
Mystik und Erfahrung (German Edition)

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Valentin Weigel war ein deutscher mystisch-theosophischer Schriftsteller. Er berief sich auf vor allem auf Meister Eckart und Johannes Tauler. A major figure in German mysticism. Er schwieg lange Zeit und bedachte das, was er erlebt hatte. Dementsprechend sind seine Texte dunkel und arm an Wortschatz.

Mysticism in epigrammatic couplets. November Geboren in Leipzig, gestorben in Hannover; Monadology. Usually thought of as a rationalist philosopher rather than a mystic. His most important contribution is to blend inner life with rationality; meisten Pietisten und meisten Wissenschaftler assumed them to be mutually exclusive. Er gilt als der universale Geist seiner Zeit und war einer der bedeutendsten Philosophen des ausgehenden Durch die Darstellung der Stufenfolge des mystischen Erlebnisses bei William Law arbeitet sie seine geistige Entwicklung heraus.

Swedenborg worked out a detailed understanding of nature mysticism, applying it to everything from the animal world to the spiritual world. He is one of the few mystics to have an active following to the present. Emanuel von Swedenborg war ein schwedischer Wissenschaftler, Mystiker und Theologe. Friedrich Christoph Oetinger 2. Another person who is often not counted as a mystic, but who followed Leibnitz in attempting to blend science and mysticism into a kind of vitalism. Jahrhundert ging die Mystik explosionsartig in der deutschen, englischen und US-amerikanischen Romantik auf.

Echte Mystiker traten jedoch nur selten auf. The most important writer of the most important Kabbalist document. Bekannt ist seine Freundschaft mit Josef Gikatilla; beide haben das Werk des jeweils anderen stark beeinflusst. Moses Cordovero Cordovero laid the groundwork for the Kabbalist ethical literature that proliferated in the 16thth centuries. Die meisten Kabbalisten der Neuzeit halten sich an Lurias Auslegung.

Gershom Scholem German-born Israeli philosopher, religious historian, founder of the modern, academic study of Kabbalah, first professor of Jewish Mysticism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, author Scholem is best known for his collection of lectures, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism and for his biography Sabbatai Zevi, the Mystical Messiah His collected speeches and essays, published as On Kabbalah and its Symbolism , helped to spread knowledge of Jewish mysticism among both Jews and non-Jews.

He thought that the 17th century messianic movement, known as Sabbatianism , was developed from the Lurianic Kabbalah. In order to neutralize Sabbatianism, Hasidism had emerged as a Hegelian synthesis. Many of those who joined the Hasidic movement, because they had seen in it an Orthodox congregation, considered it scandalous that their community should be associated with a heretical movement.

Scholem produced the hypothesis that the source of the 13th century Kabbalah was a Jewish gnosticism that preceded Christian gnosticism. In , an exceptionally charismatic Rabbi and Kabbalist by the name of Sabbatai Zevi declared himself to be the Messiah.

His extraordinary popularity, according to historians such as professor Gershom Scholem , resulted largely from the publication and availability of what is today called the Lurianic Kabbalah , named after Rabbi Isaac Luria. Jacob Frank 18th-century Polish-Jewish religious leader, claimed to be the reincarnation of the self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi and the biblical patriarch Jacob.

When he discovered the Lurianic Kabbalah he exclaimed "This is gold! Bakan describes Freudian psychoanalysis as a derivative of the Lurianic Kabbalah a 2nd century Gnostic formulation founded and promoted by the Jewish heretic Sabbatai Zevi , who had declared himself as Messiah in , taught sex magic, and then converted himself to Islam and the Zohar. Rabbi Nachman von Breslau Die Frage an den Einzelnen. Der Sufismus veraltet auch Sufitum oder Sufik, gilt allgemein als die islamische Mystik.

Er war ein politischer Gegner des zweiten Umayyadenkalifen Yazid I. Mit diesem entzeite er sich jedoch, worauf er nach Bagdad, dem damaligen Zentrum des Sufismus, ging. Es kam jedoch bald wieder zu Meinungsverschiedenheiten und zur Trennung von seinen Lehrern. The Ta wa-sin Tried and executed for claiming that God had come to dwell in him.

Inspiriert durch Plotin Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali [al-Gazzali, lateinisch Algazel] Geboren und gestorben in Tus bei Maschhad, heute Iran; persischer islamischer Theologe, kritischer Philosoph und sufistischer Mystiker; First-rate Aristotelean philosopher, who extended Aristoteles Theorie der Wahrnehmung to argue for a kind of mystical perception that goes beyond reason. In der heutigen Zeit nennen sich manche Vertreter der Pseudowissenschaften ebenfalls "Alchemisten". As often as not, assumes a Hermetic world view. Most people know alchemy as the search for the principle of transmutation of baser metals into higher e.

It is really broader, and represents the attempt to understand the connections in the world. Paracelsus practiced a medical alchemy, in which the body was a collection of balancing principles, and illness meant that the balance was off. If you take away the spiritual assumptions behind the alchemical forces, you have something remarkably close to Newtonian physics.

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Fewer, and less of an issue for the church at the time. Jahrhunderts die Mitglieder der Collegia Beguinarum, bzw. Gruppe von female contemplatives, some of whom were mystics. They were condemned as heretics because they represented a challenge to the church's authority. Many important female mystics were associated with the Beguines, although the group was not necessarily mystical some thought that mystical visions got in the way of practical life. Derived from Greek gnosis, knowledge. The Gnostic is one who claims esoteric knowledge about God and the metaphysical structure of the universe.

There is a strong distinction between spirit and matter, God and the world. This position sometimes resulted in asceticism the spirit must be liberated from the bonds of the flesh , and sometimes antinomianism the material world is inconsequential, so there is no point in resisting carnal impulses.

Some later mysticism e. Followers of the legendary figure Hermes Trismegistos , or thrice-great Hermes, reputed to be an Egyptian writer. Much nature mysticism of the Renaissance found hermetic thought useful, because both understood the world to be intrinsically interconnected, and only understandable once those connections were understood. Hermes mixed with Pseudo-Dionysius was common fare in Renaissance Italy, until Isaac Casaubon showed that Hermes was not who he said he was.

Jewish mysticism that has its roots earlier than Christianity, but which flourishes in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The Kabbalah struggles with the problem of how the human person can relate to a God who is totally other, and how that God relates to creation. Monastik Although the tendency to live apart for spiritual devotion has a long history, it is closely tied to mysticism in the Middle Ages. The disciplines associated with mysticism have their most rigorous application there. The most famous orders are the Franciscans St.

John of the Cross , the Benedictines St. Sie widmen sich der Suche nach dem inneren Grund der Seele. The mystical bent in Islam is supported by passages from the Koran or Qur'an and is represented by the Sufis. Because there is a dominant emphasis on prophetic activism and legalism in Islam, Muslim tradition may be misunderstood as entirely inhospitable to mysticism. But the Sufi way, mainly transmitted through "lay orders" that trace their origin to some influential spiritual teacher, preserve a distinctively Islamic mysticism.

Among these Sufi subtraditions are the Naqshbandi and the Nimatullahi, but there are several others. A few modern organizations such as the International Sufi Movement led by Hazrat Inayat Khan claim descent from traditional Sufis but do not require their followers to be Muslims. And recently the great Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi has been rediscovered as a source of inspiration by poets Robert Bly and Coleman Barks. However, most practicing Sufis affirm that they are Muslims. Zukunftsaussichten Der Christ der Zukunft wird ein Mystiker sein oder er wird nicht sein.

Schneeweisschen und Rosenrot Zeichner Alexander Zick Personal avowals As I thus praised, a great light appeared to my soul , and in this light God revealed himself in great majesty and indescribable brightness. Our Lord held two golden chalices in his hands that were both full of living wine.

In his left hand was the red wine of suffering , and in his right hand the white wine of sublime consolation. Then our Lord spoke: Although I give both out of divine love, the white wine is nobler in itself; but noblest of all are those who drink both the white and the red.

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And it so kindled my whole heart and breast like a flame. My deepest me is God! Catherine of Genoa Italian mystic, while running through the streets of Genoa, source unknown. Hawkins , Licht des Alls. Aus ihm allein keimt wahre Wissenschaft. Personal avowals The gate was opened to me [ I saw it as in a great deep in the internal; for I had a thorough view of the Universe, as a complex moving fullness wherein all things are couched and wrapped up. If you are comfortable and cozy, stay away.

Whatever you have built around yourself to create comfort: You are not a peasant sheering sheep, as you have thought. You are a king dressed in rags who has amnesia. Alison Nappi , US American catalyst, seminar leader, esoteric writing coach, author, Jesus has a very special love for you, she assured Van der Peet. Lord, my God, who am I that You should forsake me? The Child of your Love — and now become as the most hated one — the one — You have thrown away as unwanted — unloved.

Where is my Faith — even deep down right in there is nothing, but emptiness and darkness — My God — how painful is this unknown pain — I have no Faith — I dare not utter the words and thoughts that crowd in my heart — and make me suffer untold agony. So many unanswered questions live within me afraid to uncover them — because of the blasphemy — If there be God — please forgive me — When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven — there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives and hurt my very soul. Did I make a mistake in surrendering blindly to the Call of the Sacred Heart?

The Anglo-Catholic theologian, author and mystic Evelyn Underhill described in her classic Mysticism. A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness five distinct phases of the development of mystics.

Erfahrung und Mystik

Illumination Burning for God William Law 4. Unitive life Unification with God Sum of the mystic way Source: Evelyn Underhill englische anglo-katholische theologische Autorin, Mystikerin, Mystik. Mysticism , Volker J. Becker, Gottes geheime Gedanken. Powell of the Sophia Foundation, afterwords to all 22 chapters by Hans Urs von Balthasar Swiss theologian, published posthumuously, Jeremy P. July Jeffrey Kripal, Ph. November Father Richard Rohr O. Newsletters by Caroline Myss, February , reissued by mentalhealthforum. August Article by David Neville, Ph. The language of incarnation, transcendence, and time in the poetic theology of the medieval mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg , presented by Mystics Quarterly: Video presentation by Marcus J.

February Video promotion film by Caroline Myss Myss. February Video presentation Stanislav Grof, M. July On mystical experiences and the content of the book Defy Gravity The journey of self-knowledge — Defying Gravity , part 1 of 3, Im Sinne von Nicht-Erzwingen. Im Sinne von Nicht-zwei-Sein. Vierstufiger Erkenntnisweg von Geistsuchenden. Quartiere in der inneren Burg. The inner Self lives in a timeless, eternal Now.

MYSTIK Hedoné Anniversary

The inner Self is divine, or perfectly one with infinite Spirit in a Supreme Identity. Inspiriert durch Pythagoras, Parmenides, Sokrates. Inspiriert durch Plato, Aristoteles. Antonius [Antonius Abbas oder Antonius Eremita]. Gregor von Nazianz [Gregor von Nazianzus]. Dionysius Areopagita [Auch Pseudo-Dionysios]. Einflussgeber Plotin, Augustinus, Dionysius Aeropagita. Bernhard von Clairvaux [franz. A Cistercian contemporary of Bernard's, William also emphasized love-mysticism, but with subtle differences from Bernard in his use of Augustine.

Einflussgeber Augustinus, Bernhard von Clairvaux. Franciscus de Assisi oder Franciscus Assisiensis]. Inspiriert durch Augustinus , Dionysius Aeropagita. BW Mechthild von Magdeburg. The Flowing Light of the Godhead.

Giovanni di Fidanza] [John Fidanza]. Franz von Assisi, Viktoriner. Einflussgeber Franz von Assisi, Bonaventura. Werk Spiegel der einfachen Seelen. Inspiriert durch Dionysius Aeropagita. Hadewijch Hadewych von Antwerpen. Jan van Ruysbroek [Johannes Rusbroek]. Einflussgeber Meister Eckhart, Hadewijch. BW Johannes Tauler.

Einflussgeber Meister Eckhart, Mechthild von Magdeburg. Theologia Deutsch Einflussreich in der deutschen mystischen Tradition. Birgitta von Schweden [Brigida Suecica]. Einflussgeber Franz von Assisi. Birgitta Birgersdotter, Heilige Birgitta , auch Brigitta 7.

Juliana von Norwich [engl. The Imitation of Christ. Nikolaus von Kues [Nicolaus Cusanus]. Geboren in Cues an der Mosel heute Bernkastel-Kues , gestorben in Todi, Umbrien; deutscher Mystiker, Kirchenmann, Kardinal und Universalgelehrter, gilt vielen als der bedeutendste Philosoph und einer der bedeutendsten Mathematiker des Mysticism spurred in part by the abuse and neglect by her husband. Geboren in Nola, gestorben in Rom; Hermetischer Philosoph, one of the most important philosophers of the Renaissance. Louis Claude de Saint-Martin. Geboren und gestorben in Eisleben; Deutscher Reformator, While Luther had a well-known antipathy to mystics, it is also true that there is the foundation of mystical life in his theology of the heart, particularly in his early thought.

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim [Henricus]. Werk De Occulta Philosophia. Valentin Weigel [auch Weichel]. Christian Knorr von Rosenroth. Geboren in Leipzig, gestorben in Hannover; Monadology. Der Geist der LIebe BW Emanuel Swedenborg [Swedberg]. Die Kabbala auch Kabbalah ist die mystische Traditon des Judentums. Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia. Herr des guten Namens]. Rabbi Nachman von Breslau.

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Geboren in Medina, gestorben in Basra; Early advocate of ascetic piety. Geboren in Damaskus in Zentralasien; muslimischer Philosoph und Gelehrter; Important philosopher as well as a mystic. Geboren und gestorben in Tus bei Maschhad, heute Iran; persischer islamischer Theologe, kritischer Philosoph und sufistischer Mystiker; First-rate Aristotelean philosopher, who extended Aristoteles Theorie der Wahrnehmung to argue for a kind of mystical perception that goes beyond reason. Alchimie [Alchymie oder Alchimie]. Die Alchemie ist ein alter Zweig der Naturphilosophie und wurde im Although the tendency to live apart for spiritual devotion has a long history, it is closely tied to mysticism in the Middle Ages.

BW Rheinische Mystik. Direct immediate God experience. Theologia Germanica 14th century, anonymous.