Casi nada (Poesia (Linkgua)) (Spanish Edition)
When not working on my projects, I would write in my journal about what I saw. I wrote about the people passing by, wondering what they were doing when not in the book store. I also sometimes documented conversations. It was a fun exercise that I sometimes suggest to my workshop participants. For another change of venue, on a nice day I like to write sitting in a park—another great place to people watch.
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HostGator Evaluation is now a generally looked term on the internet. Many of HostGator Review usually concentrate on the truth that HostGator is one of the finest, if not the very best in the area of…. Entiende que al afiliado se le debe dar la oportunidad de ser atendido con calidad y a bajo costo y por profesionales especializados. Gone are the days when a full-flavored cigar translated to a full-strength cigar. Market demands are gradually changing, especially in the stogie world. As cigars steadily creep into the mainstream market, cigar makers are in turn continually upping the ante in innovation and craftsmanship to appeal not only to cigar aficionados, but also cigar newbies.
Top among the companies that flawlessly blend timeless legacy with avant-garde ingenuity to create premium cigars that stand out is the Camacho Brand. The Camacho Brand is a formidable player in the stogie world producing revered full-flavored cigars with lots of strength to spare. Simon Camacho founded this brand in This leaf is incorporated in all their smokes, and it is what gives them the flavor and aroma that Camacho Cigars are famous for.
Up until , the Camacho Brand portfolio only featured full-strength cigars with robust flavors and an uncompromising kick. While enjoying unparalleled success with these cigars, the market appealed for a mild-mannered cigar with the same full-flavors but mellow strength.
Camacho listened and voila, the Camacho Connecticut cigar was born. This Camacho masterpiece comes with Honduran Generoso, and Aleman Ligero long fillers with the signature Honduran Corojo binder, draped in an exquisite Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. It carries earthy notes with hints of citrus and roasted nuts. Pepperiness and cedar nuances make up the forefront flavors while implicit sweetness and a mellow outset make up the base.
The success of the Camacho Connecticut cigar cannot be understated. This cigar is so perfectly attuned to its audience that it remained untouched during the Camacho rebranding campaign of There are very few cigars on the market that both seasoned cigar enthusiasts and newbies can smoke and enjoy. The Camacho Connecticut is one such cigar. As far as ranking, the Camacho Connecticut holds its own among the other Connecticut brands.
I can personally attest to the smooth, decadent smoking experience that has none of the bitterness that afflicts Connecticut stogies, especially towards the nub. Well, for the benefit of answering the question, no, Connecticut is not the most popular Camacho wrapper; the Ecuador Habano is.
Ecuadorian Habano is featured in more Camacho cigars than any other wrapper. Second on the list is Honduras and then the Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. Having said that, the quality offered by Connecticut is nothing to scoff at. This wrapper has everything going for it, from the seed quality to the soils and the weather. This material limits the amount of sun and heat that gets to the leaves. The resulting wrapper is mild-mannered with a sweet disposition.
The Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper is the same Connecticut seed grown in Ecuador. Ecuador is the go-to destination for growing all things tobacco. This Connecticut seed does so well in Ecuador that the Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper has become one of the most sought-after wrappers in the stogie world.
Ecuador is so naturally cloudy that it only gets hours of sunlight per year. This is perfect for the shade-grown wrapper because it eliminates the need to grow under artificial tented shades. The end result is a super silky, slightly oily, pliable wrapper with a mildly sweet flavor and pleasant aroma.
Needless to say, the Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper is darker and more flavorful than the US Connecticut wrapper. It is a bona fide flavor bomb which never lets up from start to finish. You better be ready to make room in your humidor for this delicacy. Only people who have never tried this cigar would hesitate to buy. If anything, this delectable stogie is priced on the lower end of the spectrum compared to other cigars in its class.
As is tradition, Camacho cigars deliver above and beyond. Customers pick up on that and hence the glowing reviews. Bear in mind, by some standards, Camacho Connecticut is an old cigar. These ratings really speak to the quality of this stogie considering the burden of consistency that exists for the cigars that have been around for a while. Because this beauty smokes exactly the way you want it to.
It has the perfect draw, solid construction, and a plethora of flavors that stay way past the last call. If you are looking for an everyday smoke that is affordable, delivers full flavors and a gentle kick with none of the heaviness of a full-strength cigar, then this should be your go to blend. Foram produzidas apenas garrafas. Sala del Concistoro Sabato, 10 novembre Piero Marini per le sue cortesi parole. Da qui nasce la domanda fondamentale: E si ripete il miracolo: Ne consegue che la celebrazione della memoria del Signore, in cui ci si nutre del suo Corpo e del suo Sangue, esige e fonda la comunione con Lui e la comunione dei fedeli fra di loro.
Pensiamo solo alla parola misericordia , quasi tolta dal dizionario nella cultura attuale. Misericordiae vultus , 7. Vi chiedo per favore di pregare per me e di cuore vi imparto la Benedizione Apostolica. Events are the full time when every one needs to look their really best. But for those who are new in the image, selecting the proper celebration wear can be quite a task. When you would go to a…. Submitted photos and press release: Nominations were judged according to the following criteria: Matthew Gray , building owner, lead investor, co-owner Batavia Brewing Co.
JJ Newberry wall medallions preserved and incorporated in new design. Art Deco aluminum trim to peek through drywall. Lazer com quadra poliesportiva, academia, Ketahui Personaliti Anda Mengikut Bulan Kelahiran Walaupun kita dah tahu perangai, sikap, sifat dan ragam kita sendiri macam mana.. Anda seorang penyayang dan pendengar yang baik. Kualiti ini menarik ramai orang untuk mendekati anda untuk berkawan. Anda dikagumi kerana sifat optimis dan positif terhadap kehidupan. Anda suka kebebasan dan keindahan. Sebuah ruangan akan dipenuhi kegembiraan apabila anda memasukinya.
Aura dan karisma anda sangat kuat dan secara tidak sedar orang akan tertarik dengannya. Anda mempunyai personaliti yang sangat yakin, bersemangat dan menawan. Anda boleh memimpin sesebuah kumpulan jika anda mahu walaupun hanya di belakang tabir. Keupayaan unik ini membuatkan anda menonjol. Anda mempesona dan menawan semua orang dengan magnet anda. Kualiti terbaik anda ialah anda tidak pernah berputus asa. Bila berada dalam situasi yang huru-hara sekalipun, anda cuba menjadi yang terbaik.
Anda tekad dan sentiasa memastikan kehidupan anda di landasan yang betul. Anda percaya segalanya untuk kebaikan dan gerak hati anda sangat kuat. Anda cepat tersentuh dan perkara kecil orang lakukan untuk anda itu sangat bermakna bagi anda. Anda dicintai kerana keprihatinan dan kepekaan anda. Anda suka akan kedamaian dan ingin menjadikan dunia suatu tempat yang penuh kasih. Anda tidak suka terlibat dalam konflik dan sentiasa berusaha menjadi diri sendiri. Anda mempunyai keperibadian yang kuat dan disukai ramai kerana anda menjadi diri sendiri. Sesetengah orang akan merasa susah untuk mendekati anda tetapi apabila mereka sudah mengenali diri anda, orang akan tahu bahawa anda sentiasa bekerja keras untuk menyokong apa sahaja orang anda cintai mahu lakukan.
Anda sangat praktikal dan sangat ikhlas mencintai rakan dan keluarga. Anda adalah orang yang sentiasa berusaha untuk mengelakkan perselisihan faham. Anda ingin menjadikan dunia tempat yang lebih baik dengan cinta dan kehangatan anda. Anda sangat sesuai untuk menjadi rakan berkongsi kerana anda bersemangat untuk menyokong rakan anda.
Anda mempunyai keberanian yang sangat tinggi. Tetapi anda mempunyai peribadi sensitif yang anda sembunyikan. Hanya beberapa orang istimewa yang boleh rapat dengan anda dan berpeluang untuk melihat keperibadian yang anda sembunyi itu. Anda tidak takut mengakui kesilapan yang anda buat dan sentiasa menghormati orang lain.
Semua orang sangat mengenali anda dengan keperibadian anda yang sangat jujur itu. Apa yang anda ungkapkan, anda akan lakukannya. Anda suka kejujuran dari pelbagai aspek dan tak pernah ragu-ragu untuk mengaku kesilapan jika anda buat salah. Anda ingin menjadi 'center of attraction' dan keperibadian anda sangat membantu apabila anda betul-betul menjadi tumpuan orang lain. Anda mempunyai imaginasi yang jelas dan rasa ingin tahu yang membuat anda persoalkan segala-galanya yang ada di sekeliling anda.
Anda mempunyai cara anda sendiri untuk mendapatkan apa yang anda mahukan dan sentiasa dapat keluar dari situasi sukar dengan mudah. Anda dikagumi untuk keupayaan ini dan orang sentiasa bersedia untuk mematuhi arahan anda. Anda adalah 'problem solver' untuk semua orang dan anda tidak akan berat sebelah apabila menyelesaikannya. Anda adalah pendengar yang sangat prihatin dan bersedia untuk mendengar masalah orang lain. Anda sangat bijak, suka membantu, dan cinta akan alam. Anda mempunyai minda yang sangat expressive dan fikiran anda sentiasa dipenuhi dengan idea-idea baru yang inovatif.
Anda suka menganalisis persekitaran anda dan mengumpul seberapa banyak maklumat semasa melihat sekeliling. Anda berada dalam dunia anda sendiri dan gembira untuk hidup seperti itu. Pemikiran anda mungkin selalu berada di dunia anda sendiri tetapi anda tetap berhubung dengan realiti. Anda bercita-cita tinggi dan sangat vulnerable. Anda juga tidak takut untuk menunjukkan perasaan anda. Orang mengagumi kualiti diri anda kerana menerima kesilapan dan menunjukkan perasaan anda secara terbuka.
Ada personaliti yang sama tak? Ke tak sama langsung? Saya lahir pada bulan Ogos. Sama tak dengan ciri ciri yang di-mentioned-kan di atas? Liverpool FC lawan Fulham. Trent Lovren Van Robbo. Saya cenderung untuk bersangka baik. Pun begitu, ia langsung tidak benar. Sebelum itu, saya mohon maaf kiranya tulisan ini bersifat 'teknikal'. Saya menulis untuk memberi faham. Saya cuba berlaku adil kepada semua khalayak: Namun Artikel 5 d vii ICERD mengiktiraf kebebasan pemikiran, kesedaran dan agama sebagai hak yang perlu diberi tanpa diskriminasi berasaskan kaum.
Ia tidak statik dari segi amalan dan konteks. Maka Melayu dan Islam berpisah tiada. Past civil rights violations amongst specific groups were mostly based on physical features. It would like to know whether, given the current state of legislation, non-citizens and non-Muslims who suffer discrimination and who are entitled to bring proceedings before a civil court can also bring their cases before the Islamic Shariah courts.
The Committee also wishes to know to what extent the Convention can be invoked before the civil and Shariah courts, and what rules of the Shariah answer to the requirements of the Convention. Bukankah itu menyentuh takrifan Iran tentang kepercayaan yang mereka benarkan atau tidak?
ICERD tidak perlu diterima! Now that tragedy appears to be nearing its end--with the determination by the Pakistani supreme court that overturned Bibi's blasphemy conviction here , the resulting expression of outrage that the rule of Islamic law had been in consequence defiled here. That in turn produced the not unanticipated rush to effect the evacuation of Bibi and such of her family as it was possible to transport to the West here , here , here , and here. The personally tragic has been easy enough to document. That personal tragedy is the end result of a slow motion of grinding of the individual within the relentlessly self interested gears of multiple legalities that converged on this woman.
This started in the most banal of ways--an invective laced dispute among individuals at a communal physical intersection point--a place for drawing water--that also exploded along the fault lines of a conceptual point of intersection--religion. The initial interaction was banal in the ways that such inter-sectional exchanges tend to be everywhere, including United States for example e. And it ended with her conviction for blasphemy; "it sparked two successive assassinations of top government officials as well as a hanging" here , the strengthening of religious parties, the eradication of the Christian community in her village, and reports of her fleeing Pakistan for the West perhaps in the Netherlands here to avoid the full effect of the penalties assessed through the application of non-state rule of law systems.
The tragedy of theory has been less often considered. Mostly, that is understood in the "clash of civilizations" mode, premises on the notion that there is only one superior domain for democratic expression within rule of law structures, and that it is to the state that all communities must look for the protection and implementation of that view. Yet it is that very perspective, so dear to Western intellectuals that serves as the foundation for the tragedy of theory that the personal tragedy of Asia Bibi represents.
This post considers this idea in the reflections that follow. Religious groups have held protests in several Pakistani cities since former Punjab governor Salman Taseer vowed to amend the law, that was recently used to sentence a Christian woman to death Taseer's stance enraged the country's increasingly conservative religious base and he was assassinated on January 4 by his own security guard, who has said he killed the governor over his support for reform.
Under intense pressure from religious parties, Pakistan's government has since said it had no intentions to amend the law. Demonstrators from religious parties Jamaat-e-Islami, Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan and Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a charity linked with Mumbai terrorist attacks, held banners in support of Mumtaz Qadri -- the police commando who shot dead Taseer. Participants chanted slogans including "Free Mumtaz Qadri," "We are ready to sacrifice our lives for the honour of Prophet Mohammad" and "Changes in blasphemy law not accepted.
The first touches on the nature of constitutional democracy and the role of the popular sovereign. Westerners, and especially Americans, tend to view popular sovereignty in a peculiar way. It is that great spark that extinguishes one set of government and imposes on itself another.
Thereafter, and until it acts again, it is constrained by the government it has created, and acts only indirectly--in the election of individuals who represent the popular will. Sometimes both the popular sovereign and its representatives are constrained by substantive norms that are beyond their power to overcome. For example, slavery could not be re-instituted in the United States, the central value of human dignity could not be overcome in Germany, and socialist values could not be rejected in China, without destroying the constitutional order itself.
But an older constitutional tradition does not recognize constraints on popular will other than those self-imposed. In that case, either the people, through plebiscite or through their legislature. In that case, democratic mass mobilization on the streets, or pressure on representatives acting as the proxy for the popular will could impose a substantive regime that reflects the current will of the masses.
In that case, the popular will could impose anything from the political disability of inhabitants because of religion France under the Vichy regime , and their segregation and extermination Nationalist Socialist Germany as long as the process was lawful and reflected the majority will. Pakistan suggests an older face of democratic constitutionalism, one in which process merely directs the mechanics of the expression of mass democratic will without constraint.
This older approach remains, in vestigial form, in constitutions that may be easily amended by popular action. It might be possible to suggest an alternative analytical approach. The second issue that the Pakistani mobilization suggests is not so much mass democratic instincts run riot, but the critical role of the masses in guarding the most fundamental normative structures of the constitutional systems under which it has consented to be governed.
Taseer's assassination, saying the killer fulfilled his obligation as a Muslim. That is not merely an incantation fetish but a shorthand for a set of substantive values and approaches to law, governance and relationships among people grounded in the normative rules of Islam. Looking at the popular mobilizations in this respect, one can see them as a force for the protection of the organizing values on which the state is founded against the efforts to undermine that normative framework by the importation of values and sensibilities that are alien to and may threaten the normative structure of Islamic Pakistan, at least as the masses mobilized understand that.
We can still goad the butchers on from the fences. For those of us who call ourselves liberal Muslims there is always the option of turning away and holding our noses. However, this also suggests a wide range between those values and the normative constitutional values emerging from international organizations and recognized, to some extent, by international law. Instead of arbitrariness, this range of values indicates a large gap between the normative values of constitutional societies in and outside of Pakistan.
This is at least how the mobilized masses understand the conflict. This is disheartening for Westerners and those looking to expand the reach of value systems grounded in international consensus. Alternatively, it suggests a need for a limit on legitimizing popular and mass mobilizations. A potentially greater and immediate issue is that a common language about democracy, in fact, divides rather than unites the various systems purporting to adhere to some or another version.
People may use the same words and mean different things. Furthermore, the West's fixation with using the right words—terms to memorize and recite, but not analyze—advances appearances, but also fails to meet its purpose. As a result, some suggest Westerners should understand displays of popular will as signs of weakness in Pakistan's democracy. Ironically, this analysis can also lead to the opposite conclusion. The difficulty of reconciling the application of principles of democratic expression with the operationalization of underlying normative systems expressed through the legitimating methods of rule of law principles pose the gravest threats to the movement toward globally based rule of law and democratic principles in the constitution of political communities composed of diverse elements.
It suggests the weak space where the theory of the construction of an institutionally unified diverse society--the desperate mission of the West as they confront the realities of these societies within their own territories cannot be underestimated. The weakness produces the sort of fugue state that eventually weakens the state and reduces its utility as an institutional space within which order may be effectuated. This fugue state nicely characterizes the personal saga of Asia Bibi. A personal disputes among village women is escalated by transforming the personal animosity among peasants into a form of institutional and representative interaction the insult by Christianity against Islam the consequences of which would have to be performed on the body of the offending representative of Christianity in the village the woman.
That transformation was possible because of the alliance of villagers with the local religious power structure invoking ancient rule of law and expressions of popular majority cultural premises and expectations against the representative of a marginalized sect with no religious counter institution to protect her.
Yet the apparatus of the state is not in a position to defend her, because to do so would require defending her, in part against the state itself. The consequences were predictable--the ability of the religious apparatus to use the state as a means for operationalizing its governance strictures through law--not religious law, but the comprehensive law of the state which are premised on the protection of all individuals.
That in turn produced a dissonance between this state-religious coupling, and the local-national coupling of law systems necessary to legitimate the authority of state actors both internally and in the global community. The result was the oscillation between application of the law to suit religious rule of law notions and expressions of popular powe rin the streets, followed by calls to apply either national legal standards, or those derived form international consensus.
These would be followed by pressure from the threatened domains--riots in the street, political pressure at the national level, pressure at the international level, meanderings through the courts, and then vacillation. And then exile--for Asia and her lawyer: These layered dissonance in turn produced a further dissonance between the legal structures of Pakistan blasphemy laws and the expectations of the community of nations reflected in international instruments and human rights principles.
We always got along. But now there is only anger. Omar Waraich, deputy South Asia director at Amnesty International, provided a useful expression of the frustrations from the perspective of a solicitous context based globalized norm perspective in an essay for the influential Washington Post: The crisis has revealed, once again, a deepening fault line that runs through the country: For religious hard-liners, the law only matters as long as it conforms to their brand of Islam.
There is nothing that stirs more outrage in Pakistan than the charge of blasphemy. Judges are terrified of acquitting anyone, lest they become the next target. Defense lawyers have been killed in court. Witnesses and families have to go into hiding. The authorities, instead of standing firm in defending human rights, meekly give ground to those using violence to suppress those rights.
For Rizvi and his supporters, there is no higher calling than to avenge an alleged insult to the prophet Muhammad. In a country where all but three percent of the population is Muslim, he has managed to promote a narrative that insists Islam is perpetually imperiled.
He calls on his followers to take matters into their own hands which can include claiming the lives of others. To maintain this violent hysteria, his supporters always insist an offense was committed and that punishment must follow. The passivity of the Pakistani authorities stands in stark contrast with its reaction to the rise of the nonviolent Pashtun Protection Movement, which has been demanding an end to extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances.
Asia Bibi, then, provides a contemporary face to the transformation of what had once been considered a forward progress toward a unified global normative system within which the operation of all other domains could be managed and mediated. But in place of coordination there is fracture, and the rise of rule of law domains that are neither bound by territory, nor restrained by the normative premises that have driven the international human rights superstructures since the s. How this spattering of rule of law normative domains will now inter mesh--within and beyond territorial states inside and around which they operate--remains to be seen.
Cuban entrepreneurs excited about visa-free access to Panama AL DIA News News that Panama is creating a card allowing Cubans to enter the Central American country without a visa has been greeted with enthusiasm on the island, especially among entrepreneurs struggling with the absence of wholesale markets and suppliers in Malah Farid mempunyai kata-kata keras buat Lokman. Bagaimanapun kata Farid Lokman mengadu kepada polis. Semalam Lokman yang kini begitu menonjol sebagai watak yang membela Umno dan Najib Razak membuat laporan kepada polis ekoran dakwaan Farid terhadap amalan rasuah melibatkan kerajaan BN sebelum ini.
Melalui laporan dibuat bagi pihak Lokman itu pengadu berkata Farid sengaja melempar fitnah bahawa dia cuba dirasuah sebanyak RM5 juta bagi pihak Najib dan isterinya, Rosmah Mansor. Laporan itu juga menyebut, Farid membuat kenyataan berkenaan semasa sesi wawancara yang bersiaran secara langsung melalui sebuah program televisyen dan dipetik sebuah saluran YouTube. Pengadu membuat laporan kerana mengesyaki pelakon Tombiruo: Penunggu Rimba itu menipu apabila gagal melaporkan cubaan merasuah tersebut pada 6 bulan lalu, selain mendedahkan nama individu yang terbabit.
Untuk rekod, ketika dihubungi hari ini, Lokman telah mengesahkan bahawa laporan telah dibuat bagi pihaknya dan akan hadir ke balai polis sekiranya diminta untuk memberi keterangan berhubung perkara tersebut. Sementara itu, menjawab tuduhan yang mengaitkan Farid sebagai penipu, suami aktres Diana Danielle itu berkata, dia mempunyai bukti kukuh bagi menyokong dakwaannya sebelum ini.
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Namun, Farid menjelaskan dia masih belum mengetahui alasan sebenar didatangi individu bergelar Datuk Seri itu. Katanya ada yang menerima sejumlah wang dalam plastik sebesar kotak tisu setiap seorang, agar tidak berpaling daripada kerajaan ketika itu. Katanya siasatan dijalankan mengikut Seksyen Kanun Keseksaan kerana melakukan tohmahan atau fitnah. Congratulations to the following nationwide winners of the NBW contests. Congratulations too and thank you dear librarians and RCs for all the help in promoting and making your own NBW events successful.
Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo. O sea, la fe por encima de lo factual: Protestas contra la guerra del Vietnam. En fin, son gentes que han elegido. Se sienten dulcemente subversivos,. En dos o tres semanas ya tienen experiencia. Todas son gentes cultas, serias, provistas de sistemas,. En privado no en libros ni en conferencias.
La noche del regreso, cuando se acuestan con sus mujeres. Oxford University Press, Under the Sign of Saturn. Viajeros argentinos de izquierda. But disregard for world opinion—as well as the opinion of the U. Arquitetura moderna, fino acabamento, ambientes integrados. Alexz - Searching Original Mix. Andy Buchan - Imagine This Crescendolls edit. Angelo Draetta - Miles Away. Aso Tandwa - Into Space. Base Wasilewski - Amatongo. Big Leaf - Planets Coflo Remix. Williams - 2 Bob Note Original Mix. Williams - Fatherless Original Mix.
Williams - Fatherless T. Williams - Man Up Original Mix. Charles Mingus - Celia Alternate Take. Da Vynalist - Taboo Original Mix. Dafro - Rough Side Green Venom. Deepconsoul, Decency - Atumela Original Mix. Deepconsoul, Dindy - Nana Original Mix. Delgado - Check Da. DJ Bonnie - Musika.
DJ Bonnie - Pipa. DJ 'S' - Party Nights. Dom Tufaro - Xas Original Mix. Erik Bo - Trippin Original Mix. Casi nada (Poesia (Linkgua)) (Spanish Edition) eBook: Eduardo Hurtado: Kindle Store
Fisto De Soul - Native Invocation. Fred Dekker - House Team Fred Dekker - Sweet Disco Machine. Iberican Storm - Burundi Original Mix. Iberican Storm - Somalia Original Mix. Ivory IT , Oluhle - Celubaba. James Bradshaw - Games Original Mix. Lola Disco - Falling Apart. Lola Disco - I Don't Mind. Lola Disco - Midnight Lover. Lola Disco - San Junipero.
Lola Disco - Special Moment. Lola Disco - Take Control. Lola Disco - Take Me Back to Lola Disco - Tonight! Lola Disco - Top Models Delight. Ludo Erre - Roots Original Mix. Messes Basses - Flamingos Original Mix. Mike Steva - Zemya Original Mix. Moi Rodriguez - Libertos. Myles Bigelow - Amazonia Original Mix. Myles Bigelow - Fade Original Mix. Neighbour - Crisis Original Mix. Palamino - Oh My! Parkboyz Music - Diesel Original Mix. For the Sake of Gold Forty years ago, Dorothea Tyne Daly and Greta Elisabeth Henry moved to the town of Checkford and bought an abandoned bread factory that they transformed into an arts space.
Here they host movies, plays, dance, exhibits and artists. Now a celebrity couple—performance artists from China—have come to Checkford. It is a strange sight for a small town. Without this funding, the Bread Factory would not survive. They quickly rally the community to save their space. The commercial forces behind the FEEL Institute fight also, bringing a young movie star to town to help make their case. The school board meeting turns into a circus where the fate of the Bread Factory hangs in the balance.
A Bread Factory, Part Two: Mysteriously, the reporter who runs the local newspaper disappears. Bizarre tourists start to show up, then come mysterious tech start-up workers. With all the new people, real estate is booming. Amidst all these distractions, Dorothea and Greta try to continue their work. On the day they open the play, Dorothea gets the news that the Bread Factory will lose an essential piece of their funding. Brokenhearted, Dorothea and Greta must decide whether to give up their work at the Bread Factory because their community and support has disappeared, or to continue in their struggle to build community through art.
Patrick Wang was born in Texas, the son of Taiwanese immigrants. He graduated from MIT with a degree in economics and music and theater arts. He has studied game theory, health policy, and income inequality at the Federal Reserve, the Harvard School for Public Health, and other organizations. For news and updates go to: San Juan, Puerto Rico. Why I will distress? In God I put my hope, and yet praise.
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Calypso orginated in Trinidad and Tobago during the early to midth century. This genre encompasses a few different styles of music, most of which are region-specific, such as Nordic, African, Bluegrass. As well as an addition to your collection and archives. By Eric Zuesse Source. The Russky Bridge, Vladivostock. Longest cable-suspension bridge in the world, just one of the infrastructure projects initiated by the Russian government in recent years. Both countries need to do it in order to improve the future for their respective populations, and both Governments have avoided the Western development model of going heavily into debt in order to pay for creating and maintaining infrastructure.
Both are, in fact, exceptionally low-debt Governments. These infrastructure projects are optimistic and long-term expenditures, which are being planned and built only because the countries that the U. The route will make it possible to deliver cargoes from India to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas. After that, goods will be shipped to the Russian southern port of Astrakhan, from where they will move to Europe by rail.
The new transport artery will potentially reduce the time and costs of shipping by up to 40 percent. Would we feel that Russia is defending itself, then? Russians have sound reason to be terrified by the U. Americans were terrified by the Soviets when the issue was Soviet missiles located in Cuba only a hundred miles from the U. This country then threatened: Iran is also a major target of the U. Though those three targeted countries want to avoid being conquered by the U. Government, most of their expenditures are for their own domestic economies, instead of for defending against the U. Government has no excuse whatsoever in this matter, but pure guilt in it, pure aggression.
That has been true for the century passed and it will be true for the century to come…America must always lead on the world stage. From Brazil to India, rising middle classes compete with us. Our ability to shape world opinion helped isolate Russia right away. What remains of Ukraine after the U. Obama ignored him and kept on trying.
The change from Obama to Trump was from soft nazi to hard nazi. Trump is the U. Every day, the US regime murders lots of people in foreign lands. The choice is that simple. The only ways that the global public can effectively fight back against the U. The listed three steps are the only path toward a survivable planet: Also the Newspeak needs to end, right now, because without honesty, no type of progress is even possible.
All of these measures are not only morally right; they are necessary, because the present path leads to not only profound injustices, but a hellish global future. But only the global public can — and will, if there is to be continued life of this planet, and lives here that are worth living. Russia spent the most of all the allies. The same source p. Esta propiedad disfruta de una hermosa vista a la ciudad y esta situada en esta parte de Ecuador. La propiedad cuenta con un lote de ,00 metros cuadrados 3.
Ancient Activation Shift by Natalie Glasson Your presence is felt and deeply honored. When we check in with ourselves on a Soul level, there is a part of us that already knows exactly what is about to be revealed to us in this Energy Forecast. For a while now, the forecasts have revealed to us how the Divine Feminine is pouring Herself into the heart and mind of every living, breathing being in existence.
However, our Spirit knows that the resurgence of the Divine Feminine is touching every facet of existence. The Healing of the MasculineOne of the most important roles for the Divine Feminine in the third dimension is to heal and alchemize the aspect of the masculine that long ago forgot its divinity.
For eons of time in our third dimensional reality, humanity has been influenced primarily by the aspect of the masculine energy that separated from its divine source. What has remained is the aspect of masculine energy that represents the illusions of fear and survival. It is quite clear that this aspect of masculine energy that long ago forgot its divinity is trying hard now, exerting a big push to keep its controlling grip on humanity.
This can be seen easily in many branches and sects of religious organizations, governments, and corporations that rely heavily on using fear to promote their agenda. The Divine Feminine represents Divine Love. The Divine Masculine represents Divine Action. Divine Love is the most powerful energy in all of existence. Divine Love knows no judgment. It only knows wholeness and completion. Divine Love expressed, is compassion.
For eons of time, humanity was led to believe through the teachings of the aspect of masculine energy that had released all connection to its divinity that the Source of all existence was a man—a powerful male energy that lived up in the sky somewhere. This type of conditioning lent itself perfectly to fueling the fear and survival-based patterns that led humanity to give its power away to a select few.
But now, something tremendous is happening. The fear bubble of humanity has popped, and the collective mind though scrambling a bit is now able to fully drink in the Divine nourishing Love of the Divine Feminine. This is allowing the part of masculine energy that has ignored its divinity to heal, and to remember its divinity once again, within all of humanity. When fear no longer has a hold over the consciousness of humanity, freedom ensues.
We can contribute to the healing of the masculine, so that we can set ourselves free from its old paradigms. We can do this by choosing to be a compassionate presence for ourselves and for humanity as a whole, as we all adjust to the changes that are shifting us out of the old, fear-based patterns. From this space of compassion, we can embody and express unconditional love toward ourselves and humanity. When we and humanity receive deep and nourishing love through compassion, we see that the collective mind and our own minds are much less likely to resist the healing and transformation now occurring in our world.
Through compassion, we can support the Divine Feminine with Her healing of the masculine energy that had forsaken the beautiful divinity that it is a part of. I never seem to have enough. If and when you do have a thought like this, ask your mind the following: Even if that were completely true, would I want things to stay that way? If your answer was Yes, you might want to think about the following: Is it possible that you observed poverty consciousness in your family while you were growing up, and unconsciously decided that feeling helpless about finances was how a grown-up functions in the world?
You may also still have a strong inner drive to become prosperous in life. And is there is even the tiniest chance that your feeling lost where money is concerned is just something your mind created, to keep you dealing with finances the way your parents did? If you answered Yes to that, this could be a moment of deep realization for you. As we realize that it has never been about how hopeless we are at money. As we realize that, we can then forgive ourselves for what we think are our shortcomings.
We then begin to take our power back, and we become the conscious Creator of our life again. Or is it possible that there are people who have met a wonderful partner at different times in their life, sometimes without even expecting it? Yet every area of our life responds powerfully to how we feel about it—what we believe to be true or possible.
Your chance of meeting someone who is right for you has more to do with your holding open the possibility of meeting someone wonderful—and that you have plenty to offer a new partner.
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When we look at any good thing in life with low expectations and disbelief, believing the worst of it instead of the best, we separate ourselves from it. As a result of this judgment and self-protectiveness, we have not only blocked ourselves from allowing in new opportunities to meet someone new. We have also dishonored the whole energy of love and what it can be in our lives, on a romantic level and otherwise. You can see that when we begin to question our thoughts, we create an opening in our consciousness through which we can expand into higher states of consciousness, and ultimately, into complete freedom to be our higher selves.
Know that those ideas were formed during a time when we were all simply doing the best we could with what we knew at the time. In the past, our mind simply chose to operate in survival mode, which is another way of saying that it decided to make protecting itself its ultimate priority. But what if it no longer needs to use patterns of separation and fear to protect itself?
What if the mind can finally remember that our Spirit has kept us safe all along, even when we thought otherwise? The mind has become very comfortable in identifying with survival patterns, so that when celestial openings occur in our personal and global consciousness, the mind experiences a lot of discomfort. Our only job when that happens, is to be a compassionate presence for the mind as it adjusts and shifts out of the old patterns.
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Just observe and send it love, and the mind will no longer feel like it needs to resist the shifts that are happening. The mind can then, in its own time, relax into our warmth and compassion, as a child feels safe in the loving arms of their parent or caregiver. We when are free, we choose to create joy and happiness for no reason. We enjoy a full life. We let go of the need to blame others. We take full responsibility for being the Creator of our own life. We are kind, loving, and compassionate.
We express ourselves authentically and honestly. We try new things, expanding out of our comfort zone. We experience a strong connection to our Spirit and intuition. We open ourselves up to receiving ALL of our blessings.

We are generous and giving. We let go of competition and lack-driven behaviors. We are healthy and vibrant. So, the alignment computes to ! This specific portal will be celebrated by millions of way-showers and cosmically aligned soul family from all around the world. They will meet via synched up meditations and heart-unifying celebrations. This will tremendously magnify the healing effects of the portal for humanity. This particular portal of healing will allow the Divine Feminine to heal the aspects of masculine energy that has forgotten its divinity.
She will go deep into the heart and psyche of the masculine and bring nourishing love and light to all of him, including the parts that have rarely been touched. The Divine Feminine will bask all of humanity in her love. She will alchemize rigid and fixed thoughts and behaviors into expressions of ease, fluidity, peace, love, openness, and flexibility. She will also remind us that together with her, we are the source of our abundance, and that as we appreciate all of our blessings, she will shower us with infinite new blessings.
We will also notice things feeling lighter, so that we can focus more on the energies of fun, play, joy, and creativity. Below is a heart-opening process that will help us to connect with and be fully open to the portal of healing. This process can be done anytime throughout the day of November 11th. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Smile with your right eye only eyes still closed. Hold for 10 seconds. Smile with your left eye only eyes still closed. Imagine what it would feel like if your third eye in the space in between your eyebrows was smiling. Hold that feeling for 10 seconds. Move the smile down from the third eye to your mouth and cheeks a regular big smile.
Hold this smile for 10 seconds. Move the smile from your face down into your heart. Imagine what it would feel like if your heart was smiling big. I like to see my heart as a cartoon heart-person, with a cute happy face with little dangly legs and hands, wearing a top hat, and doing a tap dance for me. The key is to use an image that makes you feel happy and brings you joy. Envision your heart smiling and putting on this show for you, for at least 10 seconds.
And so it is! Express gratitude to yourself and to the Universe for opening yourself up to all of the new blessings life has in store for you. Open your eyes, and observe over the coming days, weeks, and months, the new blessings that enter your life. May the month of November bless you and your loved ones in the most nourishing and supportive ways. I am the World Teacher alongside Master Sananda, together we oversee the spiritual education and ascension of all beings at a planetary and earthly level. It is our purpose to be of service to you, to gift you information and knowledge as well as awakening transformation and enlightenment within you.
We created contracts with each of you before your incarnation onto the Earth. In these contracts your soul stated the reason for your incarnation and what your soul wished to discover and awaken, we then shared how we could be of service and support your soul. Support me in opening to receive all you feel guided to share with me, let me receive with a clear mind, heart and being, so I may benefit fully from the experience.
Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please begin a transmission of energy to me so I may receive and awaken the wisdom my soul wishes me to be consciously aware of at this time in my ascension. Please imprint into my being the energy and enlightenment that will serve me in the future, so I may bring this into my present manifestation at a greater speed.
Thank you, and let it be. This practice can be achieved as often as you wish and throughout your entire ascension process, we, wish to be present and of service to you always. Ancient Energy at Your CoreWhile re-establishing our connection with you and reawakening the contract of service we wish to provide to your soul allows you to access ancient wisdom, knowingness and truth within your being, there is a deeper activation taking place.
Within your soul and the core of your soul, even within the core of your soul group there is stored ancient wisdom and truth. Ancient wisdom and truth are the knowledge, techniques, energies and understanding which no longer exist upon the Earth and sometimes within the Universe of the Creator. It is civilisations, their purpose and teachings which your soul and even your soul group has forgotten. This wisdom and truth can be so ancient that it holds keys of energy and even DNA stands of light which manifested during the original expressions of the Creator.
While some of this wisdom and knowingness is no longer essential or needed upon the Earth and the inner planes, there are aspects which need to be rediscovered to create a wholeness and completeness in the knowledge of humanity and beings upon the inner planes. Akin to key pieces of wisdom that complete the larger picture of all that is the Creator that is awakening and downloading within your being.
This ancient and much needed energy is hidden at the core of your soul, it has been long forgotten. When an aspect of the Creator is hidden, even if it is wisdom or conscious awareness, it creates a blockage in your energy system restricting the full flow of your power, vitality and light. While this may go unnoticed through several incarnations, generations and civilisations without causing any problems to your ascension process and the expansion of your being, there will come a point when your vibration can no longer tolerate the blockage, causing healing and a release to take place.
That time is approaching. I, Master Kuthumi, alongside Master Sananda have put an energy in motion assisted and magnified by the Creator to bring the ancient wisdom and truth to the surface once more, and for the blockage to be released. We believe that many light workers are ready to experience a deep release and freedom of their energy flow within their being, resulting in ancient wisdom and truth unfolding into their conscious awareness.
The energy we have put into motion will only serve and work with those who are ready and willing, it will not cause any trauma or distress of any kind. Instead it will be like a bubble bursting, illusion scattering with an overall sensation of freedom and relief in your energy flow. You will notice your energy field expanding and growing in power which will be inspiring. The energy that Master Sananda and I have put into motion will also cleanse and purify the ancient truth and wisdom awakening from your core, this means that all unneeded energy or wisdom will be dissolved eternally.
Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about being distracted by unneeded energies or worrying about being confused, the wisdom awakening will be perfect to inspire and further awaken you. The result of this activation is one of feeling and recognising the wholeness and completeness of your being as an expression of the Creator in your physical incarnation upon the Earth. Allow me to feel your presence pulsating throughout my being, anchoring into my cells and conscious awareness. The purpose of the synthesis of our energies is to prepare me to receive the new movement of energy you are bringing forth and to reawaken the ancient wisdom and truth from within my being.
Let me receive the energies, frequency and light, penetrating into my entire being and soul to awaken the ancient wisdom and truth held within the core of my soul. May the awakening of ancient wisdom and truth be smooth and easy, liberating my being and releasing any or all blockages within my energy system and flow.
I am liberated, empowered, magnified and enlightened. The purpose of this activation is to increase my energy flow, strengthen my sensitivity and connection with the Creator as well as supporting me in retrieving and remembering what I need to in order to recognise the wholeness, completeness and totality of my being as an aspect of the Creator.
Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, please support me in moving through this sacred activation and awakening process of the original energies of the Creator with ease and perfection now. Thank you, and let it be so. This is natural, simply allow whatever needs to take place to take place. Allow all expectations to fall away and be present with the unfolding of energy within your being. Discurso PDF ePub. De Los Viages Medicos: Demasiado Amor PDF complete. Discursos Politicos PDF complete.
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