Die letzte Flasche (German Edition)
Zwar mag die derzeit von ihm konkret verwendete durchsichtige Plastikflasche Schutzrechte von B verletzen.

Da aber denkbar ist, dass eine durchsichtige Plastikflasche mit einer anderen Ausstattung B's Rechtsposition nicht mehr tangiert, Genauso fragen sich viele, ob die PET-Flasche Leck in Plastikflasche in Apotheke: Wann hast du das letzte Mal deine Plastikflasche ausgewaschen? Warum du Plastikflaschen NIE ein 2.
Synonyms and antonyms of Plastikflasche in the German dictionary of synonyms
Weil sie so leicht sind und auch nicht zerbrechen Montreal in Kanada will Plastikflaschen verbieten. Wer Durst bekommt, greift unterwegs aktuell ganz klar zur Plastikflasche. Sie ist handlich und sowohl leicht transportierbar als auch leicht im Gewicht. Mit leerer Plastikflasche gegen Bogida - Halbe Hundertschaft wartet Wegen einer kleinen Plastikflasche , die er geworfen haben soll, eine halbe Hundertschaft?
German words that begin with p. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that the vocabulary items in this list are only available in this browser. Once you have copied them to the vocabulary trainer, they are available from everywhere.
The editorially approved PONS Online Dictionary with text translation tool now includes a database with hundreds of millions of real translations from the Internet. See how foreign-language expressions are used in real life. Real language usage will help your translations to gain in accuracy and idiomaticity! The search engine displays hits in the dictionary entries plus translation examples, which contain the exact or a similar word or phrase.
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This new feature displays references to sentence pairs from translated texts, which we have found for you on the Internet, directly within many of our PONS dictionary entries. The PONS Dictionary delivers the reliability of a dictionary which has been editorially reviewed and expanded over the course of decades. In addition, the Dictionary is now supplemented with millions of real-life translation examples from external sources. So, now you can see how a concept is translated in specific contexts.
German phrasebook
We are able to identify trustworthy translations with the aid of automated processes. The main sources we used are professionally translated company, and academic, websites. In addition, we have included websites of international organizations such as the European Union. Because of the overwhelming data volume, it has not been possible to carry out a manual editorial check on all of these documents.
So, we logically cannot guarantee the quality of each and every translation. We are working on continually optimizing the quality of our usage examples by improving their relevance as well as the translations. In addition, we have begun to apply this technology to further languages in order to build up usage-example databases for other language pairs. We also aim to integrate these usage examples into our mobile applications mobile website, apps as quickly as possible.
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PET-Flasche : German » English | PONS
Are you missing a word, phrase or translation? Submit a new entry. Compile a new entry. With the help of eco-audits and analyses of current quantities of waste, treatment mechanisms and disposal methods, the project has been able to suggest possible financial incentives for dealing with PET bottles and old electronic devices. The Mexican Government is to decide on the implementation of these in the near future.
Recycling strategies for PET bottles and old electric appliances have been elaborated in cooperation with the Environment Ministry and the National Institute for Ecology and Climate Change. With the assistance of German experts, a first-ever set of ecobalances environmental impact analyses have been generated for these types of waste. Having successfully introduced PET bottles for fruit juice in Finland and Switzerland, production and bottling facilities for granini and hohes C are also converted from glass to PET in a step-by-step process in Germany as well.
PET-Flaschen identifizieren, mit Verschmutzungen klarkommen, die Position im Kurvenrad erkennen, und das alles bei hohen Taktzahlen — die robusten Sensoren von SICK sind in rotativen Anlagen seit Jahrzehnten "zuhause" und bieten eine entsprechend optimierte Performance.
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