Generalisierte Angststörung (German Edition)
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German-English translation for "Angststörung"
Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. Amazon Restaurants Food delivery from local restaurants. ComiXology Thousands of Digital Comics. Airway response to emotion- and disease-specific films in asthma, blood phobia, and health. Psychophysiology , 48 1 , Heartbeat perception in social anxiety before and during speech anticipation. Behaviour Research and Therapy , 49 2 , Eye movement assessment in individuals with social phobia: Differential usefulness for varying presentation times?
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry , 42 2 , Alles eine Frage der Aufmerksamkeit? Coincidence of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and panic disorder: Annals of General Psychiatry , 9 Interoceptive sensitivity in anxiety and anxiety disorders: An overview and integration of neurobiological findings.
Clinical Psychology Review , 30 1 , Dimensional structure of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale according to the analysis of data obtained with a German version.
Read Online Generalisierte Angststörung Ein Therapieprogramm German Edition Mobi By Jürgen Margraf
Journal of Anxiety Disorders , 24 6 , Gender differences in changes in pain-related coping strategies and their importance for treatment outcome following multimodal inpatient treatment. Journal of Pain , 11 5 , Changes in pain-related coping strategies and their importance for treatment outcome following multimodal inpatient treatment: Neural correlates of aversive conditioning: Development of a functional imaging paradigm for the investigation of anxiety disorders.
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience , 6 , Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie , 59 , Blushing propensity in social anxiety disorder: Influence of serotonin transporter gene variation. Journal of Neural Transmission , 6 , Methods of a multi-center randomized controlled trial in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience , 30 , Sympathetic activity relates to adenosine A 2A receptor gene variation in blood-injury phobia.
A spectralanalytic approach to emotional responses evoked through picture presentation. International Journal of Psychophysiology , 72 2 , The impact of visual flow stimulation on anxiety, dizziness, and body sway in individuals with and without fear of heights. Behaviour Research and Therapy , 47 4 , Do blood phobia patients hyperventilate during exposure by breathing faster, deeper, or both?
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Eigenschaften des Fragebogens "Trinken wegen sozialer Angst". Influence of alcohol on the processing of emotional facial expressions in individuals with social phobia. British Journal of Clinical Psychology , 48 48 , Entstehung, Symptome und Therapien. Deutsche Angstzeitschrift , Deutsche Angstzeitschrift , 40 4 , Superior perception of phasic physiological arousal and the detrimental consequences of the conviction to be aroused on worrying and metacognitions in GAD.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology , 1 , Multimodal assessment of anxiety during a standardized bat in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia - A multi-centre study.
Synonyms for "Angststörung"
Psychophysiology , 45 , Effects of alcohol on ratings of emotional facial expressions in social phobics. Journal of Anxiety Disorders , 22 6 , Appraisal of activating thoughts in generalized anxiety disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry , 39 3 , Z-Aktuell , 2 , 9. Effects of alcohol on the processing of social threat-related stimuli in socially phobic women. British Journal of Clinical Psychology , 45 3 , Blood-injury phobia with and without a history of fainting: Disgust sensitivity does not explain the fainting response.
Psychosomatic Medicine , 68 2 , Selective attention, memory bias, and symptom perception in idiopathic environmental intolerance and somatoform disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology , 3 , Distribution and gender effects of the subscales of a German version of the temperament autoquestionnaire briefTEMPS-M in a university student population.
Journal of Affective Disorders , 85 , End-tidal pCO2 in blood phobics during viewing of emotion- and disease-related films. Psychosomatic Medicine , 67 4 , Forum der Psychoanalyse , 20 1 , Verhaltenstherapie und psychosoziale Praxis , 36 4 , Neuro-Psychiatrische Zeitung , o. Public and private heart rate feedback in social phobia: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy , 33 1 , N-acetylaspartate levels of left frontal cortex are associated with verbal intelligence in women but not in men: A proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.
Neuroscience , 4 , Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie der Angsterkrankungen. Neuro-Psychiatrische Nachrichten, Februar Ausgabe. Neuro-Psychiatrische Nachrichten , 2 , Embarrassment and social phobia: Journal of Anxiety Disorders , 17 2 , Keine Expositionseffekte im Stroop-Paradigma. Sucht , 48 6 , Psychophysiologie der Sozialen Phobie - Symptom oder Ursache?
Psychologische Grundlagen, Diagnostik und Therapie S.
Blushing and physiological arousability in social phobia. Slow recovery from voluntary hyperventilation in panic disorder.
Angststörung - English translation in English - Langenscheidt dictionary German-English
Psychosomatic Medicine , 63 , Blushing, embarrassment, and social phobia: Physiological, behavioral, and self-report assessment. When a Common Reaction Becomes a Problem. Healthline , 16 5. Speech disturbances and gaze behavior during public speaking in subtypes of social phobia.