How to Get Rid of Kudzu Bugs
Their presence can be quickly identified by the unpleasant odor and occasional staining left behind by their secretions. Although kudzu bugs do not bite, the secretion is caustic and incidental contact can leave welts on the skin. Evidence shows the new garden pest can cause extensive damage to both home and commercial crops. Kudzu bugs are expected to cause millions of dollars of crop loss this year. They have also become an issue in office buildings and other large structures as they take up residence indoors. The kudzu bug releases a pheromone that will attract other kudzu bugs to a site and a small infestation can soon grow to catastrophic proportions.
Agricultural scientists are exploring the possibility of importing black wasps Paratelenomus saccharalis from Japan known to reduce kudzu bug populations. For now, control can be challenging. Some native predators like big-eyed bugs and ladybugs have had some impact on controlling this new pest, but a large infestation may take more drastic measures. The first and possibly best way to keep kudzu bugs at bay is to remove food sources.
Kudzu, invasive in its own right, should be removed from the site and wisteria trimmed back. For growers hoping to bring bean crops to harvest, organic pesticides have shown little impact. Dealing with an infestation in and around the home can be more difficult. Spraying insecticides on siding can cut down on the problem, but using sprays indoors or around outdoor living spaces is not advised.
Wisteria – Remove Due to Kudzu Bug?
To keep kudzu bugs from entering the home, seal any visible gaps around window and door frames, make sure screens are secure and scrub with soap and water around any areas of the home where kudzu bugs have been spotted. If kudzu bugs are found indoors, do not handle. Squashing kudzu bugs will release foul-odored secretions that can stain or irritate the skin. Instead, use a vacuum cleaner or shop vac to contain bugs and place the bag in the freezer or submerge in soapy water to kill them.
Handle carefully and dispose of the insect off-site.

Already an issue in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, the Carolinas and Tennessee, the problem is spreading quickly and they are likely heading your way. Bug-proofing your home before a presence is detected will help to defend against the impact of this new arrival. Get our best gardening advice and outdoor ideas delivered straight to your inbox.
Home Outdoors Gardens Planting and Maintenance. These international stowaways are causing problems in American gardens. Pinterest Facebook Twitter Email.
- Kudzu bugs are a nuisance to homeowners primarily in the fall and spring..
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- What can I use to get rid of Kudzu bugs in GA??
- The kudzu bug has been a pest to homeowners since the day it was first discovered in the U.S..
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Kudzu Bug Kudzu bugs damage soybean crops and secrete a foul odor that can be problematic for homeowners. Tell Spider Mites to Bug Off Spider mites flourish in warm, dry conditions so water plants regularly to safeguard against infestation. Cool Weather and Indoor Insects Find out how to prevent infestation during the off season. How to Beat Them in the Garden Aphids are literally born pregnant and a few dozen aphids will breed into thousands in a matter of weeks.
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Get Rid of Box Elder, Stink, Lady, Kudzu and Cluster Bugs
Carpenter Ants A beneficial insect you'll want to see pack up its tool belt and scram. When a person is exposed to the kudzu bug, an allergic reaction may occur, resulting in staining of the skin and skin irritation as pictured below. Additionally, the bugs may invade the house if it is not properly sealed. It is important to remember here that kudzu bugs belong to the same superfamily as stink bugs and have been known to emit an unpleasant odor that can be hard to get out of your nose, your furniture, your carpet, etc.
Crushing the bugs thus becomes a problem, as they emit an unpleasant odor and may stain the surface they are crushed upon. Kudzu bugs are less active during the cool mornings of the fall, but when the sun comes out and the temperatures warm, their flying and nuisance activity increases dramatically.
Those planning outdoor activities should take this observation into account and try to plan their activities for the morning rather than the afternoon. Suggested measures for ensuring that the house is properly sealed against kudzu bugs should be taken in late summer and are as follows:. In the event that kudzu bugs are able to enter the home, it is important to bear in mind that they should not be crushed; a crushed kudzu bug may leave stains on indoor surfaces as well as odors that may prove difficult to eliminate. Rather, they should be vacuumed, and once bagged, placed in hot, soapy water.
It is best to avoid using a vacuum that will push them through the motor since they can produce foul smells, the resulting 'bug goo' can leave stains, and some people may have an allergic reaction if they come in contact with the ground bug parts. A stocking or pantyhose placed in the vacuum tube and secured to the end of the tube with a rubber band can help by catching the insects before they reach the motor of the vacuum.
Return of the Fall Invaders
As a second line of defense, the homeowner may seek to gain relief from the invading insects landing on the exterior of his or her home. This can be accomplished with an exterior wall application of an insecticide spray labeled for nuisance insect control outdoors. Unfortunately, re-application s may be necessary, especially when nearby kudzu remains as a source of re-infestation. To reduce the frequency of re-application, long-lasting formulations such as microencapsulated and wettable powder products should be used if possible. When using insecticide-based products, always read and follow the directions for use on the product label.
As a general rule, indoor insecticide use for control of the kudzu bug is discouraged; however, a pyrethroid insecticide can be used to directly spray bugs landing on the outside of a building. The control of the kudzu bug on structures may prove frustrating for homeowners and pest management professionals alike. The overwhelming numbers of insects combined with nearby source s of re-infestation can make sustained control difficult. Ultimately, the elimination of the kudzu bug relies on the physical removal or death of kudzu via herbicide, so if possible, the homeowner should try to remove nearby kudzu in the summer.
Adult Megacopta cribraria are 4 to 6 mm long, oblong, olive-green colored, and produce a mildly offensive odor when disturbed. Suiter, University of Georgia.