Breaking TWIG
A story of survival under physical and emotional abuse. A reminder that we control our lives based on the way we choose to react to situations. This was a free book on Pixel of Ink. The premise looked interesting, and I will say that the overall plot had some things going for it. The primary concept--an abused girl grows up to find herself becoming the thing she despises--has plenty going for it. I kept looking for a depth of emotion that I just d This was a free book on Pixel of Ink. I kept looking for a depth of emotion that I just didn't find. Through a bunch of pretty horrific happenings, I was never able to connect emotionally with the protagonist--or any of the characters, really.
Maybe if the writer had chosen something other than first-person narration The author also chose to make some pretty risky choices regarding one of her primary love matches. She did her best to set it up so that it wouldn't come off as creepy, but I'm not sure she succeeded. I think it would be a really tough sell no matter what the premise, but I ended up getting a real "Flowers in the Attic" vibe off it.
That might not be an issue for a lot of readers, but it was for me. And the book was LONG. It's hard to tell exactly how long on the Kindle, but After about two chapters, I ended up skimming the remainder so I could find out what happened--the plot, as I said, had enough interest that I wasn't willing to just shut the thing down.
Mar 23, Aurora Smith rated it liked it. This book was… Interesting. I enjoyed it although I hated myself for enjoying it. It's very very dark! Horrible things happen to Twig, horrible things happen to mama as well. But I don't care what happened to mama, she is awful no matter what happened! Her character is up there with Lord Voldermort for me. If I had to combine movies to describe this book it would be the movies home fries, Sling Blade and girl interrupted. Most of the time I think that authors can combine their three books and mak This book was… Interesting.
Most of the time I think that authors can combine their three books and make one book, Not this one! I read this and thought this would be a great three-part book. It was long, so so so long. But when it comes down to it I read it and it was a page turner and I didn't give up on it like I do with so many other books. So I gave it three stars but it's probably more of a four, I wish I could give it a half star, 3.
If you like dark comedies and Understand deep South ghetto living then you'll love this book. Jan 25, Angie rated it it was amazing. It was a perfect coming of age story set in the south in a dysfunctional home. The setting and time and characters are rolled into the most perfect story. Becky Leigh was the main character and her life unfolds as the story of Pickers and Picks that Grandpa Eli tells her.
The world is made up of pickers who bully people by picking a person and wearing them down to nothing. The details of the abuse this child endured broke my heart. I have not context for that kind of violence to a child. But Becky Leigh finds a still, small voice and is guided through this journey with guts and Grandpa Eli's good advice.
This book was filled with truisms. Just a few of my favorites-- "A line in the sand can become a rut. A rut can become a ditch, and a ditch can be worn down into a pit. There's not much difference between a pit and a grave. Too often, I'm afraid we let the noise of the world drown out what it's trying to tell us.
Winner EPIC Award
I think the reader would be better served if the author ended the story sooner and left some things to the imagination. Also, I didn't really buy the ending. Still, I was truly engaged in the story and rooting for Becky Leigh. And we all could use a Grandpa Eli! Nov 05, C. The book follows Becky from the age of 5 to 21 and her turbulent struggle with her abusive mother, Helen, and her growing friendship with Frank, the stepfather who risks everything to protect her.
Becky is the narrator, so the reader is privy to her internal musings and her dark humor and keen wit. This emotional story winds and intertwines with some unexpected twists leading to a truly satisfying ending. Sep 01, Carol rated it it was amazing. I could not put the book down Epperson, you have done a wonderful job and I hope that you do not stop with Rebecca and Breaking Twig Dec 28, Faith McKay rated it it was amazing Shelves: I wasn't sure what I thought about this book at first, but then I realized I really just wanted to step into the book and give all the characters a hug to commemorate all we'd been through together.
Breaking Twig came to me via a link for a free book. It took me a while to get around to reading it. I put it off because the description lead me to think it might not be something I was really going to enjoy. Boy oh Boy was I wrong! As I started reading Twig, I was so gripped by this poor little girl's plight that I just had to force myself to keep reading. I had to continue to read Twig's story because if I quit reading it meant I'd given up any hope of her ever finding any ha Breaking Twig came to me via a link for a free book.
I had to continue to read Twig's story because if I quit reading it meant I'd given up any hope of her ever finding any happiness and as a young girl who was raised in the south, born in the 50's and raised in the 60's and 70's, I understood way too much of her life and how what she went through was all to possible. Yep, it's true, this book is about a young girl who is abused, plain and simple, no if and or but about it. Was what she did, right or wrong? How can we judge some of her actions unless we've walked in her shoes?
I can't say I'd have positively made different choices had it been me. When you're faced with feeling that alone and unloved and at such a young age, I think I'd have done the same. In the end, the part of this book that literally brought me to my knees and truly broke me started at the 2nd meeting with Mr. But then I realized-" From that point on I was pretty much an emotional wreck! It's hard to say much more without spoilers so I'll leave this here and just say that this is why I read. This book took me on a roller coaster journey through the depths of emotion, sacrifice, destruction and healing.
It took my hope, crushed it and then rebuilt it into one that I don't ever want to forget.

It gave me hope that life can turn around for some people and a feeling that being able to experience it through the voice of Ms. Epperson was an experience I wanted to remember always and hold on to for my lifetime. And, for that I would like to thank her. This book deals with child abuse, rape, adultery, violence and a lot more that many many people will find objectionable just on face value. It you can't look at it for what it is and see beyond that, then I recommend you NOT read this book.
However, if you're able to see beyond and find the struggle to survive and do so with some humanity in tact, and you're looking for a book that gives you HOPE, then I highly recommend this book. Mar 21, Paula rated it it was amazing. A book of survival. My life was soooo blessed compared to lots of people.
This book is a glimpse of Becky Leigh's life and how she survived. I was constantly reading, not wanting to put book down.
Kept me entertained all the way through. Jun 08, Cheryl rated it it was ok Shelves: I would probably give this book 2. The incest scene ruined my ability to finish this book. I recieved it free for my kindle fire so I did not fee bad deleting it from my e reader. I have very mixed feelings about this book. I like the authors writing style,not a lot of fluff- things happened without having to weed thru alot of fluff writing. The things that happened to the main character throughout the book were awful.
Winner WILLA Literary Award
I kept reading hopi I would probably give this book 2. I kept reading hoping at some point the main character would rise above it all and lead her own life. It just never happens. I felt I was being sucked into a deep black hole of depressing topics with no rainbow in site. Rape, incest, child abuse, mental institutions, abortion. It was when Becky started to become the villian in the book I could not read it any more Feb 21, N.
Breaking TWIG
Sasson rated it it was amazing. Breaking Twig definitely has its dark moments, but ultimately it's a story about love, forgiveness and the freedom that truth delivers. Twig's mother is an intriguing character that you'll love to hate and Frank is Twig's salvation and pillar. If you like a book where the characters are multi-dimensional and undergo not only the trials of life, but internal journeys of discovery and redemption, this is a must-read. Dec 29, jheepi rated it really liked it. Reading this book was a bit like reading The Kite Runner Very thought provoking, but makes you think of things you'd rather not.
- Publisher's Summary!
- EDGE: You Choose If You Live or Die: Prisoner Escape.
- See a Problem?;
- Hostel Takeover?
The author did a good job too good a job even of portraying certain types of people and situations. When I finished reading, all I could think was "I hope she didn't have first-hand experience. Dec 27, Natalie Richards rated it it was ok. The concept of this book was interesting, has some really good reviews and was my kind of book.. Mar 21, Allison rated it it was amazing Shelves: I really enjoyed this book.
It was well written and full of very interesting plot twists. I couldn't put it down. Feb 17, Kathy Jung rated it it was amazing. I was intrigued by the cover of this book. I've never read any of Deborah Epperson's books before but was delighted with this one. I highly recommend it! Dec 31, kathy rated it it was amazing. I enjoyed this book. Apr 10, Sue rated it it was amazing. I had a hard time putting this book down. The strength and courage of Twig "Becky" was remarkable. From poor little girl to grown women her story is one not to miss. Jan 27, Hayley Messing rated it it was amazing Shelves: It was heart wrenching.
I shed a few tears.
Breaking TWIG Audiobook | Deborah Epperson |
Jun 06, Alicia Huxtable rated it liked it. Dragged out While a good story, I wasn't even halfway through and I felt like I had been reading forever. March 26, —. March 27, —. March 28, —. March 29, —. Search for a book to add a reference. We take abuse seriously in our discussion boards. Only flag comments that clearly need our attention.
As a general rule we do not censor any content on the site. The only content we will consider removing is spam, slanderous attacks on other members, or extremely offensive content eg. We will not remove any content for bad language alone, or being critical of a particular book. The narrator is excellent but I don't appreciate being blindsided by incest stories.
Would you ever listen to anything by Deborah Epperson again? What does Rebecca L. Her accent and smooth beautiful voice. All the manipulative, ill sex between Twig and her stepfather!!! I would totally listen to another book, but i would be listening for the background noise, just like I ended up doing for this one. At some point, I even heard what sounded like a glass breaking! But, it wasn't adding to the story nor was there a follow up afterwards.
Not even a distance shout of "Ted! How could the performance have been better? If this book were a movie would you go see it? I would, but would think that the movie wouldn't do it justice. Get it free with day trial. Publisher's Summary Sprinkled with all the southern flavoring found in a hearty bowl of chicken and dumplings, Breaking TWIG is a powerful coming of age novel and emotional roller-coaster ride set in rural Georgia in the '60s and '70s. No Reviews are Available. Most Helpful Most Recent. Great book Has a great story line and it keeps you wanting to know what happens next!
I would highly recommend this book 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Author Marie F Martin A story that tugs in your mind. I laughed, cried, got mad and felt love for Becky Any additional comments? Drew me back to listen - appalled me - explained.. I did not think I'd like this much but I loved it characters were great the narration was awesome and I've never liked books read to me instead of me reading them but I very much enjoyed this and all of your books thank you 1 of 1 people found this review helpful.
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