Do You Sleep in the Nude?
- The Refreshing Health Benefits of Sleeping Naked!
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- Is sleeping naked good for you?;
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What's the nightlife really like at uni? Go to first unread. Report Thread starter 1 year ago 1. How do you sleep: Naked, in underwear or in pajamas? To sleep naked of course! There is a certain physical freedom you can only really achieve when standing or indeed lying naked. While becoming a nudist might be a step far, you can at least experience that sense of escapism by dropping all your garments and enjoy the sense of freedom when in bed.
Getty Sleeping naked is good for your physical and mental health and your finances. But there are a number of other benefits aside from the balmy heat that you can enjoy. Helps Your Skin All day long your body is restricted by clothes, even in the summer when we wear a little less, there are certain parts of us which never feel the freedom of fresh air. Getty Sleeping naked helps your skin breathe and cools your body down for a better night's sleep. Keeps Cortisol in Check Cortisol is a biochemical in our body which must be looked after as best you can.
In addition, your bra's underwire, straps, and hooks have the potential to dig deeply into your skin, which can lead to indentations, irritations, welts, and even cysts. And if that's not distressing enough, wearing a bra to bed is also increasing your likelihood of developing a fungal infection, especially if your bedroom is on the warmer side or if you live in a humid climate. And when it comes to the quality of your sleep itself, wearing a bra to bed has also been linked to sleeplessness, as it can hamper your ability to achieve a truly deep sleep state.
Sleeping Nude: 3 Reasons Why It's Healthy For You
There are many different kinds of form-fitting and form-flattering clothing that women like to wear to bed each night. Whether it's a tight tank top, a pair of booty shorts, or a sexy spandex negligee, many women head for bed sporting very tight, taut, and clingy attire. And while you and quite possibly your partner may enjoy the look and feel of these items, you're actually engaging in a different kind of risky bedroom behavior every time you wear them.
In fact, your skin-tight nighties are posing a risk to your overall health. First, when you wear constricting clothing to bed, such as pants with an elastic waistband or a binding type of shirt, you're negatively impacting your circulation as well as hampering your ability to breathe normally throughout the night. And speaking of breathing, it's your skin that also needs to breathe, and wearing taut and tight items each night can lead to skin irritations and even infections.
But if that's not enough to sweat over, wearing binding clothing also has been linked to inhibiting the development of melatonin , which is a key hormone that helps to regulate your sleep cycles. And when your body's natural circadian rhythm is off, the prospect of getting a good night's sleep is off as well.
From now on, it's important to remember that your desire to "sleep tight" is just not right. Every woman needs her beauty rest, but wearing makeup to bed is not the way to achieve it. In reality, sleeping with your makeup on actually hinders your goal, as many unattractive and unappealing outcomes can result from this major makeup mistake. When you leave your makeup on all night, the dirt and oil buildup on your face doesn't get washed off, and when your pores are blocked, this is likely to lead to pimples. Further, for women who are already prone to pimples, this can exacerbate the situation even more.
Plus, since many makeup products contain ingredients that are far from natural, keeping makeup on your skin all night puts you at a greater risk of developing rashes, irritations, and allergic reactions. In terms of your eye makeup, you may have already experienced nights when dried-up mascara and remaining specs of eye shadow make their way into your eyes, and in many cases this can wake you up and prevent you from getting a solid night's sleep.
5 Reasons You Should Sleep Naked, According to Experts
So if you're looking to keep your face young and fresh, it's time to face the reality that wearing makeup to bed isn't a smart choice. Instead, head to your local drugstore or makeup retailer to find the right gentle facial cleanser and makeup remover.

In fact, when you wash your face before bed, you're keeping your skin hydrated and even helping to prevent the appearance of premature aging, namely in the form of wrinkles and dryness. No matter how exhausted you may be, there's no excuse to not take off your makeup before you tuck yourself into bed. Wearing underwear to bed is a common nighttime practice for many women. In fact, the mere thought of going to bed without underwear may make you a little uncomfortable. However, before you put the kibosh on going to bed "commando," it's important to understand why sleeping in underwear can be unfavorable to your health.
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On the one hand, covering up your vaginal region during the night can actually create the perfect kind of moist, dark, and warm breeding ground for bacteria. And if you're a woman who has a proclivity for vaginal and yeast infections, sleeping with underwear is practically laying the groundwork to develop these kinds of undesirable medical outcomes, especially if you're a bedtime thong-wearer. Further, an additional perk of sleeping without underwear is that it reduces the possibility of developing other vaginal irritations and inflammation.
Plus, many women who go without underwear appreciate the sheer ease and simplicity of sleeping without it, especially since it also can help to increase the intimacy levels between you and your partner.
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Having less laundry and more closeness is not a bad trade-off. Depending upon your personal nighttime preferences, if you're really looking to be bold at bedtime while simultaneously taking your sleep to the next level, heading to bed completely nude is also a great option.
Sleeping in the nude — is it the best way to a good night’s sleep?
In addition to the many health benefits of sleeping in the buff, such as reducing the likelihood of developing certain skin and vaginal infections and irritations, preventing the possibility of clingy pajamas suppressing the production of melatonin, as well as increasing the intimacy and closeness between you and your partner, there are many more advantages than meet the naked eye.
First, going to bed without clothes can help to lower your body's temperature, which has been shown to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep and can aid in reducing sleep disturbances throughout the night. Further, research has also indicated that having a lower body temperature at bedtime can help promote positive metabolic changes in your body and has even been linked to improving your sensitivity to insulin. However, in case of a nighttime emergency, it's always a good idea to have some clothes near your bed that you can quickly put on if need be.
Sleeping in the nude is one thing, but having to run out onto the street completely naked during an urgent situation is another. If going without any apparel is not appealing to you, there are other nighttime clothing choices that can benefit your sleep. If you prefer to stay covered up when you're under the covers, one easy and rewarding option is to opt for socks. In fact, when you warm up your feet by wearing socks when you get into bed, you're actually lowering your blood pressure and preparing your body for sleep.
Research has even shown that warmed up feet can help you fall asleep faster.