Birmingham in Vintage Postcards (Postcard History Series)
Many local authorities and record offices are loading their collections online. On the back of a Victorian photo at the bottom, there may be some tiny printed writing relating to the Marion company.

This was the company that printed the card and supplied the card stock. Their system of codes can help date the card. For more details see www. County Record Offices The National Archives British Library Historic England Archive The Archive is the public archive of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission and holds research material on buildings and places, social and local history and archaeological sites including many historical photographs.
See below for details of online catalogues and digitised content British Museum British Museum Images. Capturing the 19th Century in Photographs: British Library Publishing, Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: Dover Publications, Limited preview available from Google Books. Bromsgrove's Victorian Photographic Treasury: The History Press, Dating Nineteenth Century Photographs: Federation of Family History Societies, Tracing Your Ancestors through Family Photographs: Guide to one of the largest photographic archives in the country with over nine million photographs documenting the historic environment of England over the last years.
The collections include The Aerofilms Collection and other specialist collections http: Photographers and old photographs forum www. Series of articles about how to understand and interpret old family photos, by Jayne Shrimpton www. Information and discussion on all aspects of British photographic history http: Directory of image suppliers and categories www.
Birmingham in Vintage Postcards
The society is dedicated to the history, science, and art of the daguerreotype Ancestry Weekly Discovery: Scanning Sense, by Maureen Taylor. The collections can be searched by street and by using key words. The collection can also be browsed by subject http: Access to 6, images from the Lambeth Archives. The database consists of approximately 9, biographical entries on photographic companies and the people who worked within the photographic industry in London during the 19th century www. Online descriptions with digital images of over 12 million historical photographs, documents, plans and drawings of historic buildings, scenes and archaeological sites, estate sales particulars, reports and publications on architecture dating from the s.
To keep up to date with added collections see here Britain from Above Historic England. Online access to over 95, oblique aerial photographs consisting of the oldest and most valuable photographic negatives in the Aerofilms collection, dating from to The collection itself holds over 4 million aerial photographs covering the whole of England and dating from the early 20th century to the present day ViewFinder Historic England.
The online archive contains images relating to England's industrial heritage, social history and architecture including towns, villages, scenes and buildings held in the Historic England Archive. The entire range of images can be researched at the Historic England Archives in Swindon The site hosts a number of specialist collections including the Nigel Temple Postcards collection.
To access the collection, first click on 'Advanced Search' and then select 'Nigel Temple Postcards' from the drop-down options in the 'Collection' box.
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Over 1 million catalogue entries [with digitised content] describing photographs, plans and drawings of England's buildings, archaeological sites, monuments and historic sites held in the Historic England Archive from prehistoric times to the present day Images of England Historic England. Photographic library of England's listed buildings based on the statutory list as it was in as well as other designated heritage assets.
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The Heritage Gateway allows you to cross-search over 50 resources, including Local Authority Records and national heritage information resources for contemporary and historic photos and records of listed buildings www. Online database of buildings and structures that are listed as being of special architectural and historic interest in England, Scotland and Wales www. Online access to digitised images spanning hundreds of years of history from The National Archives' collections.
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The Photographic Time Machine www. Catalogue of aerial images covering England, Scotland and Wales www. Find out more about the works of the photographers who have captured Birmingham and its suburbs since with galleries including many Birmingham suburbs. You can find more photographs from the collection on the Shoothill Deep Zoom website.
Other photos and prints can be found in the Benjamin Stone Collection www. Name and email address are required. Your email address will not be published.
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Photographs, Prints & Postcards
Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. He has been involved in genealogy for more than 35 years. He has worked in the computer industry for more than 40 years in hardware, software, and managerial positions. By the early s, Dick was already using a mainframe computer to enter his family data on punch cards. He built his first home computer in Click here to renew an existing Plus Edition subscription.
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Note- Scans often make faults appear worse than they are. Occasionally fleck marks appear on the scan, this is often not present on the card but marks on the scanner glass. Has a 15 mm crease and two light 3 cm creases in the bottom left corner, two light 1 cm creases in the bottom right corner, and two light 15 mm creases by the centre of the bottom edge.
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Birmingham-A Postcard Tour
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