Curmdugeing Through Paradise
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They do not mention purpose there is none , the possibility of an afterlife there is none , free will or Nekkid In Austin: Fred Reed Best Price: The purest form of this approach is atheism. They reject Yahweh, Allah, Shiva, and Zeus, which is not unreasonable, but do they not wonder about death? Nothing comes after, they say. How do they know? Which brings us to that other classic mechanism for the avoidance of anxiety, religion.
While the sciences avoid questions of death, morality, human destiny and the afterlife if any by ignoring them, the religions focus on them, allowing the questions but mistaking assertions for answers. Of course if you want to be convinced earnestly enough, you can believe anything. Religion consists more in fervent hope than observation.
There is in most religions the idea that Good is rewarded and Evil punished, that if we are kind and compassionate and just, then God or gods, according to taste will reward us. There is no evidence for this. In fact cancer strikes the good as often as the bad and the intelligently amoral, not the virtuous, prosper. It does not seem likely that babies born with horrible birth directs are being punished for sins committed in utero. In most places and most times, people have lived in misery and died in agony. Why they have deserved this is not clear as divine justice.
Nor is there support for the Christian notion of a loving God in the natural world. When a young giraffe is attacked by hyenas, disemboweled and bled until it collapses and the hyenas begin eating it while it is still alive, I for one cannot see much loving kindness in it. Just a giraffe, you say. It probably seems otherwise to giraffes, agreeable creatures who eat leaves. Yes, the universe has its appeal. I have never lived in a place more eerily beautiful and complexly implausible.
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Write a customer review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Thank you for letting us into you world. Enjoy his writing, plus I have lived in Mexico, Costa Rica and. Nicaragua for the last 13 years. The book brings back many memories as I was stationed in the far east. Very accurate and great read. Fred Reed is a crusty old curmudgeon with some hilarious opinions on politics, war, race, and life in general.
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He also has an extremely extensive vocabulary! This is a great read for anyone that is sick of all the political B. Why does the military not win wars? In part because winning is not in the interest of the Pentagon and those who feed on it. Wars generate profitable contracts for all manner of supplies and equipment.
Either winning or losing ends the gravy train. For example, the war on Afghanistan of almost two decades has become an entitlement program for the arms industry, accomplishing nothing, killing countless peasants, and lacking purpose other than maintaining an unneeded empire and funneling money to the Complex. How did the Complex free itself from civilian control?
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The crucial step in depriving the public of influence was the neutering of the constitutional requirement that wars be declared by Congress. The military thus became the private army of the President and those who control him. Then came the All Volunteer Army, which ended inconvenience to or mutilation of the children of people of importance, leaving the body bags to be filled by deplorables from Memphis or Appalachia or Mexico.
The public, both ignorant and uninvolved, became acquiescent. As I write, we wait to see whether Trump, and those behind him, will put America deeper into the Mid-East and perhaps war with Russia.
If he does, we will read about it the next day in the newspapers. It will be expensive, dangerous, and of no benefit to anyone but the arms industry and Israel. Despite the asphyxiating economic presence, the military keeps aloof from America.
The Most Sordid Profession - LewRockwell
This too serves the purposes of the Complex, further preventing attention by the public to what is not its business. In the days of conscription there was a familiarity with the armed services. Young men from most social classes wore the uniform however ruefully and told of their experiences.
The career military have always tended to keep to themselves, to socialize with each other as the police do. Now the isolation is almost hermetic.

You can spend years in Washington or New York and never meet a colonel. Military society with its authoritarianism, its uniforms and its uniform government-issue outlook is not compatible with civil society. To the cultivated, military officers seem simple-minded, conformist and…well, weird. Then ask them which they have. Russia presents no danger to America or anyone else. The Complex makes foreign policy for its own ends, not ours.