain the property of customers and therefore are not available for any other purposes. However, there is no specific legislation on dormant accounts regulating what happens with deposits after the expiry of those limits. In some Member States funds are transferred to the state or used for special purposes by the government. In 2 of those Member States part of dormant funds is channelled into social welfare projects while the majority remains available for possible claims.
The Commission does not have information on the amounts of dormant deposits in Greek banks. This question should be addressed to the Greek public authorities. According to a report by McAfee Labs, the number of web threats is increasing worldwide at an alarming rate. Does it have any data on the percentage of European citizens who have fallen victim at least once to a web threat? Can it assess how the initiatives taken so far to tackle specific threats are able to keep up with the ever increasing number of online threats?
While this and other reports suggest that web threats and cybercrime on the whole are on the rise, there have also been some successes in the fight against cybercrime, notably due to excellent cooperation between EU Member States and beyond. To ensure success in the fight against cybercrime, such close cooperation is key, and it is essential to ensure that the necessary legislative and institutional framework for international cooperation is in place.
Can the Commission say whether it has any information on the extent of homelessness in the Member States and the change in the number of homeless people compared with the past? Has it found that Member States — particularly those experiencing an economic crisis — are pursuing policies aimed at reducing this social problem? Has if identified the existence of best practices or pilot programmes being implemented in Member States which could also be adopted as best practices by other Member States?
Although harmonised data at EU level are not available, the CSWD points out that homelessness seems to have increased in most Member States, both as an effect of the crisis and as a result of other socioeconomic factors, such as ageing, migration and adverse changes on the housing market. There are now also more young people, migrants, people living in poverty, women, families with children and Roma among the homeless and those at risk of homelessness.
A number of EU social experimentation projects financed under the Progress programme are relevant to homelessness. Further funding of innovative approaches to the problem has been proposed under the Multiannual Financial Framework for the forthcoming period. For instance, the results of the Housing First Europe project and the Work in Stations pilot project, which are expected in late and of a new pilot project on the right to housing to be launched this semester, may offer new avenues for tackling homelessness.
Nevertheless, the Millennium Goals have failed in other ways, for example as regards the goals on the quality of education available, the number of children who attend secondary schools and issues of gender inequality and violence against women. Could the Commission provide information about what is being done in order to get a proper understanding of the failures of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in the area of gender equality? What measures can be put in place to deal with these failures? Significant progress has been made regarding primary education opportunities for girls, with 96 girls for every boys attending primary school in developing regions.
However, gender inequality still exists in second level education. What is being done to address this high rate? The Commission agrees that although good progress has been achieved on the Millennium Development Goal MDG3 target on gender parity in education, gender inequality persists and women continue to face discrimination in access to education, work and economic assets, and participation in government. The GAP puts in place a number of mechanisms to strengthen the integration of gender equality in all development activities, with strong emphasis on education, at the primary as well as the secondary and university level.
The implementation reports show that an increasing number of our programmes are screened against their gender sensitiveness and that appropriate indicators are being applied to check that women benefit equally from development activities. The Commission considers that further efforts are necessary to attain MDG3 by and that gender equality should remain an important priority for the post period. Concerning India, gender parity has already been achieved in primary education. Special measures are being implemented to ensure universal access for all girls by to secondary education.
Microsoft Office is a very useful programme which is very popular and is used daily by millions of Europeans. The result of this is that the consumer is under pressure to subscribe to the Microsoft plan, which allows the user to hire a license and software and to use them on multiple computer devices.
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This is a worrying development, especially since the Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that the resale of used software is allowed. Could the Commission give its opinion on such restrictive business practices and whether the market dominance of Microsoft Office is in breach of EU competition law? It is a common practice in the software industry for vendors to offer different types of software licences in accordance with customer needs and price them accordingly. This practice does not, in itself, give rise to competition concerns, as it can allow consumers to purchase the licensing package which best suit their needs at a price of their choice.
In how many Member States is the slaughter of animals without stunning currently forbidden? Four Member States, namely Finland, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, have let the Commission know that they do not make use of the derogation. Does this statement not contradict measures taken by the Troika, of which the Commission is part, with regard to the adjustment programme negotiated for Portugal? When will measures to stimulate economic growth replace those which have led to excessive austerity?
She added that there are important structural problems in Portugal which must be addressed by means of fiscal consolidation measures and structural reforms since otherwise there is no future for the new generation in Portugal. She also said that while the country is currently facing difficult times there is already light at the end of the tunnel as a result of the reforms being undertaken by the Portuguese authorities as part of the Economic Adjustment Programme. On the same line, the Portuguese Government is currently implementing measures in the framework of the Economic Adjustment Programme.
This Programme includes a wide range of reform measures that aim at making the Portuguese economy more flexible and competitive thereby generating the trust and confidence necessary to attract further investment and setting the conditions for sustainable growth and jobs. This is a much more promising strategy than stimulating the economy with demand-oriented measures which, as past experience has shown, have not served Portugal particularly well. There is a general consensus that banks have not done enough to finance the economy during these times of crisis. This week in Portugal, the Troika will meet with eight banks, some of which have resorted to temporary and refundable state recapitalisation measures.
Does the Commission not feel that banks must find a way of financing the economy, now that many of them have been stabilised using state aid? The Commission together with ECB and IMF staff discusses during the review missions predominantly the Portuguese banks' funding and capital plans FCP , which comprise the financial institutions forward-looking views on their capital position, liquidity situation, profitability and in general income statement and balance sheet developments.
The FCPs are based on Banco de Portugal macroeconomic projections and are revised on a quarterly basis. The data also serve as basis for the regular stress tests by Banco de Portugal to gauge the sector's ability to withstand economic shocks. In past two years, Portuguese banks registered sustained heavy losses reflecting the difficult macroeconomic picture at home and in Southern Europe. These losses are mostly to rising impairment charges on non-performing credit.
Banks also have to manage a difficult funding position with thin interest margins because the mortgage loans portfolio is indexed to the Euribor rate. In pre-crisis years most Portuguese banks relied heavily on wholesale funding or borrowing on international credit markets , which since mid remains practically shut for any Portugal domiciled bank, making the whole sector heavily dependent on ECB funding. Beyond help to Portuguese banks, steps towards a banking union should weaken negative feedback loops between banks and sovereigns and help restore funding to the real economy across the euro area.
Only a sustained decrease in public spending will effectively achieve the goals set out in the memorandum of understanding concluded. What support has the Commission provided to the Portuguese Government as regards public spending to help achieve the goals set out in the memorandum of understanding concluded?
The Economic Adjustment Programme for Portugal aims at putting public finances on a sustainable path ensuring a balance between expenditure and revenue-based consolidation so as to create a medium-term growth friendly fiscal adjustment. In view of restoring the balance between expenditure and revenue-based consolidation, the authorities have embarked on a comprehensive public expenditure review to identify measures worth about 2. The review aims at addressing redundancies across the public sector functions and entities, reallocating resources toward growth-friendly spending areas and ensuring sustainability of public finances.
Following a broad-based consultation with social and political partners with a view to building consensus around these reforms, the government will adopt and publish, by end-April, a medium-term fiscal framework, with fully specified expenditure-reducing measures. While the Commission is encouraging authorities' efforts to reorient fiscal consolidation towards expenditure-reducing measures in and beyond, Commission services have, however, not provided technical assistance with respect to identifying individual expenditure-reducing measures.
According to Portuguese reports, the Commission does not believe that the deficit increase is down to the economic recession alone, since the structural deficit has also increased. This economic indicator is a key factor, imposed by the European Treaty, which enables the pace of fiscal consolidation to be measured. The Commission has altered its outlook for Portugal, with the deficit now expected to be 4. The Commission is regularly assessing its own forecasting performance with the aim of improving its tools and its forecasting results.
The Commission's track record is found to be good both measured by statistical indicators as well as in comparison with other international institutions and the consensus forecast. Similar results hold true for the specific forecasts made for Portugal: Moreover, no significant persistence can be found in the forecast errors for these variables.
Obviously, uncertainties are large at the current juncture as the volatility of various indicators has significantly increased since the beginning of the crisis and therefore many unexpected factors can lead to relatively large revisions in the forecast. The most recent revision in the forecast for Portugal was driven to a large extent by an unexpected deterioration of the outlook in Portugal's export markets which is likely to lead to lower economic growth and, via negative second-round effects may weigh on employment and fiscal revenues as well.
Taxas de juros mais baixas para Portugal. He added that the euro is strong, but interest rates still need to fall to help finance the countries. According to Wade, Portugal is on the right track but has not yet reached the end of the road; as such, the country will need to request that the ECB intervene and lower interest rates. Does the Commission agree that lower interest rates are needed for Portugal to restart a process of economic growth and to escape from the downward spiral it finds itself in?
High real interest rates are not conducive to dynamic investment growth if the marginal efficiency of capital is low. For investments to have a lasting impact on growth it is important that they flow into the most dynamic and competitive sectors of the economy. Portugal enjoyed low interest rates and high investment rates over the period between the late s and the mids but the impact on growth was very limited — the average growth rate during and amounted to 1. This is mainly due to the fact that investments were concentrated in infrastructure and in non-export oriented sectors such as network industries and services.
The macro-economic returns on these investments were very modest as evidenced by the fall in total factor productivity during this period. The Honourable Member of Parliament is referred to the forthcoming April edition of the Quarterly Report on the Euro Area for a more detailed analysis of these issues http: Strategies to lower interest rates in Portugal are constrained by the continued high country risk linked to the fragile position of the sovereign, which will keep risk spreads relatively high in the foreseeable future.
As a consequence, a sustainable medium-term growth model for Portugal needs to be based first and foremost on high investment efficiency, i.
It is for this reason that the Economic Adjustment Programme has included a number of measures to channel credit into SMEs in the export-oriented sector while strengthening competitive forces in the economy, particularly in the non-tradable sector. Based on these new forecasts, the Portuguese Government will request amendments to the memorandum of understanding. Is the Commission willing to consider improving the terms of the memorandum of understanding currently in force in Portugal? This revision of the budgetary adjustment path was fully justified in view of the significant deterioration in the economic outlook, in conjunction with Portugal's good track record of programme implementation.
This, if sustained and followed by other rating agencies, is likely to significantly improve the Portuguese sovereign's prospects of a return to the market, which is an essential pre-condition for a graduation from the programme. This latest round of negotiations did not yield any progress with regard to the Iranian programme for uranium enrichment. What new measures will be taken to dissuade Iran from continuing with its nuclear programme? The meeting was aimed at re-engaging Iran in talks about the international community's concerns regarding the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear programme.
It is expected that Iran will seriously consider the presented proposal and engage in a full-fledged negotiating process leading to a long term solution. Most designs and prototypes reach Portugal as a result of EU-wide cooperation. Given the considerable potential for Portugal to use this clean and risk-free energy, what EU funding is the Commission considering allocating to this area?
The informal dialogue with the Portuguese authorities on the future programming period is still ongoing and the formal negotiations have not yet started. Therefore, the Commission does not yet have any indication on the financing of energy area. However, the Commission considers that there is room to exploit further the high potential capacities in renewable energy sources solar, wind, hydro, biomass and ocean.
Support should be provided, after taking into proper consideration alternative financial sustainability mechanisms, to projects involving innovative renewable technologies, in particular technologies mentioned in the Strategic Energy Technology Plan and in the energy roadmap Tests on water taps have been commissioned by the Swedish National Housing Board.
The tests revealed that many modern taps were discharging more lead than the Swedish maximum permitted limit of 20 micrograms. Exposure to lead may be higher internationally than it is in Sweden. In Europe individuals are exposed daily to lead and are thus at risk of harm. Does the Commission know what the situation is in other countries? In view of the free movement of building materials, how does the Commission view the need for common EU rules on the question of lead in water taps? As regards the situation of lead contamination in drinking water, the Commission is currently assessing the reports submitted by Member States and intends to publish its findings later this year data from The previous report data from showed that lead exceedences occurred in six Member States.
Beyond this activity, the Commission does not consider the development of further common rules or harmonised instruments as necessary. This is because the harmonised test methods will provide a level playing field for products while taking into account the threshold values in the DWD.
The plan to establish the European TIN has been devised in response to the fact that correctly identifying taxpayers is proving increasingly difficult, owing to the greater mobility of the population and the growing number of cross-border transactions.
Working Papers
Will the European Taxpayer Identification Number be established in such a way as to ensure that taxpayers' and the authorities' rights are safeguarded and that those taxpayers and authorities fulfil their obligations? Action 22 of the action plan adopted by the Commission on 6. The action plan acknowledges that although the concept of an EU TIN is simple, its implementation deserves careful preparation. Many different aspects will need to be explored before a proposal can be made and the question of the rights and obligations of taxpayers and tax authorities will certainly be at the heart of the analysis.
In taking forward this action, the Commission would like to consult widely with all interested stakeholders. The views expressed by the contributors will be used by the Commission services to support a feasibility study aimed at further analysing the pros and cons of an EU TIN with a view to developing the appropriate policy response. According to a study by a Portuguese consumer watchdog magazine, an analysis of minced meat sold in butcher's shops, supermarkets and hypermarkets has revealed that it contained bacteria indicating contamination with potentially fatal faecal matter and micro-organisms, such as E.
Faecal contamination of meat can indicate poor hygiene standards on the part of the person handling it. However, microbiological contamination could occur at any stage of the food-preparation process. The author of the study was concerned at the presence of salmonella and listeria in the meat, which — depending on the amount of meat consumed and the state of health of the person concerned — could be fatal. Sulphites are used to restore colour to the meat and give the impression that it is fresh — whereas this may no longer be the case. In a climate of panic, what action is the Commission taking in order to ensure that more inspections are carried out?
The findings as indicated in the question concern a breach in EU legislation. A farm to fork food safety approach must be applied to all food and is of major importance for highly perishable foods such as minced meat. Restrictions on minced meat apply as regards Listeria if placed on the market as ready to eat food , Salmonella, Escherichia coli and aerobic colony count indicator of freshness. Non-compliance with the other abovementioned requirements must result in immediate corrective action of the process but has no consequences for the batch concerned.
Inspections on the verification of EU requirements are the competence of national authorities.
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Agricultura verbas perdidas no segundo pilar no ano de The Community support fund for rural development is a key assistance instrument available to Member States. If any were, which measures were affected? Which of the appropriations available under the second pillar did Portugal lose in due to a failure to execute them? Nos termos do artigo With regard to the use and execution of EAFRD funding, both under the first pillar where there is no co-financing by Member States and under the second pillar where this is required , will the Commission say:. What financial adjustments have been imposed on Portugal between and the present?
What financial adjustments — and in respect of what amounts — have already been settled? With regard to the use and execution of EAFRD funding, both under the first pillar where there is no co-financing by Member States and under the second pillar where this is required , will the Commission say whether, in the context of this Community support fund for the period , and for as far as the first pillar is concerned, there are any financial adjustments that Portugal will be required to make? The Proder aims to increase the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sectors and to promote the sustainability of rural areas and natural resources as well as the economic and social revitalisation of rural areas.
Which of the appropriations available under the first pillar did Portugal lose in due to a failure to execute them? The annual report for will be available in autumn and so at present the budget execution figures are provisional. For market-related expenditure, no pre-determined allocation for Portugal is established in the basic acts, except for the wine support programme and the POSEI support for which Portugal is close to a full utilisation of the envelopes.
As regards direct aids, Portugal paid The execution improved to Dentro desses limites, os Estados-Membros podem orientar melhor o apoio. Within these ceilings, Member States may further target the support. In addition, young setting up farmers may benefit from a number of other measures, notably from an increased aid intensity for investments. Does the Commission believe that Portugal could increase the budget for the setting up of young farmers and, if so, what procedures should it adopt? This is considered one of the most dangerous sectors and children as young as five years old are working with livestock.
The FAO report on tackling child labour in the livestock sector is a useful study that contributes to our understanding of the nature of the problem and will inform our policies when it comes to helping partner governments to develop and implement actions regarding child labour in the agriculture sector. The EU is committed to eradicating child labour at global level and in particular the worst forms of child labour which include hazardous work. The EU addresses this issue through a holistic approach bringing together political dialogues, development cooperation, education, the promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and trade policies.
Fra le violazioni del protocollo per ottenere uova biologiche, il numero degli animali raccolti insieme nei pollai e il trattamento stesso delle galline ovaiole. Lo scandalo potrebbe estendersi ad altri paesi europei. Ai sensi dell'articolo 27 del regolamento CE n. During a press conference, Holger Eichele, the spokesperson for the German Ministry of Agriculture, said that judicial authorities in Lower Saxony, in the north of the country, are investigating farms suspected of fraudulently selling organic and free-range eggs. The German weekly magazine, Der Spiegel , has revealed that egg producers are being investigated for producing eggs falsely labelled as organic.
In fact, eggs declared to be organic were placed on the market; they were, however, not organic since it appears that the production criteria required to display the much sought-after label had not been respected. The violations of the protocol to obtain organic eggs include the number of animals kept together in hen-houses and how the hens were actually treated. It is assumed that this concerns consumer fraud which, however, also affects many honest farmers of organic products. The scandal may also extend to other EU countries. The Commission is currently waiting for the results of the investigation that the German competent authorities are carrying out in the case of the suspected fraud concerning organic eggs.
The points discussed included the idea raised several months earlier of the EU's sending a mission to train and advise the Malian army. This great mission is seen as a key element, with soldiers already on the ground and a month mandate to mould the Malian army. Currently 23 countries contribute to the mission. The Mission's objective is to respond to the operational needs of the Malian Armed Forces through the provision of:. The selection of the personnel remains the responsibility of the Malian Armed Forces. Training will focus on Individual basic military trainings, plus platoon and company level trainings and manoeuvre.
In addition some specific courses will be implemented such as C-IED, artillery, engineers, and human rights. Since Portugal is one of the countries with a high rate of metal theft, is it not important from the strategic point of view for Portugal to be included in this partnership? The Commission is funding the Pol-Primett project which indeed has brought valuable results so far during the first phase. The choice of specific actions and partners remains within the discretion of the applicant when submitting the proposal.
The Commission cannot therefore demand that Portugal is included. A request for funding for a second phase of the Pol-Primett project has just been awarded a grant by the Commission. Portugal is part of the project consortium. The chairman of the association said the following: Is the Commission aware of this further incident at the Almaraz nuclear power station?

How does it view the series of incidents recorded at the nuclear power station in question? The Commission has not been informed about this incident at the Almaraz nuclear power station. There is no requirement to inform internationally about events of this level.
The decision to shut down or to extend the operating licence of a nuclear power plant is a national responsibility. The Commission is currently preparing a new proposal on nuclear safety to ensure it is at the highest level possible. If so, in which years and in which categories? It is the instrument through which the EU's rural development policy is implemented. Desarrollo del telepeaje europeo y otros servicios de transporte inteligente. En ella se establecen algunas acciones prioritarias cuya entrada en servicio es imprescindible para el funcionamiento de todos estos servicios.
A la vista de la complejidad y la importancia que la materia tiene para la competitividad del transporte:. The Spanish press has recently quoted the Commissioner for Transport as promising that the infrastructure and technology needed to establish a genuine trans-European highway toll collection system will be available in This directive lays down priority actions which are essential to the functioning of these services, including the provision of EU-wide multimodal travel information services, road safety information, as well as reservation services for safe and secure parking places for trucks and commercial vehicles.
In view of the complexity of this matter, and its importance for the competitiveness of the transport sector:. How far advanced are cross-border regional cooperation experiments on highway tolls? Does the Commission think that the planned deadlines can be met for the service to be up and running across Europe by ? A single on-board unit covering France, Spain and Belgium is offered by several service providers.
Interoperability between satellite-based systems needs an agreement on the precise content of the information to be exchanged between road operators and service providers. A norm on this subject is being finalised. Several MS are working on the implementation of an interoperable road tolling service between themselves that will use both microwave and satellite technologies. For other ITS services that could run on an EETS-compliant on-board unit, the Commission is promoting the rapid deployment of e-Call and of services pertaining to safe and secure parking for trucks, as well as of services providing real-time travel and traffic information.
The Commission foresees the introduction by of the based eCall service in all new type-approved cars and light commercial vehicles. This service will be based on a regulatory approach covering in-vehicle systems, telecommunications and emergency call centres. What measures will it adopt to ensure that authorities comply with the directive in the near future? According to this Resolution, possible impacts, due to the construction and functioning of the Migration and Global Change Centre, have been assessed.
Therefore, the Commission does not intend to adopt any measures on this matter. Especificaciones para los sistemas de transporte inteligente. Given the importance of these actions for competitiveness, interoperability and transport safety:. Has any Member State not yet transposed the abovementioned Directive into their national legislation?
How does the Commission assess the contributions and progress made by Member States in this area, which is fundamental to the cross-border operation of these Intelligent Transport Systems? To what extent could possible delays in the deployment of the Galileo network affect the development of products and services for these Intelligent Transport Systems?
At present, five Member States MS have not yet notified their national measures of execution to the Commission: Belgium, Germany, Finland, Portugal and Sweden. The specifications on priority action d , i. Not only is the situation bad for households, but the situation for industrial customers is not much better, and is impacting upon the competitiveness of Spanish companies, according to the energy regulator. The increased costs of raw materials in an international context together with the great efforts in investment in renewable technologies in recent years are the main drivers for the increases in the electricity cost in Spain.
In this sense, the Commission supports the Spanish authorities endeavour to adopt timely and accurate measures to reduce and contain such a deficit. For its part, the Commission is working on guidelines for renewable energy support schemes with i. Moreover, it should be noted that at EU level in the last four years, wholesale electricity prices have increased significantly less than the global wholesale prices of the raw materials of which electricity is produced.
The Commission is currently conducting a compliance check to verify the transposition of the legislation in Spain. Energy prices are equally important for industrial consumers as they affect their competitiveness. The full involvement of the energy regulator CNE is key in order to ensure that the measures to reduce the tariff deficit of the energy sector do not fall disproportionately on any consumer group, including industrial consumers.
In Spain, the figures are alarming: The co-financing rates, which are proposed for the future Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived FEAD , are an important element of Cohesion Policy which ensures the commitment of Member States and increases the resources available for the programmes.
This substantial pre-financing will considerably reduce the cash management needs of the Member States. Given that Spain has failed to implement the abovementioned articles relating to animal welfare checks during transport, what measures is the Commission intending to take in order to make sure that Spain significantly increases the number of inspections carried out during the transport of animals in future, in order to safeguard the welfare of animals during transport? In response to the recommendations made by the Commission on the basis of such audits, the competent authorities of Spain made a number of improvements in relation to the enforcement of that regulation.
As licensing for aquaculture developments has stagnated in Ireland since the aforementioned judgment — curtailing an area of potential economic growth and development in many parts of coastal Ireland — can the Commission give details of any progress in addressing the issues concerned? On the basis of these, Appropriate Assessments will be carried out before any licensing decisions can be taken. Companies were selected on the basis of their replies to the notice of initiation.
In these replies, US bioethanol producers reported export sales to the Union and the sample was based on that information. Sales to these unrelated parties covered all possible destinations: USA, the European Union and the rest of the world. Saltman RB, Bankauskaite V. Conceptualizing decentralization in European health systems: Health Economics, Policy and Law ; 1 2: Patterns of decentralization across European health systems.
Decentralization in health care: Open University Press; Cien Saude Colet ; 7 3: Rey Del Castillo J. Un nuevo contrato social para un sistema nacional de salud sostenible. O pacto federativo brasileiro e o papel do gestor estadual do SUS. Thelen K, Steinmo S. Historical institucionalism in comparative politics. Historical Institucionalism in Comparative Analysis. During this time, many political organizations fought undercover against the Estado Novo with the Portuguese Communist Party founded in standing out.
Featuring unique characteristics in comparison to the organizations created before it, the LUAR executed singular revolutionary actions of an almost cinematographic imaginary. Political parties, with regard to the representativeness of citizens, play a preponderant role in the Democratic model, which is unanimously accepted by Western culture. Are they useful and viable in the face of the current paradigm, responsible and representative of their fellow citizens? T his article contrasts the idea of people and populism in On Populist Reason by Ernesto Laclau and the idea of multitude in Multitude: Given its recent, multidimensional and multidisciplinary nature, the concept of nation branding is little explored in the field of International Relations, although the number of states using nation branding strategies is increasing and more diverse.
Its main objective is to create, manage and improve the image of a particular state through the use of branding and marketing techniques in order to become more attractive and competitive internationally. This working paper aims to introduce the concepts of nation brand and nation branding, identify the main characteristics and objectives of nation branding strategies, as well as the role played by several partners in the development of these strategies.
They are often established until the necessary conditions for both constitution-making and constitution drafting processes and for the holding of free and fair elections are met. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to analyze how constitutions are often used as peace agreements. In the political area, feminine empowering is still a very delicate question, as it still perceived as a masculine area.
The leadership prototype theories help us understand the walls that the female gender needs to overcome to reach such positions, because the assumptions on gender can put in women in a leadership role the weight of gender incongruity. The objective of this paper is to identify the way that the media has treated the candidature to the presidency of Dilma Rouseff in the presidential campaign of , in order to evaluate the presence of role incongruity in the outlook vision that the media portrayed.
In the present work, we intend to analyze the validity of the assertion that political science has been ignoring religious themes in the studies of political events, in particular since the end of the 20 th Century. In order to do so, we examine the content of political science periodical publications from a group of European countries. This paper will focus on the bilateral relation between China and the undisputed EU economic leader, Germany, given the continued absence of a common EU foreign policy on China.
The investigation seeks to identify the changes in the political approach to this bilateral relation since its beginning in , as well as the advantages that the two states seek to draw from it. There are a number of recent political events that justify revisiting thinkers who have addressed the issue of representation in global democratic systems.
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- Guillaume Faye's The Colonisation of Europe PDF.
Like many other legal and political prerogatives, the evolution of the right to vote can not be understood when disconnected from its involving historical context. The Portuguese case is not an exception, its political and constitutional history are intrinsically connected. The successive Constitutions, not immune to external influences, are a reflection of the historical context that emerged and was projected.
The relationship of young people with politics is a subject increasingly studied in Portugal and other world regions, given the importance of young people in the future of the democratic society. This study aims to understand the motivations that lead young people to join political parties in Portugal, more specifically if young people decide to join in a party organization because of moral, social or professional reasons, if the family influences the membership of young people and if the moment of membership matches with electoral acts. The World Order is a concept in constant reformulation that has lost what characterized it when it was established through the Westphalia Agreements.
The conflicts related to it also went through mutations. This study aims at establishing a connection between the contemporary World Order and the evolution of conflicts. The threats to the stability of the World Order contribute to its present disorder and evidence how conflicts dissociated themselves from its clausewitzian concept. The crisis in Ukraine was the case of study selected to understand how these threats impact the stability of the World Order and evidence the conflicts evolution. The information that was published by social media in the days that followed the event nourished a heated discussion about the European migration crisis and asylum concession policies, which began in mid with the increase of the refugee flow from the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa crossing the Mediterranean Sea with the aim of getting to Europe.
The media representation of this episode could be inserted in a specific spatio-temporal context that we want to analyze. This Working Paper has the purpose to approach a fundamental subject, Human Rights, which requires an initial conceptual explanation that allows us to understand other adjacent areas, on an elemental synergy with other phenomena of the recent history of Portugal — from the New State to the present.
The relation between freedom and security has been subjected to several debates within social sciences and, particularly, in political science and theory of international relations. Without knowing exactly what they are and in what they consist, the concepts of freedom and security are perceived as unalienable rights, capable of capturing the attention of masses and mobilize its action around a specific purpose. In this sense, we will answer the following problematic: In what consist the freedom and security concepts in the politic thought of Thomas Hobbes? The traditional way of political organization, the Nation State, has been more and more challenged by the deepening of international cooperation, in major part by phenomenons such as Globalization and the broadcasting of cosmopolitan ideals.
Could it still speak of nationalism in the contemporary Western world, or will society evolve towards a true global community?
- Manuel Villaverde Cabral | ICS?
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- Manuel Villaverde Cabral.
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Taking into account the importance of feelings of belonging and individual identification in maintaining sovereignty, it is relevant to analyze the extent to which these emotions already transcend — or not — the nation-state. Are we on the verge of creating a truly global individual identity? As one of the most influential thinkers of the Western Civilization, John Stuart Mill developed a wide work on the most diverse scientific domains. In a specific context like the one that existed in the first half of the XIX century in England and in most of western societies, the concept of Woman was still very archaic.
Stuart Mill accepted to face the problem. The complexity of the security landscape in Africa requires from the organizations that integrate it concerted and multisectoral approaches with long term and broad range impacts. This working paper intends to examine the security engineering the African political actors have conceived in the spectrum of the African Union with the intention of eradicating the long epidemic conflicts that have been weakening the African rebirth process. For these reasons it is decisive to analyze the levels of economic interdependence between Russia and China.
This interdependence is important because of the economic constrains that Russia suffered after the imposition of sanctions to the energy sector — essential to Russia. It is also important to study the political consequences that follow the economic interests of the two countries. This essay will focus on the third idea referred above, which implies public opinion is defined by the opinion shaped by the Media and elites.
The international tax competition is a phenomenon that has met quick developments in recent years. It influences the model of action of States and contemporary government. Some international reference institutions have sought to adopt principles to minimize the negative impact of these, such as the European Union and the OECD. The current economic and financial crisis is changing the political chess of the European continent.
If, on one hand we see the rise of extreme right-wing parties, on the other we see the fortification of radical left parties. The formation in key-areas of knowledge in Political Sciences and International Relations is subjacent to the goals of the Political Observatory since its creation.
From diplomacy to autarchic management, through communication, safety, politics and human rights, O. These are intended not only for its associated members but also to all professionals and students of diferent areas who show interest in deepening their knowledges. They have a group of experts whose quality of tuition is a garantee of the sucess all the initial and renewed editions had. The follow research will focus on the Japan — Republic of Korea conflict, regarding the matter of the Liancourt Rocks, addressing the historical background, the Peace Treaty of San Francisco , the arguments of legitimized sovereignty presented by both states upon the Liancourt Rocks, the relationship between the USA, Japan and South Korea during the Cold War, the treaties of joint exploitation signed by Japan and South Korea, enhancement of the EEZ projects, the changes in the political systems of both Japan and South Korea and the consequences of these changes.
Most significant, Habermas appropriates its dichotomous conceptions of society with significant implications for critical theory.